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Common functions for configuring miniserv and adjusting global Webmin settings.
BEGIN { push(@INC, ".."); }; use strict; use warnings; use WebminCore; &init_config(); our ($module_root_directory, %text, %gconfig, $root_directory, %config, $module_name, $remote_user, $base_remote_user, $gpgpath, $module_config_directory, @lang_order_list, @root_directories); do "$module_root_directory/"; use Socket;
our @cs_codes = ( 'cs_page', 'cs_text', 'cs_table', 'cs_header', 'cs_link' ); our @cs_names = map { $text{$_} } @cs_codes;
our $osdn_host = ""; our $osdn_port = 80;
our $update_host = ""; our $update_port = 80; our $update_page = "/updates/updates.txt"; our $update_url = "http://$update_host:$update_port$update_page"; our $redirect_host = ""; our $redirect_url = "http://$redirect_host/cgi-bin/redirect.cgi"; our $update_cache = "$module_config_directory/update-cache";
our $primary_host = ""; our $primary_port = 80;
our $webmin_key_email = "jcameron\"; our $webmin_key_fingerprint = "1719 003A CE3E 5A41 E2DE 70DF D97A 3AE9 11F6 3C51";
our $standard_host = $primary_host; our $standard_port = $primary_port; our $standard_page = "/download/modules/standard.txt"; our $standard_ssl = 0;
our $third_host = $primary_host; our $third_port = $primary_port; our $third_page = "/cgi-bin/third.cgi"; our $third_ssl = 0;
our $default_key_size = "2048";
our $cron_cmd = "$module_config_directory/";
our $os_info_address = "os\";
our $detect_operating_system_cache = "$module_config_directory/oscache";
our @webmin_date_formats = ( "dd/mon/yyyy", "dd/mm/yyyy", "mm/dd/yyyy", "yyyy/mm/dd", "d. mon yyyy", "", "yyyy-mm-dd" );
our @debug_what_events = ( 'start', 'read', 'write', 'ops', 'procs', 'diff', 'cmd', 'net', 'sql' );
our $record_login_cmd = "$config_directory/"; our $record_logout_cmd = "$config_directory/";
our $strong_ssl_ciphers = "ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384:AES256-SHA256:AES256-SHA256:RC4:HIGH:MEDIUM:+TLSv1:!MD5:!SSLv2:+SSLv3:!ADH:!aNULL:!eNULL:!NULL:!DH:!ADH:!EDH:!AESGCM";
our $newmodule_users_file = "$config_directory/newmodules";
=head2 setup_ca
Internal function to create all the configuration files needed for the Webmin client SSL certificate CA.
=cut sub setup_ca { my ($miniserv) = @_; my $adir = &module_root_directory("acl"); my $conf = &read_file_contents("$adir/openssl.cnf"); my $acl = "$config_directory/acl"; $conf =~ s/DIRECTORY/$acl/g;
&lock_file("$acl/openssl.cnf"); my $cfh; &open_tempfile($cfh, ">$acl/openssl.cnf"); &print_tempfile($cfh, $conf); &close_tempfile($cfh); chmod(0600, "$acl/openssl.cnf"); &unlock_file("$acl/openssl.cnf");
&lock_file("$acl/index.txt"); my $ifh; &open_tempfile($ifh, ">$acl/index.txt"); &close_tempfile($ifh); chmod(0600, "$acl/index.txt"); &unlock_file("$acl/index.txt");
&lock_file("$acl/serial"); my $sfh; &open_tempfile($sfh, ">$acl/serial"); &print_tempfile($sfh, "011E\n"); &close_tempfile($sfh); chmod(0600, "$acl/serial"); &unlock_file("$acl/serial");
&lock_file("$acl/newcerts"); mkdir("$acl/newcerts", 0700); chmod(0700, "$acl/newcerts"); &unlock_file("$acl/newcerts"); $miniserv->{'ca'} = "$acl/ca.pem"; }
=head2 install_webmin_module(file, unlink, nodeps, &users|groups)
Installs a webmin module or theme, and returns either an error message or references to three arrays for descriptions, directories and sizes. On success or failure, the file is deleted if the unlink parameter is set. Unless the nodeps parameter is set to 1, any missing dependencies will cause installation to fail.
Any new modules will be granted to the users and groups named in the fourth paramter, which must be an array reference.
