!c99Shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #16!

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EDT 2010 i686

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Viewing file:     jquery.MultiFile.js (19.33 KB)      -rw-r--r--
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(+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
 ### jQuery Multiple File Upload Plugin v1.47 - 2010-03-26 ###
 * Home: http://www.fyneworks.com/jquery/multiple-file-upload/
 * Code: http://code.google.com/p/jquery-multifile-plugin/
 * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
 *   http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
 *   http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html

;if(window.jQuery) (function($){
	// plugin initialization
	$.fn.MultiFile = function(options){
		if(this.length==0) return this; // quick fail
		// Handle API methods
		if(typeof arguments[0]=='string'){
			// Perform API methods on individual elements
				var args = arguments;
				return this.each(function(){
					$.fn.MultiFile.apply($(this), args);
			// Invoke API method handler
			$.fn.MultiFile[arguments[0]].apply(this, $.makeArray(arguments).slice(1) || []);
			// Quick exit...
			return this;
		// Initialize options for this call
		var options = $.extend(
			{}/* new object */,
			$.fn.MultiFile.options/* default options */,
			options || {} /* just-in-time options */
		// Empty Element Fix!!!
		// this code will automatically intercept native form submissions
		// and disable empty file elements
		//### http://plugins.jquery.com/node/1363
		// utility method to integrate this plugin with others...
			$.fn.MultiFile.intercept( $.fn.MultiFile.options.autoIntercept /* array of methods to intercept */ );
			$.fn.MultiFile.options.autoIntercept = null; /* only run this once */
		// loop through each matched element
       // BUG 1251 FIX: http://plugins.jquery.com/project/comments/add/1251
       // variable group_count would repeat itself on multiple calls to the plugin.
       // this would cause a conflict with multiple elements
       // changes scope of variable to global so id will be unique over n calls
       window.MultiFile = (window.MultiFile || 0) + 1;
       var group_count = window.MultiFile;
       // Copy parent attributes - Thanks to Jonas Wagner
       // we will use this one to create new input elements
       var MultiFile = {e:this, E:$(this), clone:$(this).clone()};
       if(typeof options=='number') options = {max:options};
       var o = $.extend({},
        options || {},
   					($.metadata? MultiFile.E.metadata(): ($.meta?MultiFile.E.data():null)) || {}, /* metadata options */
								{} /* internals */
       // limit number of files that can be selected?
       if(!(o.max>0) /*IsNull(MultiFile.max)*/){
        o.max = MultiFile.E.attr('maxlength');
        if(!(o.max>0) /*IsNull(MultiFile.max)*/){
         o.max = (String(MultiFile.e.className.match(/\b(max|limit)\-([0-9]+)\b/gi) || ['']).match(/[0-9]+/gi) || [''])[0];
         if(!(o.max>0)) o.max = -1;
         else           o.max = String(o.max).match(/[0-9]+/gi)[0];
       o.max = new Number(o.max);
       // limit extensions?
       o.accept = o.accept || MultiFile.E.attr('accept') || '';
        o.accept = (MultiFile.e.className.match(/\b(accept\-[\w\|]+)\b/gi)) || '';
        o.accept = new String(o.accept).replace(/^(accept|ext)\-/i,'');
							$.extend(MultiFile, o || {});
       MultiFile.STRING = $.extend({},$.fn.MultiFile.options.STRING,MultiFile.STRING);
       $.extend(MultiFile, {
        n: 0, // How many elements are currently selected?
        slaves: [], files: [],
        instanceKey: MultiFile.e.id || 'MultiFile'+String(group_count), // Instance Key?
