!c99Shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #16!

Software: Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS). PHP/5.1.6 

uname -a: Linux mx-ll-110-164-51-230.static.3bb.co.th 2.6.18-194.el5PAE #1 SMP Fri Apr 2 15:37:44
EDT 2010 i686

uid=48(apache) gid=48(apache) groups=48(apache) 

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/var/www/html/manage_22222/jpgraph/docs/ref/   drwxr-xr-x
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Viewing file:     class_toc.html (86.16 KB)      -rw-r--r--
Select action/file-type:
(+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |

1. AccBarPlot
    1.1 AccBarPlot
    1.2 Max
    1.3 Min
2. AccLinePlot
    2.1 AccLinePlot
    2.2 Max
    2.3 Min
3. AntiSpam
    3.1 AntiSpam
    3.2 Rand
    3.3 Set
    3.4 Stroke
4. Axis
    4.1 Hide
    4.2 HideFirstLastLabel
    4.3 HideFirstTickLabel
    4.4 HideLabels
    4.5 HideLastTickLabel
    4.6 HideLine
    4.7 HideTicks
    4.8 HideZeroLabel
    4.9 SetColor
    4.10 SetFont
    4.11 SetLabelAlign
    4.12 SetLabelAngle
    4.13 SetLabelFormat
    4.14 SetLabelFormatCallback
    4.15 SetLabelFormatString
    4.16 SetLabelMargin
    4.17 SetLabelPos
    4.18 SetLabelSide
    4.19 SetPos
    4.20 SetPosAbsDelta
    4.21 SetTextLabelInterval
    4.22 SetTextTickInterval
    4.23 SetTextTicks
    4.24 SetTickDirection
    4.25 SetTickLabelMargin
    4.26 SetTickLabels
    4.27 SetTickSide
    4.28 SetTitle
    4.29 SetTitleMargin
    4.30 SetTitleSide
    4.31 SetWeight
5. BarPlot
    5.1 BarPlot
    5.2 SetAbsWidth
    5.3 SetAlign
    5.4 SetFillColor
    5.5 SetFillGradient
    5.6 SetNoFill
    5.7 SetPattern
    5.8 SetShadow
    5.9 SetValuePos
    5.10 SetWidth
    5.11 SetYBase
    5.12 SetYMin
    5.13 _SetPatternHelper
6. BoxPlot
    6.1 BoxPlot
    6.2 SetMedianColor
7. CanvasGraph
    7.1 CanvasGraph
    7.2 InitFrame
    7.3 Stroke
8. CanvasRectangleText
    8.1 CanvasRectangleText
    8.2 ParagraphAlign
    8.3 Pos
    8.4 Set
    8.5 SetAutoMargin
    8.6 SetColor
    8.7 SetCornerRadius
    8.8 SetFillColor
    8.9 SetFont
    8.10 SetFontColor
    8.11 SetPos
    8.12 SetShadow
    8.13 SetTxt
    8.14 Stroke
9. CanvasScale
    9.1 CanvasScale
    9.2 Set
    9.3 Translate
    9.4 TranslateX
    9.5 TranslateY
10. DateLocale
    10.1 DateLocale
    10.2 GetDayAbb
    10.3 GetLongMonthName
    10.4 GetMonth
    10.5 GetShortDay
    10.6 GetShortMonth
    10.7 GetShortMonthName
    10.8 Set
11. DateScale
    11.1 SetDateAlign
    11.2 SetDateFormat
    11.3 SetTimeAlign
12. DisplayValue
    12.1 HideZero
    12.2 SetAlign
    12.3 SetAngle
    12.4 SetColor
    12.5 SetFont
    12.6 SetFormat
    12.7 SetFormatCallback
    12.8 SetMargin
    12.9 Show
13. ErrorLinePlot
    13.1 ErrorLinePlot
14. ErrorPlot
    14.1 ErrorPlot
15. FieldArrow
    15.1 SetColor
    15.2 SetSize
16. FieldPlot
    16.1 FieldPlot
    16.2 SetCallback
17. Footer
18. FuncGenerator
    18.1 E
    18.2 FuncGenerator
