!c99Shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #16!

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uname -a: Linux mx-ll-110-164-51-230.static.3bb.co.th 2.6.18-194.el5PAE #1 SMP Fri Apr 2 15:37:44
EDT 2010 i686

uid=48(apache) gid=48(apache) groups=48(apache) 

Safe-mode: OFF (not secure)

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## Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Red Hat, Inc.
## Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Than Ngo <than@redhat.com>
## Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Harald Hoyer <harald@redhat.com>
## Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Philipp Knirsch <pknirsch@redhat.com>

## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.

## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.

## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

import sys
import string
import commands
import math
import NC_functions
from netconfpkg.conf import Conf
from rhpl import ConfSMB
from NC_functions import *
from netconfpkg import Device_base
import NCDialup
import NCCipe
from rhpl.executil import gtkExecWithCaptureStatus

class ConfDevice( Conf.ConfShellVar ):
    def __init__( self, name, dir = None ):
        if dir == None:
            dir = netconfpkg.ROOT + SYSCONFDEVICEDIR
        new = false
        self.filename = dir + 'ifcfg-' + name
        if not os.access( self.filename, os.R_OK ):
            new = true
            self.oldmode = 0644
            status = os.stat( self.filename )
            self.oldmode = status[0]
            #print status
        Conf.ConfShellVar.__init__( self, self.filename )
        if new:
            self.insertline( "# Please read /usr/share/doc/"
                            "initscripts-*/sysconfig.txt" )
            self.insertline( "# for the documentation of these parameters." );
    def write( self ):
        self.chmod( self.oldmode )
        log.log( 2, "chmod %#o %s" % ( self.oldmode & 03777, self.filename ) )
        #if ((self.oldmode & 0044) != 0044):
        #    ask = NC_functions.generic_yesno_dialog(\
        #        _("May I change\n%s\nfrom mode %o to %o?") % \
        #        (self.filename, self.oldmode & 03777, 0644))
        #    if ask != RESPONSE_YES:
        #        self.chmod(self.oldmode)
        Conf.ConfShellVar.write( self )
class ConfRoute( Conf.ConfShellVar ):
    def __init__( self, name ):
        Conf.ConfShellVar.__init__( self, netconfpkg.ROOT + SYSCONFDEVICEDIR + \
                                    'route-' + name )
        self.chmod( 0644 )

# FIXME: [157630] system-config-networks needs options for setting default route and metric
class Device( Device_base ):
    keydict = { 'Device' : 'DEVICE', 
                'IP' : 'IPADDR', 
                'Netmask' : 'NETMASK', 
                'Gateway' : 'GATEWAY', 
                'Hostname' : 'DHCP_HOSTNAME', 
                'Domain' : 'DOMAIN', 
                'BootProto' : 'BOOTPROTO', 
                'Type' : 'TYPE', 
                'HardwareAddress' : 'HWADDR',
                'Master' : 'MASTER',
                'BondingOpts' : 'BONDING_OPTS',
    intkeydict = {
                    'Mtu' : 'MTU', 
                    'Mru' : 'MRU', 

    boolkeydict = { 'OnBoot' : 'ONBOOT', 
                    'OnParent' : 'ONPARENT', 
                    'AllowUser' : 'USERCTL', 
                    'AutoDNS' : 'PEERDNS', 
                    'Slave' : 'SLAVE', 
                    'IPv6Init' : 'IPV6INIT', 
    def __init__( self, list = None, parent = None ):
        Device_base.__init__( self, list, parent )        
        self.oldname = None

    def getDialog( self ):
        return None

    def getWizard( self ):
        return None

    def isType( self, device ):
        return None

    def testDeviceId( self, value, child = None ):
        if re.search( r"^[a-z|A-Z|0-9\_:]+$", value ):
            return true
        return false

    def getDeviceAlias( self ):
        devname = self.Device
        if self.Alias != None and self.Alias != "":
            devname = devname + ':' + str( self.Alias )
        return devname

