Viewing file: v_rptRis109PDF.php (7.41 KB) -rwxr-xr-x Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
class PDF extends FPDF
//Page header
function Header(){
//AngsanaNew bold 15
//Move to the right
//Draw line
//Page footer
function Footer(){
//Position at 3.0 cm from bottom
//Arial italic 8
//Page number
$this->Cell(0,0,'หน้า '.$this->PageNo().'/{nb}',0,0,'R');
$this->Cell(0,0,'วันที่พิมพ์ : '.date("d/m/y H:i"),0,0,'L');
//Create new pdf file
$pdf=new PDF('L');
$pdf->cfgClgLogo = $this->config->item('rg_upload_picture').$cfgClgLogo;
$pdf->cfgClgName = iconv('UTF-8','TIS-620',$cfgClgName);
$pdf->cfgSiteName = iconv('UTF-8','TIS-620',$cfgSiteName);
//Set thai font
//Open file
//Disable automatic page break
//Add first page
//Set initial y axis position per page
$y_axis_initial = 50;
//Set initial x position of table
$x_axis_initial = 10;
//Set Row Height
$row_height = 6;
if($qu_co->num_rows()) {
$row = $qu_co->row();
$timeTable = iconv('UTF-8','TIS-620',$row->dyName);
$prd->prdId = $row->ttPrdFrTime;
list($hh, $mm, $ii) = preg_split('[:]', $prd->prdFrTime);
$timeTable .= ' '.iconv('UTF-8','TIS-620',$hh).'.'.iconv('UTF-8','TIS-620',$mm);
$prd->prdId = $row->ttPrdToTime;
list($hh, $mm, $ii) = preg_split('[:]', $prd->prdToTime);
$timeTable .= '-'.iconv('UTF-8','TIS-620',$hh).'.'.iconv('UTF-8','TIS-620',$mm).' น.';
if(!(isset($prd->prdFrTime) && isset($prd->prdFrTime))) {
$timeTable = ".-. น.";
$midDate = $finalDate = '-';
$esCon = array('esCoId' => $row->coId, 'esExamType' => 'M');
$qu_es = $es->qryEs($esCon);
$row_es = $qu_es->first_row();
$midDate = fullDate2($row_es->esDate);
$esCon = array('esCoId' => $row->coId, 'esExamType' => 'F');
$qu_es = $es->qryEs($esCon);
$row_es = $qu_es->first_row();
$finalDate = fullDate2($row_es->esDate);
} else $timeTable = $midDate = $finalDate = '-';
$pdf->Cell(0,0,'รหัสวิชา '.iconv('UTF-8','TIS-620',$row->crsCode).' รายวิชา '.iconv('UTF-8','TIS-620',$row->crsName).' หน่วยกิต '.$row->crsUnit,0,0,'C');
$pdf->Cell(0,0,'ภาคการศึกษาที่ '.$tmId.' ปีการศึกษา '.$acY,0,0,'C');
$pdf->Cell(0,0,'วันเวลาที่เรียน '.$timeTable.' วันที่สอบกลางภาค '.iconv('UTF-8','TIS-620',$midDate).' วันที่สอบปลายภาค '.iconv('UTF-8','TIS-620',$finalDate),0,0,'C');
//print column titles for the actual page
$y_axis = $y_axis_initial + $row_height;
$y_axis = $y_axis + $row_height;
//initialize counter
$i = 0;
$r = 1;
//Set maximum rows per page
$max = 20;
$i = 0;
foreach($rs_rd->result() as $row_rd){
if($i == $max) {
$i = 0;
$pdf->Cell(0,0,'รหัสวิชา '.iconv('UTF-8','TIS-620',$row->crsCode).' รายวิชา '.iconv('UTF-8','TIS-620',$row->crsName).' หน่วยกิต '.$row->crsUnit,0,0,'C');
$pdf->Cell(0,0,'ภาคการศึกษาที่ '.$tmId.' ปีการศึกษา '.$acY,0,0,'C');
$pdf->Cell(0,0,'วันเวลาที่เรียน '.$timeTable.' วันที่สอบกลางภาค '.$midDate.' วันที่สอบปลายภาค '.$finalDate,0,0,'C');
//print column titles for the actual page
$y_axis = $y_axis_initial + $row_height;
$y_axis = $y_axis + $row_height;
$pdf->Cell(68,6,iconv('UTF-8','TIS-620',$row_rd->prefixName.$row_rd->stdName.' '.$row_rd->stdSurname),1,0,'L');
//Go to next row
$y_axis = $y_axis + $row_height;
$i = $i + 1;
$r = $r + 1;
} //End foreach
//Create file