Viewing file: inc_functions.php (12.8 KB) -rw-r--r-- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
- MemHT Portal -
Copyright (C) 2007-2008 by Miltenovik Manojlo
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your opinion) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, see <> (GPLv2)
or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
Fifth Floor, Boston, MA02110-1301, USA.
if (stristr(htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), "inc_functions.php")) {
Header("Location: ../../index.php");
function isAuthorized($forumid,$operation) {
global $dblink,$userid,$userInfo;
$forumid = intval($forumid);
$row = $dblink->get_row("SELECT auth_view,auth_read,auth_write,auth_delete FROM memht_forum_forums WHERE id=$forumid");
$auth_view = intval($row['auth_view']);
$auth_read = intval($row['auth_read']);
$auth_write = intval($row['auth_write']);
$auth_delete = intval($row['auth_delete']);
$myrank = 0;
if (isUser($userid)) { $myrank = 1; }
if (isModerator($forumid,$userid)) { $myrank = 2; }
if (isAuth($userid,3)) { $myrank = 3; }
switch($operation) {
case "view":
if ($auth_view==0 OR $myrank>=$auth_view) { return true; } else { return false; }
case "read":
if ($auth_read==0 OR $myrank>=$auth_read) { return true; } else { return false; }
case "write":
if ($auth_write==0 OR $myrank>=$auth_write) { return true; } else { return false; }
case "delete":
if ($auth_delete==0 OR $myrank>=$auth_delete) { return true; } else { return false; }
function getNumbers($id) {
global $dblink;
$row = $dblink->get_row("SELECT COUNT(id) AS replies, (SELECT hits FROM memht_forum_posts WHERE id=$id) AS views FROM memht_forum_posts WHERE parent=$id");
return array(intval($row['replies']),intval($row['views']));
function getThreadsNumber($forumid) {
global $dblink;
$forumid = intval($forumid);
return $dblink->get_num("SELECT id FROM memht_forum_posts WHERE forum='$forumid' AND parent=0 AND flag!=2");
function getPostsNumber($forumid) {
global $dblink;
$forumid = intval($forumid);
return $dblink->get_num("SELECT id FROM memht_forum_posts WHERE forum='$forumid' AND flag!=2");
function getRepliesNumber($threadid) {
global $dblink;
$threadid = intval($threadid);
return $dblink->get_num("SELECT id FROM memht_forum_posts WHERE parent='$threadid'");
function getViewsNumber($threadid) {
global $dblink;
$threadid = intval($threadid);
$row = $dblink->get_row("SELECT hits FROM memht_forum_posts WHERE id='$threadid'");
return intval($row['hits']);
function getTitle($post) {
global $dblink;
$post = intval($post);
$titlerow = $dblink->get_row("SELECT title FROM memht_forum_titles WHERE $post>=min AND $post<max");
return outCode($titlerow['title']);
function getLastPostInfoByForum($forumid) {
global $dblink,$siteConfig;
$forumid = intval($forumid);
if ($lpirow = $dblink->get_row("SELECT id,parent,name,author,flag,DATE_FORMAT(date, '".$siteConfig['timestamp']."') as date FROM memht_forum_posts WHERE forum='$forumid' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1")) {
$postid = intval($lpirow['id']);
$parentid = intval($lpirow['parent']);
$postname = outCode($lpirow['name'],0);
$postauthor = outCode($lpirow['author']);
$postdate = $lpirow['date'];
$flag = intval($lpirow['flag']);
if ($flag==2) { return "-"; }
if ($parentid!=0) {
$ltirow = $dblink->get_row("SELECT id,name FROM memht_forum_posts WHERE id='$parentid'");
$threadid = intval($ltirow['id']);
$threadname = outCode($ltirow['name'],0);
$shortthreadname = trimString($threadname,18,1);
return "<a href='index.php?page=forum&op=viewThread&id=$threadid&title=".mem_urlencode($threadname)."#post$postid' title='$threadname'>$shortthreadname<br><b>$postauthor</b><br>$postdate</a>";
} else {
$threadid = $postid;
$threadname = $postname;
$shortthreadname = trimString($threadname,18,1);
