Software: Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS). PHP/5.1.6 uname -a: Linux 2.6.18-194.el5PAE #1 SMP Fri Apr 2 15:37:44 uid=48(apache) gid=48(apache) groups=48(apache) Safe-mode: OFF (not secure) /var/www/html/report/app-assets/js/core/ drwxr-xr-x |
Viewing file: app-menu.js (34.13 KB) -rw-r--r-- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | /*========================================================================================= File Name: app-menu.js Description: Menu navigation, custom scrollbar, hover scroll bar, multilevel menu initialization and manipulations ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item Name: Vuexy - Vuejs, HTML & Laravel Admin Dashboard Template Author: Pixinvent Author URL: h ==========================================================================================*/ (function (window, document, $) { 'use strict'; var vh = window.innerHeight * 0.01;'--vh', vh + "px"); $.app = $.app || {}; var $body = $('body'); var $window = $(window); var menuWrapper_el = $('div[data-menu="menu-wrapper"]').html(); var menuWrapperClasses = $('div[data-menu="menu-wrapper"]').attr('class'); // Main menu $ = { expanded: null, collapsed: null, hidden: null, container: null, horizontalMenu: false, is_touch_device: function () { var prefixes = ' -webkit- -moz- -o- -ms- '.split(' '); var mq = function (query) { return window.matchMedia(query).matches; } if (('ontouchstart' in window) || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof DocumentTouch) { return true; } // include the 'heartz' as a way to have a non matching MQ to help terminate the join // var query = ['(', prefixes.join('touch-enabled),('), 'heartz', ')'].join(''); return mq(query); }, manualScroller: { obj: null, init: function () { var scroll_theme = ($('.main-menu').hasClass('menu-dark')) ? 'light' : 'dark'; if (!$ { this.obj = new PerfectScrollbar(".main-menu-content", { suppressScrollX: true, wheelPropagation: false }); } else { $(".main-menu").addClass("menu-native-scroll") } }, update: function () { // if (this.obj) { // Scroll to currently active menu on page load if data-scroll-to-active is true if ($('.main-menu').data('scroll-to-active') === true) { var activeEl, menu, activeElHeight; activeEl = document.querySelector('.main-menu-content'); if ($body.hasClass('menu-collapsed')) { if ($('.main-menu-content li.sidebar-group-active').length) { activeEl = document.querySelector('.main-menu-content li.sidebar-group-active'); } } else { menu = document.querySelector('.main-menu-content'); if (activeEl) { activeElHeight = activeEl.getBoundingClientRect().top + menu.scrollTop; } // If active element's top position is less than 2/3 (66%) of menu height than do not scroll if (activeElHeight > parseInt((menu.clientHeight * 2) / 3)) { var start = menu.scrollTop, change = activeElHeight - start - parseInt(menu.clientHeight / 2); } } setTimeout(function () { ${ scrollTop: change }, 300); $('.main-menu').data('scroll-to-active', 'false'); }, 300); } // this.obj.update(); // } }, enable: function () { if (!$('.main-menu-content').hasClass('ps')) { this.init(); } }, disable: function () { if (this.obj) { this.obj.destroy(); } }, updateHeight: function () { if (($'menu') == 'vertical-menu' || $'menu') == 'vertical-menu-modern' || $'menu') == 'vertical-overlay-menu') && $('.main-menu').hasClass('menu-fixed')) { $('.main-menu-content').css('height', $(window).height() - $('.header-navbar').height() - $('.main-menu-header').outerHeight() - $('.main-menu-footer').outerHeight()); this.update(); } } }, init: function (compactMenu) { if ($('.main-menu-content').length > 0) { this.container = $('.main-menu-content'); var menuObj = this; var defMenu = ''; if (compactMenu === true) { defMenu = 'collapsed'; } if ($'menu') == 'vertical-menu-modern') { var menuToggle = ''; if (menuToggle === "false") { this.change('collapsed'); } else { this.change(defMenu); } } else { this.change(defMenu); } } }, drillDownMenu: function (screenSize) { if ($('.drilldown-menu').length) { if (screenSize == 'sm' || screenSize == 'xs') { if ($('#navbar-mobile').attr('aria-expanded') == 'true') { $('.drilldown-menu').slidingMenu({ backLabel: true }); } } else { $('.drilldown-menu').slidingMenu({ backLabel: true }); } } }, change: function (defMenu) { var currentBreakpoint =; // Current Breakpoint this.reset(); var menuType = $'menu'); if (currentBreakpoint) { switch ( { case 'xl': if (menuType === 'vertical-overlay-menu') { this.hide(); } else { if (defMenu === 'collapsed') this.collapse(defMenu); else this.expand(); } break; case 'lg': if (menuType === 'vertical-overlay-menu' || menuType === 'vertical-menu-modern' || menuType === 'horizontal-menu') { this.hide(); } else { this.collapse(); } break; case 'md': case 'sm': this.hide(); break; case 'xs': this.hide(); break; } } // On the small and extra small screen make them overlay menu if (menuType === 'vertical-menu' || menuType === 'vertical-menu-modern') { this.toOverlayMenu(, menuType); } if ($'.horizontal-layout') && !$body.hasClass('.horizontal-menu-demo')) { this.changeMenu(; $('.menu-toggle').removeClass('is-active'); } // Initialize drill down menu for vertical layouts, for horizontal layouts drilldown menu is intitialized in changemenu function if (menuType != 'horizontal-menu') { // Drill down menu // ------------------------------ this.drillDownMenu(; } // Dropdown submenu on large screen on hover For Large screen only // --------------------------------------------------------------- if ( == 'xl') { $('body[data-open="hover"] .header-navbar .dropdown').on('mouseenter', function () { if (!($(this).hasClass('show'))) { $(this).addClass('show'); } else { $(this).removeClass('show'); } }).on('mouseleave', function (event) { $(this).removeClass('show'); }); $('body[data-open="hover"] .dropdown a').on('click', function (e) { if (menuType == 'horizontal-menu') { var $this = $(this); if ($this.hasClass('dropdown-toggle')) { return false; } } }); } // Added data attribute brand-center for navbar-brand-center // TODO:AJ: Shift this feature in JADE. if ($('.header-navbar').hasClass('navbar-brand-center')) { $('.header-navbar').attr('data-nav', 'brand-center'); } if ( == 'sm' || == 'xs') { $('.header-navbar[data-nav=brand-center]').removeClass('navbar-brand-center'); } else { $('.header-navbar[data-nav=brand-center]').addClass('navbar-brand-center'); } // On screen width change, current active menu in horizontal if ( == 'xl' && menuType == 'horizontal-menu') { $(".main-menu-content").find('').parents('li').addClass('sidebar-group-active active'); } if ( !== 'xl' && menuType == 'horizontal-menu') { $("#navbar-type").toggleClass('d-none d-xl-block'); } // Dropdown submenu on small screen on click // -------------------------------------------------- $('ul.dropdown-menu [data-toggle=dropdown]').on('click', function (event) { if ($(this).siblings('ul.dropdown-menu').length > 0) { event.preventDefault(); } event.stopPropagation(); $(this).parent().siblings().removeClass('show'); $(this).parent().toggleClass('show'); }); // Horizontal layout submenu drawer scrollbar if (menuType == 'horizontal-menu') { $('li.dropdown-submenu').on('mouseenter', function () { if (!