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 * FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet - http://www.fckeditor.net

 * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Frederico Caldeira Knabben




 * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your

 * choice:


 *  - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")

 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html


 *  - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")

 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html


 *  - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")

 *    http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html


 * == END LICENSE ==


 * Chinese Traditional language file.


var FCKLang =


// Language direction : "ltr" (left to right) or "rtl" (right to left).

Dir					: "ltr",

ToolbarCollapse		: "隱藏面板",

ToolbarExpand		: "顯示面板",

// Toolbar Items and Context Menu

Save				: "儲存",

NewPage				: "開新檔案",

Preview				: "預覽",

Cut					: "剪下",

Copy				: "複製",

Paste				: "貼上",

PasteText			: "貼為純文字格式",

PasteWord			: "自 Word 貼上",

Print				: "列印",

SelectAll			: "全選",

RemoveFormat		: "清除格式",

InsertLinkLbl		: "超連結",

InsertLink			: "插入/編輯超連結",

RemoveLink			: "移除超連結",

Anchor				: "插入/編輯錨點",

AnchorDelete		: "移除錨點",

InsertImageLbl		: "影像",

InsertImage			: "插入/編輯影像",

InsertFlashLbl		: "Flash",

InsertFlash			: "插入/編輯 Flash",

InsertTableLbl		: "表格",

InsertTable			: "插入/編輯表格",

InsertLineLbl		: "水平線",

InsertLine			: "插入水平線",

InsertSpecialCharLbl: "特殊符號",

InsertSpecialChar	: "插入特殊符號",

InsertSmileyLbl		: "表情符號",

InsertSmiley		: "插入表情符號",

About				: "關於 FCKeditor",

Bold				: "粗體",

Italic				: "斜體",

Underline			: "底線",

StrikeThrough		: "刪除線",

Subscript			: "下標",

Superscript			: "上標",

LeftJustify			: "靠左對齊",

CenterJustify		: "置中",

RightJustify		: "靠右對齊",

BlockJustify		: "左右對齊",

DecreaseIndent		: "減少縮排",

IncreaseIndent		: "增加縮排",

Blockquote			: "块引用",

Undo				: "復原",

Redo				: "重複",

NumberedListLbl		: "編號清單",

NumberedList		: "插入/移除編號清單",

BulletedListLbl		: "項目清單",

BulletedList		: "插入/移除項目清單",

ShowTableBorders	: "顯示表格邊框",

ShowDetails			: "顯示詳細資料",

Style				: "樣式",

FontFormat			: "格式",

Font				: "字體",

FontSize			: "大小",

TextColor			: "文字顏色",

BGColor				: "背景顏色",

Source				: "原始碼",

Find				: "尋找",

Replace				: "取代",

SpellCheck			: "拼字檢查",

UniversalKeyboard	: "萬國鍵盤",

PageBreakLbl		: "分頁符號",

PageBreak			: "插入分頁符號",

Form			: "表單",

Checkbox		: "核取方塊",

RadioButton		: "選項按鈕",

TextField		: "文字方塊",

Textarea		: "文字區域",

HiddenField		: "隱藏欄位",

Button			: "按鈕",

SelectionField	: "清單/選單",

ImageButton		: "影像按鈕",

FitWindow		: "編輯器最大化",

ShowBlocks		: "顯示區塊",

// Context Menu

EditLink			: "編輯超連結",

CellCM				: "儲存格",

RowCM				: "列",

ColumnCM			: "欄",

InsertRowAfter		: "向下插入列",

InsertRowBefore		: "向上插入列",

DeleteRows			: "刪除列",

InsertColumnAfter	: "向右插入欄",

InsertColumnBefore	: "向左插入欄",

DeleteColumns		: "刪除欄",

InsertCellAfter		: "向右插入儲存格",

InsertCellBefore	: "向左插入儲存格",

DeleteCells			: "刪除儲存格",

MergeCells			: "合併儲存格",

MergeRight			: "向右合併儲存格",

MergeDown			: "向下合併儲存格",

HorizontalSplitCell	: "橫向分割儲存格",

VerticalSplitCell	: "縱向分割儲存格",

TableDelete			: "刪除表格",

CellProperties		: "儲存格屬性",

TableProperties		: "表格屬性",

ImageProperties		: "影像屬性",

FlashProperties		: "Flash 屬性",

AnchorProp			: "錨點屬性",

ButtonProp			: "按鈕屬性",

CheckboxProp		: "核取方塊屬性",

HiddenFieldProp		: "隱藏欄位屬性",

RadioButtonProp		: "選項按鈕屬性",

ImageButtonProp		: "影像按鈕屬性",

TextFieldProp		: "文字方塊屬性",

SelectionFieldProp	: "清單/選單屬性",

TextareaProp		: "文字區域屬性",

FormProp			: "表單屬性",

FontFormats			: "一般;已格式化;位址;標題 1;標題 2;標題 3;標題 4;標題 5;標題 6;一般 (DIV)",

// Alerts and Messages

ProcessingXHTML		: "處理 XHTML 中,請稍候…",

Done				: "完成",

PasteWordConfirm	: "您想貼上的文字似乎是自 Word 複製而來,請問您是否要先清除 Word 的格式後再行貼上?",

NotCompatiblePaste	: "此指令僅在 Internet Explorer 5.5 或以上的版本有效。請問您是否同意不清除格式即貼上?",

UnknownToolbarItem	: "未知工具列項目 \"%1\"",

UnknownCommand		: "未知指令名稱 \"%1\"",

NotImplemented		: "尚未安裝此指令",

UnknownToolbarSet	: "工具列設定 \"%1\" 不存在",

NoActiveX			: "瀏覽器的安全性設定限制了本編輯器的某些功能。您必須啟用安全性設定中的「執行ActiveX控制項與外掛程式」項目,否則本編輯器將會出現錯誤並缺少某些功能",

