Viewing file: mod_tplutils.php (22.35 KB) -rw-r--r-- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
function setnocache ( )
header("Expires: Mon, 15 May 1995 15:15:15 GMT");
header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
header("Cache-Control: private", false);
function CSS_Header ($path, $force = true)
if (!isset($GLOBALS["_EXTENDED_CSS"]) || $force !== false) {
$GLOBALS["_EXTENDED_CSS"] = array();
$GLOBALS["_EXTENDED_CSS"][] = trim($path);
} else {
$GLOBALS["_EXTENDED_CSS"][] = trim($path);
function JS_Header ($path, $force = true)
if (!isset($GLOBALS["_EXTENDED_JS"]) || $force !== false) {
$GLOBALS["_EXTENDED_JS"] = array();
$GLOBALS["_EXTENDED_JS"][] = trim($path);
} else {
$GLOBALS["_EXTENDED_JS"][] = trim($path);
function &bind_content ($pairs, &$content)
$patterns = array();
$replace = array();
$i = 0;
if ($pairs != NULL && $content != NULL) {
foreach ($pairs as $key => $value) {
$patterns[$i] = "/(\s*?){($key)}(\s*?)/";
$replace[$i++] = "\${1}$value\${3}";
$content = preg_replace($patterns, $replace, $content);
return $content;
function read_template ($path_name)
$text = "";
if (is_file($path_name))
$text = implode("", @file($path_name));
return $text;
function system_out ($fpath, $defaultval)
$retval = false;
if (($handle = fopen($fpath, "w"))) {
if (fwrite($handle, $defaultval) === FALSE) {
if ($handle)
} else {
$retval = true;
return $retval;
function showHeader ( )
/* - Do nothing - */
/* - Empty stuff for backward compatable. - */
function showFooter ( )
/* - Just flush buffer - */
function incsubmenuTpl ($submenu_content)
$submenu_content = "";
$leftside_content = getLeftTplContent();
$rightside_content = getRightTplContent_sm();
return buildSysLayout(read_template($GLOBALS["_TPL_PATH"] . "postlogin.tpl"), $leftside_content, $rightside_content);
function nonsubmenuTpl ($extended_content)
$leftside_content = getLeftTplContent();
$rightside_content = getRightTplContent($extended_content);
return buildSysLayout(read_template($GLOBALS["_TPL_PATH"] . "postlogin.tpl"), $leftside_content, $rightside_content);
function addinURLLink ($extended_content)
$leftside_content = getLeftAddinContent();
$rightside_content = getRightAddinContent($extended_content);
return buildSysLayout(read_template($GLOBALS["_TPL_PATH"] . "postlogin.tpl"), $leftside_content, $rightside_content);
function buildSysLayout (&$pagelayout, &$left_content, &$right_content)
bind_content(array("TITLE" => getTitlePage(),
"SYSLOGO" => getLogoImage(),
"LEFTSIDE" => $left_content,
"RIGHTSIDE" => $right_content), $pagelayout);
bind_content(array("INFOURL" => $GLOBALS["_INFO_URL"],
"EXTCSSFILES" => GetExtendedCSS(),
"EXTJSFILES" => GetExtendedJS(),
"SYSTEMICO" => $_SESSION["SysIcon"]), $pagelayout);
return $pagelayout;
function getLeftTplContent ( )
global $oU;
$left_content = read_template($GLOBALS["_TPL_PATH"] . "postlogmenublog.tpl");
// Update sysDate to current date + Reset sysDate0 to original format.
