Software: Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS). PHP/5.1.6 uname -a: Linux 2.6.18-194.el5PAE #1 SMP Fri Apr 2 15:37:44 uid=48(apache) gid=48(apache) groups=48(apache) Safe-mode: OFF (not secure) /usr/share/gtk-doc/html/libplanner/ drwxr-xr-x |
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Synopsis#include <libplanner/planner.h> typedef mrptime; #define MRP_TIME_INVALID #define MRP_TIME_MIN #define MRP_TIME_MAX mrptime mrp_time_current_time (void); mrptime mrp_time_compose (gint year, gint month, gint day, gint hour, gint minute, gint second); gboolean mrp_time_decompose (mrptime t, gint *year, gint *month, gint *day, gint *hour, gint *minute, gint *second); mrptime mrp_time_from_string (const gchar *str, GError **err); gchar* mrp_time_to_string (mrptime t); mrptime mrp_time_from_msdate_string (const gchar *str); mrptime mrp_time_align_day (mrptime t); gint mrp_time_day_of_week (mrptime t); gint mrp_time_week_number (mrptime t); const gchar* mrp_time_day_name (mrptime t); const gchar* mrp_time_month_name (mrptime t); const gchar* mrp_time_month_name_initial (mrptime t); gchar* mrp_time_format (const gchar *format, mrptime t); void mrp_time_debug_print (mrptime t); GParamSpec* mrp_param_spec_time (const gchar *name, const gchar *nick, const gchar *blurb, GParamFlags flags); Detailsmrp_time_current_time ()mrptime mrp_time_current_time (void); Retrieves the current time as an mrptime value.
mrp_time_compose ()mrptime mrp_time_compose (gint year, gint month, gint day, gint hour, gint minute, gint second); Composes an mrptime value from the separate components.
mrp_time_decompose ()gboolean mrp_time_decompose (mrptime t, gint *year, gint *month, gint *day, gint *hour, gint *minute, gint *second); Splits up an mrptime value into its components.
mrp_time_from_string ()mrptime mrp_time_from_string (const gchar *str, GError **err); Parses an ISO8601 time string and converts it to an mrptime.
mrp_time_to_string ()gchar* mrp_time_to_string (mrptime t); Converts a time value to an ISO8601 string.
mrp_time_from_msdate_string ()mrptime mrp_time_from_msdate_string (const gchar *str);
mrp_time_align_day ()mrptime mrp_time_align_day (mrptime t); Aligns a time value to the start of the day.
mrp_time_day_of_week ()gint mrp_time_day_of_week (mrptime t); Retrieves the day of week of the specified time.
mrp_time_week_number ()gint mrp_time_week_number (mrptime t); Retrieves the week number of the specified time.
mrp_time_day_name ()const gchar* mrp_time_day_name (mrptime t); Retrieves the name of the day of the specified time.
mrp_time_month_name ()const gchar* mrp_time_month_name (mrptime t); Retrieves the name of the month of the specified time.
mrp_time_month_name_initial ()const gchar* mrp_time_month_name_initial (mrptime t); Retrieves the initial letter for the month of the specified time.
mrp_time_format ()gchar* mrp_time_format (const gchar *format, mrptime t); Formats a string with time values. The following format codes are allowed:
mrp_time_debug_print ()void mrp_time_debug_print (mrptime t); Prints the time on stdout, for debugging purposes.
mrp_param_spec_time ()GParamSpec* mrp_param_spec_time (const gchar *name, const gchar *nick, const gchar *blurb, GParamFlags flags); Convenience function for creating a GParamSpec carrying an mrptime value.
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