return "<a href='index.php?page=forum&op=viewThread&id=$threadid&title=".mem_urlencode($threadname)."' title='$threadname'>$shortthreadname<br><b>$postauthor</b><br>$postdate</a>";
} else {
return "-";
function getLastPostInfoByPost($threadid) {
global $dblink,$siteConfig,$admin;
$threadid = intval($threadid);
$lpres = "SELECT id,name,author,DATE_FORMAT(date, '".$siteConfig['timestamp']."') as date FROM memht_forum_posts WHERE parent='$threadid' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1";
if ($dblink->get_num($lpres)>0) {
$lpirow = $dblink->get_row($lpres);
$postid = intval($lpirow['id']);
$name = outCode($lpirow['name'],0);
$author = outCode($lpirow['author']);
$date = $lpirow['date'];
$pstnum = $dblink->get_num("SELECT id FROM memht_forum_posts WHERE id='$threadid' OR parent='$threadid'");
if ($pstnum>10) { $plus = "&pg=".ceil($pstnum/10); } else { $plus = ""; }
return "<a href='index.php?page=forum&op=viewThread&id=$threadid&title=".mem_urlencode($name)."$plus#post$postid' title='$name'><b>$author</b><br>$date</a>";
} else {
$lpirow = $dblink->get_row("SELECT name,author,DATE_FORMAT(date, '".$siteConfig['timestamp']."') as date FROM memht_forum_posts WHERE id='$threadid'");
$name = outCode($lpirow['name'],0);
$author = outCode($lpirow['author']);
$date = $lpirow['date'];
return "<a href='index.php?page=forum&op=viewThread&id=$threadid&title=".mem_urlencode($name)."' title='$name'><b>$author</b><br>$date</a>";
function getTitleByCategory($catid) {
global $dblink;
$catid = intval($catid);
$row_c = $dblink->get_row("SELECT name FROM memht_forum_categories WHERE id='$catid'");
$c_name = outCode($row_c['name']);
return "<a href='index.php?page=forum' title='"._MAIN_."'>"._MAIN_."</a> > <a href='index.php?page=forum&op=viewCategory&id=$catid&title=".mem_urlencode($c_name)."' title='$c_name'>$c_name</a>";
function getTitleByForum($forumid) {
global $dblink;
$forumid = intval($forumid);
$row = $dblink->get_row("SELECT parent,category,name FROM memht_forum_forums WHERE id=$forumid");
$parent = intval($row['parent']);
$cat_id = intval($row['category']);
$forumname = outCode($row['name'],0);
if ($parent>0) {
$row = $dblink->get_row("SELECT name FROM memht_forum_forums WHERE id=$parent");
$parent_forumname = outCode($row['name']);
$row_c = $dblink->get_row("SELECT id,name FROM memht_forum_categories WHERE id=$cat_id");
$c_id = intval($row_c['id']);
$c_name = outCode($row_c['name']);
$link = "<a href='index.php?page=forum' title='"._HOME_."'>"._HOME_."</a> > <a href='index.php?page=forum&op=viewCategory&id=$c_id&title=".mem_urlencode($c_name)."' title='$c_name'>$c_name</a> > ";
if ($parent>0) {
$link .= "<a href='index.php?page=forum&op=viewForum&id=$parent&title=".mem_urlencode($parent_forumname)."' title='$parent_forumname'>$parent_forumname</a> > ";
$link .= "<a href='index.php?page=forum&op=viewForum&id=$forumid&title=".mem_urlencode($forumname)."' title='$forumname'>$forumname</a>";
return $link;
function getTitleByThread($threadid) {
global $dblink;
$threadid = intval($threadid);
$row = $dblink->get_row("SELECT forum,name FROM memht_forum_posts WHERE id='$threadid'");
$forumid = intval($row['forum']);
$thname = outCode($row['name'],0);
$row_f = $dblink->get_row("SELECT parent,category,name FROM memht_forum_forums WHERE id=$forumid");
$parent = intval($row_f['parent']);
$cat_id = intval($row_f['category']);
$forumname = outCode($row_f['name'],0);
if ($parent>0) {
$row = $dblink->get_row("SELECT name FROM memht_forum_forums WHERE id=$parent");
$parent_forumname = outCode($row['name']);
$row_c = $dblink->get_row("SELECT id,name FROM memht_forum_categories WHERE id='$cat_id'");
$c_id = intval($row_c['id']);
$c_name = outCode($row_c['name'],0);
$link = "<a href='index.php?page=forum' title='"._HOME_."'>"._HOME_."</a> > <a href='index.php?page=forum&op=viewCategory&id=$c_id&title=".mem_urlencode($c_name)."' title='$c_name'>$c_name</a> > ";