$_SESSION["sysDate"] = date("d/m/Y");
$_SESSION["sysDate0"] = $_SESSION["sysDSave"];
$extended_menu = "";
bind_content(array("USERLOGIN" => $_SESSION["oU"]->userLogin,
"USERINFO" => $_SESSION["oU"]->userName,
"USERDEPT" => $_SESSION["oU"]->deptName,
"MISNDATE" => GetSysDate(time()),
"EXTENDED_MENU" => $extended_menu), $left_content);
return $left_content . getLeftTplContent_rt();
function getLeftAddinContent ( )
global $oU;
$left_content = read_template($GLOBALS["_TPL_PATH"] . "postlogmenublog.tpl");
$mission_date = isset($_SESSION["sysDate"]) ? $_SESSION["sysDate"] : GetSysDate(time());
$system_id = 0;
$extended_menu = getLeftExtendedMenu();
bind_content(array("USERLOGIN" => $_SESSION["oU"]->userLogin,
"USERINFO" => $_SESSION["oU"]->userName,
"USERDEPT" => $oU->deptName,
"MISNDATE" => $mission_date,
"EXTENDED_MENU" => $extended_menu), $left_content);
return $left_content;
function getLeftExtendedMenu ( )
$oU = $_SESSION["oU"];
$extended_menu = "";
if ($oC->c && $oC->errmsg == "") {
$extblogmenu_content = read_template($GLOBALS["_TPL_PATH"] . "postlogmenublog_rt.tpl");
$extblogitem_content = read_template($GLOBALS["_TPL_PATH"] . "postlogmenublog_item_rt.tpl");
$sys_index = $GLOBALS["_ADDIN_BLOG"];
$item_content = "";
$query = "select umsystem.StID, umsystem.StNameT, ummenu.MnID, ummenu.MnURL, ummenu.MnNameT from $db.umsystem, $db.ummenu where ummenu.MnParentMnID = 0 and umsystem.StID = ummenu.MnStID and umsystem.StID = " . $sys_index;
$dbres = mysql_query($query, $oC->c);
$UsID = $oU->userID;
if (mysql_num_rows($dbres) && isset($GLOBALS["_ADDIN_DISABLED"]) && !$GLOBALS["_ADDIN_DISABLED"]) {
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($dbres)) {
if (isset($GLOBALS["_ADDIN_WGOWNER"][$row["MnID"]])) {
$sys_group = $MnID2GpID;
$tmpitem_cont = $extblogitem_content;
$item_link = htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS["_SUBSYS_URL"][$sys_index][$sys_group] . $row["MnURL"] . (preg_match("/\?/", $row["MnURL"]) ? "&mi=" : "?mi=") . $row["MnID"]);
$item_title = $row["MnNameT"];
$system_title = $row["StNameT"];
bind_content(array("ITEMLINK" => $item_link,
"ITEMTITLE" => $item_title), $tmpitem_cont);
$item_content .= $tmpitem_cont;
if ($item_content != "") {
bind_content(array("MENUTITLE" => trim($system_title),
"MENUITEM" => $item_content), $extblogmenu_content);
$extended_menu = $extblogmenu_content;
return $extended_menu;
function getRightTplContent (&$extended_content)
$right_content = read_template($GLOBALS["_TPL_PATH"] . "workspace02.tpl");
if ($extended_content == "") {
$extended_content = "<div align=\"center\">\n";
$extended_content .= "<br><span style=\"font-size: 16pt; font-weight: bold; color: orange;\">ไม่มีรายการเมนูย่อยหรือยังไม่ได้เปิดให้ใช้งานในตอนนี้</span>";
$extended_content .= "<br><span style=\"font-size: 16pt; font-weight: bold; color: orange;\">กรุณาติดต่อผู้ดูแลระบบของท่าน</span>";
$extended_content .= "</div>\n";
$GLOBALS["SYSTEM_TITLE"] = $_SESSION["SysName"] . " - " . $_SESSION["SysSGrp"];
bind_content(array("SYSTEMNAME" => $_SESSION["SysName"],
"EXTENDED" => $extended_content), $right_content);
return $right_content;
function getRightTplContent_sm ( )
global $oU;
$submenu_content = read_template($GLOBALS["_TPL_PATH"] . "workspace_submenu.tpl");
$mnulegend = "แจ้งเตือน";
$dynamic_submenu = "";
if ($oC->c && $oC->errmsg == "") {