19. GanttActivityInfo
    19.1 Hide
    19.2 SetBackgroundColor
    19.3 SetColor
    19.4 SetColTitles
    19.5 SetColumnMargin
    19.6 SetFont
    19.7 SetFontColor
    19.8 SetHeaderAlign
    19.9 SetStyle
    19.10 Show
20. GanttBar
    20.1 GanttBar
    20.2 SetColor
    20.3 SetFillColor
    20.4 SetHeight
    20.5 SetPattern
    20.6 SetShadow
21. GanttGraph
    21.1 Add
    21.2 CreateSimple
    21.3 GanttGraph
    21.4 SetDateRange
    21.5 SetLabelVMarginFactor
    21.6 SetSimpleFont
    21.7 SetSimpleStyle
    21.8 SetVMarginFactor
    21.9 ShowHeaders
    21.10 Stroke
22. GanttPlotObject
    22.1 SetCaptionMargin
    22.2 SetConstrain
    22.3 SetCSIMAlt
    22.4 SetCSIMTarget
    22.5 SetLabelLeftMargin
23. GanttScale
    23.1 SetDateLocale
    23.2 SetRange
    23.3 SetTableTitleBackground
    23.4 SetVertLayout
    23.5 SetWeekStart
    23.6 UseWeekendBackground
24. GanttVLine
    24.1 GanttVLine
    24.2 SetDayOffset
    24.3 SetTitleMargin
25. Graph
    25.1 Add
    25.2 AddBand
    25.3 AddLine
    25.4 AddText
    25.5 AddY
    25.6 AddY2
    25.7 AdjBackgroundImage
    25.8 AdjImage
    25.9 CheckCSIMCache
    25.10 GetHTMLImageMap
    25.11 Graph
    25.12 Set3DPerspective
    25.13 Set90AndMargin
    25.14 SetAlphaBlending
    25.15 SetAngle
    25.16 SetAxisStyle
    25.17 SetBackgroundCFlag
    25.18 SetBackgroundCountryFlag
    25.19 SetBackgroundGradient
    25.20 SetBackgroundImage
    25.21 SetBackgroundImageMix
    25.22 SetBox
    25.23 SetClipping
    25.24 SetColor
    25.25 SetFrame
    25.26 SetFrameBevel
    25.27 SetGridDepth
    25.28 SetIconDepth
    25.29 SetMargin
    25.30 SetMarginColor
    25.31 SetScale
    25.32 SetShadow
    25.33 SetTickDensity
    25.34 SetTitleBackground
    25.35 SetTitleBackgroundFillStyle
    25.36 SetY2OrderBack
    25.37 SetY2Scale
    25.38 SetYDeltaDist
    25.39 SetYScale
    25.40 Stroke
    25.41 StrokeCSIM
    25.42 StrokeFrameBackground
26. GraphTabTitle
    26.1 Set
    26.2 SetColor
    26.3 SetCorner
    26.4 SetFillColor
    26.5 SetPos
    26.6 SetTabAlign
    26.7 SetWidth
27. Grid
    27.1 SetColor
    27.2 SetFill
    27.3 SetLineStyle
    27.4 SetWeight
    27.5 Show
28. GroupBarPlot
    28.1 GroupBarPlot
29. HeaderProperty
    29.1 SetBackgroundColor
    29.2 SetFont
    29.3 SetFontColor
    29.4 SetFormatString
    29.5 SetFrameColor
    29.6 SetFrameWeight
    29.7 SetIntervall
    29.8 SetLabelFormatString
    29.9 SetStyle
    29.10 SetSundayFontColor
    29.11 SetTitleVertMargin
    29.12 SetWeekendColor
30. HorizontalGridLine
    30.1 SetRowFillColor
    30.2 SetStart
    30.3 Show
31. IconImage
    31.1 IconImage
    31.2 SetAlign
32. IconPlot
    32.1 IconPlot
    32.2 SetAnchor
    32.3 SetCountryFlag
    32.4 SetMix
    32.5 SetPos
    32.6 SetScale
33. Image
    33.1 RoundedRectangle
    33.2 SetAlphaBlending
    33.3 SetAntiAliasing
    33.4 SetCanvasColor
    33.5 SetExpired
    33.6 SetImgFormat
    33.7 SetMargin
    33.8 SetQuality
