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import string import whrandom
RESP_HEAD="""\ <HTML><BODY BGCOLOR=\"#ffffff\"> """
RESP_MIDDLE=""" <h2>M2Crypto https server demonstration</h2>
This web page is generated by the "poison" http request handler. <br> The links just go on and on and on... <br><br> """
RESP_TAIL=""" </BODY></HTML> """
charset='012345678/90ABCDEFGHIJKLM/NOPQRSTUVWXYZabcd/efghijklmnopqrs/tuvwxyz' numchar=len(charset)
def makepage(numlinks):
title='<title>' for u in range(whrandom.randint(3, 15)): pick=whrandom.randint(0, numchar-1) title=title+charset[pick] title=title+'</title>'
url='\r\n' numlinks=whrandom.randint(2, numlinks) for i in range(numlinks): url=url+'<a href="/poison/' for u in range(whrandom.randint(3, 15)): pick=whrandom.randint(0, numchar-1) ch=charset[pick] if ch=='/' and url[-1]=='/': ch=charset[pick+1] url=url+ch url=url+'/">' for u in range(whrandom.randint(3, 15)): pick=whrandom.randint(0, numchar-1) url=url+charset[pick] url=url+'</a><br>\r\n'
url=RESP_HEAD+title+RESP_MIDDLE+url+RESP_TAIL return url
class poison_handler: """This is a clone of webpoison - every URL returns a page of URLs, each of which returns a page of URLs, each of _which_ returns a page of URLs, ad infinitum. The objective is to sucker address-harvesting bots run by spammers."""
def __init__(self, numlinks=10): self.numlinks = numlinks self.poison_level = 0
def match(self, request): return (request.uri[:7] == '/poison')
def handle_request(self, request): if request.command == 'get': request.push(makepage(self.numlinks)) request.done()