The gtksourceview.SourcePrintJob object is used to print the contents of a
gtksourceview.SourceBuffer. You can set various configuration options to
customize the printed output, and the result is obtained as a
gtksourceview.SourcePrintJob object, which you can then preview with
gnomeprint.ui.JobPreview or print directly with
Printing can be done synchronously and asynchronously. Asynchronous methods are provided so you can give the user feedback
about what's going on when printing long documents (see the "begin-page"
and "finished" signals).
The task of a gtksourceview.SourcePrintJob is to produce a
gnomeprint.Job. What this means is that once you get the resulting
gnomeprint.Job, you might reuse the
gtksourceview.SourcePrintJob to produce another output
(with different configuration options for example) or just unreference it and forget about it.
The lifetime of the produced object is independent of that of the producer.
Before printing you should at least set the gtksourceview.SourceBuffer
you want to print (using set_buffer).
Besides that, you might configure word wrapping, font, whether to print hightlighted text as seen in the
gtksourceview.SourceView, line numbers, basic headers and footers.
gtksourceview.SourcePrintJob can print basic headers and footers in each page.
You can specify the time like strings for text on the left, right and center of the top and bottom of the page.
You can also make gtksourceview.SourcePrintJob draw a separator line between
the text document and the header and footer. And you can specify a different font (from that used for the text document).
Customization beyond that is possible, but you have to do the printing manually. To do that, you need to connect to the
"begin-page" signal of the job and allocate some space in the
page using set_text_margins.
Whenever gtksourceview.SourcePrintJob is about to print a new text page,
the signal will be emitted. You can then get the gnomeprint.Context being
used with get_print_context and use Gnome Print functions
directly. The space you allocate is inside the document margins defined in the specified
gnomeprint.Config, but outside all print area used by
gtksourceview.SourcePrintJob itself.
def set_config(config
The set_config
() method sets the print configuration for the job.
If you don't set a configuration object for the print job, when needed one
will be created with gnomeprint.Config
def get_config()
The get_config
() method gets the current gnomeprint.Config
the print job will use. If not previously set, this will create a default configuration and return it. The returned object reference
is owned by the print job.
def set_buffer(buffer
The set_buffer
() method sets the gtksourceview.SourceBuffer
the print job will print. You need to specify a buffer to print, either by the use of this function or by creating the print
job passing the parameter <methodparam>buffer</methodparam> at the constructor.
def get_buffer()
The get_buffer
() method gets the gtksourceview.SourceBuffer
the print job would print. The returned object reference (if non None
) is owned by the job object and should not be unreferenced
def setup_from_view(view
The setup_from_view
() method is a convenience function to set several configuration options at once,
so that the printed output matches view. The options set are buffer (if not set already), tabs width, highlighting, wrap mode
and default font.
def set_tabs_width(tabs_width
tabs_width : | the number of equivalent spaces for a tabulation. |
The set_tabs_width
() method sets the width (in equivalent spaces) of tabulations for the printed text.
The width in printing units will be calculated as the width of a string containing tabs_width spaces of the default font.
Tabulation stops are set for the full width of printed text.
def get_tabs_width()
Returns : | the width (in equivalent spaces) of a tabulation. |
The get_tabs_width
() method determines the configured width (in equivalent spaces) of tabulations.
The default value is 8.
def set_wrap_mode(wrap
The set_wrap_mode
() method sets the wrap mode for lines of text larger than the printable width.
See GtkWrapMode for a definition of the possible values.
def get_wrap_mode()
Returns : | the current wrapping mode for the print job. |
The get_tabs_width
() method determines the wrapping style for text lines wider than the printable width.
The default is no wrapping.
def set_highlight(highlight
highlight : | if TRUE the printed text should be highlighted. |
The set_highlight
() method sets whether the printed text will be highlighted according to the buffer
rules. Both color and font style are applied.
def get_highlight()
Returns : | TRUE if the printed output will be highlighted. |
The get_tabs_width
() method determines if the job is configured to print the text highlighted with
colors and font styles. Note that highlighting will happen only if the buffer to print has highlighting activated.
def set_font_desc(desc
desc : | the PangoFontDescription for the default font. |
The set_font_desc
() method sets the default font for the printed text.
def get_font_desc()
Returns : | the current text font description. |
The get_font_desc
() method determines the default font to be used for the printed text.
The returned string is of the form "Fontfamily Style Size", for example "Monospace Regular 10.0".
def set_font(font_name
font_name : | the name of the default font. |
The set_font
() method sets the default font for the printed text.
should be a full font name GnomePrint can understand (e.g. "Monospace Regular 10.0")
Note that font_name is a GnomeFont name not a Pango font description string. This function is deprecated since GnomeFont
is no longer used when implementing printing for GtkSourceView;
you should use
set_font_desc instead.
def get_font()
Returns : | a newly allocated string with the name of the current text font. |
The get_font
() method determines the default font to be used for the printed text.