        generateID: function(z){ return MultiFile.instanceKey + (z>0 ?'_F'+String(z):''); },
        trigger: function(event, element){
         var handler = MultiFile[event], value = $(element).attr('value');
          var returnValue = handler(element, value, MultiFile);
          if( returnValue!=null ) return returnValue;
         return true;
       // Setup dynamic regular expression for extension validation
       // - thanks to John-Paul Bader: http://smyck.de/2006/08/11/javascript-dynamic-regular-expresions/
								MultiFile.accept = MultiFile.accept.replace(/\W+/g,'|').replace(/^\W|\W$/g,'');
        MultiFile.rxAccept = new RegExp('\\.('+(MultiFile.accept?MultiFile.accept:'')+')$','gi');
       // Create wrapper to hold our file list
       MultiFile.wrapID = MultiFile.instanceKey+'_wrap'; // Wrapper ID?
       MultiFile.E.wrap('<div class="MultiFile-wrap" id="'+MultiFile.wrapID+'"></div>');
       MultiFile.wrapper = $('#'+MultiFile.wrapID+'');
       // MultiFile MUST have a name - default: file1[], file2[], file3[]
       MultiFile.e.name = MultiFile.e.name || 'file'+ group_count +'[]';
								// Create a wrapper for the list
								// * OPERA BUG: NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR ('list' is a read-only property)
								// this change allows us to keep the files in the order they were selected
								MultiFile.wrapper.append( '<div class="MultiFile-list" id="'+MultiFile.wrapID+'_list"></div>' );
								MultiFile.list = $('#'+MultiFile.wrapID+'_list');
       MultiFile.list = $(MultiFile.list);
       // Bind a new element
       MultiFile.addSlave = function( slave, slave_count ){
								//if(window.console) console.log('MultiFile.addSlave',slave_count);
        // Keep track of how many elements have been displayed
        // Add reference to master element
        slave.MultiFile = MultiFile;
								// BUG FIX: http://plugins.jquery.com/node/1495
								// Clear identifying properties from clones
								if(slave_count>0) slave.id = slave.name = '';
        // Define element's ID and name (upload components need this!)
        //slave.id = slave.id || MultiFile.generateID(slave_count);
								if(slave_count>0) slave.id = MultiFile.generateID(slave_count);
								//FIX for: http://code.google.com/p/jquery-multifile-plugin/issues/detail?id=23
        // 2008-Apr-29: New customizable naming convention (see url below)
        // http://groups.google.com/group/jquery-dev/browse_frm/thread/765c73e41b34f924#
        slave.name = String(MultiFile.namePattern
         /*master name*/.replace(/\$name/gi,$(MultiFile.clone).attr('name'))
         /*master id  */.replace(/\$id/gi,  $(MultiFile.clone).attr('id'))
         /*group count*/.replace(/\$g/gi,   group_count)//(group_count>0?group_count:''))
         /*slave count*/.replace(/\$i/gi,   slave_count)//(slave_count>0?slave_count:''))
        // If we've reached maximum number, disable input slave
        if( (MultiFile.max > 0) && ((MultiFile.n-1) > (MultiFile.max)) )//{ // MultiFile.n Starts at 1, so subtract 1 to find true count
         slave.disabled = true;
        // Remember most recent slave
        MultiFile.current = MultiFile.slaves[slave_count] = slave;
								// We'll use jQuery from now on
								slave = $(slave);
        // Clear value
        slave.val('').attr('value','')[0].value = '';
								// Stop plugin initializing on slaves
        // Triggered when a file is selected
          //if(window.console) console.log('MultiFile.slave.change',slave_count);
          // Lose focus to stop IE7 firing onchange again
          //# Trigger Event! onFileSelect
          if(!MultiFile.trigger('onFileSelect', this, MultiFile)) return false;
          //# End Event!
          //# Retrive value of selected file from element
