!c99Shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #16!

Software: Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS). PHP/5.1.6 

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EDT 2010 i686

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/* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */
 * @fileoverview    function used in this file builds history tab and generates query.
  * @requires    jQuery
  * @requires    moves.js
  * @version $Id$
var history_array = []; // Global array to store history objects
var select_field = [];  // Global array to store informaation for columns which are used in select clause
var g_index;

 * function for panel, hides and shows toggle_container <div>,which is for history elements uses {@link JQuery}.
 * @param	index	has value 1 or 0,decides wheter to hide toggle_container on load. 

function panel(index) {
    if (!index) {

 * Sorts history_array[] first,using table name as the key and then generates the HTML code for history tab,
 * clubbing all objects of same tables together
 * This function is called whenever changes are made in history_array[]
 * @uses	and_or()
 * @uses	history_edit()
 * @uses	history_delete()
 * @param {int}  init 	starting index of unsorted array   
 * @param {int}	final   last index of unsorted array

function display(init,final) {
    var str,i,j,k,sto;
    // this part sorts the history array based on table name,this is needed for clubbing all object of same name together. 
    for (i = init;i < final;i++) {
        sto = history_array[i];
        var temp = history_array[i].get_tab() ;//+ '.' + history_array[i].get_obj_no(); for Self JOINS
        for(j = 0;j < i;j++){
            if(temp > (history_array[j].get_tab())) {//+ '.' + history_array[j].get_obj_no())) { //for Self JOINS
                for(k = i;k > j;k--) {
                    history_array[k] = history_array[k-1];
                history_array[j] = sto;
    // this part generates HTML code for history tab.adds delete,edit,and/or and detail features with objects.
    str =''; // string to store Html code for history tab
    for ( var i=0; i < history_array.length; i++){
        var temp = history_array[i].get_tab(); //+ '.' + history_array[i].get_obj_no(); for Self JOIN
        str += '<h2 class="tiger"><a href="#">' + temp + '</a></h2>';  				
        str += '<div class="toggle_container">\n';
        while((history_array[i].get_tab()) == temp) { //+ '.' + history_array[i].get_obj_no()) == temp) {
            str +='<div class="block"> <table width ="250">';
            str += '<thead><tr><td>';
                str +='<img src="pmd/images/or_icon.png" onclick="and_or('+i+')" title="OR"/></td>';
            else {
               str +='<img src="pmd/images/and_icon.png" onclick="and_or('+i+')" title="AND"/></td>';
            str +='<td style="padding-left: 5px;" align="right"><img src="./themes/original/img/b_sbrowse.png" title="column name"/></td><td width="175" style="padding-left:            5px">' + history_array[i].get_column_name();
            if (history_array[i].get_type() == "GroupBy" || history_array[i].get_type() == "OrderBy") {
                str += '</td><td align="center"><img src="themes/original/img/b_info.png" title="'+detail(i)+'"/><td title="' + detail(i) +'">' + history_array[i].get_type()                + '</td></td><td onmouseover="this.className=\'history_table\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'history_table2\'" onclick=history_delete('+ i +')><img                src="themes/original/img/b_drop.png" title="Delete"></td></tr></thead>';
           else {
               str += '</td><td align="center"><img src="themes/original/img/b_info.png" title="'+detail(i)+'"/></td><td title="' + detail(i) +'">' + history_array[i].               get_type() + '</td><td <td onmouseover="this.className=\'history_table\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'history_table2\'" onclick=history_edit('+ i +')><img               src="themes/original/img/b_edit.png" title="Edit"/></td><td onmouseover="this.className=\'history_table\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'history_table2\'"               onclick=history_delete('+ i +')><img src="themes/original/img/b_drop.png" title="Delete"></td></tr></thead>'; 
           if(i >= history_array.length) {
           str += '</table></div><br/>';
        str += '</div><br/>';
    return str;

 * To change And/Or relation in history tab 
 * @uses	panel()
 * @param {int} index of history_array where change is to be made

function and_or(index) {
    if (history_array[index].get_and_or()) {
    else {
    var existingDiv = document.getElementById('ab');
    existingDiv.innerHTML = display(0,0);