=cut sub install_webmin_module { my ($file, $need_unlink, $nodeps, $grant) = @_; my (@mdescs, @mdirs, @msizes); my (@newmods, $m); my $install_root_directory = $gconfig{'install_root'} || $root_directory;
# Uncompress the module file if needed my $two; open(MFILE, $file); read(MFILE, $two, 2); close(MFILE); if ($two eq "\037\235") { if (!&has_command("uncompress")) { unlink($file) if ($need_unlink); return &text('install_ecomp', "<tt>uncompress</tt>"); } my $temp = $file =~ /\/([^\/]+)\.Z/i ? &transname("$1") : &transname(); my $out = &backquote_command("uncompress -c "."e_path($file). " 2>&1 >$temp"); unlink($file) if ($need_unlink); if ($?) { unlink($temp); return &text('install_ecomp2', $out); } $file = $temp; $need_unlink = 1; } elsif ($two eq "\037\213") { if (!&has_command("gunzip") && !&has_command("gzip")) { unlink($file) if ($need_unlink); return &text('install_egzip', "<tt>gunzip</tt>"); } my $temp = $file =~ /\/([^\/]+)\.gz/i ? &transname("$1") : &transname(); my $cmd = &has_command("gunzip") ? "gunzip -c" : "gzip -d -c"; my $out = &backquote_command($cmd." "."e_path($file). " 2>&1 >$temp"); unlink($file) if ($need_unlink); if ($? || !-s $temp) { unlink($temp); return &text('install_egzip2', $out); } $file = $temp; $need_unlink = 1; } elsif ($two eq "BZ") { if (!&has_command("bunzip2")) { unlink($file) if ($need_unlink); return &text('install_ebunzip', "<tt>bunzip2</tt>"); } my $temp = $file =~ /\/([^\/]+)\.gz/i ? &transname("$1") : &transname(); my $out = &backquote_command("bunzip2 -c "."e_path($file). " 2>&1 >$temp"); unlink($file) if ($need_unlink); if ($?) { unlink($temp); return &text('install_ebunzip2', $out); } $file = $temp; $need_unlink = 1; }
# Check if this is an RPM webmin module or theme my ($type, $redirect_to); $type = ""; if (open(TYPE, "$root_directory/install-type")) { chop($type = <TYPE>); close(TYPE); } my $out; if ($type eq 'rpm' && $file =~ /\.rpm$/i && ($out = &backquote_command("rpm -qp $file 2>/dev/null"))) { # Looks like an RPM of some kind, hopefully an RPM webmin module # or theme my (%minfo, %tinfo, $name); if ($out !~ /(^|\n)(wbm|wbt)-([a-z\-]+[a-z])/) { unlink($file) if ($need_unlink); return $text{'install_erpm'}; } $redirect_to = $name = $3; $out = &backquote_logged("rpm -U \"$file\" 2>&1"); if ($?) { unlink($file) if ($need_unlink); return &text('install_eirpm', "<tt>$out</tt>"); } unlink("$config_directory/module.infos.cache"); &flush_webmin_caches();
$mdirs[0] = &module_root_directory($name); if (%minfo = &get_module_info($name)) { # Get the new module info $mdescs[0] = $minfo{'desc'}; $msizes[0] = &disk_usage_kb($mdirs[0]); @newmods = ( $name );
# Update the ACL for this user &grant_user_module($grant, [ $name ]); &webmin_log("install", undef, $name, { 'desc' => $mdescs[0] }); } elsif (%tinfo = &get_theme_info($name)) { # Get the theme info $mdescs[0] = $tinfo{'desc'}; $msizes[0] = &disk_usage_kb($mdirs[0]); &webmin_log("tinstall", undef, $name, { 'desc' => $mdescs[0] }); } else { unlink($file) if ($need_unlink); return $text{'install_eneither'}; } } else { # Check if this is a valid module (a tar file of multiple module or # theme directories) my (%mods, %hasfile); &has_command("tar") || return $text{'install_enotar'}; my $tar = &backquote_command("tar tf "."e_path($file)." 2>&1"); if ($?) { unlink($file) if ($need_unlink); return &text('install_etar', $tar); } foreach my $f (split(/\n/, $tar)) { if ($f =~ /^\.\/([^\/]+)\/(.*)$/ || $f =~ /^([^\/]+)\/(.*)$/) { $redirect_to = $1 if (!$redirect_to); $mods{$1}++; $hasfile{$1,$2}++; } } foreach $m (keys %mods) { if (!$hasfile{$m,""} && !$hasfile{$m,""}) { unlink($file) if ($need_unlink); return &text('install_einfo', "<tt>$m</tt>"); } } if (!%mods) { unlink($file) if ($need_unlink); return $text{'install_enone'}; }
# Get the or files to check dependancies my $ver = &get_webmin_version(); my $tmpdir = &transname(); mkdir($tmpdir, 0700); my $err; my @realmods; foreach $m (keys %mods) { next if (!$hasfile{$m,""} && !$hasfile{$m,""}); push(@realmods, $m); my %minfo; system("cd $tmpdir ; tar xf \"$file\" $m/ ./$m/ $m/ ./$m/ >/dev/null 2>&1"); if (!&read_file("$tmpdir/$m/", \%minfo) && !