$(this).parent('.dropdown').hasClass('show')) { $(this).removeClass('openLeft'); } var dd = $(this).find('.dropdown-menu'); if (dd) { var pageHeight = $(window).height(), // ddTop = dd.offset().top, ddTop = $(this).position().top, ddLeft = dd.offset().left, ddWidth = dd.width(), ddHeight = dd.height(); if (((pageHeight - ddTop) - ddHeight - 28) < 1) { var maxHeight = (pageHeight - ddTop - 170); $(this).find('.dropdown-menu').css({ 'max-height': maxHeight + 'px', 'overflow-y': 'auto', 'overflow-x': 'hidden' }); var menu_content = new PerfectScrollbar(' .dropdown-menu', { wheelPropagation: false }); } // Add class to horizontal sub menu if screen width is small if (ddLeft + ddWidth - (window.innerWidth - 16) >= 0) { $(this).addClass('openLeft'); } } }); $('.theme-layouts').find('.semi-dark').hide(); $('#customizer-navbar-colors').hide(); } // Horizontal Fixed Nav Sticky hight issue on small screens // if (menuType == 'horizontal-menu') { // if ( == 'sm' || == 'xs') { // if ($(".menu-fixed").length) { // $(".menu-fixed").unstick(); // } // } // else { // if ($(".navbar-fixed").length) { // $(".navbar-fixed").sticky(); // } // } // } /******************************************** * Searchable Menu * ********************************************/ function searchMenu(list) { var input = $(".menu-search"); $(input) .change(function () { var filter = $(this).val(); if (filter) { // Hide Main Navigation Headers $('.navigation-header').hide(); // this finds all links in a list that contain the input, // and hide the ones not containing the input while showing the ones that do $(list).find("li a:not(:Contains(" + filter + "))").hide().parent().hide(); // $(list).find("li a:Contains(" + filter + ")").show().parents('li').show().addClass('open').closest('li').children('a').show(); var searchFilter = $(list).find("li a:Contains(" + filter + ")"); if (searchFilter.parent().hasClass('has-sub')) { .parents('li').show() .addClass('open') .closest('li') .children('a').show() .children('li').show(); // searchFilter.parents('li').find('li').show().children('a').show(); if (searchFilter.siblings('ul').length > 0) { searchFilter.siblings('ul').children('li').show().children('a').show(); } } else {'li').show().addClass('open').closest('li').children('a').show(); } } else { // return to default $('.navigation-header').show(); $(list).find("li a").show().parent().show().removeClass('open'); } $; return false; }) .keyup(function () { // fire the above change event after every letter $(this).change(); }); } if (menuType === 'vertical-menu' || menuType === 'vertical-overlay-menu') { // custom css expression for a case-insensitive contains() jQuery.expr[':'].Contains = function (a, i, m) { return (a.textContent || a.innerText || "").toUpperCase().indexOf(m[3].toUpperCase()) >= 0; }; searchMenu($("#main-menu-navigation")); } }, transit: function (callback1, callback2) { var menuObj = this; $body.addClass('changing-menu');; if ($body.hasClass('vertical-layout')) { if ($body.hasClass('menu-open') || $body.hasClass('menu-expanded')) { $('.menu-toggle').addClass('is-active'); // Show menu header search when menu is normally visible if ($'menu') === 'vertical-menu') { if ($('.main-menu-header')) { $('.main-menu-header').show(); } } } else { $('.menu-toggle').removeClass('is-active'); // Hide menu header search when only menu icons are visible if ($'menu') === 'vertical-menu') { if ($('.main-menu-header')) { $('.main-menu-header').hide(); } } } } setTimeout(function () {; $body.removeClass('changing-menu'); menuObj.update(); }, 500); }, open: function () { this.transit(function () { $body.removeClass('menu-hide menu-collapsed').addClass('menu-open'); this.hidden = false; this.expanded = true; if ($body.hasClass('vertical-overlay-menu')) { $('.sidenav-overlay').removeClass('d-none').addClass('d-block'); $('body').css('overflow', 'hidden'); } }, function () { if (!