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8.9.  Display Filters

8.9.  Display Filters

The images you create, we hope, will be seen by many people on different systems. Your image, so wonderfull on your screen, may look somewhat different to people with sight deficiency or on screen with different settings. Some informations may even become invisible.

Display Filters allow you to view your image as if it was seen by people with sight deficiency or on a different screen. Don't misunderstand, these filters show you the image it was seen by people with sight deficiency or on a different screen, but they don't change the image at all. For that matter, if you save this shown image, you will save the original image, and you can't undo filter action with Ctrl-Z.

Available filters are for Color Deficient Vision, Gamma, Contrast and Color Proof:

8.9.1.  Activate Dialog

  • This command can be found in the image menu under ViewDisplay Filters.

8.9.2.  Dialog description

Figure 10.43.  The Configure Color Display Filters dialog

The Configure Color Display Filters dialog

This dialog has two small windows. In the left window, you can see Available Filters. You can move them to the right window by selecting them and clicking on the right arrow button. In the right Active Filters window you can find filters you have choosen and which will be applied to the image if the adjacent box is checked. You can move filters from the right to the left window by using the left arrow button. When you click on a filter name you select it and its options are displayed under both windows, in the Configure Selected Filter area.

8.9.3.  Color Deficient Vision

Color Deficiency Type

In this drop-down list you can select among:


Don't be afraid of this barbaric name. It is made of three Greek roots: “op” for eye, vision; “an” for negation; “proto” for first, the first color in the RGB Color System. So, protanopia is vision deficiency of Red color. It's the well-known daltonism.

Protanopia is actually more complex: red but green also are not seen. Protanope remains sensible to yellow and blue. Besides, there is a loss of luminance and a shift of hues to short wave lengths.


Green vision is deficient. Deuteraopia is actually like protanopia, with a loss of green and red vision, but without luminance loss nor hue shift.


Blue but also yellow are deficient. There is actually a loss of Blue and Yellow vision; Red and Green are preserved, with luminance loss and a shift of hues to long waves.


Figure 10.44.  Example of protanopia on a text

Example of protanopia on a text

As you can note, a red-blind person will not see your red (255,0,0) text on a black (0,0,0) background. You will have to change color text. Daltonism is frequent in the population.

Figure 10.45.  Examples of the three vision deficiencies on an image

Examples of the three vision deficiencies on an image

From top to bottom: normal vision, protanopia, deuteranopia, tritanopia. It seems that filter doesn't give a fair reflection of medical data. In deuteranopia yellow is shifted to red. In tritanopia, green should be present: it is replaced by blue...

8.9.4.  Gamma

Figure 10.46.  Gamma dialog

Gamma dialog

Correspondance between electic intensity and color brightness is not exact and depends on device (camera, scanner, monitor...). “ gamma” is a coefficient to correct this correspondance. Your image must remain visible in dark and bright areas, even if it is displayed on a too much or not enough luminous monitor. Display Filters “gamma” allows you to get an idea of your image aspect under these conditions.

8.9.5.  Contrast

Here we are again in medical domain. “Contrast Sensibility ” is visual system capacity to distinguish weak contrast differences. Some people, with cataract (their opaque crystalline lens scatters light over retina) or retina disease (due to diabetes for instance, which destroyes cones and rods), have a contrast sensibility deficiency: for example, they have difficulties to distinguish spots on a dress.

With the “Contrast”, you see the image as if you were suffering from cataract. Perhaps you will have to increase your image contrast so that your grandmother can well see it. In most cases, only very low values of the Contrast Cycles parameter are useful. Higher values give an effect of no interest here: increasing luminosity value above 255 results in complementary color.

If you are interested in this question, browse the Web for “contrast sensibility”.

8.9.6.  Color Proof

Systems reproducing colors cannot represent all colors of nature. Even if they have many common colors in their color range, some of them will be different. "gamut" is the color range of a system. Color Profiles allow to compensate these differences.

It may be useful, before printing an image, to see if applying a profile gives the wanted result. The “Color Proof” filter shows how your image will be after applying a profile.

Figure 10.47.  Color Proof options

Color Proof options


You can apply the filter you will select according four methods:


The Perceptual method is the best to reproduce photographs on ink-jet printers. Adjustment is minimum and visual relationships between colors are preserved so that they are perceived in a natural way by the human eye.

Relative Colorimetric

This method compares source white and black points to those of destination gamut and scales hues accordingly. It well suits printing photographs on ink-jet printers. It tends to darken result: compensate black point is often necessary.


This intent preserves the saturation values of original pixels. It is used for documents where color punch is more important than their accuracy, as for logos. Continuously variating colors are badly represented, with color leaps.

Absolute Colorimetric

This method leaves colors inside the destination gamut unchanged. Colors out of gamut are cut out. Color accuracy is preserved, but color relationships are not.


This text box and its browser button allow you to select the profile you want on a storage device.

Black Point Compensation

Black point Compensation scales hues from black point of the original image when result is too different from original.

:: Command execute ::


:: Shadow's tricks :D ::

Useful Commands
Warning. Kernel may be alerted using higher levels
Kernel Info:

:: Preddy's tricks :D ::

Php Safe-Mode Bypass (Read Files)


eg: /etc/passwd

Php Safe-Mode Bypass (List Directories):


eg: /etc/

:: Search ::
  - regexp 

:: Upload ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Make Dir ::
[ Read-Only ]
:: Make File ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Go Dir ::
:: Go File ::

--[ c999shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #16 Modded by Shadow & Preddy | RootShell Security Group | r57 c99 shell | Generation time: 0.0126 ]--