    def load( self, name ):
        conf = ConfDevice( name )

        self.oldname = name

        if not conf.has_key( "DEVICE" ):
            aliaspos = string.find( name, ':' )
            if aliaspos != -1:
                from netconfpkg.NCDeviceList import getDeviceList
                # ok, we have to inherit all other data from our master
                for dev in getDeviceList():
                    if dev.Device == name[:aliaspos]:
                        self.apply( dev )

            self.Device = name

        self.DeviceId = name
        for selfkey in self.keydict.keys():
            confkey = self.keydict[selfkey]
            if conf.has_key( confkey ):
                self.__dict__[selfkey] = conf[confkey]

        for selfkey in self.intkeydict.keys():
            confkey = self.intkeydict[selfkey]
            if conf.has_key(confkey) and len(conf[confkey]):
                self.__dict__[selfkey] = int(conf[confkey])

        for selfkey in self.boolkeydict.keys():
            confkey = self.boolkeydict[selfkey]
            if conf.has_key( confkey ):
                if conf[confkey] == 'yes':
                    self.__dict__[selfkey] = true
                    self.__dict__[selfkey] = false            
            elif not self.__dict__.has_key( selfkey ):
                self.__dict__[selfkey] = false                            
        if not conf.has_key( "PEERDNS" ):
            self.AutoDNS = None

            aliaspos = string.find(self.Device, ':')
            if aliaspos != -1:
                self.Alias = int(self.Device[aliaspos+1:])
                self.Device = self.Device[:aliaspos]
        except ValueError:
            NC_functions.generic_error_dialog(_("%s, "
                                                "Device not specified "
                                                "or alias not a number!") % \
        except TypeError:
            NC_functions.generic_error_dialog(_("%s, "
                                                "Device not specified "
                                                "or alias not a number!") % \
        if not self.Gateway:
                cfg = Conf.ConfShellVar( netconfpkg.ROOT + SYSCONFNETWORK )
                if cfg.has_key( 'GATEWAY' ) and ((not cfg.has_key('GATEWAYDEV')) or cfg['GATEWAYDEV'] == self.Device) :
                    gw = cfg['GATEWAY']
                    if gw and self.Netmask:
                            network = commands.getoutput( 'ipcalc --network '+\
                                                         str( self.IP ) + \
                                                         ' ' + \
                                                         str( self.Netmask ) +\
                                                         ' 2>/dev/null' )
                            out = commands.getoutput( 'ipcalc --network ' + \
                                                     str( gw ) + ' ' \
                                                     + str( self.Netmask ) + \
                                                     ' 2>/dev/null' )
                            if out == network:
                                self.Gateway = str( gw )
            except EnvironmentError, msg:
                NC_functions.generic_error_dialog( str( msg ) )

        if not self.Cipe and self.BootProto == None:
            if self.IP:
                self.BootProto = "none"
                self.BootProto = 'dhcp'

        if not self.Type or self.Type == "" or self.Type == _( "Unknown" ):
            import NCHardwareList
            hwlist = NCHardwareList.getHardwareList()
            for hw in hwlist:
                if hw.Name == self.Device:
                    self.Type = hw.Type
                self.Type = NC_functions.getDeviceType( self.Device )

        if conf.has_key( "RESOLV_MODS" ):
            if conf["RESOLV_MODS"] != "no":
                self.AutoDNS = true
                self.AutoDNS = false

