Viewing file: sa_rodo_model.php (3.19 KB) -rwxr-xr-x Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
class Sa_rodo_model extends Da_sa_rodo {
/* * aOrderBy = array('fieldname' => 'ASC|DESC', ... ) */ function get_all($aOrderBy=""){ $orderBy = ""; if ( is_array($aOrderBy) ) { $orderBy.= "ORDER BY "; foreach ($aOrderBy as $key => $value) { $orderBy.= "$key $value, "; } $orderBy = substr($orderBy, 0, strlen($orderBy)-2); } $sql = "SELECT * FROM sa_rodo $orderBy"; $query = $this->db->query($sql); return $query; } /* * create array of pk field and value for generate select list in view, must edit PK_FIELD and FIELD_NAME manually * the first line of select list is '-----เลือก-----' by default. * if you do not need the first list of select list is '-----เลือก-----', please pass $optional parameter to other values. * you can delete this function if it not necessary. */ function get_options($optional='y') { $qry = $this->get_all(); if ($optional=='y') $opt[''] = '-----เลือก-----'; foreach ($qry->result() as $row) { $opt[$row->PK_FIELD] = $row->FIELD_NAME; } return $opt; } // add your functions here
function get_by_key_2($withSetAttributeValue=FALSE) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM $this->sa_dbname.sa_rodo INNER JOIN $this->rg_dbname.rg_Student ON rd_std_id = stdId WHERE rd_id = ?"; $query = $this->db->query($sql, array($this->rd_id)); if ( $withSetAttributeValue ) { $this->row2attribute( $query->row() ); } else { return $query ; } }
function get_by_cond($date, $stdCode='', $grade='', $hh_fr_time='', $hh_to_time='', $place='') { $cond = ''; if ($stdCode) { $cond .= " OR stdCode LIKE '%$stdCode%'"; } if ($grade) { $cond .= " OR rd_grade = '$grade'"; } if ($hh_fr_time) { $cond .= " OR rd_fr_time LIKE '%$hh_fr_time%'"; } if ($hh_to_time) { $cond .= " OR rd_to_time LIKE '%$hh_to_time%'"; } if ($place) { $cond .= " OR rd_place LIKE '%$place%'"; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM $this->sa_dbname.sa_rodo INNER JOIN $this->rg_dbname.rg_Student ON rd_std_id = stdId INNER JOIN $this->ppc_dbname.Prefix ON stdPfId = prefixId WHERE rd_date = ? ".$cond; $query = $this->db->query($sql, array($date)); return $query; }
//pook function get_by_std($std){ $sql = "SELECT * FROM $this->sa_dbname.sa_rodo INNER JOIN $this->rg_dbname.rg_Student ON rd_std_id = stdId INNER JOIN $this->ppc_dbname.Prefix ON stdPfId = prefixId WHERE stdCode LIKE ? OR stdName LIKE ? OR stdSurname LIKE ?"; $query = $this->db->query($sql, array('%'.$std.'%','%'.$std.'%','%'.$std.'%')); return $query; }
function get_by_all() { $sql = "SELECT * FROM $this->sa_dbname.sa_rodo WHERE rd_std_id = ? AND rd_grade = ? AND rd_date = ? AND rd_fr_time = ? AND rd_to_time = ? AND rd_place = ?"; $query = $this->db->query($sql, array($this->rd_std_id, $this->rd_grade, $this->rd_date, $this->rd_fr_time, $this->rd_to_time, $this->rd_place)); return $query; } function checkUni($sid,$date){ $sql = "SELECT * FROM $this->sa_dbname.sa_rodo WHERE rd_std_id = '$sid' AND rd_date = '$date'"; $query = $this->db->query($sql); return $query; } } // end class M_sa_rodo ?>