&read_file("$tmpdir/$m/", \%minfo)) { $err = &text('install_einfo', "<tt>$m</tt>"); } elsif (!&check_os_support(\%minfo)) { $err = &text('install_eos', "<tt>$m</tt>", $gconfig{'real_os_type'}, $gconfig{'real_os_version'}); } elsif ($minfo{'usermin'} && !$minfo{'webmin'}) { $err = &text('install_eusermin', "<tt>$m</tt>"); } elsif (!$nodeps) { my $deps = $minfo{'webmin_depends'} || $minfo{'depends'} || ""; foreach my $dep (split(/\s+/, $deps)) { if ($dep =~ /^[0-9\.]+$/) { # Depends on some version of webmin if ($dep > $ver) { $err = &text('install_ever', "<tt>$m</tt>", "<tt>$dep</tt>"); } } elsif ($dep =~ /^(\S+)\/([0-9\.]+)$/) { # Depends on a specific version of # some other module my ($dmod, $dver) = ($1, $2); my %dinfo = &get_module_info($dmod); if (!$mods{$dmod} && (!%dinfo || $dinfo{'version'} < $dver)) { $err = &text('install_edep2', "<tt>$m</tt>", "<tt>$dmod</tt>", "<tt>$dver</tt>"); } } elsif (!&foreign_exists($dep) && !$mods{$dep}) { # Depends on some other module $err = &text('install_edep', "<tt>$m</tt>", "<tt>$dep</tt>"); } } foreach my $dep (split(/\s+/, $minfo{'perldepends'} || "")) { eval "use $dep"; if ($@) { $err = &text('install_eperldep', "<tt>$m</tt>", "<tt>$dep</tt>", "$gconfig{'webprefix'}/cpan/download.cgi?source=3&cpan=$dep"); } } } last if ($err); } system("rm -rf $tmpdir >/dev/null 2>&1"); if ($err) { unlink($file) if ($need_unlink); return $err; }
# Delete modules or themes being replaced my $oldpwd = &get_current_dir(); chdir($root_directory); my @grantmods; foreach $m (@realmods) { push(@grantmods, $m) if (!&foreign_exists($m)); if ($m ne "webmin") { system("rm -rf ".quotemeta("$install_root_directory/$m")." 2>&1 >/dev/null"); } }
# Extract all the modules and update perl path and ownership my $out = &backquote_command( "cd $install_root_directory ; tar xf "."e_path($file). " 2>&1 >/dev/null"); chdir($oldpwd); if ($?) { unlink($file) if ($need_unlink); return &text('install_eextract', $out); } if ($need_unlink) { unlink($file); } my $perl = &get_perl_path(); my @st = stat("$module_root_directory/index.cgi"); foreach my $moddir (keys %mods) { my $pwd = &module_root_directory($moddir); if ($hasfile{$moddir,""}) { my %minfo = &get_module_info($moddir); push(@mdescs, $minfo{'desc'}); push(@mdirs, $pwd); push(@msizes, &disk_usage_kb($pwd)); &webmin_log("install", undef, $moddir, { 'desc' => $minfo{'desc'} }); push(@newmods, $moddir); } else { my %tinfo = &get_theme_info($moddir); push(@mdescs, $tinfo{'desc'}); push(@mdirs, $pwd); push(@msizes, &disk_usage_kb($pwd)); &webmin_log("tinstall", undef, $moddir, { 'desc' => $tinfo{'desc'} }); } system("cd $install_root_directory ; (find $pwd -name '*.cgi' ; find $pwd -name '*.pl') 2>/dev/null | $perl $root_directory/ $perl -"); system("cd $install_root_directory ; chown -R $st[4]:$st[5] $pwd"); }
# Copy appropriate config file from modules to /etc/webmin my @permmods = grep { !-d "$config_directory/$_" } @newmods; system("cd $root_directory ; $perl $root_directory/ '$gconfig{'os_type'}/$gconfig{'real_os_type'}' '$gconfig{'os_version'}/$gconfig{'real_os_version'}' '$install_root_directory' '$config_directory' ".join(' ', @realmods)." >/dev/null");
# Set correct permissions on *new* config directory if (&supports_users()) { my @mydir = stat($module_config_directory); my $myuser = @mydir ? $mydir[4] : "root"; my $mygroup = @mydir ? $mydir[5] : "bin"; my $myperms = @mydir ? sprintf("%o", $mydir[2] & 0777) : "og-rw"; foreach my $m (@permmods) { system("chown -R $myuser $config_directory/$m"); system("chgrp -R $mygroup $config_directory/$m"); system("chmod -R $myperms $config_directory/$m"); } }
# Update ACL for this user so they can access the new modules &grant_user_module($grant, \@grantmods); } &flush_webmin_caches();
# Run post-install scripts foreach $m (@newmods) { next if (!-r &module_root_directory($m)."/"); eval { local $main::error_must_die = 1; &foreign_require($m, ""); &foreign_call($m, "module_install"); }; }
return [ \@mdescs, \@mdirs, \@msizes ]; }
=head2 grant_user_module(&users/groups, &modules)
Grants users or groups access to a set of modules. The users parameter must be an array ref of usernames or group names, and modules must be an array ref of module names.
