Viewing file: mysql.dbi.lib.php (10.15 KB) -rw-r--r-- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
<?php /* $Id: mysql.dbi.lib.php,v 2.43 2006/01/17 17:03:02 cybot_tm Exp $ */ // vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
/** * Interface to the classic MySQL extension */
// MySQL client API if (!defined('PMA_MYSQL_CLIENT_API')) { if (function_exists('mysql_get_client_info')) { $client_api = explode('.', mysql_get_client_info()); define('PMA_MYSQL_CLIENT_API', (int)sprintf('%d%02d%02d', $client_api[0], $client_api[1], intval($client_api[2]))); unset($client_api); } else { define('PMA_MYSQL_CLIENT_API', 32332); // always expect the worst... } }
function PMA_DBI_connect($user, $password, $is_controluser = FALSE) { global $cfg, $php_errormsg;
$server_port = (empty($cfg['Server']['port'])) ? '' : ':' . $cfg['Server']['port'];
if (strtolower($cfg['Server']['connect_type']) == 'tcp') { $cfg['Server']['socket'] = ''; }
$server_socket = (empty($cfg['Server']['socket'])) ? '' : ':' . $cfg['Server']['socket'];
if (PMA_PHP_INT_VERSION >= 40300 && PMA_MYSQL_CLIENT_API >= 32349) { $client_flags = $cfg['Server']['compress'] && defined('MYSQL_CLIENT_COMPRESS') ? MYSQL_CLIENT_COMPRESS : 0; // always use CLIENT_LOCAL_FILES as defined in mysql_com.h // for the case where the client library was not compiled // with --enable-local-infile $client_flags |= 128; }
if (empty($client_flags)) { $connect_func = 'mysql_' . ($cfg['PersistentConnections'] ? 'p' : '') . 'connect'; $link = @$connect_func($cfg['Server']['host'] . $server_port . $server_socket, $user, $password); } else { if ($cfg['PersistentConnections']) { $link = @mysql_pconnect($cfg['Server']['host'] . $server_port . $server_socket, $user, $password, $client_flags); } else { $link = @mysql_connect($cfg['Server']['host'] . $server_port . $server_socket, $user, $password, FALSE, $client_flags); } }
if (empty($link)) { PMA_auth_fails(); } // end if
PMA_DBI_postConnect($link, $is_controluser);
return $link; }
function PMA_DBI_select_db($dbname, $link = null) { if (empty($link)) { if (isset($GLOBALS['userlink'])) { $link = $GLOBALS['userlink']; } else { return FALSE; } } if (PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION < 40100) { $dbname = PMA_convert_charset($dbname); } return mysql_select_db($dbname, $link); }
function PMA_DBI_try_query($query, $link = null, $options = 0) { if (empty($link)) { if (isset($GLOBALS['userlink'])) { $link = $GLOBALS['userlink']; } else { return FALSE; } } if (defined('PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION') && PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION < 40100) { $query = PMA_convert_charset($query); } if ($options == ($options | PMA_DBI_QUERY_STORE)) { return @mysql_query($query, $link); } elseif ($options == ($options | PMA_DBI_QUERY_UNBUFFERED)) { return @mysql_unbuffered_query($query, $link); } else { return @mysql_query($query, $link); } }
// The following function is meant for internal use only. // Do not call it from outside this library! function PMA_mysql_fetch_array($result, $type = FALSE) { global $cfg, $allow_recoding, $charset, $convcharset;
if ($type != FALSE) { $data = mysql_fetch_array($result, $type); } else { $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); }
/* No data returned => do not touch it */ if (! $data) { return $data; }
if (!defined('PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION') || PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 40100 || !(isset($cfg['AllowAnywhereRecoding']) && $cfg['AllowAnywhereRecoding'] && $allow_recoding)) { /* No recoding -> return data as we got them */ return $data; } else { $ret = array(); $num = mysql_num_fields($result); $i = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) { $name = mysql_field_name($result, $i); $flags = mysql_field_flags($result, $i); /* Field is BINARY (either marked manually, or it is BLOB) => do not convert it */ if (stristr($flags, 'BINARY')) { if (isset($data[$i])) { $ret[$i] = $data[$i]; } if (isset($data[$name])) { $ret[PMA_convert_display_charset($name)] = $data[$name]; } } else { if (isset($data[$i])) { $ret[$i] = PMA_convert_display_charset($data[$i]); } if (isset($data[$name])) { $ret[PMA_convert_display_charset($name)] = PMA_convert_display_charset($data[$name]); } } } return $ret; } }
function PMA_DBI_fetch_array($result) { return PMA_mysql_fetch_array($result); }
function PMA_DBI_fetch_assoc($result) { return PMA_mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC); }
function PMA_DBI_fetch_row($result) { return PMA_mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM); }