$oMmn = new ummenu($oC);
if ($oMmn->GetRowSelected() > 0) {
$mnulegend = trim($oMmn->MnNameT);
if (isset($_GET["__ss"], $_GET["__gp"], $GLOBALS["_SYS1ST_URL"][$_GET["__ss"]][$_GET["__gp"]]))
$_SESSION["TopLgLink"] = $GLOBALS["_SYS1ST_URL"][$_GET["__ss"]][$_GET["__gp"]] . "?" . $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"];
$_SESSION["TopLgLink"] = "";
$_SESSION["TopLgName"] = $mnulegend;
getSubmenu($oC, $oU->MmnID, $oU->userID, $oU->GpID, 1, $dynamic_submenu);
if ($dynamic_submenu == "") {
$dynamic_submenu = "<div align=\"center\">\n";
$dynamic_submenu .= "<br><span style=\"font-size: 16pt; font-weight: bold; color: orange;\">ไม่มีรายการเมนูย่อยหรือยังไม่ได้เปิดให้ใช้งานในตอนนี้</span>";
$dynamic_submenu .= "<br><span style=\"font-size: 16pt; font-weight: bold; color: orange;\">กรุณาติดต่อผู้ดูแลระบบของท่าน</span>";
$dynamic_submenu .= "</div>\n";
$GLOBALS["SYSTEM_TITLE"] = $_SESSION["SysName"] . " - " . $mnulegend;
bind_content(array("MNULEGEND" => $mnulegend,"SUBMENU" => $dynamic_submenu), $submenu_content);
$right_content = read_template($GLOBALS["_TPL_PATH"] . "workspace03.tpl");
bind_content(array("SYSTEMNAME" => $_SESSION["SysName"],
"EXTENDED" => $submenu_content), $right_content);
return $right_content;
function getRightAddinContent (&$extended_content)
$right_content = read_template($GLOBALS["_TPL_PATH"] . "workspace02.tpl");
$_SESSION["SysIcon"] = "";
$_SESSION["SysName"] = "";
$_SESSION["SysSGrp"] = "";
if ($oC->c && $oC->errmsg == "") {
$query = "select umsystem.StNameT from $db.umsystem where umsystem.StID = " . $GLOBALS["_ADDIN_BLOG"];
$dbres = mysql_query($query, $oC->c);
if (mysql_num_rows($dbres) > 0) {
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($dbres);
$_SESSION["SysName"] = $row["StNameT"];
if (isset($_GET["mi"]) && isset($GLOBALS["_ADDIN_WGOWNER"][$_GET["mi"]])) {
$sys_group = $_GET["mi"];
$query = "select ummenu.MnNameT from $db.ummenu where ummenu.MnID = $sys_group";
$dbres = mysql_query($query, $oC->c);
if (mysql_num_rows($dbres) > 0) {
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($dbres);
$_SESSION["SysSGrp"] = trim($row["MnNameT"]);
} else {
header("Location: $full_url");
bind_content(array("SYSTEMNAME" => $_SESSION["SysName"],
"EXTENDED" => $extended_content), $right_content);
return $right_content;
function getLeftTplContent_rt ( )
global $oU;
$subsys = &$_SESSION["SubSys"];
if (isset($_GET["__ss"], $_GET["__ii"], $_GET["__gp"], $subsys[$_GET["__ii"]])) {
$test = $GLOBALS["_SUBSYS_URL"];
if ($_GET["__ss"] != "" && $_GET["__gp"] != "" && isset($test[$_GET["__ss"]], $test[$_GET["__ss"]][$_GET["__gp"]])) {
$row_index = $_GET["__ii"];
$sys_index = $_GET["__ss"];
$sys_group = $_GET["__gp"];
$_SESSION["SysInfo_ii"] = $_GET["__ii"];
$_SESSION["SysInfo_ss"] = $_GET["__ss"];
$_SESSION["SysInfo_gp"] = $_GET["__gp"];
$first_page = $_SESSION["first_page"][$sys_index];
$_SESSION["SysIcon"] = $GLOBALS["_SYSICO_BIGZ"][$sys_index];
if (preg_match("/(ผู้ดูแลระบบ)/", $subsys[$row_index]["gpnamet"])) {
$_SESSION["SysName"] = "ระบบบริหารระบบ";
$_SESSION["SysSGrp"] = "กลุ่มผู้ดูแลระบบ";
} else {
list($system_name, $system_sgrp) = split("-", $subsys[$row_index]["gpnamet"]);
$_SESSION["SysName"] = "ระบบ" . $system_name;
$_SESSION["SysSGrp"] = $system_sgrp;
} else {
header("Location: $full_url");