if ($parent>0) {
$link .= "<a href='index.php?page=forum&op=viewForum&id=$parent&title=".mem_urlencode($parent_forumname)."' title='$parent_forumname'>$parent_forumname</a> > ";
$link .= "<a href='index.php?page=forum&op=viewForum&id=$forumid&title=".mem_urlencode($forumname)."' title='$forumname'>$forumname</a> > <a href='index.php?page=forum&op=viewThread&id=$threadid&title=".mem_urlencode($thname)."' title='$thname'>$thname</a>";
return $link;
function getStatus($id,$where) {
global $dblink;
$id = intval($id);
switch($where) {
case "forum":
$row_forum = $dblink->get_row("SELECT status FROM memht_forum_forums WHERE id='$id'");
return intval($row_forum['status']);
case "thread":
$row_thread = $dblink->get_row("SELECT status FROM memht_forum_posts WHERE id='$id'");
return intval($row_thread['status']);
function getIcon($id,$where) {
global $dblink,$siteConfig;
$id = intval($id);
switch($where) {
case "forum":
$row_forum = $dblink->get_row("SELECT status FROM memht_forum_forums WHERE id='$id'");
$forum_status = intval($row_forum['status']);
if ($forum_status>0) {
if (newPostsCheckFromCookie($id,"forum")) {
return "<img src='templates/".$siteConfig['template']."/images/forum/forum_new.gif' border='0' alt='New'>";
} else {
return "<img src='templates/".$siteConfig['template']."/images/forum/forum_old.gif' border='0' alt='Old'>";
} else {
return "<img src='templates/".$siteConfig['template']."/images/forum/forum_locked.gif' border='0' alt='Locked'>";
case "thread":
$row_thread = $dblink->get_row("SELECT status,flag FROM memht_forum_posts WHERE id='$id'");
$thread_status = intval($row_thread['status']);
$thread_flag = intval($row_thread['flag']);
if ($thread_status>0) {
if (newPostsCheckFromCookie($id,"thread")) {
if ($thread_flag==1) {
return "<img src='templates/".$siteConfig['template']."/images/forum/forum_new_sticky.gif' border='0' alt='New sticky'>";
} else {
return "<img src='templates/".$siteConfig['template']."/images/forum/forum_new.gif' border='0' alt='New'>";
} else {
if ($thread_flag==1) {
return "<img src='templates/".$siteConfig['template']."/images/forum/forum_old_sticky.gif' border='0' alt='Old sticky'>";
} else {
return "<img src='templates/".$siteConfig['template']."/images/forum/forum_old.gif' border='0' alt='Old'>";
} else {
return "<img src='templates/".$siteConfig['template']."/images/forum/forum_locked.gif' border='0' alt='Locked'>";
function isModerator($forumid,$uid) {
global $dblink;
return ($dblink->get_num("SELECT FROM memht_forum_moderation AS m JOIN memht_groups AS g JOIN memht_groups_members AS u ON AND m.groupid=u.groupid AND u.user=$uid WHERE$forumid")>0) ? true : false ;
function setLastPostCookie() {
global $dblink;
if (!isset($_COOKIE['forumtrack'])) {
$lastrow = $dblink->get_row("SELECT id FROM memht_forum_posts ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1");
$lastid = intval($lastrow['id']);
setcookie("forumtrack",$lastid,time()+86400); //24 hours
function addVisitedPostCookie($lastp) {
if (isset($_COOKIE['forumtrack'])) {
$cookiecontent = inCode($_COOKIE['forumtrack']);
$exp = explode("-",$cookiecontent);
$first = $exp[0];
if (!in_array($lastp,$exp) AND $lastp>$first) {
$cookiecontent = implode("-",$exp);
$cookiecontent .= "-".$lastp;
setcookie("forumtrack",$cookiecontent,time()+86400); //24 hours
function newPostsCheckFromCookie($id,$where) {
global $dblink,$admin;
if (isset($_COOKIE['forumtrack'])) {
$cookiecontent = inCode($_COOKIE['forumtrack']);
$exp = explode("-",$cookiecontent);
$first = $exp[0];
switch($where) {
//case "forum":break;
case "thread":
if ($row = $dblink->get_row("SELECT id FROM memht_forum_posts WHERE parent=$id ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1")) {
$lastpost = intval($row['id']);
} else {
$lastpost = $id;
return ($lastpost>$first AND !in_array($lastpost,$exp)) ? true : false ;
} else {
return false;