Viewing file: Datatables.php (11.85 KB) -rw-r--r-- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
<?php if(!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); /** * Ignited Datatables * * This is a wrapper class/library based on the native Datatables server-side implementation by Allan Jardine * found at for CodeIgniter * * @package CodeIgniter * @subpackage libraries * @category library * @version 0.3 * @author Vincent Bambico <> * Yusuf Ozdemir <> * Peter Trerotola <> * @link */ class Datatables { /** * CodeIgniter global variable * * @global object $ci * @name $ci */ protected $ci;
/** * Copies an instance of CI */ public function __construct() { $this->ci =& get_instance(); }
/** * Magic method to facilitate method overloading */ public function __call($name, $args) { return call_user_func_array(array($this, $name), $args); }
/** * Overload handler for generate method */ public function generate() { $num = func_num_args(); $args = func_get_args(); switch($num) { case 1: $result = $this->__call('generate_from_sql', $args); break; case 3: $result = $this->__call('generate_from_tci', $args); break; case 4: $result = $this->__call('generate_from_advanced', $args); break; default; die('Invalid set of arguments passed.'); }
return $result; }
/** * Builds all the necessary query segments and performs the main query based on passed arguments * * @param string $table * @param mixed $columns * @param string $index * @return string */ public function generate_from_tci($table, $columns, $index) { $sLimit = $this->get_paging(); $sOrder = $this->get_ordering($columns); $sWhere = $this->get_filtering($columns); $rResult = $this->get_display_data($table, $columns, $sWhere, $sOrder, $sLimit); $rResultFilterTotal = $this->get_data_set_length(); $aResultFilterTotal = $rResultFilterTotal->result_array(); $iFilteredTotal = $aResultFilterTotal[0]['FOUND_ROWS()']; $rResultTotal = $this->get_total_data_set_length($table, $index, $sWhere); $aResultTotal = $rResultTotal->result_array(); $iTotal = $aResultTotal[0]["COUNT($table.$index)"]; return $this->produce_output($columns, $iTotal, $iFilteredTotal, $rResult); }
/** * Builds all the necessary query segments and performs the main query based on passed arguments including join tables * * @param string $table * @param mixed $columns * @param string $index * @param mixed $options * @return string */ public function generate_from_advanced($table, $columns, $index, $options) { $jointables = (isset($options['joins']) && is_array($options['joins']))? $options['joins'] : ''; $custom_columns = (isset($options['custom_columns']) && is_array($options['custom_columns']))? $options['custom_columns'] : ''; $custom_filter = (isset($options['custom_filter']) && $options['custom_filter'] != '')? $options['custom_filter'] : null; $tablenames = $this->get_aliased_tables($columns, $table, $jointables); $columns = $this->get_referenced_columns($columns, $table, $jointables); $sLimit = $this->get_paging(); $sOrder = $this->get_ordering($columns, $table); $sWhere = $this->get_filtering($columns, $jointables, $custom_filter); $rResult = $this->get_display_data($tablenames, $columns, $sWhere, $sOrder, $sLimit); $rResultFilterTotal = $this->get_data_set_length(); $aResultFilterTotal = $rResultFilterTotal->result_array(); $iFilteredTotal = $aResultFilterTotal[0]['FOUND_ROWS()']; $rResultTotal = $this->get_total_data_set_length($table, $index, $sWhere, $tablenames); $aResultTotal = $rResultTotal->result_array(); $iTotal = $aResultTotal[0]["COUNT($table.$index)"]; return $this->produce_output($columns, $iTotal, $iFilteredTotal, $rResult, $custom_columns); }
/** * Creates a pagination query segment * * @return string */ protected function get_paging() { $sLimit = '';
if($this->ci->input->post('iDisplayStart') && $this->ci->input->post('iDisplayLength') != '-1') $sLimit = 'LIMIT ' . $this->ci->input->post('iDisplayStart') . ', ' . $this->ci->input->post('iDisplayLength'); else { $iDisplayLength = $this->ci->input->post('iDisplayLength'); $sLimit = (empty($iDisplayLength))? 'LIMIT 0,10' : 'LIMIT 0,' . $iDisplayLength; }
return $sLimit; }
/** * Creates a sorting query segment * * @param string $columns * @return string */ protected function get_ordering($columns) { if($this->ci->input->post('iSortCol_0') != null) { $sOrder = 'ORDER BY '; $sColArray = ($this->ci->input->post('sColumns'))? explode(',', $this->ci->input->post('sColumns')) : $columns;
for($i = 0; $i < intval($this->ci->input->post('iSortingCols')); $i++) if($sColArray[intval($this->ci->input->post('iSortCol_' . $i))] && in_array($sColArray[intval($this->ci->input->post('iSortCol_' . $i))], $columns)) $sOrder .= $sColArray[intval($this->ci->input->post('iSortCol_' . $i))] . ' ' . $this->ci->input->post('sSortDir_' . $i) . ', ';
$sOrder = substr_replace($sOrder, '', -2); if($sOrder == 'ORDER BY' || $sOrder == 'ORDER B') $sOrder = ''; }
return $sOrder; }