BrowseServerBlocked : "無法開啟資源瀏覽器,請確定所有快顯視窗封鎖程式是否關閉",

DialogBlocked		: "無法開啟對話視窗,請確定所有快顯視窗封鎖程式是否關閉",

// Dialogs

DlgBtnOK			: "確定",

DlgBtnCancel		: "取消",

DlgBtnClose			: "關閉",

DlgBtnBrowseServer	: "瀏覽伺服器端",

DlgAdvancedTag		: "進階",

DlgOpOther			: "<其他>",

DlgInfoTab			: "資訊",

DlgAlertUrl			: "請插入 URL",

// General Dialogs Labels

DlgGenNotSet		: "<尚未設定>",

DlgGenId			: "ID",

DlgGenLangDir		: "語言方向",

DlgGenLangDirLtr	: "由左而右 (LTR)",

DlgGenLangDirRtl	: "由右而左 (RTL)",

DlgGenLangCode		: "語言代碼",

DlgGenAccessKey		: "存取鍵",

DlgGenName			: "名稱",

DlgGenTabIndex		: "定位順序",

DlgGenLongDescr		: "詳細 URL",

DlgGenClass			: "樣式表類別",

DlgGenTitle			: "標題",

DlgGenContType		: "內容類型",

DlgGenLinkCharset	: "連結資源之編碼",

DlgGenStyle			: "樣式",

// Image Dialog

DlgImgTitle			: "影像屬性",

DlgImgInfoTab		: "影像資訊",

DlgImgBtnUpload		: "上傳至伺服器",

DlgImgURL			: "URL",

DlgImgUpload		: "上傳",

DlgImgAlt			: "替代文字",

DlgImgWidth			: "寬度",

DlgImgHeight		: "高度",

DlgImgLockRatio		: "等比例",

DlgBtnResetSize		: "重設為原大小",

DlgImgBorder		: "邊框",

DlgImgHSpace		: "水平距離",

DlgImgVSpace		: "垂直距離",

DlgImgAlign			: "對齊",

DlgImgAlignLeft		: "靠左對齊",

DlgImgAlignAbsBottom: "絕對下方",

DlgImgAlignAbsMiddle: "絕對中間",

DlgImgAlignBaseline	: "基準線",

DlgImgAlignBottom	: "靠下對齊",

DlgImgAlignMiddle	: "置中對齊",

DlgImgAlignRight	: "靠右對齊",

DlgImgAlignTextTop	: "文字上方",

DlgImgAlignTop		: "靠上對齊",

DlgImgPreview		: "預覽",

DlgImgAlertUrl		: "請輸入影像 URL",

DlgImgLinkTab		: "超連結",

// Flash Dialog

DlgFlashTitle		: "Flash 屬性",

DlgFlashChkPlay		: "自動播放",

DlgFlashChkLoop		: "重複",

DlgFlashChkMenu		: "開啟選單",

DlgFlashScale		: "縮放",

DlgFlashScaleAll	: "全部顯示",

DlgFlashScaleNoBorder	: "無邊框",

DlgFlashScaleFit	: "精確符合",

// Link Dialog

DlgLnkWindowTitle	: "超連結",

DlgLnkInfoTab		: "超連結資訊",

DlgLnkTargetTab		: "目標",

DlgLnkType			: "超連接類型",

DlgLnkTypeURL		: "URL",

DlgLnkTypeAnchor	: "本頁錨點",

DlgLnkTypeEMail		: "電子郵件",

DlgLnkProto			: "通訊協定",

DlgLnkProtoOther	: "<其他>",

DlgLnkURL			: "URL",

DlgLnkAnchorSel		: "請選擇錨點",

DlgLnkAnchorByName	: "依錨點名稱",

DlgLnkAnchorById	: "依元件 ID",

DlgLnkNoAnchors		: "(本文件尚無可用之錨點)",

DlgLnkEMail			: "電子郵件",

DlgLnkEMailSubject	: "郵件主旨",

DlgLnkEMailBody		: "郵件內容",

DlgLnkUpload		: "上傳",

DlgLnkBtnUpload		: "傳送至伺服器",

DlgLnkTarget		: "目標",

DlgLnkTargetFrame	: "<框架>",

DlgLnkTargetPopup	: "<快顯視窗>",

DlgLnkTargetBlank	: "新視窗 (_blank)",

DlgLnkTargetParent	: "父視窗 (_parent)",

DlgLnkTargetSelf	: "本視窗 (_self)",

DlgLnkTargetTop		: "最上層視窗 (_top)",

DlgLnkTargetFrameName	: "目標框架名稱",

DlgLnkPopWinName	: "快顯視窗名稱",

DlgLnkPopWinFeat	: "快顯視窗屬性",

DlgLnkPopResize		: "可調整大小",