$('.main-menu').hasClass('menu-native-scroll') && $('.main-menu').hasClass('menu-fixed')) { this.manualScroller.enable(); $('.main-menu-content').css('height', $(window).height() - $('.header-navbar').height() - $('.main-menu-header').outerHeight() - $('.main-menu-footer').outerHeight()); // this.manualScroller.update(); } if (!$body.hasClass('vertical-overlay-menu')) { $('.sidenav-overlay').removeClass('d-block d-none'); $('body').css('overflow', 'auto'); } }); }, hide: function () { this.transit(function () { $body.removeClass('menu-open menu-expanded').addClass('menu-hide'); this.hidden = true; this.expanded = false; if ($body.hasClass('vertical-overlay-menu')) { $('.sidenav-overlay').removeClass('d-block').addClass('d-none'); $('body').css('overflow', 'auto'); } }, function () { if (!$('.main-menu').hasClass('menu-native-scroll') && $('.main-menu').hasClass('menu-fixed')) { this.manualScroller.enable(); } if (!$body.hasClass('vertical-overlay-menu')) { $('.sidenav-overlay').removeClass('d-block d-none'); $('body').css('overflow', 'auto'); } }); }, expand: function () { if (this.expanded === false) { if ($'menu') == 'vertical-menu-modern') { $('.modern-nav-toggle').find('.toggle-icon') .removeClass('feather icon-circle').addClass('feather icon-disc'); } this.transit(function () { $body.removeClass('menu-collapsed').addClass('menu-expanded'); this.collapsed = false; this.expanded = true; $('.sidenav-overlay').removeClass('d-block d-none'); }, function () { if (($('.main-menu').hasClass('menu-native-scroll') || $'menu') == 'horizontal-menu')) { this.manualScroller.disable(); } else { if ($('.main-menu').hasClass('menu-fixed')) this.manualScroller.enable(); } if (($'menu') == 'vertical-menu' || $'menu') == 'vertical-menu-modern') && $('.main-menu').hasClass('menu-fixed')) { $('.main-menu-content').css('height', $(window).height() - $('.header-navbar').height() - $('.main-menu-header').outerHeight() - $('.main-menu-footer').outerHeight()); // this.manualScroller.update(); } }); } }, collapse: function (defMenu) { if (this.collapsed === false) { if ($'menu') == 'vertical-menu-modern') { $('.modern-nav-toggle').find('.toggle-icon') .removeClass('feather icon-disc').addClass('feather icon-circle'); } this.transit(function () { $body.removeClass('menu-expanded').addClass('menu-collapsed'); this.collapsed = true; this.expanded = false; $('.content-overlay').removeClass('d-block d-none'); }, function () { if (($'menu') == 'horizontal-menu') && $body.hasClass('vertical-overlay-menu')) { if ($('.main-menu').hasClass('menu-fixed')) this.manualScroller.enable(); } if (($'menu') == 'vertical-menu' || $'menu') == 'vertical-menu-modern') && $('.main-menu').hasClass('menu-fixed')) { $('.main-menu-content').css('height', $(window).height() - $('.header-navbar').height()); // this.manualScroller.update(); } if ($'menu') == 'vertical-menu-modern') { if ($('.main-menu').hasClass('menu-fixed')) this.manualScroller.enable(); } }); } }, toOverlayMenu: function (screen, menuType) { var menu = $'menu'); if (menuType == 'vertical-menu-modern') { if (screen == 'lg' || screen == 'md' || screen == 'sm' || screen == 'xs') { if ($body.hasClass(menu)) { $body.removeClass(menu).addClass('vertical-overlay-menu'); } } else { if ($body.hasClass('vertical-overlay-menu')) { $body.removeClass('vertical-overlay-menu').addClass(menu); } } } else { if (screen == 'sm' || screen == 'xs') { if ($body.hasClass(menu)) { $body.removeClass(menu).addClass('vertical-overlay-menu'); } } else { if ($body.hasClass('vertical-overlay-menu')) { $body.removeClass('vertical-overlay-menu').addClass(menu); } } } }, changeMenu: function (screen) { // Replace menu html $('div[data-menu="menu-wrapper"]').html(''); $('div[data-menu="menu-wrapper"]').html(menuWrapper_el); var