/** * Creates a filtering query segment * * @param string $columns * @param mixed $jointables optional and is used for joins only * @return string */ protected function get_filtering($columns, $jointables = null, $custom_filter = null) { $sWhere = '';
if(isset($jointables) && is_array($jointables)) { $sWhere = 'WHERE ';
foreach($jointables as $jt_col_key => $jt_col_val) $sWhere .= $jt_col_val['fk'] . ' AND ';
$sWhere = substr_replace($sWhere, '', -4); }
if($this->ci->input->post('sSearch') != '') { $sWhere .= (isset($jointables) && is_array($jointables))? ' AND ' : 'WHERE '; $sWhere .= '(';
$sColArray = ($this->ci->input->post('sColumns'))? explode(',', $this->ci->input->post('sColumns')) : $columns; for($i = 0; $i < count($sColArray); $i++) if($this->ci->input->post('bSearchable_' . $i) == 'true') if($sColArray[$i] && in_array($sColArray[$i], $columns)) $sWhere .= $sColArray[$i] . " LIKE '%" . mysql_real_escape_string($this->ci->input->post('sSearch')) . "%' OR ";
$sWhere = substr_replace($sWhere, '', -3); $sWhere .= ')'; }
for($i = 0; $i < count($columns); $i++) { if($this->ci->input->post('bSearchable_' . $i) == 'true' && $this->ci->input->post('sSearch_' . $i) != '') { $sWhere .= ($sWhere == '')? 'WHERE ' : ' AND '; $sWhere .= $columns[$i] . " LIKE '%" . mysql_real_escape_string($this->ci->input->post('sSearch_' . $i)) . "%' "; } }
if(isset($custom_filter) && $custom_filter != null) { $sWhere .= ($sWhere == '')? 'WHERE ' : ' AND '; $sWhere .= $custom_filter; }
return $sWhere; }
/** * Combines all created query segments to build the main query * * @param string $table * @param string $columns * @param string $sWhere * @param string $sOrder * @param string $sLimit * @return object */ protected function get_display_data($table, $columns, $sWhere, $sOrder, $sLimit) { return $this->ci->db->query (" SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS " . str_replace(' , ', ' ', implode(', ', $columns)) . " FROM $table $sWhere $sOrder $sLimit "); }
/** * Gets all matched rows * * @return object */ protected function get_data_set_length() { return $this->ci->db->query('SELECT FOUND_ROWS()'); }
/** * Gets the count of all rows found * * @param string $table * @param string $index * @param string $sWhere * @param string $tablenames optional and is used for joins only * @return string */ protected function get_total_data_set_length($table, $index, $sWhere, $tablenames = null) { $from = ($tablenames != null)? $tablenames : $table;
return $this->ci->db->query (" SELECT COUNT($table.$index) FROM $from $sWhere "); }
/** * Creates a query segment with table references for column names * * @param mixed $columns * @param string $table * @param mixed $jointables * @return string */ protected function get_referenced_columns($columns, $table, $jointables) { foreach($columns as $column) $tabledotcolumn[] = $table . '.' . $column;
if(is_array($jointables) && count($jointables) > 0) foreach($jointables as $jointable_key => $jointable) foreach($jointable['columns'] as $jcolumn_key => $jcolumn_val) $tabledotcolumn[] = $jointable_key . '.' . $jcolumn_val;
return $tabledotcolumn; }
/** * Creates a query segment with aliased table names * * @param mixed $columns * @param string $table * @param mixed $jointables * @return string */ protected function get_aliased_tables($columns, $table, $jointables) { $tables = $table;
if(is_array($jointables) && count($jointables) > 0) foreach ($jointables as $jointable_key => $jointable) $tables .= ', ' . $jointable_key;
return $tables; }
/** * Builds a JSON encoded string data * * @param string $columns * @param string $iTotal * @param string $iFilteredTotal * @param string $rResult * @return string */ protected function produce_output($columns, $iTotal, $iFilteredTotal, $rResult, $custom_columns = '') { $aaData = array(); $sColumnOrder = '';
foreach($rResult->result_array() as $row_key => $row_val) { foreach($row_val as $col_key => $col_val) { if($row_val[$col_key] == 'version') $aaData[$row_key][$col_key] = ($aaData[$row_key][$col_key] == 0)? '-' : $col_val; else $aaData[$row_key][] = $col_val; }
if(isset($custom_columns) && is_array($custom_columns)) { foreach($custom_columns as $cus_col_key => $cus_col_val) { if(isset($cus_col_val[1]) && is_array($cus_col_val[1])) { foreach($cus_col_val[1] as $cus_colr_key => $cus_colr_val) $cus_col_val[0] = str_ireplace('$' . ($cus_colr_key + 1), $aaData[$row_key][array_search($cus_colr_val, $columns)], $cus_col_val[0]);
$aaData[$row_key][] = $cus_col_val[0]; } else $aaData[$row_key][] = $cus_col_val[0]; } } }
foreach($columns as $col_key => $col_val) $sColumnOrder .= $col_val . ',';
if(isset($custom_columns) && is_array($custom_columns)) foreach($custom_columns as $cus_col_key => $cus_col_val) $sColumnOrder .= $cus_col_key . ',';
$sColumnOrder = substr_replace($sColumnOrder, '', -1);
$sOutput = array ( 'sEcho' => intval($this->ci->input->post('sEcho')), 'iTotalRecords' => $iTotal, 'iTotalDisplayRecords' => $iFilteredTotal, 'aaData' => $aaData, 'sColumns' => $sColumnOrder );
return json_encode($sOutput); } } /* End of file Datatables.php */ /* Location: ./application/libraries/Datatables.php */