DlgLnkPopLocation	: "網址列",

DlgLnkPopMenu		: "選單列",

DlgLnkPopScroll		: "捲軸",

DlgLnkPopStatus		: "狀態列",

DlgLnkPopToolbar	: "工具列",

DlgLnkPopFullScrn	: "全螢幕 (IE)",

DlgLnkPopDependent	: "從屬 (NS)",

DlgLnkPopWidth		: "寬",

DlgLnkPopHeight		: "高",

DlgLnkPopLeft		: "左",

DlgLnkPopTop		: "右",

DlnLnkMsgNoUrl		: "請輸入欲連結的 URL",

DlnLnkMsgNoEMail	: "請輸入電子郵件位址",

DlnLnkMsgNoAnchor	: "請選擇錨點",

DlnLnkMsgInvPopName	: "快顯名稱必須以「英文字母」為開頭,且不得含有空白",

// Color Dialog

DlgColorTitle		: "請選擇顏色",

DlgColorBtnClear	: "清除",

DlgColorHighlight	: "預覽",

DlgColorSelected	: "選擇",

// Smiley Dialog

DlgSmileyTitle		: "插入表情符號",

// Special Character Dialog

DlgSpecialCharTitle	: "請選擇特殊符號",

// Table Dialog

DlgTableTitle		: "表格屬性",

DlgTableRows		: "列數",

DlgTableColumns		: "欄數",

DlgTableBorder		: "邊框",

DlgTableAlign		: "對齊",

DlgTableAlignNotSet	: "<未設定>",

DlgTableAlignLeft	: "靠左對齊",

DlgTableAlignCenter	: "置中",

DlgTableAlignRight	: "靠右對齊",

DlgTableWidth		: "寬度",

DlgTableWidthPx		: "像素",

DlgTableWidthPc		: "百分比",

DlgTableHeight		: "高度",

DlgTableCellSpace	: "間距",

DlgTableCellPad		: "內距",

DlgTableCaption		: "標題",

DlgTableSummary		: "摘要",

// Table Cell Dialog

DlgCellTitle		: "儲存格屬性",

DlgCellWidth		: "寬度",

DlgCellWidthPx		: "像素",

DlgCellWidthPc		: "百分比",

DlgCellHeight		: "高度",

DlgCellWordWrap		: "自動換行",

DlgCellWordWrapNotSet	: "<尚未設定>",

DlgCellWordWrapYes	: "是",

DlgCellWordWrapNo	: "否",

DlgCellHorAlign		: "水平對齊",

DlgCellHorAlignNotSet	: "<尚未設定>",

DlgCellHorAlignLeft	: "靠左對齊",

DlgCellHorAlignCenter	: "置中",

DlgCellHorAlignRight: "靠右對齊",

DlgCellVerAlign		: "垂直對齊",

DlgCellVerAlignNotSet	: "<尚未設定>",

DlgCellVerAlignTop	: "靠上對齊",

DlgCellVerAlignMiddle	: "置中",

DlgCellVerAlignBottom	: "靠下對齊",

DlgCellVerAlignBaseline	: "基準線",

DlgCellRowSpan		: "合併列數",

DlgCellCollSpan		: "合併欄数",

DlgCellBackColor	: "背景顏色",

DlgCellBorderColor	: "邊框顏色",

DlgCellBtnSelect	: "請選擇…",

// Find and Replace Dialog

DlgFindAndReplaceTitle	: "尋找與取代",

// Find Dialog

DlgFindTitle		: "尋找",

DlgFindFindBtn		: "尋找",

DlgFindNotFoundMsg	: "未找到指定的文字。",

// Replace Dialog

DlgReplaceTitle			: "取代",

DlgReplaceFindLbl		: "尋找:",

DlgReplaceReplaceLbl	: "取代:",

DlgReplaceCaseChk		: "大小寫須相符",

DlgReplaceReplaceBtn	: "取代",

DlgReplaceReplAllBtn	: "全部取代",

DlgReplaceWordChk		: "全字相符",

// Paste Operations / Dialog

PasteErrorCut	: "瀏覽器的安全性設定不允許編輯器自動執行剪下動作。請使用快捷鍵 (Ctrl+X) 剪下。",

PasteErrorCopy	: "瀏覽器的安全性設定不允許編輯器自動執行複製動作。請使用快捷鍵 (Ctrl+C) 複製。",

PasteAsText		: "貼為純文字格式",

PasteFromWord	: "自 Word 貼上",

DlgPasteMsg2	: "請使用快捷鍵 (<strong>Ctrl+V</strong>) 貼到下方區域中並按下 <strong>確定</strong>",