menuWrapper = $('div[data-menu="menu-wrapper"]'), menuContainer = $('div[data-menu="menu-container"]'), menuNavigation = $('ul[data-menu="menu-navigation"]'), /*megaMenu = $('li[data-menu="megamenu"]'), megaMenuCol = $('li[data-mega-col]'),*/ dropdownMenu = $('li[data-menu="dropdown"]'), dropdownSubMenu = $('li[data-menu="dropdown-submenu"]'); if (screen === 'xl') { // Change body classes $body.removeClass('vertical-layout vertical-overlay-menu fixed-navbar').addClass($'menu')); // Remove navbar-fix-top class on large screens $('nav.header-navbar').removeClass('fixed-top'); // Change menu wrapper, menu container, menu navigation classes menuWrapper.removeClass().addClass(menuWrapperClasses); // Intitialize drill down menu for horizontal layouts // -------------------------------------------------- this.drillDownMenu(screen); $('a.dropdown-item.nav-has-children').on('click', function () { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); }); $('a.dropdown-item.nav-has-parent').on('click', function () { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); }); } else { // Change body classes $body.removeClass($'menu')).addClass('vertical-layout vertical-overlay-menu fixed-navbar'); // Add navbar-fix-top class on small screens $('nav.header-navbar').addClass('fixed-top'); // Change menu wrapper, menu container, menu navigation classes menuWrapper.removeClass().addClass('main-menu menu-light menu-fixed menu-shadow'); // menuContainer.removeClass().addClass('main-menu-content'); menuNavigation.removeClass().addClass('navigation navigation-main'); // If Dropdown Menu dropdownMenu.removeClass('dropdown').addClass('has-sub'); dropdownMenu.find('a').removeClass('dropdown-toggle nav-link'); dropdownMenu.children('ul').find('a').removeClass('dropdown-item'); dropdownMenu.find('ul').removeClass('dropdown-menu'); dropdownSubMenu.removeClass().addClass('has-sub'); $.app.nav.init(); // Dropdown submenu on small screen on click // -------------------------------------------------- $('ul.dropdown-menu [data-toggle=dropdown]').on('click', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); $(this).parent().siblings().removeClass('open'); $(this).parent().toggleClass('open'); }); $(".main-menu-content").find('').parents('li').addClass('sidebar-group-active'); $(".main-menu-content").find("").closest("li.nav-item").addClass("open"); } }, toggle: function () { var currentBreakpoint =; // Current Breakpoint var collapsed = this.collapsed; var expanded = this.expanded; var hidden = this.hidden; var menu = $'menu'); switch ( { case 'xl': if (expanded === true) { if (menu == 'vertical-overlay-menu') { this.hide(); } else { this.collapse(); } } else { if (menu == 'vertical-overlay-menu') {; } else { this.expand(); } } break; case 'lg': if (expanded === true) { if (menu == 'vertical-overlay-menu' || menu == 'vertical-menu-modern' || menu == 'horizontal-menu') { this.hide(); } else { this.collapse(); } } else { if (menu == 'vertical-overlay-menu' || menu == 'vertical-menu-modern' || menu == 'horizontal-menu') {; } else { this.expand(); } } break; case 'md': case 'sm': if (hidden === true) {; } else { this.hide(); } break; case 'xs': if (hidden === true) {; } else { this.hide(); } break; } // Re-init sliding menu to update width this.drillDownMenu(; }, update: function () { this.manualScroller.update(); }, reset: function () { this.expanded = false; this.collapsed = false; this.hidden = false; $body.removeClass('menu-hide menu-open menu-collapsed menu-expanded'); }, }; // Navigation Menu $.app.nav = { container: $('.navigation-main'), initialized: false, navItem: $('.navigation-main').find('li').not('.navigation-category'), config: { speed: 300, }, init: function (config) { this.initialized = true; // Set to true when initialized $.extend(this.config, config); this.bind_events(); }, bind_events: function () { var menuObj = this; $('.navigation-main').on('', 'li', function () { var $this = $(this); $('.hover', '.navigation-main').removeClass('hover'); if ($body.hasClass('menu-collapsed') && $'menu') != 'vertical-menu-modern') { $('.main-menu-content').children('').remove(); $('.main-menu-content').children('').remove(); $('.main-menu-content').children('').remove(); // Title var menuTitle = $this.find('').clone(), tempTitle, tempLink; if (!$this.hasClass('has-sub')) { tempTitle = $this.find('').text(); tempLink = $this.children('a').attr('href'); if (tempTitle !== '') { menuTitle = $("<a>"); menuTitle.attr("href", tempLink); menuTitle.attr("title", tempTitle); menuTitle.text(tempTitle); menuTitle.addClass("menu-title"); } } // menu_header_height = ($('.main-menu-header').length) ? $('.main-menu-header').height() : 0, // fromTop = menu_header_height + $this.position().top + parseInt($this.css( "border-top" ),10); var fromTop; if ($this.css("border-top")) { fromTop = $this.position().top + parseInt($this.css("border-top"), 10); } else { fromTop = $this.position().top; } if ($'menu') !== 'vertical-compact-menu') { menuTitle.appendTo('.main-menu-content').css({ position: 'fixed', top: fromTop, }); } // Content if ($this.hasClass('has-sub') && $this.hasClass('nav-item')) { var menuContent = $this.children('ul:first'); menuObj.adjustSubmenu($this); } } $this.addClass('hover'); }).on('', 'li', function () { // $(this).removeClass('hover'); }).on('', 'li', function (e) { $(this).addClass('active'); e.stopPropagation(); }).on('', '', function (e) { $(this).removeClass('active'); e.stopPropagation(); }).on('', 'li', function (e) { var $listItem = $(this); $listItem.addClass('open'); menuObj.expand($listItem); // If menu collapsible then do not take any action if ($('.main-menu').hasClass('menu-collapsible')) { return false; } // If menu accordion then close all except clicked once else { $listItem.siblings('.open').find('').trigger(''); $listItem.siblings('.open').trigger(''); } e.stopPropagation(); }).on('', '', function (e) { var $listItem = $(this); $listItem.removeClass('open'); menuObj.collapse($listItem); e.stopPropagation(); }).on('', 'li', function (e) { var $listItem = $(this); if ($'.disabled')) { e.preventDefault(); } else { if ($body.hasClass('menu-collapsed') && $'menu') != 'vertical-menu-modern') { e.preventDefault(); } else { if ($listItem.has('ul').length) { if ($'.open')) { $listItem.trigger(''); } else { $listItem.trigger(''); } } else { if (!$'.active')) { $listItem.siblings('.active').trigger(''); $listItem.trigger(''); } } } } e.stopPropagation(); }); $('.navbar-header, .main-menu').on('mouseenter', modernMenuExpand).on('mouseleave', modernMenuCollapse); function modernMenuExpand() { if ($'menu') == 'vertical-menu-modern') { $('.main-menu, .navbar-header').addClass('expanded'); if ($body.hasClass('menu-collapsed')) { if ($('.main-menu').length === 0) { $(".main-menu-content").find('').parents('li').addClass('open'); } var $listItem = $('.main-menu'), $subList = $listItem.children('ul'); $subList.hide().slideDown(200, function () { $(this).css('display', ''); }); $listItem.addClass('open').removeClass('menu-collapsed-open'); // $'expand'); } } } function modernMenuCollapse() { if ($body.hasClass('menu-collapsed') && $'menu') == 'vertical-menu-modern') { setTimeout(function () { if ($('.main-menu:hover').length === 0 && $('.navbar-header:hover').length === 0) { $('.main-menu, .navbar-header').removeClass('expanded'); if ($body.hasClass('menu-collapsed')) { var $listItem = $('.main-menu'), $subList = $listItem.children('ul'); $listItem.addClass('menu-collapsed-open'); $, function () { $(this).css('display', ''); }); $listItem.removeClass('open'); // $; } } }, 1); } } $('.main-menu-content').on('mouseleave', function () { if ($body.hasClass('menu-collapsed')) { $('.main-menu-content').children('').remove(); $('.main-menu-content').children('').remove(); $('.main-menu-content').children('').remove(); } $('.hover', '.navigation-main').removeClass('hover'); }); // If list item has sub menu items then prevent redirection. $('.navigation-main li.has-sub > a').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); }); $('').on('click', 'li', function (e) { var $listItem = $(this); if ($'.disabled')) { e.preventDefault(); } else { if ($listItem.has('ul')) { if ($'.open')) { $listItem.removeClass('open'); menuObj.collapse($listItem); } else { $listItem.addClass('open'); menuObj.expand($listItem); // If menu collapsible then do not take any action if ($('.main-menu').hasClass('menu-collapsible')) { return false; } // If menu accordion then close all except clicked once else { $listItem.siblings('.open').find('').trigger(''); $listItem.siblings('.open').trigger(''); } e.stopPropagation(); } } else { if (!$'.active')) { $listItem.siblings('.active').trigger(''); $listItem.trigger(''); } } } e.stopPropagation(); }); }, /** * Ensure an admin submenu is within the visual viewport. * @param {jQuery} $menuItem The parent menu item containing the submenu. */ adjustSubmenu: function ($menuItem) { var menuHeaderHeight, menutop, topPos, winHeight, bottomOffset, subMenuHeight, popOutMenuHeight, borderWidth, scroll_theme, $submenu = $menuItem.children('ul:first'), ul = $submenu.clone(true); menuHeaderHeight = $('.main-menu-header').height(); menutop = $menuItem.position().top; winHeight = $window.height() - $('.header-navbar').height(); borderWidth = 0; subMenuHeight = $submenu.height(); if (parseInt($menuItem.css("border-top"), 10) > 0) { borderWidth = parseInt($menuItem.css("border-top"), 10); } popOutMenuHeight = winHeight - menutop - $menuItem.height() - 30; scroll_theme = ($('.main-menu').hasClass('menu-dark')) ? 'light' : 'dark'; topPos = menutop + $menuItem.height() + borderWidth; ul.addClass('menu-popout').appendTo('.main-menu-content').css({ 'top': topPos, 'position': 'fixed', 'max-height': popOutMenuHeight, }); var menu_content = new PerfectScrollbar('.main-menu-content >', { wheelPropagation: false }); }, collapse: function ($listItem, callback) { var $subList = $listItem.children('ul'); $$.app.nav.config.speed, function () { $(this).css('display', ''); $(this).find('> li').removeClass('is-shown'); if (callback) { callback(); } $.app.nav.container.trigger(''); }); }, expand: function ($listItem, callback) { var $subList = $listItem.children('ul'); var $children = $subList.children('li').addClass('is-hidden'); $subList.hide().slideDown($.app.nav.config.speed, function () { $(this).css('display', ''); if (callback) { callback(); } $.app.nav.container.trigger(''); }); setTimeout(function () { $children.addClass('is-shown'); $children.removeClass('is-hidden'); }, 0); }, refresh: function () { $.app.nav.container.find('.open').removeClass('open'); }, }; })(window, document, jQuery); // We listen to the resize event window.addEventListener('resize', function() { // We execute the same script as before var vh = window.innerHeight * 0.01;'--vh', vh + "px"); }); |
:: Command execute :: | |
:: Shadow's tricks :D :: | |
Useful Commands
:: Preddy's tricks :D :: | |
Php Safe-Mode Bypass (Read Files)
--[ c999shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #16 Modded by Shadow & Preddy | RootShell Security Group | r57 c99 shell | Generation time: 0.0109 ]-- |