SetQuery("select sum(amount) as num from ProgramFee where studentId='$xKey' and acadYear='$yKey' and semester='$zKey'"); if ($result=$this->GetResult()) { return $result['num']; } } function RSProgramFeeByStIdAndAcYAndSe($xKey, $yKey, $zKey){ $this->SetQuery("select * from ProgramFee where studentId='$xKey' and acadYear='$yKey' and semester='$zKey'"); } function GetSumAmountByStIdAndAcYAndSeAndOutBudgetIsY($xKey, $yKey, $zKey){ $this->SetQuery("select sum(amount) as num from ProgramFee, Fee where studentId='$xKey' and acadYear='$yKey' and semester='$zKey' and ProgramFee.feeId=Fee.feeId and outBudget='Y'"); if ($result=$this->GetResult()) { return $result['num']; } } function GetSumAmountByStIdAndAcYAndSeAndOutBudgetIsN($xKey, $yKey, $zKey){ $this->SetQuery("select sum(amount) as num from ProgramFee, Fee where studentId='$xKey' and acadYear='$yKey' and semester='$zKey' and ProgramFee.feeId=Fee.feeId and outBudget='N'"); if ($result=$this->GetResult()) { return $result['num']; } } } //--End class ProgramFee-- ?>