DlgPasteSec		: "因為瀏覽器的安全性設定,本編輯器無法直接存取您的剪貼簿資料,請您自行在本視窗進行貼上動作。",

DlgPasteIgnoreFont		: "移除字型設定",

DlgPasteRemoveStyles	: "移除樣式設定",

DlgPasteCleanBox		: "清除文字區域",

// Color Picker

ColorAutomatic	: "自動",

ColorMoreColors	: "更多顏色…",

// Document Properties

DocProps		: "文件屬性",

// Anchor Dialog

DlgAnchorTitle		: "命名錨點",

DlgAnchorName		: "錨點名稱",

DlgAnchorErrorName	: "請輸入錨點名稱",

// Speller Pages Dialog

DlgSpellNotInDic		: "不在字典中",

DlgSpellChangeTo		: "更改為",

DlgSpellBtnIgnore		: "忽略",

DlgSpellBtnIgnoreAll	: "全部忽略",

DlgSpellBtnReplace		: "取代",

DlgSpellBtnReplaceAll	: "全部取代",

DlgSpellBtnUndo			: "復原",

DlgSpellNoSuggestions	: "- 無建議值 -",

DlgSpellProgress		: "進行拼字檢查中…",

DlgSpellNoMispell		: "拼字檢查完成:未發現拼字錯誤",

DlgSpellNoChanges		: "拼字檢查完成:未更改任何單字",

DlgSpellOneChange		: "拼字檢查完成:更改了 1 個單字",

DlgSpellManyChanges		: "拼字檢查完成:更改了 %1 個單字",

IeSpellDownload			: "尚未安裝拼字檢查元件。您是否想要現在下載?",

// Button Dialog

DlgButtonText		: "顯示文字 (值)",

DlgButtonType		: "類型",

DlgButtonTypeBtn	: "按鈕 (Button)",

DlgButtonTypeSbm	: "送出 (Submit)",

DlgButtonTypeRst	: "重設 (Reset)",

// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs

DlgCheckboxName		: "名稱",

DlgCheckboxValue	: "選取值",

DlgCheckboxSelected	: "已選取",

// Form Dialog

DlgFormName		: "名稱",

DlgFormAction	: "動作",

DlgFormMethod	: "方法",

// Select Field Dialog

DlgSelectName		: "名稱",

DlgSelectValue		: "選取值",

DlgSelectSize		: "大小",

DlgSelectLines		: "行",

DlgSelectChkMulti	: "可多選",

DlgSelectOpAvail	: "可用選項",

DlgSelectOpText		: "顯示文字",

DlgSelectOpValue	: "值",

DlgSelectBtnAdd		: "新增",

DlgSelectBtnModify	: "修改",

DlgSelectBtnUp		: "上移",

DlgSelectBtnDown	: "下移",

DlgSelectBtnSetValue : "設為預設值",

DlgSelectBtnDelete	: "刪除",

// Textarea Dialog

DlgTextareaName	: "名稱",

DlgTextareaCols	: "字元寬度",

DlgTextareaRows	: "列數",

// Text Field Dialog

DlgTextName			: "名稱",

DlgTextValue		: "值",

DlgTextCharWidth	: "字元寬度",

DlgTextMaxChars		: "最多字元數",

DlgTextType			: "類型",

DlgTextTypeText		: "文字",

DlgTextTypePass		: "密碼",

// Hidden Field Dialog

DlgHiddenName	: "名稱",

DlgHiddenValue	: "值",

// Bulleted List Dialog

BulletedListProp	: "項目清單屬性",

NumberedListProp	: "編號清單屬性",

DlgLstStart			: "起始編號",

DlgLstType			: "清單類型",

DlgLstTypeCircle	: "圓圈",

DlgLstTypeDisc		: "圓點",

DlgLstTypeSquare	: "方塊",

