Software: Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS). PHP/5.1.6 uname -a: Linux 2.6.18-194.el5PAE #1 SMP Fri Apr 2 15:37:44 uid=48(apache) gid=48(apache) groups=48(apache) Safe-mode: OFF (not secure) /var/www/html/mis/libraries/fcbkcomplete/ drwxr-xr-x |
Viewing file: fcbkcomplete.js (11.49 KB) -rwxr-xr-x Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | /* FCBKcomplete 1.09 - Jquery version required: 1.2.x, 1.3.x Changelog: - 1.09 IE crash fixed - 1.08 some minor bug fixed - 1.07 case sensetive added applied filter to non ajax items filter algorithm changed cache for ajax request added up/down with auto scrolling minor code fixes - 1.06 auto heigth fix event bind on main element for better user frendly experience filter for items up/down keys supported from now - 1.05 bindEvents function fixed thanks to idgnarn - 1.04 IE7 <em> tag replace fixed - 1.03 IE7 & IE6 crash fixed IE7 css fixed - 1.02 json parsing fixed remove element fixed - 1.01 some bugs fixed - 1.0 migration from prototype */ /* Coded by: emposha <> */ /* Copyright: <> - Distributed under MIT - Keep this message! */ /* * elem - input element id or object * list - preadded elements * complete - autocomplete div id or object * ajax - object with two parametrs a) url to fetch json object b) use cache * height - maximum number of element shown before scroll will apear * filter - object with two parametrs a)case sensitive b) show/hide filtered items * newel - show typed text like a element */ jQuery.facebooklist = function(elem, list, complete, ajax, height, filter, newel){ var addHiddenInput = function(value){ var input = document.createElement('input'); $(input).attr({ 'type': 'hidden', 'name': (elem.attr('id') + '[]'), 'id': (elem.attr('id') + '[]'), 'value': value }); return input; } var getChar = function(e){ if (window.event) { keynum = e.keyCode; } else if (e.which) { keynum = e.which; } if (keynum == 8) return ''; return String.fromCharCode(keynum); } var addItem = function(item, preadded){ var title = item.text(); var value = (item.attr('rel') && item.attr('rel') != -1 ? item.attr('rel') : title); var li = document.createElement('li'); var txt = document.createTextNode(title); var aclose = document.createElement('a'); var input = addHiddenInput(value); $(li).attr({ 'class': 'bit-box' }); $(li).prepend(txt); $(aclose).attr({ 'class': 'closebutton', 'href': '#' }); li.appendChild(aclose); li.appendChild(input); holder.appendChild(li); $(aclose).click(function(){ $(this).parent('li').fadeOut('fast', function(){ $(this).remove(); }); return false; }); if (!preadded) { holder.removeChild(document.getElementById('annoninput')); addInput(); } feed.hide(); } var defaultFilter = function(input){ if (filter.userfilter) { var flag; feed.children('li:not([fckb])').removeClass('hidden'); $.each(feed.children('li:not([fckb])'), function(i, val){ var item = $(val); if (filter.casesensetive) { flag = item.text().indexOf(input); item.html(item.text().replace(input, '<em>' + input + '</em>')); } else { flag = item.text().toLowerCase().indexOf(input.toLowerCase()); item.html(item.text().replace(input, '<em>' + input + '</em>')); } if (flag == -1) { item.addClass('hidden'); } else { counter++; } }); } else { counter += feed.children('li:not([fckb])').length; } if (counter > height) { feed.css({ 'height': (height * 24) + 'px', 'overflow': 'auto' }); } else { feed.css('height', 'auto'); } } var feedFilter = function(item, caption, input){ if (filter.userfilter) { if (filter.casesensetive) { if (caption.indexOf(input) != -1) { item.html(caption.replace(input, '<em>' + input + '</em>')); return true; } } else { if (caption.toLowerCase().indexOf(input) != -1) { item.html(caption.replace(input, '<em>' + input + '</em>')); return true; } } } else { item.html(caption.replace(input, '<em>' + input + '</em>')); return true; } } var addItemFeed = function(data, input){ feed.children('li[fckb=2]').remove(); $.each(data, function(i, val){ if (val.caption) { var li = document.createElement('li'); $(li).attr({ 'rel': val.value, 'fckb': '2' }); if (feedFilter($(li), val.caption, input)) { feed.append(li); counter++; } } }); defaultFilter(input); } var addTextItemFeed = function(value){ if (newel) { feed.children('li[fckb=1]').remove(); var li = document.createElement('li'); $(li).attr({ 'rel': value, 'fckb': '1' }); $(li).html(value); feed.prepend(li); counter++; } } var removeFeedEvent = function () { feed.children('li').unbind('mouseover'); feed.children('li').unbind('mouseout'); feed.mousemove(function () { bindFeedEvent(); feed.unbind('mousemove'); }) } var bindFeedEvent = function () { feed.children('li').mouseover(function(){ feed.children('li').removeClass("auto-focus"); $(this).addClass("auto-focus"); nowFocusOn = $(this); }); feed.children('li').mouseout( function(){ $(this).removeClass("auto-focus"); nowFocusOn = null; }); } var bindEvents = function(){ var maininput = $('.maininput'); bindFeedEvent(); feed.children('li').unbind('click'); feed.children('li').click(function(){ addItem($(this)); complete.hide(); }); maininput.unbind('keydown'); maininput.keydown(function(event){ //alert(maininput.val().length); //if(maininput.val().length > 2){ if (event.keyCode == 13 && nowFocusOn != null) { addItem($(nowFocusOn)); complete.hide(); event.preventDefault(); } if (event.keyCode == 40) { removeFeedEvent(); if (typeof(nowFocusOn) == 'undefined' || nowFocusOn.length == 0) { nowFocusOn = $(feed.children('li:visible:first')); feed.get(0).scrollTop = 0; } else { nowFocusOn.removeClass("auto-focus"); nowFocusOn = nowFocusOn.nextAll('li:visible:first'); var prev = parseInt(nowFocusOn.prevAll('li:visible').length,10); var next = parseInt(nowFocusOn.nextAll('li:visible').length,10); if ((prev > Math.round(height /2) || next <= Math.round(height /2)) && typeof(nowFocusOn.get(0)) != 'undefined') { feed.get(0).scrollTop = parseInt(nowFocusOn.get(0).scrollHeight,10) * (prev - Math.round(height /2)); } } feed.children('li').removeClass("auto-focus"); nowFocusOn.addClass("auto-focus"); } if (event.keyCode == 38) { removeFeedEvent(); if (typeof(nowFocusOn) == 'undefined' || nowFocusOn.length == 0) { nowFocusOn = $(feed.children('li:visible:last')); feed.get(0).scrollTop = parseInt(nowFocusOn.get(0).scrollHeight,10) * (parseInt(feed.children('li:visible').length,10) - Math.round(height /2)); } else { nowFocusOn.removeClass("auto-focus"); nowFocusOn = nowFocusOn.prevAll('li:visible:first'); var prev = parseInt(nowFocusOn.prevAll('li:visible').length,10); var next = parseInt(nowFocusOn.nextAll('li:visible').length,10); if ((next > Math.round(height /2) || prev <= Math.round(height /2)) && typeof(nowFocusOn.get(0)) != 'undefined') { feed.get(0).scrollTop = parseInt(nowFocusOn.get(0).scrollHeight,10) * (prev - Math.round(height /2)); } } feed.children('li').removeClass("auto-focus"); nowFocusOn.addClass("auto-focus"); // } } }); } var addInput = function(){ var li = document.createElement('li'); var input = document.createElement('input'); $(li).attr({ 'class': 'bit-input', 'id': 'annoninput' }); $(input).attr({ 'type': 'text', 'class': 'maininput' }); li.appendChild(input); holder.appendChild(li); $(input).focus(function(){ complete.fadeIn('fast'); }); $(holder).click(function(){ $(input).focus(); if (feed.length && $(input).val().length) {; } else { feed.children('li[fckb=2]').remove(); feed.children('li').addClass('hidden'); feed.css('height','0px'); $('.default').show(); } }); $(input).keyup(function(event){ if (event.keyCode != 40 && event.keyCode != 38) { counter = 0; var etext = $(input).val(); addTextItemFeed(etext); if (ajax.url) { if (ajax.cache && cache.length > 0) { addItemFeed(cache, etext); bindEvents(); } else { $.getJSON(ajax.url + '?tag=' + etext, null, function(data){ addItemFeed(data, etext); cache = data; bindEvents(); }); } } else { bindEvents(); } $('.default').hide();; } }); } if (typeof(elem) != 'object') { elem = $(elem); } if (typeof(list) != 'object') { list = $(list); } if (typeof(complete) != 'object') { complete = $(complete); } var feed = $('#feed'); var cache = {}; var counter = 0; var nowFocusOn; var holder = document.createElement('ul'); elem.css('display', 'none'); $(holder).attr('class', 'holder'); if (list && list.children('li').length) { $.each(list.children('li'), function(i, val){ addItem($(list.children('li')[i]), 1); }); } addInput(); elem.before(holder); $(document).click(function (event) { if ($('class') != 'holder' && $('class') != 'maininput') { $('.default').hide(); $(feed).hide(); } }); } |
:: Command execute :: | |
:: Shadow's tricks :D :: | |
Useful Commands
:: Preddy's tricks :D :: | |
Php Safe-Mode Bypass (Read Files)
--[ c999shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #16 Modded by Shadow & Preddy | RootShell Security Group | r57 c99 shell | Generation time: 0.0118 ]-- |