          var ERROR = '', v = String(this.value || ''/*.attr('value)*/);
          // check extension
          if(MultiFile.accept && v && !v.match(MultiFile.rxAccept))//{
            ERROR = MultiFile.STRING.denied.replace('$ext', String(v.match(/\.\w{1,4}$/gi)));
          // Disallow duplicates
										for(var f in MultiFile.slaves)//{
           if(MultiFile.slaves[f] && MultiFile.slaves[f]!=this)//{
             ERROR = MultiFile.STRING.duplicate.replace('$file', v.match(/[^\/\\]+$/gi));
          // Create a new file input element
          var newEle = $(MultiFile.clone).clone();// Copy parent attributes - Thanks to Jonas Wagner
          //# Let's remember which input we've generated so
          // we can disable the empty ones before submission
          // See: http://plugins.jquery.com/node/1495
          // Handle error
            // Handle error
            // 2007-06-24: BUG FIX - Thanks to Adrian Wróbel <adrian [dot] wrobel [at] gmail.com>
            // Ditch the trouble maker and add a fresh new element
            MultiFile.addSlave(newEle[0], slave_count);
            return false;
          // Hide this element (NB: display:none is evil!)
          $(this).css({ position:'absolute', top: '-3000px' });
          // Add new element to the form
          // Update list
          MultiFile.addToList( this, slave_count );
          // Bind functionality
          MultiFile.addSlave( newEle[0], slave_count+1 );
          //# Trigger Event! afterFileSelect
          if(!MultiFile.trigger('afterFileSelect', this, MultiFile)) return false;
          //# End Event!
        }); // slave.change()
								// Save control to element
								$(slave).data('MultiFile', MultiFile);
       };// MultiFile.addSlave
       // Bind a new element
       // Add a new file to the list
       MultiFile.addToList = function( slave, slave_count ){
        //if(window.console) console.log('MultiFile.addToList',slave_count);
        //# Trigger Event! onFileAppend
        if(!MultiFile.trigger('onFileAppend', slave, MultiFile)) return false;
        //# End Event!
        // Create label elements
         r = $('<div class="MultiFile-label"></div>'),
         v = String(slave.value || ''/*.attr('value)*/),
         a = $('<span class="MultiFile-title" title="'+MultiFile.STRING.selected.replace('$file', v)+'">'+MultiFile.STRING.file.replace('$file', v.match(/[^\/\\]+$/gi)[0])+'</span>'),
         b = $('<a class="MultiFile-remove" href="#'+MultiFile.wrapID+'">'+MultiFile.STRING.remove+'</a>');
        // Insert label
         r.append(b, ' ', a)
          //# Trigger Event! onFileRemove
          if(!MultiFile.trigger('onFileRemove', slave, MultiFile)) return false;
          //# End Event!
          MultiFile.current.disabled = false;
          // Remove element, remove label, point to current
										MultiFile.slaves[slave_count] = null;
          // Show most current element again (move into view) and clear selection
          $(MultiFile.current).css({ position:'', top: '' });
										$(MultiFile.current).reset().val('').attr('value', '')[0].value = '';
          //# Trigger Event! afterFileRemove
          if(!MultiFile.trigger('afterFileRemove', slave, MultiFile)) return false;
          //# End Event!
          return false;
        //# Trigger Event! afterFileAppend
        if(!MultiFile.trigger('afterFileAppend', slave, MultiFile)) return false;
        //# End Event!
       }; // MultiFile.addToList
       // Add element to selected files list
       // Bind functionality to the first element
       if(!MultiFile.MultiFile) MultiFile.addSlave(MultiFile.e, 0);
       // Increment control count
       //MultiFile.I++; // using window.MultiFile
							// Save control to element
							MultiFile.E.data('MultiFile', MultiFile);