 * To display details of obects(where,rename,Having,aggregate,groupby,orderby,having)
 * @param	index	index of history_array where change is to be made

function detail (index) {
    var type = history_array[index].get_type();
    var str;
    if (type == "Where") {
        str = 'Where ' + history_array[index].get_column_name() + history_array[index].get_obj().getrelation_operator() + history_array[index].get_obj().getquery();
    if (type == "Rename") {
        str = 'Rename ' + history_array[index].get_column_name() + ' To ' + history_array[index].get_obj().getrename_to();
    if (type == "Aggregate") {
        str = 'Select ' + history_array[index].get_obj().get_operator() + '( ' + history_array[index].get_column_name() + ' )';
    if (type == "GroupBy") {
        str = 'GroupBy ' + history_array[index].get_column_name() ;
    if (type == "OrderBy") {
        str = 'OrderBy ' + history_array[index].get_column_name() ;
    if (type == "Having") {
        str = 'Having ';
        if (history_array[index].get_obj().get_operator() != 'None') {
            str += history_array[index].get_obj().get_operator() + '( ' + history_array[index].get_column_name() + ' )';
            str += history_array[index].get_obj().getrelation_operator() + history_array[index].get_obj().getquery();
        else {
            str = 'Having ' + history_array[index].get_column_name() + history_array[index].get_obj().getrelation_operator() + history_array[index].get_obj().getquery();
    return str;

 * Deletes entry in history_array
 * @uses	panel()
 * @uses	display()
 * @param	index	index of history_array[] which is to be deleted

function history_delete(index) {
    for(var k =0 ;k < from_array.length;k++){
        if(from_array[k] == history_array[index].get_tab()){ 
    var existingDiv = document.getElementById('ab');
    existingDiv.innerHTML = display(0,0);

 * To show where,rename,aggregate,having forms to edit a object
 * @param{int} index	index of history_array where change is to be made

function history_edit(index) {
    g_index = index;
    var type = history_array[index].get_type();
    if (type == "Where") {
        document.getElementById('eQuery').value = history_array[index].get_obj().getquery();
        document.getElementById('erel_opt').value = history_array[index].get_obj().getrelation_operator();
        document.getElementById('query_where').style.left =  '530px';
        document.getElementById('query_where').style.top  = '130px';
        document.getElementById('query_where').style.position  = 'absolute';
        document.getElementById('query_where').style.zIndex = '9';
        document.getElementById('query_where').style.visibility = 'visible';
    if (type == "Having") {
        document.getElementById('hQuery').value = history_array[index].get_obj().getquery();
        document.getElementById('hrel_opt').value = history_array[index].get_obj().getrelation_operator();
        document.getElementById('hoperator').value = history_array[index].get_obj().get_operator();
        document.getElementById('query_having').style.left =  '530px';
        document.getElementById('query_having').style.top  = '130px';
        document.getElementById('query_having').style.position  = 'absolute';
        document.getElementById('query_having').style.zIndex = '9';
        document.getElementById('query_having').style.visibility = 'visible';
    if (type == "Rename") {
        document.getElementById('query_rename_to').style.left =  '530px';
        document.getElementById('query_rename_to').style.top  = '130px';
        document.getElementById('query_rename_to').style.position  = 'absolute';
        document.getElementById('query_rename_to').style.zIndex = '9';
        document.getElementById('query_rename_to').style.visibility = 'visible';
    if (type == "Aggregate") {
        document.getElementById('query_Aggregate').style.left = '530px';
        document.getElementById('query_Aggregate').style.top  = '130px';
        document.getElementById('query_Aggregate').style.position  = 'absolute';
        document.getElementById('query_Aggregate').style.zIndex = '9';
        document.getElementById('query_Aggregate').style.visibility = 'visible';

 * Make changes in history_array when Edit button is clicked
 * checks for the type of object and then sets the new value
 * @uses	panel()
 * @uses	display()
 * @param	index	index of history_array where change is to be made

function edit(type) {
    if (type == "Rename") {
        if (document.getElementById('e_rename').value != "") {
            document.getElementById('e_rename').value = "";
        document.getElementById('query_rename_to').style.visibility = 'hidden';
    if (type == "Aggregate") {
        if (document.getElementById('e_operator').value != '---') {
            document.getElementById('e_operator').value = '---';
        document.getElementById('query_Aggregate').style.visibility = 'hidden';
    if (type == "Where") {
        if (document.getElementById('erel_opt').value != '--' && document.getElementById('eQuery').value !="") {
        document.getElementById('query_where').style.visibility = 'hidden';
    if (type == "Having") {
        if (document.getElementById('hrel_opt').value != '--' && document.getElementById('hQuery').value !="") {
        document.getElementById('query_having').style.visibility = 'hidden';
    var existingDiv = document.getElementById('ab');
    existingDiv.innerHTML = display(0,0);