} else if (isset($_SESSION["SysInfo_ss"], $_SESSION["SysInfo_ii"], $_SESSION["SysInfo_gp"])) {
$row_index = $_SESSION["SysInfo_ii"];
$sys_index = $_SESSION["SysInfo_ss"];
$sys_group = $_SESSION["SysInfo_gp"];
$first_page = $_SESSION["first_page"][$sys_index];
$_SESSION["SysIcon"] = $GLOBALS["_SYSICO_BIGZ"][$sys_index];
if (preg_match("/(ผู้ดูแลระบบ)/", $subsys[$row_index]["gpnamet"])) {
$_SESSION["SysName"] = "ระบบบริหารระบบ";
$_SESSION["SysSGrp"] = "กลุ่มผู้ดูแลระบบ";
} else {
list($system_name, $system_sgrp) = split("-", $subsys[$row_index]["gpnamet"]);
$_SESSION["SysName"] = "ระบบ" . $system_name;
$_SESSION["SysSGrp"] = $system_sgrp;
$rtblogmenu_content = "";
if (isset($row_index)) {
if ($oC->c && $oC->errmsg == "") {
$rtblogmenu_content = read_template($GLOBALS["_TPL_PATH"] . "postlogmenublog_rt.tpl");
$rtblogitem_content = read_template($GLOBALS["_TPL_PATH"] . "postlogmenublog_item_rt.tpl");
$item_content = "";
$url_padding = "__ss=${sys_index}&__ii=${row_index}&__gp=${sys_group}";
$pattern = "";
foreach ($GLOBALS["_SYS1ST_NAME"] as $firstpage_name)
$pattern .= "($firstpage_name)|";
$pattern = rtrim($pattern, "|");
$toskippattern = "";
foreach ($GLOBALS["_SYSLNK_SKIP"] as $skippage_linked)
$toskippattern .= "($skippage_linked)|";
$toskippattern = rtrim($toskippattern, "|");
$oMmn = new ummenu($oC);
$oUp = new umpermission($oC);
$oGp = new umgpermission($oC);
while ($oMmn->GetRecord()) {
$flg = 1;
$oUp->SearchByKey($oU->userID, $oMmn->MnID);
if ($oUp->GetRecord()) {
$flg = $oUp->pmX;
} else {
$oGp->SearchByKey($subsys[$row_index]["uggpid"], $oMmn->MnID);
if ($oGp->GetRecord()) {
$flg = $oGp->gpX;
if ($flg == 1) {
if (preg_match("/$toskippattern/", $oMmn->MnNameT))
if (preg_match("/$pattern/", $oMmn->MnNameT)) {
$item_link = $GLOBALS["_SUBSYS_URL"][$sys_index][$sys_group] . $GLOBALS["_SYS1ST_URL"][$sys_index][$sys_group] . "?" . $url_padding;
} else {
$oMmn->MnURL = trim($oMmn->MnURL);
if ($oMmn->MnURL == "")
$item_link = $GLOBALS["_SUBSYS_URL"][$sys_index][$sys_group] . $GLOBALS["_SYS1ST_URL"][$sys_index][$sys_group] . "?StID=" . $sys_index . "&GpID=" . $sys_group . "&MmnID=" . $oMmn->MnID . "&mm=1&" . $url_padding;
$item_link = $oMmn->MnURL;
$item_title = trim($oMmn->MnNameT);
$tmpitem_cont = $rtblogitem_content;
$item_content .= bind_content(array("ITEMLINK" => htmlspecialchars($item_link),
"ITEMTITLE" => $item_title), $tmpitem_cont);
if (!isset($flg, $item_title, $item_link)) {
$item_title = "ไม่มีรายการเมนูย่อยหรือยังไม่<br>เปิดให้ใช้งานกรุณาติดต่อผู้ดู<br>แลระบบของท่าน";
$rtblogitem_content = read_template($GLOBALS["_TPL_PATH"] . "postlogmenublog_item_bx.tpl");
$item_content = bind_content(array("ITEMTITLE" => $item_title), $rtblogitem_content);
bind_content(array("MENUTITLE" => trim(preg_replace("/^(.+\-)/", "", $subsys[$row_index]["gpnamet"])),
"MENUITEM" => $item_content), $rtblogmenu_content);
return $rtblogmenu_content;
function getTitlePage ( )
$system_title = $GLOBALS["SYSTEM_TITLE"];
else if (isset($GLOBALS["INFOSYS_TITLE"]) && $GLOBALS["INFOSYS_TITLE"] != "")
$system_title = $GLOBALS["INFOSYS_TITLE"];
$system_title = "ระบบสารสนเทศ";
return $system_title;
function getLogoImage ( )
$logo_path = "";
$logo_path = $GLOBALS["_IMG_URL"] . "infosyslogo.jpg";
return $logo_path;
function getSubmenu ($oC, $MnID, $UsID, $GpID, $x, &$Stm)
global $oU;