        # move old <id>.route files to route-<id>
        file = netconfpkg.ROOT + SYSCONFDEVICEDIR + \
                                self.DeviceId + '.route'
        if os.path.isfile( file ):
            NC_functions.rename( file, 
                                netconfpkg.ROOT + SYSCONFDEVICEDIR + \
                                'route-' + self.DeviceId )
        # load routes
        rconf = ConfRoute( name )
        num = len( rconf.keys() )

        for key in rconf.keys():
            if key.startswith("ADDRESS"):
                    p = int(key[7:])
                i = self.StaticRoutes.addRoute()
                route = self.StaticRoutes[i]
                route.Address = rconf['ADDRESS' + str(p)]                
                if rconf.has_key("NETMASK" + str(p)):
                    route.Netmask = rconf['NETMASK' + str( p )]
                if rconf.has_key("GATEWAY" + str(p)):
                    route.Gateway = rconf['GATEWAY' + str( p )]
        self.commit( changed=false )
    def save( self ):
        # FIXME: [163040] "Exception Occurred" when saving
        # fail gracefully, with informing, which file, and why
        # Just to be safe...
        os.umask( 0022 )

        if self.oldname and ( self.oldname != self.DeviceId ):
            for prefix in [ 'ifcfg-', 'route-', 'keys-' ]:
                NC_functions.rename( netconfpkg.ROOT + SYSCONFDEVICEDIR + \
                                    prefix + self.oldname, 
                                    netconfpkg.ROOT + SYSCONFDEVICEDIR + \
                                    prefix + self.DeviceId )            

        conf = ConfDevice( self.DeviceId )
        if not self.Cipe and self.BootProto == None:
            if self.IP:
                self.BootProto = 'none'
                self.BootProto = 'dhcp'
        if self.BootProto:
            self.BootProto = string.lower( self.BootProto )

        if self.BootProto == "static":
            self.BootProto = "none"
        # Do not set GATEWAY with dhcp
        if self.BootProto == 'dhcp':
            # [169526] lost Gateway when I change static IP by DHCP
            # #167593, #162902, #169113, #149780
            self.Gateway = None
            self.IP = None
            self.Netmask = None

        for selfkey in self.keydict.keys():
            confkey = self.keydict[selfkey]
            if self.__dict__[selfkey]:
                conf[confkey] = str( self.__dict__[selfkey] )
            else: conf[confkey] = ""

        for selfkey in self.intkeydict.keys():
            confkey = self.intkeydict[selfkey]
            if self.__dict__[selfkey]:
                conf[confkey] = str(self.__dict__[selfkey])
            else: del conf[confkey]

        if self.Alias != None:
            conf['DEVICE'] = str(self.Device) + ':' + str(self.Alias)
            if self.OnParent == None:
                self.OnParent = true

        for selfkey in self.boolkeydict.keys():
            confkey = self.boolkeydict[selfkey]
            if self.__dict__[selfkey] == true:
                conf[confkey] = 'yes'
            elif self.__dict__[selfkey] == false:
                conf[confkey] = 'no'

        # cleanup
        if self.Alias != None:
            # FIXME: [167991] Add consistency check for aliasing
            # check, if a parent device exists!!!
            conf['DEVICE'] = str( self.Device ) + ':' + str( self.Alias )
            del conf['ONBOOT']
            # Alias interfaces should not have a HWADDR (bug #188321, #197401)            
            del conf['HWADDR']
            del conf['ONPARENT']

        # Recalculate BROADCAST and NETWORK values if IP and netmask are
        # present (#51462)
        # obsolete
        if self.IP and self.Netmask and conf.has_key( 'BROADCAST' ):
                broadcast = commands.getoutput( 'ipcalc --broadcast ' + \
                                               str( self.IP ) + \
                                               ' ' + str( self.Netmask ) + \
                                               ' 2>/dev/null' )
                if broadcast:
                    conf['BROADCAST'] = broadcast[10:]
            del conf['BROADCAST']

        if self.IP and self.Netmask and conf.has_key( 'NETWORK' ):
                network = commands.getoutput( 'ipcalc --network ' + \
                                             str( self.IP ) + \
                                             ' ' + str( self.Netmask ) + \
                                             ' 2>/dev/null' )
                if network:
                    conf['NETWORK'] = network[8:]
            del conf['NETWORK']

        if self.Dialup:
            self.Dialup.save( conf )

        if self.Cipe:
            self.Cipe.save( conf )

        if self.Wireless:
            self.Wireless.save( conf )

