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From: Barry Lagerweij <barry@euromedia.nl>
Reply-To: Barry Lagerweij <barry@euromedia.nl>
To: isdn4linux@hub-wue.franken.de
Subject: static *AND* dynamic IP addresses
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Hi everyone,

I've been running ipppd with isdn4linux very succesful so far, using
dynamic IP addresses. Just create ippp0 and ippp1 with isdnctrl, and bind
each of them to a port, and use ifconfig to configure ippp0 and ippp1 to a
certain IP-address.
When a call comes in, ipppd will select either ippp0 or ippp1, and use
that IP address. But now I want all my regular callers to get a dynamic IP
address, but a few of the callers should be assigned a static IP address.

I've been trying everything, and finally I came up with the answer :

1) create the interfaces with isdnctrl:
/sbin/ifconfig $DEVICE down
$ISDNBIN delif  $DEVICE            # Create new interface 'DEVICE'
$ISDNBIN addif  $DEVICE            # Create new interface 'DEVICE'
$ISDNBIN addphone $DEVICE in \*  # Set incoming phone-number
$ISDNBIN eaz $DEVICE $LOCAL_NUMBER             # Set local EAZ .. 
$ISDNBIN l2_prot $DEVICE hdlc      # for sync PPP: set Level 2 to HDLC
$ISDNBIN l3_prot $DEVICE trans     # not really necessary, 'trans' is default
$ISDNBIN encap $DEVICE syncppp     # encap the IP Pakets in PPP frames
$ISDNBIN huptimeout $DEVICE 600    # Hangup-Timeout is 600 sec.
$ISDNBIN chargehup $DEVICE off     # Hangup before next Charge-Info
$ISDNBIN pppbind $DEVICE 0

2) Then I start the ipppd :
/sbin/ipppd \
        -vjccomp -ac -pc \
        mru 1524 \
        -bsdcomp \
        -detach \
        debug \
	auth \
	+pap \
        useifip \
	proxyarp \
        login \
        ms-dns $LOCAL_IP \
        domain euromedia.nl \
        ipcp-accept-remote \
        $DEVICE $DEVICE2 &

Please note the 'useifip' and 'ipcp-accept-remote'. If the client offers a
IP-address that is acceptable for ipppd, but ipppd does not
'ipcp-accept-remote', that IP-address is NAK-ed by ipppd (I think this is
a bug!!!), so I must add 'ipcp-accept-remote'.

The nifty stuff is done in 'auth-up' and 'ip-up' :
if [ $2 = staticuser ]; then
  /sbin/ifconfig $1 pointopoint metric 1
  if [ $1 = ippp0 ]; then
    /sbin/ifconfig $1 pointopoint metric 1
  elif [$1 = ippp1 ]; then
    /sbin/ifconfig $1 pointopoint metric 1
if [ $2 = routeuser1 ]; then
  /sbin/route del
  /sbin/route add -net netmask $1
elif [ $2 = routeuser2 ]; then
  /sbin/route del
  /sbin/route add -net netmask $1
elif [ $2 = routeuser2 ]; then
  /sbin/route del
  /sbin/route add -net netmask $1

As you can see, I have one static-IP address user. All other callers are
assigned a IP-address based on the isdn-device (ippp0 or ippp1).
Furthermore, I have three callers that need to be assigned a pool of
IP-addresses. (a subnet of 4 or 8 addresses). This is used for ISDN
routers, like the Ascend or 3com. All of these routes are configured
dynamically when that user logs-in, and deleted as soon as the user hangs 
Since ipppd is started with 'useifip', ipppd will use the IP-address that
has just been assigned by ifconfig (in auth-up) !!!

Finally, the route to the interface itself is made, in ip-up :
/sbin/route add -host $5 $1

In auth-down and ip-down the route is deleted. This allows me to have
static and dynamic IP-addresses, based on the username, and to have extra
routes added to the device, based on the username.

I don't know if this is the correct way to do it, but it works for me !

PS: only a few users are allowed ISDN access. So I've modified pathnames.h
to point to '/etc/ippp' instead of '/etc/ppp'. This way I can have a
different PPP setup for analog and ISDN callers.

Barry Lagerweij

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--[ c999shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #16 Modded by Shadow & Preddy | RootShell Security Group | r57 c99 shell | Generation time: 0.0096 ]--