    33.9 SetTransparent
34. Legend
    34.1 Hide
    34.2 Pos
    34.3 SetAbsPos
    34.4 SetColor
    34.5 SetColumns
    34.6 SetFillColor
    34.7 SetFont
    34.8 SetFrameWeight
    34.9 SetHColMargin
    34.10 SetLayout
    34.11 SetLeftMargin
    34.12 SetLineSpacing
    34.13 SetLineWeight
    34.14 SetMarkAbsSize
    34.15 SetPos
    34.16 SetReverse
    34.17 SetShadow
    34.18 SetVColMargin
35. LinearScale
    35.1 SetAutoMax
    35.2 SetAutoMin
    35.3 SetAutoTicks
    35.4 SetGrace
36. LinearTicks
    36.1 GetMajor
    36.2 GetMinor
    36.3 Set
    36.4 SetTextLabelStart
37. LineErrorPlot
    37.1 LineErrorPlot
38. LinePlot
    38.1 AddArea
    38.2 LinePlot
    38.3 SetBarCenter
    38.4 SetColor
    38.5 SetFastStroke
    38.6 SetFillColor
    38.7 SetFillFromYMin
    38.8 SetFillGradient
    38.9 SetStepStyle
    38.10 SetStyle
39. LineProperty
    39.1 SetColor
    39.2 SetStyle
    39.3 SetWeight
    39.4 Show
40. LogScale
    40.1 GetMaxVal
    40.2 GetMinVal
41. LogTicks
    41.1 SetLabelLogType
42. MileStone
    42.1 MileStone
43. PieGraph
    43.1 Add
    43.2 PieGraph
    43.3 SetAntiAliasing
    43.4 SetColor
    43.5 Stroke
44. PiePlot
    44.1 Explode
    44.2 ExplodeAll
    44.3 ExplodeSlice
    44.4 PiePlot
    44.5 SetCenter
    44.6 SetColor
    44.7 SetCSIMTargets
    44.8 SetFont
    44.9 SetFontColor
    44.10 SetGuideLines
    44.11 SetGuideLinesAdjust
    44.12 SetLabelPos
    44.13 SetLabels
    44.14 SetLabelType
    44.15 SetLegends
    44.16 SetShadow
    44.17 SetSize
    44.18 SetSliceColors
    44.19 SetStartAngle
    44.20 SetTheme
    44.21 SetValueType
    44.22 ShowBorder
45. PiePlot3D
    45.1 PiePlot3d
    45.2 SetAngle
    45.3 SetCSIMTargets
    45.4 SetEdge
    45.5 SetHeight
    45.6 SetLabelMargin
    45.7 SetLabels
    45.8 SetLegends
    45.9 SetSliceColors
    45.10 SetStartAngle
46. PiePlotC
    46.1 PiePlotC
    46.2 SetMid
    46.3 SetMidColor
    46.4 SetMidCSIM
    46.5 SetMidSize
    46.6 SetMidTitle
47. Plot
    47.1 HideLegend
    47.2 SetCenter
    47.3 SetColor
    47.4 SetCSIMTargets
    47.5 SetLegend
    47.6 SetLineWeight
48. PlotBand
    48.1 PlotBand
    48.2 SetDensity
    48.3 SetOrder
    48.4 ShowFrame
49. PlotLine
    49.1 PlotLine
    49.2 SetColor
    49.3 SetDirection
    49.4 SetPosition
    49.5 SetWeight
50. PlotMark
    50.1 Hide
    50.2 SetCallback
    50.3 SetCallbackYX
    50.4 SetColor
    50.5 SetDefaultWidth
    50.6 SetFillColor
    50.7 SetSize
    50.8 SetType
    50.9 SetWeight
    50.10 SetWidth
    50.11 Show
51. PolarAxis
    51.1 HideTicks
    51.2 SetAngleFont
    51.3 SetAngleStep
    51.4 SetColor
    51.5 SetGridColor
    51.6 SetTickColors
    51.7 ShowAngleDegreeMark
    51.8 ShowAngleLabel
    51.9 ShowGrid
52. PolarGraph
    52.1 PolarGraph
    52.2 Set90AndMargin
    52.3 SetDensity
    52.4 SetPlotSize
    52.5 SetScale
    52.6 SetType
    52.7 Stroke
53. PolarPlot
    53.1 PolarPlot
    53.2 SetColor