		}); // each element
		### Core functionality and API ###
	$.extend($.fn.MultiFile, {
   * This method removes all selected files
   * Returns a jQuery collection of all affected elements.
   * @name reset
   * @type jQuery
   * @cat Plugins/MultiFile
   * @author Diego A. (http://www.fyneworks.com/)
   * @example $.fn.MultiFile.reset();
  reset: function(){
			var settings = $(this).data('MultiFile');
			//if(settings) settings.wrapper.find('a.MultiFile-remove').click();
			if(settings) settings.list.find('a.MultiFile-remove').click();
   return $(this);
   * This utility makes it easy to disable all 'empty' file elements in the document before submitting a form.
   * It marks the affected elements so they can be easily re-enabled after the form submission or validation.
   * Returns a jQuery collection of all affected elements.
   * @name disableEmpty
   * @type jQuery
   * @cat Plugins/MultiFile
   * @author Diego A. (http://www.fyneworks.com/)
   * @example $.fn.MultiFile.disableEmpty();
   * @param String class (optional) A string specifying a class to be applied to all affected elements - Default: 'mfD'.
  disableEmpty: function(klass){ klass = (typeof(klass)=='string'?klass:'')||'mfD';
   var o = [];
   $('input:file.MultiFile').each(function(){ if($(this).val()=='') o[o.length] = this; });
   return $(o).each(function(){ this.disabled = true }).addClass(klass);
			* This method re-enables 'empty' file elements that were disabled (and marked) with the $.fn.MultiFile.disableEmpty method.
			* Returns a jQuery collection of all affected elements.
			* @name reEnableEmpty
			* @type jQuery
			* @cat Plugins/MultiFile
			* @author Diego A. (http://www.fyneworks.com/)
			* @example $.fn.MultiFile.reEnableEmpty();
			* @param String klass (optional) A string specifying the class that was used to mark affected elements - Default: 'mfD'.
  reEnableEmpty: function(klass){ klass = (typeof(klass)=='string'?klass:'')||'mfD';
   return $('input:file.'+klass).removeClass(klass).each(function(){ this.disabled = false });
			* This method will intercept other jQuery plugins and disable empty file input elements prior to form submission
			* @name intercept
			* @cat Plugins/MultiFile
			* @author Diego A. (http://www.fyneworks.com/)
			* @example $.fn.MultiFile.intercept();
			* @param Array methods (optional) Array of method names to be intercepted
  intercepted: {},
  intercept: function(methods, context, args){
   var method, value; args = args || [];
   if(args.constructor.toString().indexOf("Array")<0) args = [ args ];
    value = methods.apply(context || window, args);
				setTimeout(function(){ $.fn.MultiFile.reEnableEmpty() },1000);
    return value;
   if(methods.constructor.toString().indexOf("Array")<0) methods = [methods];
   for(var i=0;i<methods.length;i++){
    method = methods[i]+''; // make sure that we have a STRING
    if(method) (function(method){ // make sure that method is ISOLATED for the interception
     $.fn.MultiFile.intercepted[method] = $.fn[method] || function(){};
     $.fn[method] = function(){
      value = $.fn.MultiFile.intercepted[method].apply(this, arguments);
      setTimeout(function(){ $.fn.MultiFile.reEnableEmpty() },1000);
      return value;
     }; // interception
    })(method); // MAKE SURE THAT method IS ISOLATED for the interception
   };// for each method
  } // $.fn.MultiFile.intercept
		### Default Settings ###
		eg.: You can override default control like this:
		$.fn.MultiFile.options.accept = 'gif|jpg';
	$.fn.MultiFile.options = { //$.extend($.fn.MultiFile, { options: {
		accept: '', // accepted file extensions
		max: -1,    // maximum number of selectable files
		// name to use for newly created elements
		namePattern: '$name', // same name by default (which creates an array)
		// STRING: collection lets you show messages in different languages
			denied:'You cannot select a $ext file.\nTry again...',
			selected:'File selected: $file',
			duplicate:'This file has already been selected:\n$file'
		// name of methods that should be automcatically intercepted so the plugin can disable
		// extra file elements that are empty before execution and automatically re-enable them afterwards
  autoIntercept: [ 'submit', 'ajaxSubmit', 'ajaxForm', 'validate', 'valid' /* array of methods to intercept */ ],
		// error handling function
		error: function(s){
			ERROR! blockUI is not currently working in IE
					message: s.replace(/\n/gi,'<br/>'),
					css: { 
						border:'none', padding:'15px', size:'12.0pt',
						backgroundColor:'#900', color:'#fff',
						opacity:'.8','-webkit-border-radius': '10px','-moz-border-radius': '10px'
				window.setTimeout($.unblockUI, 2000);
			else//{// save a byte!
			//}// save a byte!
 }; //} });
		### Additional Methods ###
		Required functionality outside the plugin's scope
	// Native input reset method - because this alone doesn't always work: $(element).val('').attr('value', '')[0].value = '';
	$.fn.reset = function(){ return this.each(function(){ try{ this.reset(); }catch(e){} }); };
		### Default implementation ###
		The plugin will attach itself to file inputs
		with the class 'multi' when the page loads

:: Command execute ::


:: Shadow's tricks :D ::

Useful Commands
Warning. Kernel may be alerted using higher levels
Kernel Info:

:: Preddy's tricks :D ::

Php Safe-Mode Bypass (Read Files)


eg: /etc/passwd

Php Safe-Mode Bypass (List Directories):


eg: /etc/

:: Search ::
  - regexp 

:: Upload ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Make Dir ::
[ Read-Only ]
:: Make File ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Go Dir ::
:: Go File ::

--[ c999shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #16 Modded by Shadow & Preddy | RootShell Security Group | r57 c99 shell | Generation time: 0.0075 ]--