$oUp = new umpermission($oC);
$oGp = new umgpermission($oC);
$oMn = new ummenu($oC);
$flg = 1;
$oUp->SearchByKey($UsID, $MnID);
if ($oUp->GetRecord()) {
$flg = $oUp->pmX;
} else {
$oGp->SearchByKey($GpID, $MnID);
if ($oGp->GetRecord()) {
$flg = $oGp->gpX;
if ($flg == $x){
if ($oMn->MnLevel > 0){
if ($oMn->MnNameT != "-") {
if (trim($oMn->MnURL) <> "") {
$Stm .= str_pad("", 5 * 6 * $oMn->MnLevel, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT)."<img src=\"" . $GLOBALS["_INFO_URL"] . "/img/submenu_mini.gif\" align=\"middle\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\">";
$Stm .= " <a href=\"$oMn->MnURL\" style=\"font-weight: bold; color: #11387D;\">" . trim($oMn->MnNameT) . "</a>";
} else {
$Stm .= str_pad("", 5 * 6 * $oMn->MnLevel, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT)."<img src=\"" . $GLOBALS["_INFO_URL"] . "/img/submenu_mini_cyan.gif\" align=\"middle\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\">";
$Stm .= "<span style=\"font-weight: bold; color: #777777;\"> " . trim($oMn->MnNameT) . "</span>";
$Stm .= "<br>\n";
while ($oMn->GetRecord()) {
getSubmenu($oC, $oMn->MnID, $UsID, $GpID, $flg, $Stm);
function update_user_status ( )
$absolute_path = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"];
$query_string = $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"];
$file_name = substr(strrchr($absolute_path, "/"), 1);
if ($query_string != "" && isset($_GET["__ss"], $_GET["__gp"], $_GET["__ii"]) && isset($_SESSION["SubSys"][$_GET["__ii"]])) {
$SS = $_GET["__ss"] + 0;
$GP = $_GET["__gp"] + 0;
if (isset($SU[$SS][$GP])) {
$CURL = $absolute_path;
$GURL = $SU[$SS][$GP] . $FT[$SS][$GP];
if ($CURL == $GURL) {
} else {
header("Location: $full_url");
} else {
header("Location: $full_url");
function GetExtendedCSS ( )
$CSSExtLink = "";
$link_tag = "<link type=\"text/css\" href=\"{CSS_PATH}\" rel=\"stylesheet\">\n";
if (isset($GLOBALS["_EXTENDED_CSS"]) && is_array($GLOBALS["_EXTENDED_CSS"])) {
$ext_length = count($gbRefn);
for ($i = 0; $i < $ext_length; $i++) {
$tmp_link = $link_tag;
if (!is_file($gbRefn[$i]))
$tmp_link = "<!-- ``{CSS_PATH}'' - File not found! -->\n";
bind_content(array("CSS_PATH" => $gbRefn[$i]), $tmp_link);
$CSSExtLink .= $tmp_link;
return $CSSExtLink;
function GetExtendedJS ( )
$JSExtScript = "";
$script_tag = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"JavaScript\" src=\"{JS_PATH}\"></script>\n";
if (isset($GLOBALS["_EXTENDED_JS"]) && is_array($GLOBALS["_EXTENDED_JS"])) {
$gbRefn = &$GLOBALS["_EXTENDED_JS"];
$ext_length = count($gbRefn);
for ($i = 0; $i < $ext_length; $i++) {
$tmp_script = $script_tag;
if (!is_file($gbRefn[$i]))
$tmp_script = "<!-- ``{JS_PATH}'' - File not found! -->\n";
bind_content(array("JS_PATH" => $gbRefn[$i]), $tmp_script);
$JSExtScript .= $tmp_script;
return $JSExtScript;
function logged_in ( )
$retval = false;
if (isset($_SESSION["oU"], $_SESSION["sysDate"], $_SESSION["logKey"]))
$retval = ($_SESSION["logKey"] == session_id());
return $retval;
function GetSysDate ($timeVal)
$mmonth = array("มกราคม", "กุมภาพันธ์", "มีนาคม", "เมษายน", "พฤษภาคม", "มิถุนายน", "กรกฎาคม", "สิงหาคม", "กันยายน", "ตุลาคม", "พฤศจิกายน", "ธันวาคม");
$dd = date("j", $timeVal);
$mm = $mmonth[date("m", $timeVal) - 1];
$yy = date("Y", $timeVal) + 543;
$datestring = $dd . " " . $mm . " " . $yy;
return $datestring;