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#!/usr/bin/perl # edit_acl.cgi # Display access control options
require './'; &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'acl_title'}, "", "acl");
$conf = &get_ftpaccess(); @class = &find_value("class", $conf);
print "<form action=save_acl.cgi>\n"; print "<table border width=100%>\n"; print "<tr $tb> <td><b>$text{'acl_header'}</b></td> </tr>\n"; print "<tr $cb> <td><table width=100%>\n";
# Display addresses to deny from @deny = ( &find_value("deny", $conf), [ ] ); print "<tr> <td valign=top><b>$text{'acl_deny'}</b></td>\n"; print "<td colspan=3><table border>\n"; print "<tr $tb> <td><b>$text{'acl_daddrs'}</b></td>\n", "<td><b>$text{'acl_dmsg'}</b></td> </tr>\n"; $i = 0; foreach $d (@deny) { print "<tr $cb>\n"; print "<td><input name=daddrs_$i size=20 value='$d->[0]'></td>\n"; print "<td><input name=dmsg_$i size=35 value='$d->[1]'></td>\n"; print "</tr>\n"; $i++; } print "</table></td> </tr>\n"; print "<tr> <td colspan=4><hr></td> </tr>\n";
# Display concurrent login limits @limit = ( &find_value("limit", $conf), [ ] ); print "<tr> <td valign=top><b>$text{'acl_limit'}</b></td>\n"; print "<td colspan=3><table border>\n"; print "<tr $tb> <td><b>$text{'acl_class'}</b></td>\n", "<td><b>$text{'acl_n'}</b></td>\n", "<td><b>$text{'acl_times'}</b></td>\n", "<td><b>$text{'acl_lmsg'}</b></td> </tr>\n"; $i = 0; foreach $l (@limit) { print "<tr $cb>\n"; print "<td><select name=lclass_$i>\n"; printf "<option value='' %s> \n", $l->[0] ? '' : 'checked'; foreach $c (@class) { printf "<option %s>%s\n", $l->[0] eq $c->[0] ? 'selected' : '', $c->[0]; } print "</select></td>\n";
printf "<td><input type=radio name=ln_def_$i value=1 %s> %s\n", $l->[1] =~ /^\d+$/ ? '' : 'checked', $text{'acl_unlimited'}; printf "<input type=radio name=ln_def_$i value=0 %s>\n", $l->[1] =~ /^\d+$/ ? 'checked' : ''; printf "<input name=ln_$i size=8 value='%s'></td>\n", $l->[1] =~ /^\d+$/ ? $l->[1] : '';
printf "<td><input type=radio name=ltimes_def_$i value=1 %s> %s\n", lc($l->[2]) eq 'any' ? 'checked' : '', $text{'acl_any'}; printf "<input type=radio name=ltimes_def_$i value=0 %s>\n", lc($l->[2]) eq 'any' ? '' : 'checked'; printf "<input name=ltimes_$i size=10 value='%s'></td>\n", lc($l->[2]) eq 'any' ? '' : $l->[2];
print "<td><input name=lmsg_$i size=20 value='$l->[3]'></td>\n"; print "</tr>\n"; $i++; } print "</table></td> </tr>\n"; print "<tr> <td colspan=4><hr></td> </tr>\n";
# Display file and byte limits @fblimit = sort { $a->{'line'} <=> $b->{'line'} } ( &find("file-limit", $conf), &find("data-limit", $conf) ); push(@fblimit, { }); print "<tr> <td valign=top><b>$text{'acl_file'}</b></td>\n"; print "<td colspan=3><table border>\n"; print "<tr $tb> <td><b>$text{'acl_fblimit'}</b></td>\n", "<td><b>$text{'acl_inout'}</b></td>\n", "<td><b>$text{'acl_raw'}</b></td>\n", "<td><b>$text{'acl_count'}</b></td>\n", "<td><b>$text{'acl_class'}</b></td> </tr>\n"; $i = 0; foreach $l (@fblimit) { $f = $l->{'values'}; splice(@$f, 0, 0, '0') if ($f->[0] ne 'raw'); print "<tr $cb>\n"; print "<td><select name=fblimit_$i>\n"; printf "<option value='' %s> \n", $l->{'name'} ? '' : 'selected'; printf "<option value=file-limit %s>%s\n", $l->{'name'} eq 'file-limit' ? 'selected' : '', $text{'acl_flimit'}; printf "<option value=byte-limit %s>%s\n", $l->{'name'} eq 'byte-limit' ? 'selected' : '', $text{'acl_blimit'}; print "</select></td>\n";
print "<td><select name=fbinout_$i>\n"; printf "<option value=total %s>%s\n", $f->[1] eq 'total' ? 'selected' : '', $text{'acl_total'}; printf "<option value=in %s>%s\n", $f->[1] eq 'in' ? 'selected' : '', $text{'acl_in'}; printf "<option value=out %s>%s\n", $f->[1] eq 'out' ? 'selected' : '', $text{'acl_out'}; print "</select></td>\n";
printf "<td><input type=radio name=fbraw_$i value=0 %s> %s\n", $f->[0] eq 'raw' ? '' : 'checked', $text{'yes'}; printf "<input type=radio name=fbraw_$i value=1 %s> %s</td>\n", $f->[0] eq 'raw' ? 'checked' : '', $text{'no'};
print "<td><input name=fbcount_$i size=10 value='$f->[2]'></td>\n";
