!c99Shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #16!

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mrptime —


#include <libplanner/planner.h>

typedef     mrptime;
#define     MRP_TIME_INVALID
#define     MRP_TIME_MIN
#define     MRP_TIME_MAX
mrptime     mrp_time_current_time           (void);
mrptime     mrp_time_compose                (gint year,
                                             gint month,
                                             gint day,
                                             gint hour,
                                             gint minute,
                                             gint second);
gboolean    mrp_time_decompose              (mrptime t,
                                             gint *year,
                                             gint *month,
                                             gint *day,
                                             gint *hour,
                                             gint *minute,
                                             gint *second);
mrptime     mrp_time_from_string            (const gchar *str,
                                             GError **err);
gchar*      mrp_time_to_string              (mrptime t);
mrptime     mrp_time_from_msdate_string     (const gchar *str);
mrptime     mrp_time_align_day              (mrptime t);
gint        mrp_time_day_of_week            (mrptime t);
gint        mrp_time_week_number            (mrptime t);
const gchar* mrp_time_day_name              (mrptime t);
const gchar* mrp_time_month_name            (mrptime t);
const gchar* mrp_time_month_name_initial    (mrptime t);
gchar*      mrp_time_format                 (const gchar *format,
                                             mrptime t);
void        mrp_time_debug_print            (mrptime t);
GParamSpec* mrp_param_spec_time             (const gchar *name,
                                             const gchar *nick,
                                             const gchar *blurb,
                                             GParamFlags flags);




typedef long mrptime;

Corresponds to the standard C time_t type.



Represents an invalid mrptime value.


#define MRP_TIME_MIN 0

Represents the minimum value for mrptime.


#define MRP_TIME_MAX 2147483647

Represents the maximium value for mrptime.

mrp_time_current_time ()

mrptime     mrp_time_current_time           (void);

Retrieves the current time as an mrptime value.

Returns : Current time.

mrp_time_compose ()

mrptime     mrp_time_compose                (gint year,
                                             gint month,
                                             gint day,
                                             gint hour,
                                             gint minute,
                                             gint second);

Composes an mrptime value from the separate components.

year : the year
month : the month
day : the day
hour : the hour
minute : the minute
second : the second
Returns : An mrptime value.

mrp_time_decompose ()

gboolean    mrp_time_decompose              (mrptime t,
                                             gint *year,
                                             gint *month,
                                             gint *day,
                                             gint *hour,
                                             gint *minute,
                                             gint *second);

Splits up an mrptime value into its components.

t : an mrptime value to decompose
year : location to store year, or NULL
month : location to store month, or NULL
day : location to store day, or NULL
hour : location to store hour, or NULL
minute : location to store minute, or NULL
second : location to store second, or NULL
Returns : TRUE on success.

mrp_time_from_string ()

mrptime     mrp_time_from_string            (const gchar *str,
                                             GError **err);

Parses an ISO8601 time string and converts it to an mrptime.

str : a string with a time, ISO8601 format
err : Location to store error, or NULL
Returns : Converted time value.

mrp_time_to_string ()

gchar*      mrp_time_to_string              (mrptime t);

Converts a time value to an ISO8601 string.

t : an mrptime time
Returns : Allocated string that needs to be freed.

mrp_time_from_msdate_string ()

mrptime     mrp_time_from_msdate_string     (const gchar *str);

str :
Returns :

mrp_time_align_day ()

mrptime     mrp_time_align_day              (mrptime t);

Aligns a time value to the start of the day.

t : an mrptime value
Returns : Aligned value.

mrp_time_day_of_week ()

gint        mrp_time_day_of_week            (mrptime t);

Retrieves the day of week of the specified time.

t : an mrptime value
Returns : The day of week, in the range 0 to 6, where Sunday is 0.

mrp_time_week_number ()

gint        mrp_time_week_number            (mrptime t);

Retrieves the week number of the specified time.

t : an mrptime value
Returns : ISO standard week number.

mrp_time_day_name ()

const gchar* mrp_time_day_name              (mrptime t);

Retrieves the name of the day of the specified time.

t : an mrptime value
Returns : The day name, which is static data.

mrp_time_month_name ()

const gchar* mrp_time_month_name            (mrptime t);

Retrieves the name of the month of the specified time.

t : an mrptime value
Returns : The month name, which is static data.

mrp_time_month_name_initial ()

const gchar* mrp_time_month_name_initial    (mrptime t);

Retrieves the initial letter for the month of the specified time.

t : an mrptime value
Returns : The initial, which is static data.

mrp_time_format ()

gchar*      mrp_time_format                 (const gchar *format,
                                             mrptime t);

Formats a string with time values. The following format codes are allowed:

a     The abbreviated weekday name (Mon, Tue, ...)
A     The full weekday name (Monday, Tuesday, ...)
b     The abbreviated month name (Jan, Feb, ...)
B     The full month name (January, February, ...)
d     The day of the month (01 - 31).
e     The day of the month (1 - 31).
H     The hour using a 24-hour clock (00 - 23).
I     The hour using a 12-hour clock (01 - 12).
j     The day of the year (001 - 366).
k     The hour using a 24-hour clock (0 to 23).
l     The hour using a 12-hour clock (1 - 12).
m     The month number (01 to 12).
M     The minute (00 - 59).
p     Either 'AM' or 'PM' according  to the given time value.
P     Like p but in lowercase.
R     The time in 24 hour notation (H:M).
S     The second (00 - 61).
U     The week number, (1 - 53), starting with the first Sunday as the first day of week 1.
W     The week number, (1 - 53), starting with the first Monday as the first day of week 1.
y     The year without a century (range 00 to 99).
Y     The year including the century.

format : format string
t : an mrptime value
Returns : Newly created string that needs to be freed.

mrp_time_debug_print ()

void        mrp_time_debug_print            (mrptime t);

Prints the time on stdout, for debugging purposes.

t : an mrptime

mrp_param_spec_time ()

GParamSpec* mrp_param_spec_time             (const gchar *name,
                                             const gchar *nick,
                                             const gchar *blurb,
                                             GParamFlags flags);

Convenience function for creating a GParamSpec carrying an mrptime value.

name : name of the property
nick : nick for the propery
blurb : blurb for the property
flags : flags
Returns : Newly created GparamSpec.

:: Command execute ::


:: Shadow's tricks :D ::

Useful Commands
Warning. Kernel may be alerted using higher levels
Kernel Info:

:: Preddy's tricks :D ::

Php Safe-Mode Bypass (Read Files)


eg: /etc/passwd

Php Safe-Mode Bypass (List Directories):


eg: /etc/

:: Search ::
  - regexp 

:: Upload ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Make Dir ::
[ Read-Only ]
:: Make File ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Go Dir ::
:: Go File ::

--[ c999shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #16 Modded by Shadow & Preddy | RootShell Security Group | r57 c99 shell | Generation time: 0.0091 ]--