 * history object closure  
 * @param	ncolumn_name	name of the column on which conditions are put
 * @param	nobj			object details(where,rename,orderby,groupby,aggregate)
 * @param	ntab			table name of the column on which conditions are applied
 * @param	nobj_no			object no used for inner join
 * @param	ntype			type of object

function history(ncolumn_name,nobj,ntab,nobj_no,ntype) {
    var and_or;
    var obj;
    var tab;
    var column_name;
    var obj_no;
    var type;
    this.set_column_name = function (ncolumn_name) {
        column_name = ncolumn_name;
    this.get_column_name = function() {
        return column_name;
    this.set_and_or = function(nand_or) {
        and_or = nand_or;
    this.get_and_or = function() {
        return and_or;
    this.get_relation = function() {
        return and_or;
    this.set_obj = function(nobj) {
        obj = nobj;
    this.get_obj = function() {
        return obj;
    this.set_tab = function(ntab) {
        tab = ntab;
    this.get_tab = function() {
        return tab;
    this.set_obj_no = function(nobj_no) {
        obj_no = nobj_no;
    this.get_obj_no = function() {
        return obj_no;
    this.set_type = function(ntype) {
        type = ntype;
    this.get_type = function() {
        return type;

 * where object closure, makes an object with all information of where
 * @param	nrelation_operator	type of relation operator to be applied
 * @param	nquery				stores value of value/sub-query 

var where = function (nrelation_operator,nquery) {
    var relation_operator;
    var query;
    this.setrelation_operator = function(nrelation_operator) {
        relation_operator = nrelation_operator;
    this.setquery = function(nquery) {
        query = nquery;
    this.getquery = function() {
        return query;
    this.getrelation_operator = function() {
        return relation_operator;

 * Having object closure, makes an object with all information of where
 * @param	nrelation_operator	type of relation operator to be applied
 * @param	nquery				stores value of value/sub-query 

var having = function (nrelation_operator,nquery,noperator) {
    var relation_operator;
    var query;
    var operator;
    this.set_operator = function(noperator) {
        operator = noperator;
    this.setrelation_operator = function(nrelation_operator) {
        relation_operator = nrelation_operator;
    this.setquery = function(nquery) {
        query = nquery;
    this.getquery = function() {
        return query;
    this.getrelation_operator = function() {
        return relation_operator;
    this.get_operator = function() {
        return operator;

 * rename object closure,makes an object with all information of rename
 * @param	nrename_to	new name information

var rename = function(nrename_to) {
    var rename_to;
    this.setrename_to = function(nrename_to) {
        rename_to = nrename_to;
    this.getrename_to =function() {
        return rename_to;

 * aggregate object closure
 * @param	noperator	aggregte operator

var aggregate = function(noperator) {
    var operator;
    this.set_operator = function(noperator) {
        operator = noperator;
    this.get_operator = function() {
        return operator;

 * This function returns unique element from an array
 * @param arraName array from which duplicate elem are to be removed.
 * @return unique array

function unique(arrayName) {
    var newArray=new Array();
    label:for(var i=0; i<arrayName.length;i++ )
        for(var j=0; j<newArray.length;j++ )
                continue label;
        newArray[newArray.length] = arrayName[i];
   return newArray;