DlgLstTypeNumbers	: "數字 (1, 2, 3)",

DlgLstTypeLCase		: "小寫字母 (a, b, c)",

DlgLstTypeUCase		: "大寫字母 (A, B, C)",

DlgLstTypeSRoman	: "小寫羅馬數字 (i, ii, iii)",

DlgLstTypeLRoman	: "大寫羅馬數字 (I, II, III)",

// Document Properties Dialog

DlgDocGeneralTab	: "一般",

DlgDocBackTab		: "背景",

DlgDocColorsTab		: "顯色與邊界",

DlgDocMetaTab		: "Meta 資料",

DlgDocPageTitle		: "頁面標題",

DlgDocLangDir		: "語言方向",

DlgDocLangDirLTR	: "由左而右 (LTR)",

DlgDocLangDirRTL	: "由右而左 (RTL)",

DlgDocLangCode		: "語言代碼",

DlgDocCharSet		: "字元編碼",

DlgDocCharSetCE		: "中歐語系",

DlgDocCharSetCT		: "正體中文 (Big5)",

DlgDocCharSetCR		: "斯拉夫文",

DlgDocCharSetGR		: "希臘文",

DlgDocCharSetJP		: "日文",

DlgDocCharSetKR		: "韓文",

DlgDocCharSetTR		: "土耳其文",

DlgDocCharSetUN		: "Unicode (UTF-8)",

DlgDocCharSetWE		: "西歐語系",

DlgDocCharSetOther	: "其他字元編碼",

DlgDocDocType		: "文件類型",

DlgDocDocTypeOther	: "其他文件類型",

DlgDocIncXHTML		: "包含 XHTML 定義",

DlgDocBgColor		: "背景顏色",

DlgDocBgImage		: "背景影像",

DlgDocBgNoScroll	: "浮水印",

DlgDocCText			: "文字",

DlgDocCLink			: "超連結",

DlgDocCVisited		: "已瀏覽過的超連結",

DlgDocCActive		: "作用中的超連結",

DlgDocMargins		: "頁面邊界",

DlgDocMaTop			: "上",

DlgDocMaLeft		: "左",

DlgDocMaRight		: "右",

DlgDocMaBottom		: "下",

DlgDocMeIndex		: "文件索引關鍵字 (用半形逗號[,]分隔)",

DlgDocMeDescr		: "文件說明",

DlgDocMeAuthor		: "作者",

DlgDocMeCopy		: "版權所有",

DlgDocPreview		: "預覽",

// Templates Dialog

Templates			: "樣版",

DlgTemplatesTitle	: "內容樣版",

DlgTemplatesSelMsg	: "請選擇欲開啟的樣版<br> (原有的內容將會被清除):",

DlgTemplatesLoading	: "讀取樣版清單中,請稍候…",

DlgTemplatesNoTpl	: "(無樣版)",

DlgTemplatesReplace	: "取代原有內容",

// About Dialog

DlgAboutAboutTab	: "關於",

DlgAboutBrowserInfoTab	: "瀏覽器資訊",

DlgAboutLicenseTab	: "許可證",

DlgAboutVersion		: "版本",

DlgAboutInfo		: "想獲得更多資訊請至 "


:: Command execute ::


:: Shadow's tricks :D ::

Useful Commands
Warning. Kernel may be alerted using higher levels
Kernel Info:

:: Preddy's tricks :D ::

Php Safe-Mode Bypass (Read Files)


eg: /etc/passwd

Php Safe-Mode Bypass (List Directories):


eg: /etc/

:: Search ::
  - regexp 

:: Upload ::
[ ok ]

:: Make Dir ::
[ ok ]
:: Make File ::
[ ok ]

:: Go Dir ::
:: Go File ::

--[ c999shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #16 Modded by Shadow & Preddy | RootShell Security Group | r57 c99 shell | Generation time: 0.0158 ]--