/** * Frees the memory associated with the results * * @param result $result,... one or more mysql result resources */ function PMA_DBI_free_result() { foreach ( func_get_args() as $result ) { if ( is_resource($result) && get_resource_type($result) === 'mysql result' ) { mysql_free_result($result); } } }
/** * Returns a string representing the type of connection used * @uses mysql_get_host_info() * @uses $GLOBALS['userlink'] as default for $link * @param resource $link mysql link * @return string type of connection used */ function PMA_DBI_get_host_info($link = null) { if (null === $link) { if (isset($GLOBALS['userlink'])) { $link = $GLOBALS['userlink']; } else { return false; } } return mysql_get_host_info($link); }
/** * Returns the version of the MySQL protocol used * @uses mysql_get_proto_info() * @uses $GLOBALS['userlink'] as default for $link * @param resource $link mysql link * @return integer version of the MySQL protocol used */ function PMA_DBI_get_proto_info($link = null) { if (null === $link) { if (isset($GLOBALS['userlink'])) { $link = $GLOBALS['userlink']; } else { return false; } } return mysql_get_proto_info($link); }
/** * returns a string that represents the client library version * @uses mysql_get_client_info() * @return string MySQL client library version */ function PMA_DBI_get_client_info() { return mysql_get_client_info(); }
/** * returns last error message or false if no errors occured * * @uses PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION * @uses PMA_convert_display_charset() * @uses PMA_DBI_convert_message() * @uses $GLOBALS['errno'] * @uses $GLOBALS['userlink'] * @uses $GLOBALS['strServerNotResponding'] * @uses $GLOBALS['strSocketProblem'] * @uses mysql_errno() * @uses mysql_error() * @uses defined() * @param resource $link mysql link * @return string|boolean $error or false */ function PMA_DBI_getError($link = null) { unset($GLOBALS['errno']); if (null === $link && isset($GLOBALS['userlink'])) { $link =& $GLOBALS['userlink'];
// Do not stop now. On the initial connection, we don't have a $link, // we don't have a $GLOBALS['userlink'], but we can catch the error code // } else { // return FALSE; }
if (null !== $link) { $error_number = mysql_errno($link); $error_message = mysql_error($link); } else { $error_number = mysql_errno(); $error_message = mysql_error(); } if (0 == $error_number) { return false; }
// keep the error number for further check after the call to PMA_DBI_getError() $GLOBALS['errno'] = $error_number;
if (! empty($error_message)) { $error_message = PMA_DBI_convert_message($error_message); }
// Some errors messages cannot be obtained by mysql_error() if ($error_number == 2002) { $error = '#' . ((string) $error_number) . ' - ' . $GLOBALS['strServerNotResponding'] . ' ' . $GLOBALS['strSocketProblem']; } elseif ($error_number == 2003 ) { $error = '#' . ((string) $error_number) . ' - ' . $GLOBALS['strServerNotResponding']; } elseif (defined('PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION') && PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 40100) { $error = '#' . ((string) $error_number) . ' - ' . $error_message; } else { $error = '#' . ((string) $error_number) . ' - ' . PMA_convert_display_charset($error_message); } return $error; }
function PMA_DBI_close($link = null) { if (empty($link)) { if (isset($GLOBALS['userlink'])) { $link = $GLOBALS['userlink']; } else { return FALSE; } } return @mysql_close($link); }
function PMA_DBI_num_rows($result) { if (!is_bool($result)) { return mysql_num_rows($result); } else { return 0; } }
function PMA_DBI_insert_id($link = null) { if (empty($link)) { if (isset($GLOBALS['userlink'])) { $link = $GLOBALS['userlink']; } else { return FALSE; } } return mysql_insert_id($link); }
function PMA_DBI_affected_rows($link = null) { if (empty($link)) { if (isset($GLOBALS['userlink'])) { $link = $GLOBALS['userlink']; } else { return FALSE; } } return mysql_affected_rows($link); }
function PMA_DBI_get_fields_meta($result) { $fields = array(); $num_fields = mysql_num_fields($result); for ($i = 0; $i < $num_fields; $i++) { $fields[] = PMA_convert_display_charset(mysql_fetch_field($result, $i)); } return $fields; }
function PMA_DBI_num_fields($result) { return mysql_num_fields($result); }
function PMA_DBI_field_len($result, $i) { return mysql_field_len($result, $i); }
function PMA_DBI_field_name($result, $i) { return mysql_field_name($result, $i); }
function PMA_DBI_field_flags($result, $i) { return PMA_convert_display_charset(mysql_field_flags($result, $i)); }