 * This function takes in array and a value as input and returns 1 if values is present in array
 * else returns -1
 * @param arrayName array
 * @param value  value which is to be searched in the array
function found(arrayName,value) {
    for(var i=0; i<arrayName.length; i++) {
        if(arrayName[i] == value) { return 1;}
    return -1;
 * This function is the main function for query building.
 * uses history object details for this.
 * @ uses query_where()
 * @ uses query_groupby()
 * @ uses query_having() 
 * @ uses query_orderby()
 * @param formtitle title for the form
 * @param fadin      
function build_query(formtitle, fadin) {
    var q_select = "SELECT ";
    var temp;
    for(i = 0;i < select_field.length; i++) {
        temp = check_aggregate(select_field[i]);
        if (temp != "") {
            q_select += temp;
            temp = check_rename(select_field[i]);
            q_select += temp + ",";
        else {
            temp = check_rename(select_field[i]);
            q_select += select_field[i] + temp +","; 
    q_select = q_select.substring(0,q_select.length - 1);
    q_select += " FROM " + query_from();
    if(query_where() != "") {
        q_select +="\n WHERE";
		q_select += query_where();
    if(query_groupby() != "") { q_select += "\nGROUP BY " + query_groupby(); }
    if(query_having() != "") { q_select += "\nHAVING " + query_having(); }
    if(query_orderby() != "") { q_select += "\nORDER BY " + query_orderby(); }
    var box = document.getElementById('box'); 
    var btitle = document.getElementById('boxtitle');
    btitle.innerHTML = 'SELECT';//formtitle;
        gradient("box", 0);
    document.getElementById('textSqlquery').innerHTML = q_select;
  * This function builds from clause of query
  * makes automatic joins.
  * @uses unique
  * @uses add_array
  * @uses remove_array

function query_from() {
    var i =0;
    var tab_left = [];
    var tab_used = [];
    var t_tab_used = [];
    var t_tab_left = [];
    var temp;
    var query = "";
    var quer = "";
    var parts = [];
    var t_array = [];
    t_array = from_array;
    var K = 0;
    for(i; i < history_array.length ; i++) {
    from_array = unique( from_array );
    tab_left = from_array;
    temp = tab_left.shift();
    quer = temp;
    // if master table (key2) matches with tab used get all keys and check if tab_left matches 
    //after this check if master table (key2) matches with tab left then check if any foriegn matches with master . 
	for( i =0; i<2 ; i++) {
        for (K in contr){
            for (key in contr[K]){// contr name
	             for (key2 in contr[K][key]){// table name
                    parts = key2.split(".");
                    if(found(tab_used,parts[1]) > 0)  {
                        for (key3 in contr[K][key][key2]) {
                            parts1 = contr[K][key][key2][key3][0].split(".");
                            if(found(tab_left,parts1[1]) > 0) {
                                query += "\n" + 'LEFT JOIN ';
                                query += '`' + parts1[0] + '`.`' + parts1[1] + '` ON ' ;
                                query += '`' + parts[1] +'`.`' + key3 + '` = ';
                                query += '`' + parts1[1] + '`.`' + contr[K][key][key2][key3][1] + '` ';
        K = 0;
        t_tab_left = unique (t_tab_left);
        tab_used = add_array(t_tab_left,tab_used);
        tab_left = remove_array(t_tab_left,tab_left);
        t_tab_left = [];
        for (K in contr) {
             for (key in contr[K]) {
                 for (key2 in contr[K][key]){// table name
                     parts = key2.split(".");
                         if(found(tab_left,parts[1]) > 0){	
                           for (key3 in contr[K][key][key2]){
                               parts1 = contr[K][key][key2][key3][0].split(".");
                               if(found(tab_used,parts1[1]) > 0) {
                                   query += "\n" + 'LEFT JOIN ';
                                   query += '`' + parts[0] + '`.`' + parts[1] + '` ON ' ;
                                   query += '`' + parts1[1] + '`.`' + contr[K][key][key2][key3][1] + '` = ';
                                   query += '`' + parts[1] + '`.`' + key3 + '` ';
        t_tab_left = unique (t_tab_left);
        tab_used = add_array(t_tab_left,tab_used);
        tab_left = remove_array(t_tab_left,tab_left);
        t_tab_left = [];
    for (k in tab_left) {
        quer += " , `" + tab_left[k] + "`";
        query = quer + query;
        from_array = t_array;
        return query;
				/*		document.write(key3+";"); //master_field
							document.write(contr[K][key][key2][key3][0]+";"); // foreign_table
							document.write(contr[K][key][key2][key3][1]+";"); //forieign_feild */
 * This function concatenates two array
 * @params add array elements of which are pushed in
 * @params arr array in which elemnets are added
function add_array(add,arr){
    for( var i=0; i<add.length; i++){
    return arr;
/* This fucntion removes all elements present in one array from the other.
 * @params rem array from which each element is removed from other array.
 * @params arr array from which elements are removed.
function remove_array(rem,arr){
    for(var i=0; i<rem.length; i++){
        for(var j=0; j<arr.length; j++)
            if(rem[i] == arr[j]) { arr.splice(j,1); }
    return arr;

