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""" Outputs the object class tree read from LDAPv3 schema of a given server
Usage: [--html] [LDAP URL] """
import sys,getopt,ldap,ldap.schema
ldap.trace_level = 1
def PrintSchemaTree(schema,se_class,se_tree,se_oid,level): """ASCII text output for console""" se_obj = schema.get_obj(se_class,se_oid) if se_obj!=None: print '| '*(level-1)+'+---'*(level>0), \ ', '.join(se_obj.names), \ '(%s)' % se_obj.oid for sub_se_oid in se_tree[se_oid]: print '| '*(level+1) PrintSchemaTree(schema,se_class,se_tree,sub_se_oid,level+1)
def HTMLSchemaTree(schema,se_class,se_tree,se_oid,level): """HTML output for browser""" se_obj = schema.get_obj(se_class,se_oid) if se_obj!=None: print """ <dt><strong>%s (%s)</strong></dt> <dd> %s """ % (', '.join(se_obj.names),se_obj.oid,se_obj.desc) if se_tree[se_oid]: print '<dl>' for sub_se_oid in se_tree[se_oid]: HTMLSchemaTree(schema,se_class,se_tree,sub_se_oid,level+1) print '</dl>' print '</dd>'
ldap._trace_level = 0
subschemasubentry_dn,schema = ldap.schema.urlfetch(sys.argv[-1],ldap.trace_level)
if subschemasubentry_dn is None: print 'No sub schema sub entry found!' sys.exit(1)
try: options,args=getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],'',['html']) except getopt.error,e: print 'Error: %s\nUsage: [--html] [LDAP URL]'
html_output = options and options[0][0]=='--html'
oc_tree = schema.tree(ldap.schema.ObjectClass) at_tree = schema.tree(ldap.schema.AttributeType)
#for k,v in oc_tree.items(): # print k,'->',v #for k,v in at_tree.items(): # print k,'->',v
if html_output:
print """<html> <head> <title>Object class tree</title> </head> <body bgcolor="#ffffff"> <h1>Object class tree</h1> <dl> """ HTMLSchemaTree(schema,ldap.schema.ObjectClass,oc_tree,'',0) print """</dl> <h1>Attribute type tree</h1> <dl> """ for a in schema.listall(ldap.schema.AttributeType): if at_tree[a]: HTMLSchemaTree(schema,ldap.schema.AttributeType,at_tree,a,0) print
print """</dl> </body> </html> """
print '*** Object class tree ***\n' print PrintSchemaTree(schema,ldap.schema.ObjectClass,oc_tree,'',0)
print '\n*** Attribute types tree ***\n' PrintSchemaTree(schema,ldap.schema.AttributeType,at_tree,'_',0)