The returned string is of the form "Fontfamily Style Size", for example "Monospace Regular 10.0".
Note that font_name is a GnomeFont name not a Pango font description string. This function is deprecated since GnomeFont
is no longer used when implementing printing for GtkSourceView;
you should use
get_font_desc instead.
def set_numbers_font_desc(desc
desc : | the PangoFontDescription for the default font for the line numbers or None . |
The set_numbers_font_desc
() method sets the font for printing line numbers on the left margin.
If None
is supplied, the default font (i.e. the one being used for the text) will be used instead.
def get_numbers_font_desc()
Returns : | the line numbers font description or None . |
The get_font_desc
() method determines the font to be used for the line numbers.
This function might return None
if a specific font for numbers has not been set.
def set_numbers_font(font_name
font_name : | the full name of the font for line numbers, or None . |
The set_font
() method sets the font for printing line numbers on the left margin.
If None
is supplied, the default font (i.e. the one being used for the text) will be used instead.
Note that font_name is a GnomeFont name not a Pango font description string. This function is deprecated since GnomeFont
is no longer used when implementing printing for GtkSourceView;
you should use
set_numbers_font instead.
def get_numbers_font()
Returns : | a newly allocated string with the name of the current line numbers font, or None . |
The get_numbers_font
() method determines the font to be used for the line numbers.
The returned string is of the form "Fontfamily Style Size", for example "Monospace Regular 10.0".
This function might return None
if a specific font for numbers has not been set.
Note that font_name is a GnomeFont name not a Pango font description string. This function is deprecated since GnomeFont
is no longer used when implementing printing for GtkSourceView;
you should use
get_numbers_font instead.
def set_print_numbers(interval
interval : | interval for printed line numbers. |
The set_print_numbers
() method sets the interval for printed line numbers.
If interval is 0 no numbers will be printed. If greater than 0, a number will be printed every interval lines
(i.e. 1 will print all line numbers).
def get_print_numbers()
Returns : | the interval of printed line numbers. |
The get_font_desc
() method determines the interval used for line number printing.
If the value is 0, no line numbers will be printed. The default value is 1 (i.e. numbers printed in all lines).
def set_text_margins(top
, bottom
, left
, right
top : | the top user margin. |
bottom : | the bottom user margin. |
left : | the left user margin. |
right : | the right user margin. |
The set_text_margins
() method sets the four user margins for the print job.
These margins are in addition to the document margins provided in the GnomePrintConfig and will not be used for headers,
footers or line numbers (those are calculated separatedly). You can print in the space allocated by these margins by
connecting to the "begin_page" signal. The space is around the printed text, and inside the margins specified in
the GnomePrintConfig.
The margin numbers are given in device units. If any of the given values is less than 0, that particular
margin is not altered by this function.
def get_text_margins()
Returns : | a list of margin numbers. |
The get_text_margins
() method determines the user set margins for the job.
This function retrieves the values previously set by
The default for all four margins is 0. Any of the pointers can be None
if you want to ignore that value.
def print()
Returns : | a closed GnomePrintJob with the printed document, or None if printing
could not be completed. |
The print
() method produces a GnomePrintJob with the printed document.
The whole contents of the configured gtksourceview.SourceBuffer
are printed. The returned job is already closed and ready to be previewed
(using gnomeprint.ui.JobPreview) or printed directly.
The caller of this function owns a reference to the returned object, so job can be destroyed and the output will still be valid,
or the document can be printed again with different settings.
def print_range()
start : | the start of the region of text to print. |
end : | the end of the region of text to print. |
Returns : | a closed GnomePrintJob with the text from start to end printed, or None
if job could not print. |
The print_range
() method is similar to print,
except you can specify a range of text to print. The passed GtkTextIter values might be out of order.
def print_range_async()
start : | the start of the region of text to print. |
end : | the end of the region of text to print. |
Returns : | True if the print started. |
The print_range_async
() method starts to print job asynchronously.
This function will ready the job for printing and install an idle handler that will render one page at a time.
This function will not return immediatly, as only page rendering is done asynchronously.
Text retrieval and paginating happens within this function. Also, if highlighting is enabled, the whole buffer
needs to be highlighted first.
To get notification when the job has finished, you must connect to the
"finished" signal.
After this signal is emitted you can retrieve the resulting GnomePrintJob with
You may cancel the job with cancel
def cancel()
The cancel
() method cancels an asynchronous printing operation.
This will remove any pending print idle handler and unref the current GnomePrintJob
Note that if you got a reference to the job's GnomePrintJob
(using get_print_job) it will not be destroyed
(since you hold a reference to it), but it will not be closed either.