 * This function builds the groupby clause from history object
function query_groupby() {
    var i = 0;
    var str = "";
    for(i; i < history_array.length;i++) {
        if(history_array[i].get_type() == "GroupBy") { str +=history_array[i].get_column_name() + ", ";}
    str = str.substr(0,str.length -1);
    return str;

 * This function builds the Having clause from the history object.

function query_having() {
    var i = 0;
    var and = "(";
    for(i; i < history_array.length;i++) {
        if(history_array[i].get_type() == "Having") {
            if (history_array[i].get_obj().get_operator() != 'None') {
                and += history_array[i].get_obj().get_operator() + "(" + history_array[i].get_column_name() + " ) " + history_array[i].get_obj().getrelation_operator();
                and += " " + history_array[i].get_obj().getquery() + ", " ; 
            else {
                and +=  history_array[i].get_column_name() + " " + history_array[i].get_obj().getrelation_operator() + " " + history_array[i].get_obj().getquery() + ", ";
    if (and =="(") { and = "" ;}
    else { and = and.substr(0,and.length -2) + ")";}
    return and;

 * This function builds the orderby clause from the history object.

function query_orderby() {
    var i = 0;
    var str = "" ;
    for(i; i < history_array.length;i++) {
        if(history_array[i].get_type() == "OrderBy") { str += history_array[i].get_column_name() + " , "; }
    str = str.substr(0,str.length -1);
    return str;

 * This function builds the Where clause from the history object.

function query_where(){
    var i = 0;
    var and = "(";
    var or = "(";
    for(i; i < history_array.length;i++) {
        if(history_array[i].get_type() == "Where") {
            if(history_array[i].get_and_or() == 0) {
                and += "( " + history_array[i].get_column_name() + " " + history_array[i].get_obj().getrelation_operator() +" " + history_array[i].get_obj().getquery() + ")";                and += " AND ";
            else {
                or +="( " + history_array[i].get_column_name() + " " + history_array[i].get_obj().getrelation_operator() + " " + history_array[i].get_obj().getquery() +")";
                or +=" OR " ;
    if ( or != "(") {	or = or.substring(0,(or.length - 4 )) + ")"; }
    else { or = "" ;}
    if (and !="(") {and = and.substring(0,(and.length - 5)) + ")"; }
    else {and = "" ;}
    if ( or != "" ) { and = and + " OR " + or + " )"; }
    return and;

function check_aggregate(id_this) {
    var i = 0;
    for(i;i < history_array.length;i++) {
        var temp = '`' + history_array[i].get_tab() + '`.`' +history_array[i].get_column_name() +'`';
        if(temp == id_this && history_array[i].get_type() == "Aggregate") {
            return history_array[i].get_obj().get_operator() + '(' + id_this +')';
    return "";

function check_rename(id_this) {
    var i = 0;
    for (i;i < history_array.length;i++) {
        var temp = '`' + history_array[i].get_tab() + '`.`' +history_array[i].get_column_name() +'`';
        if(temp == id_this && history_array[i].get_type() == "Rename") {
            return  " AS `" + history_array[i].get_obj().getrename_to() +"`";
    return "";

function gradient(id, level)
    var box = document.getElementById(id);
    box.style.opacity = level;
    box.style.MozOpacity = level;
    box.style.KhtmlOpacity = level;
    box.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + level * 100 + ")";

function fadein(id) 
    var level = 0;
    while(level <= 1){
        setTimeout( "gradient('" + id + "'," + level + ")", (level* 1000) + 10);
        level += 0.01;

function closebox()

:: Command execute ::


:: Shadow's tricks :D ::

Useful Commands
Warning. Kernel may be alerted using higher levels
Kernel Info:

:: Preddy's tricks :D ::

Php Safe-Mode Bypass (Read Files)


eg: /etc/passwd

Php Safe-Mode Bypass (List Directories):


eg: /etc/

:: Search ::
  - regexp 

:: Upload ::
[ ok ]

:: Make Dir ::
[ ok ]
:: Make File ::
[ ok ]

:: Go Dir ::
:: Go File ::

--[ c999shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #16 Modded by Shadow & Preddy | RootShell Security Group | r57 c99 shell | Generation time: 0.0155 ]--