print "<td><select name=fbclass_$i>\n"; printf "<option value='' %s> %s\n", $f->[3] ? '' : 'selected', $text{'acl_all'}; foreach $c (@class) { printf "<option %s>%s\n", $f->[3] eq $c->[0] ? 'selected' : '', $c->[0]; } print "</select></td>\n"; print "</tr>\n"; $i++; } print "</table></td> </tr>\n"; print "<tr> <td colspan=4><hr></td> </tr>\n";
# File access controls @noret = ( &find_value("noretrieve", $conf), [ ] ); print "<tr> <td valign=top><b>$text{'acl_noret'}</b></td>\n"; print "<td colspan=3><table border>\n"; print "<tr $tb> <td><b>$text{'acl_nfiles'}</b></td>\n", "<td><b>$text{'acl_nrel'}</b></td>\n", "<td><b>$text{'acl_nclass'}</b></td> </tr>\n"; $i = 0; foreach $n (@noret) { local (@f, %c); foreach $nn (@$n) { if ($nn =~ /^class=(\S+)/) { $c{$1}++; } elsif ($nn !~ /^(absolute|relative)$/) { push(@f, $nn); } } print "<tr $cb>\n"; printf "<td><input name=nfiles_$i size=30 value='%s'></td>\n", join(" ", @f); printf "<td><input type=radio name=nrel_$i value=1 %s> %s\n", $n->[0] eq 'relative' ? 'checked' : '', $text{'yes'}; printf "<input type=radio name=nrel_$i value=0 %s> %s</td>\n", $n->[0] eq 'relative' ? '' : 'checked', $text{'no'}; print "<td>\n"; foreach $c (@class) { printf "<input type=checkbox name=nclass_$i value=%s %s> %s\n", $c->[0], !%c || $c{$c->[0]} ? 'checked' : '', $c->[0]; } print "</tr>\n"; $i++; } print "</table></td> </tr>\n";
@allowret = ( &find_value("allow-retrieve", $conf), [ ] ); print "<tr> <td valign=top><b>$text{'acl_allowret'}</b></td>\n"; print "<td colspan=3><table border>\n"; print "<tr $tb> <td><b>$text{'acl_afiles'}</b></td>\n", "<td><b>$text{'acl_arel'}</b></td>\n", "<td><b>$text{'acl_aclass'}</b></td> </tr>\n"; $i = 0; foreach $n (@allowret) { local (@f, %c); foreach $nn (@$n) { if ($nn =~ /^class=(\S+)/) { $c{$1}++; } elsif ($nn !~ /^(absolute|relative)$/) { push(@f, $nn); } } print "<tr $cb>\n"; printf "<td><input name=afiles_$i size=30 value='%s'></td>\n", join(" ", @f); printf "<td><input type=radio name=arel_$i value=1 %s> %s\n", $n->[0] eq 'relative' ? 'checked' : '', $text{'yes'}; printf "<input type=radio name=arel_$i value=0 %s> %s</td>\n", $n->[0] eq 'relative' ? '' : 'checked', $text{'no'}; print "<td>\n"; foreach $c (@class) { printf "<input type=checkbox name=aclass_$i value=%s %s> %s\n", $c->[0], !%c || $c{$c->[0]} ? 'checked' : '', $c->[0]; } print "</tr>\n"; $i++; } print "</table></td> </tr>\n"; print "<tr> <td colspan=4><hr></td> </tr>\n";
# Display time-limit options foreach $l (&find_value("limit-time", $conf)) { if ($l->[0] eq '*') { $limit{'anonymous'} = $limit{'guest'} = $l->[1]; } else { $limit{$l->[0]} = $l->[1]; } } print "<tr> <td><b>$text{'acl_alimit'}</b></td>\n"; printf "<td><input type=radio name=alimit_def value=1 %s> %s\n", $limit{'anonymous'} ? '' : 'checked', $text{'acl_unlimited'}; printf "<input type=radio name=alimit_def value=0 %s>\n", $limit{'anonymous'} ? 'checked' : ''; printf "<input name=alimit size=6 value='%s'> %s</td>\n", $limit{'anonymous'}, $text{'acl_mins'}; print "<td><b>$text{'acl_glimit'}</b></td>\n"; printf "<td><input type=radio name=glimit_def value=1 %s> %s\n", $limit{'guest'} ? '' : 'checked', $text{'acl_unlimited'}; printf "<input type=radio name=glimit_def value=0 %s>\n", $limit{'guest'} ? 'checked' : ''; printf "<input name=glimit size=6 value='%s'> %s</td> </tr>\n", $limit{'guest'}, $text{'acl_mins'};
# Other security options $lf = &find_value('loginfails', $conf); print "<tr> <td><b>$text{'acl_fails'}</b></td>\n"; printf "<td><input type=radio name=fails_def value=1 %s> %s\n", $lf ? '' : 'checked', $text{'default'}; printf "<input type=radio name=fails_def value=0 %s>\n", $lf ? 'checked' : ''; print "<input name=fails size=6 value='$lf->[0]'></td>\n";
$pr = &find_value('private', $conf); print "<td><b>$text{'acl_private'}</b></td>\n"; printf "<td><input type=radio name=private value=yes %s> %s\n", $pr->[0] eq 'yes' ? 'checked' : '', $text{'yes'}; printf "<input type=radio name=private value=no %s> %s</td> </tr>\n", $pr->[0] eq 'yes' ? '' : 'checked', $text{'no'};
print "</table></td></tr></table>\n"; print "<input type=submit value=\"$text{'save'}\"></form>\n";
&ui_print_footer("", $text{'index_return'});