Viewing file: pma_pchart_chart.php (11.02 KB) -rw-r--r-- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
<?php /* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */ /** * Holds the base class that all charts using pChart inherit from and some * widely used constants * @package phpMyAdmin */
/** * */ define('TOP', 0); define('RIGHT', 1); define('BOTTOM', 2); define('LEFT', 3);
require_once 'pma_chart.php';
require_once 'pChart/pData.class'; require_once 'pChart/pChart.class';
/** * Base class for every chart implemented using pChart. * @abstract * @package phpMyAdmin */ abstract class PMA_pChart_chart extends PMA_chart { /** * @var String title text */ protected $titleText;
/** * @var array data for the chart */ protected $data;
/** * @var object pData object that holds the description of the data */ protected $dataSet;
/** * @var object pChart object that holds the chart */ protected $chart;
/** * @var array holds base64 encoded chart image parts */ protected $partsEncoded = array();
public function __construct($data, $options = null) { parent::__construct($options);
$this->data = $data;
$this->settings['fontPath'] = './libraries/chart/pChart/fonts/';
$this->settings['scale'] = SCALE_ADDALLSTART0;
$this->settings['labelHeight'] = 20;
$this->settings['fontSize'] = 8;
$this->settings['continuous'] = 'off';
// as in CSS (top, right, bottom, left) $this->setAreaMargins(array(20, 20, 40, 60)); // Get color settings from theme $this->settings = array_merge($this->settings,$GLOBALS['cfg']['chartColor']); }
protected function init() { parent::init();
// create pChart object $this->chart = new pChart($this->getWidth(), $this->getHeight());
// create pData object $this->dataSet = new pData;
$this->chart->reportWarnings('GD'); $this->chart->ErrorFontName = $this->getFontPath().'DejaVuSans.ttf';
// initialize colors foreach ($this->getColors() as $key => $color) { $this->chart->setColorPalette( $key, hexdec(substr($color, 1, 2)), hexdec(substr($color, 3, 2)), hexdec(substr($color, 5, 2)) ); }
$this->chart->setFontProperties($this->getFontPath().'DejaVuSans.ttf', $this->getFontSize());
$this->chart->setImageMap(true, 'mapid'); }
/** * data is put to the $dataSet object according to what type chart is * @abstract */ abstract protected function prepareDataSet();
/** * all components of the chart are drawn */ protected function prepareChart() { $this->drawBackground(); $this->drawChart(); }
/** * draws the background */ protected function drawBackground() { $this->drawCommon(); $this->drawTitle(); $this->setGraphAreaDimensions(); $this->drawGraphArea(); }
/** * draws the part of the background which is common to most of the charts */ protected function drawCommon() { $this->chart->drawGraphAreaGradient( $this->getBgColor(RED), $this->getBgColor(GREEN), $this->getBgColor(BLUE), // With a gradientIntensity of 0 the background does't draw, oddly ($this->settings['gradientIntensity']==0)?1:$this->settings['gradientIntensity'],TARGET_BACKGROUND); if(is_string($this->settings['border'])) $this->chart->addBorder(1,$this->getBorderColor(RED),$this->getBorderColor(GREEN),$this->getBorderColor(BLUE)); }
/** * draws the chart title */ protected function drawTitle() { // Draw the title $this->chart->drawTextBox( 0, 0, $this->getWidth(), $this->getLabelHeight(), $this->getTitleText(), 0, $this->getTitleColor(RED), $this->getTitleColor(GREEN), $this->getTitleColor(BLUE), ALIGN_CENTER, false, $this->getTitleBgColor(RED), $this->getTitleBgColor(GREEN), $this->getTitleBgColor(BLUE) ); }
/** * calculates and sets the dimensions that will be used for the actual graph */ protected function setGraphAreaDimensions() { $this->chart->setGraphArea( $this->getAreaMargin(LEFT), $this->getLabelHeight() + $this->getAreaMargin(TOP), $this->getWidth() - $this->getAreaMargin(RIGHT), $this->getHeight() - $this->getAreaMargin(BOTTOM) ); }