    53.3 SetCSIMTargets
    53.4 SetFillColor
    53.5 SetLegend
    53.6 SetWeight
54. Progress
    54.1 Set
    54.2 SetFillColor
    54.3 SetPattern
55. RadarAxis
56. RadarGraph
    56.1 Add
    56.2 HideTickMarks
    56.3 RadarGraph
    56.4 SetCenter
    56.5 SetColor
    56.6 SetPlotSize
    56.7 SetPos
    56.8 SetScale
    56.9 SetSize
    56.10 SetTickDensity
    56.11 SetTitles
    56.12 ShowMinorTickmarks
    56.13 Stroke
    56.14 SupressTickMarks
57. RadarGrid
58. RadarLinearTicks
59. RadarLogTicks
60. RadarPlot
    60.1 RadarPlot
    60.2 SetColor
    60.3 SetFill
    60.4 SetFillColor
    60.5 SetLegend
    60.6 SetLineStyle
    60.7 SetLineWeight
61. RotImage
    61.1 SetAngle
    61.2 SetCenter
    61.3 SetMargin
    61.4 SetTranslation
62. ScatterPlot
    62.1 ScatterPlot
    62.2 SetImpuls
    62.3 SetLinkPoints
63. Shape
    63.1 Bezier
    63.2 Circle
    63.3 FilledCircle
    63.4 FilledPolygon
    63.5 FilledRectangle
    63.6 FilledRoundedRectangle
    63.7 IndentedRectangle
    63.8 Line
    63.9 Polygon
    63.10 Rectangle
    63.11 RoundedRectangle
    63.12 SetColor
    63.13 SetTextAlign
    63.14 ShadowRectangle
    63.15 Shape
    63.16 StrokeText
64. Spline
    64.1 Get
    64.2 Spline
65. StockPlot
    65.1 HideEndLines
    65.2 SetColor
    65.3 SetWidth
    65.4 StockPlot
66. SuperScriptText
    66.1 FromReal
    66.2 GetFontHeight
    66.3 GetTextHeight
    66.4 GetWidth
    66.5 Set
    66.6 SetSuperFont
    66.7 SuperScriptText
67. Text
    67.1 Align
    67.2 Center
    67.3 GetFontHeight
    67.4 GetTextHeight
    67.5 GetWidth
    67.6 Hide
    67.7 ParagraphAlign
    67.8 Pos
    67.9 Set
    67.10 SetAlign
    67.11 SetAngle
    67.12 SetBox
    67.13 SetColor
    67.14 SetCSIMTarget
    67.15 SetFont
    67.16 SetMargin
    67.17 SetOrientation
    67.18 SetParagraphAlign
    67.19 SetPos
    67.20 SetScalePos
    67.21 SetShadow
    67.22 SetWordWrap
    67.23 Show
    67.24 Text
68. TextProperty
    68.1 Align
    68.2 Set
    68.3 SetAlign
    68.4 SetColor
    68.5 SetFont
    68.6 Show
69. Ticks
    69.1 Set
    69.2 SetColor
    69.3 SetFormatCallback
    69.4 SetLabelFormat
    69.5 SetSide
    69.6 SetSize
    69.7 SetWeight
    69.8 SupressFirst
    69.9 SupressLast
    69.10 SupressMinorTickMarks
    69.11 SupressTickMarks
    69.12 SupressZeroLabel

:: Command execute ::


:: Shadow's tricks :D ::

Useful Commands
Warning. Kernel may be alerted using higher levels
Kernel Info:

:: Preddy's tricks :D ::

Php Safe-Mode Bypass (Read Files)


eg: /etc/passwd

Php Safe-Mode Bypass (List Directories):


eg: /etc/

:: Search ::
  - regexp 

:: Upload ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Make Dir ::
[ Read-Only ]
:: Make File ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Go Dir ::
:: Go File ::

--[ c999shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #16 Modded by Shadow & Preddy | RootShell Security Group | r57 c99 shell | Generation time: 0.0165 ]--