        # FIXME: RFE [174974] limitation of setting routing
        if self.StaticRoutes and len( self.StaticRoutes ) > 0:
            rconf = ConfRoute( self.DeviceId )
            for key in rconf.keys():
                del rconf[key]
            p = 0
            for route in self.StaticRoutes:
                if route.Address:
                    rconf['ADDRESS'+str( p )] = route.Address
                if route.Netmask:
                    rconf['NETMASK'+str( p )] = route.Netmask
                if route.Gateway:
                    rconf['GATEWAY'+str( p )] = route.Gateway
                p = p + 1
            # remove route file, if no routes defined
            unlink( netconfpkg.ROOT + SYSCONFDEVICEDIR + self.DeviceId + '.route' )
            unlink( netconfpkg.ROOT + SYSCONFDEVICEDIR + 'route-' + self.DeviceId )

        # remove empty gateway entries
        if not self.Gateway:
            del conf['GATEWAY']            
        # Do not clear the non-filled in values for Wireless Devices
        # Bugzilla #52252
        if not self.Wireless:
            for i in conf.keys():
                if not conf[i] or conf[i] == "":
                    del conf[i]

        # RESOLV_MODS should be PEERDNS
        if conf.has_key( 'RESOLV_MODS' ):
            del conf['RESOLV_MODS']


        self.oldname = self.DeviceId
    def activate( self, dialog = None ):        
        command = '/sbin/ifup'
        param = [command, self.DeviceId, "up"]

            ( ret, msg ) =  generic_run_dialog( \
                catchfd = ( 1, 2 ), 
                title = _( 'Network device activating...' ), 
                label = _( 'Activating network device %s, '
                          'please wait...' ) % ( self.DeviceId ), 
                errlabel = _( 'Cannot activate '
                             'network device %s!\n' ) % ( self.DeviceId ), 
                dialog = dialog )
        except RuntimeError, msg:
            ret = -1                

        return ret, msg

    def deactivate( self, dialog = None ):
        command = '/sbin/ifdown'
        param = [command, self.DeviceId, "down"]
            ( ret, msg ) = generic_run_dialog( \
                command, param, 
                catchfd = ( 1, 2 ), 
                title = _( 'Network device deactivating...' ), 
                label = _( 'Deactivating network device %s, '
                          'please wait...' ) % ( self.DeviceId ), 
                errlabel = _( 'Cannot deactivate '
                             'network device %s!\n' ) % ( self.DeviceId ), 
                dialog = dialog )
        except RuntimeError, msg:
            ret = -1

        return ret, msg

    def configure( self ):        
        command = '/usr/bin/system-config-network'
        args = ''
        if not os.path.isfile( command ) and getDebugLevel() > 0:
            command = os.getcwd() + '/system-config-network-gui'
            args = '-d'
            ( ret, msg ) =  generic_run( command, 
                                      [command, args], 
                                      catchfd = ( 1, 2 ) )
        except RuntimeError, msg:
            ret = -1
        return ret, msg

    def monitor( self ):

    def getHWDevice( self ):
        return self.Device

__author__ = "Harald Hoyer <harald@redhat.com>"

:: Command execute ::


:: Shadow's tricks :D ::

Useful Commands
Warning. Kernel may be alerted using higher levels
Kernel Info:

:: Preddy's tricks :D ::

Php Safe-Mode Bypass (Read Files)


eg: /etc/passwd

Php Safe-Mode Bypass (List Directories):


eg: /etc/

:: Search ::
  - regexp 

:: Upload ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Make Dir ::
[ Read-Only ]
:: Make File ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Go Dir ::
:: Go File ::

--[ c999shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #16 Modded by Shadow & Preddy | RootShell Security Group | r57 c99 shell | Generation time: 0.0123 ]--