/** * draws graph area (the area where all bars, lines, points will be seen) */ protected function drawGraphArea() { $this->chart->drawGraphArea( $this->getGraphAreaColor(RED), $this->getGraphAreaColor(GREEN), $this->getGraphAreaColor(BLUE), FALSE ); $this->chart->drawScale( $this->dataSet->GetData(), $this->dataSet->GetDataDescription(), $this->getScale(), $this->getScaleColor(RED), $this->getScaleColor(GREEN), $this->getScaleColor(BLUE), TRUE,0,2,TRUE ); if($this->settings['gradientIntensity']>0) $this->chart->drawGraphAreaGradient( $this->getGraphAreaGradientColor(RED), $this->getGraphAreaGradientColor(GREEN), $this->getGraphAreaGradientColor(BLUE), $this->settings['gradientIntensity'] ); else $this->chart->drawGraphArea( $this->getGraphAreaGradientColor(RED), $this->getGraphAreaGradientColor(GREEN), $this->getGraphAreaGradientColor(BLUE) ); $this->chart->drawGrid( 4, TRUE, $this->getGridColor(RED), $this->getGridColor(GREEN), $this->getGridColor(BLUE), 20 ); }
/** * draws the chart * @abstract */ protected abstract function drawChart();
/** * Renders the chart, base 64 encodes the output and puts it into * array partsEncoded. * * Parameter can be used to slice the chart vertically into parts. This * solves an issue where some browsers (IE8) accept base64 images only up * to some length. * * @param integer $parts number of parts to render. * Default value 1 means that all the * chart will be in one piece. */ protected function render($parts = 1) { $fullWidth = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $parts; $i++) {
// slicing is vertical so part height is the full height $partHeight = $this->chart->YSize;
// there will be some rounding erros, will compensate later $partWidth = round($this->chart->XSize / $parts); $fullWidth += $partWidth; $partX = $partWidth * $i;
if ($i == $parts - 1) { // if this is the last part, compensate for the rounding errors $partWidth += $this->chart->XSize - $fullWidth; }
// get a part from the full chart image $part = imagecreatetruecolor($partWidth, $partHeight); imagecopy($part, $this->chart->Picture, 0, 0, $partX, 0, $partWidth, $partHeight);
// render part and save it to variable ob_start(); imagepng($part, NULL, 9, PNG_ALL_FILTERS); $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean();
// base64 encode the current part $partEncoded = base64_encode($output); $this->partsEncoded[$i] = $partEncoded; } }
/** * get the HTML and JS code for the configured chart * @return string HTML and JS code for the chart */ public function toString() { if (!function_exists('gd_info')) { array_push($this->errors, ERR_NO_GD); return ''; }
$this->init(); $this->prepareDataSet(); $this->prepareChart();
//$this->chart->debugImageMap(); //$this->chart->printErrors('GD');
// check if a user wanted a chart in one part if ($this->isContinuous()) { $this->render(1); } else { $this->render(20); }
$returnData = '<div id="chart">'; foreach ($this->partsEncoded as $part) { $returnData .= '<img src="data:image/png;base64,'.$part.'" />'; } $returnData .= '</div>';
// add tooltips only if json is available if (function_exists('json_encode')) { $returnData .= ' <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ imageMap.loadImageMap(\''.json_encode($this->getImageMap()).'\'); //]]> </script> '; } else { array_push($this->errors, ERR_NO_JSON); }
return $returnData; }
protected function getLabelHeight() { return $this->settings['labelHeight']; }
protected function setAreaMargins($areaMargins) { $this->settings['areaMargins'] = $areaMargins; }
protected function getAreaMargin($side) { return $this->settings['areaMargins'][$side]; }
protected function getFontPath() { return $this->settings['fontPath']; }
protected function getScale() { return $this->settings['scale']; }
protected function getFontSize() { return $this->settings['fontSize']; }
protected function isContinuous() { return $this->settings['continuous'] == 'on'; }
protected function getImageMap() { return $this->chart->getImageMap(); }
protected function getGraphAreaColor($component) { return $this->hexStrToDecComp($this->settings['graphAreaColor'], $component); }
protected function getGraphAreaGradientColor($component) { return $this->hexStrToDecComp($this->settings['graphAreaGradientColor'], $component); }
protected function getGridColor($component) { return $this->hexStrToDecComp($this->settings['gridColor'], $component); }
protected function getScaleColor($component) { return $this->hexStrToDecComp($this->settings['scaleColor'], $component); }
protected function getTitleBgColor($component) { return $this->hexStrToDecComp($this->settings['titleBgColor'], $component); } protected function getBorderColor($component) { return $this->hexStrToDecComp($this->settings['border'], $component); } }