If you wish to show or print the partially printed document you need to close it yourself.
This function has no effect when called from a non-asynchronous print operation.
def get_print_job()
Returns : | a new reference to the job's GnomePrintJob, or None . |
The get_font_desc
() method gets a reference to the GnomePrintJob which the job is printing
or has recently finished printing. You need to unref the returned object.
You may call this function in the middle of an asynchronous printing operation, but the returned GnomePrintJob
will not be closed until the last page is printed and the "finished" signal is emitted.
def get_page()
Returns : | the current page number. |
The get_page
() method determines the currently printing page number.
This function is only valid while printing (either synchronously or asynchronously).
def get_page_count()
Returns : | the number of pages of the printed job. |
The get_page_count
() method determines the total number of pages the job will print.
The returned value is only meaninful after pagination has finished. In practice, for synchronous printing this means when
"begin-page" is emitted, or after
print_range_async has returned.
def get_print_context()
Returns : | the current GnomePrintContext. The returned object is owned by job. |
The get_print_context
() method determines the GnomePrintContext of the current job.
This function is only valid while printing. Normally you would use this function to print in the margins set by
set_text_margins in a handler for the
"begin-page" signal.
def set_print_header(setting
setting : | if TRUE you want the header to be printed. |
The set_print_header
() method sets whether you want to print a header in each page. The default header consists of three pieces
of text and an optional line separator, configurable with set_header_format.
def get_print_header()
Returns : | TRUE if the header is set to be printed. |
The get_print_header
() method Determines if a header is set to be printed for each page. A header will be printed if this
function returns TRUE
and some format strings have been specified with
def set_print_footer(setting
setting : | if TRUE you want the footer to be printed. |
The set_print_footer
() method sets whether you want to print a footer in each page. The default header consists of three pieces
of text and an optional line separator, configurable with set_footer_format.
By default the footer format is unspecified, and if it's empty it will not be printed, regardless of this setting.
def get_print_footer()
Returns : | TRUE if the footer is set to be printed. |
The get_print_footer
() method determines if a footer is set to be printed for each page. A header will be printed if this
function returns TRUE
and some format strings have been specified with
def set_header_footer_font_desc(desc
desc : | the PangoFontDescription for the font to be used in headers and footers, or None . |
The set_header_footer_font_desc
() method sets the font for printing headers and footers. If None
is supplied,
the default font (i.e. the one being used for the text) will be used instead.
def get_header_footer_font_desc()
Returns : | the header and footer font description or None . |
The get_header_footer_font_desc
() method determines the font to be used for the header and footer. This function might return
if a specific font has not been set.
def set_header_footer_font(font_name
font_name : | the full name of the font to be used in headers and footers, or None . |
The set_header_footer_font
() method sets the font for printing headers and footers. If None
is supplied, the
default font (i.e. the one being used for the text) will be used instead.
def get_header_footer_font()
Returns : | a newly allocated string with the name of the current header and footer font, or None . |
The get_header_footer_font_desc
() method determines the font to be used for the header and footer. The returned string is of the
form "Fontfamily Style Size", for example "Monospace Regular 10.0". The returned value should be freed when no longer needed. This function might return
if a specific font has not been set.
the result is a GnomeFont name not a Pango font description string. This function is deprecated since GnomeFont is no longer used when implementing
printing for
gtksourceview.SourceView; you should use
get_header_footer_font_desc instead.
def set_header_format(left
, center
, right
, separator
left : | a format string to print on the left of the header. |
center : | a format string to print on the center of the header. |
right : | a format string to print on the right of the header. |
right : | TRUE if you want a separator line to be printed. |
The set_header_format
() method sets time() like header format strings, to be printed on the left, center and right of the top of
each page. The strings may include strftime(3) codes which will be expanded at print time. All time() codes are accepted, with the addition of N for the
page number and Q for the page count.
Separator specifies if a solid line should be drawn to separate the header from the document text.
If None
is given for any of the three arguments, that particular string will not be printed. For the header to be printed, in addition to specifying format strings, you need to enable header printing with set_print_header.
def set_footer_format(left
, center
, right
, separator
left : | a format string to print on the left of the footer. |
center : | a format string to print on the center of the footer. |
right : | a format string to print on the right of the footer. |
right : | TRUE if you want a separator line to be printed. |
The set_footer_format
() method sets time() like footer format strings, to be printed on the left, center and right of the top of
each page. The strings may include strftime(3) codes which will be expanded at print time. All time() codes are accepted, with the addition of N for the
page number and Q for the page count.
Separator specifies if a solid line should be drawn to separate the header from the document text.
If None
is given for any of the three arguments, that particular string will not be printed. For the header to be printed, in addition to specifying format strings, you need to enable header printing with set_print_footer.