=cut sub grant_user_module { # Grant to appropriate users my %acl; &read_acl(undef, \%acl); my $fh = "GRANTS"; &open_tempfile($fh, ">".&acl_filename()); my $u; foreach $u (keys %acl) { my @mods = @{$acl{$u}}; if (!$_[0] || &indexof($u, @{$_[0]}) >= 0) { @mods = &unique(@mods, @{$_[1]}); } &print_tempfile($fh, "$u: ",join(' ', @mods),"\n"); } &close_tempfile($fh);
# Grant to appropriate groups if ($_[1] && &foreign_check("acl")) { &foreign_require("acl", ""); my @groups = &acl::list_groups(); my @users = &acl::list_users(); foreach my $g (@groups) { if (&indexof($g->{'name'}, @{$_[0]}) >= 0) { $g->{'modules'} = [ &unique(@{$g->{'modules'}}, @{$_[1]}) ]; &acl::modify_group($g->{'name'}, $g); &acl::update_members(\@users, \@groups, $g->{'modules'}, $g->{'members'}); } } } }
=head2 delete_webmin_module(module, [delete-acls])
Deletes some webmin module, clone or theme, and return a description of the thing deleted. If the delete-acls flag is set, all .acl files are removed too.
=cut sub delete_webmin_module { my $m = $_[0]; return undef if (!$m); my %minfo = &get_module_info($m); %minfo = &get_theme_info($m) if (!%minfo); return undef if (!%minfo); my ($mdesc, @aclrm); @aclrm = ( $m ) if ($_[1]); if ($minfo{'clone'}) { # Deleting a clone my %cinfo; &read_file("$config_directory/$m/clone", \%cinfo); unlink(&module_root_directory($m)); system("rm -rf $config_directory/$m"); if ($gconfig{'theme'}) { unlink("$root_directory/$gconfig{'theme'}/$m"); } $mdesc = &text('delete_desc1', $minfo{'desc'}, $minfo{'clone'}); } else { # Delete any clones of this module my @clones; my $mdir = &module_root_directory($m); my @mst = stat($mdir); foreach my $r (@root_directories) { opendir(DIR, $r); foreach my $l (readdir(DIR)) { my @lst = stat("$r/$l"); if (-l "$r/$l" && $lst[1] == $mst[1]) { unlink("$r/$l"); system("rm -rf $config_directory/$l"); push(@clones, $l); } } closedir(DIR); }
my $type; open(TYPE, "$mdir/install-type"); chop($type = <TYPE>); close(TYPE);
# Run the module's uninstall script if (&check_os_support(\%minfo) && -r "$mdir/") { eval { &foreign_require($m, ""); &foreign_call($m, "module_uninstall"); }; }
# Deleting the real module my $size = &disk_usage_kb($mdir); $mdesc = &text('delete_desc2', "<b>$minfo{'desc'}</b>", "<tt>$mdir</tt>", $size); if ($type eq 'rpm') { # This module was installed from an RPM .. rpm -e it &system_logged("rpm -e wbm-$m"); } else { # Module was installed from a .wbm file .. just rm it &system_logged("rm -rf ".quotemeta($mdir)); }
if ($_[1]) { # Delete any .acl files &system_logged("rm -f $config_directory/$m/*.acl"); push(@aclrm, @clones); } }
# Delete from all users and groups if (@aclrm) { &foreign_require("acl", ""); my ($u, $g, $m); foreach $u (&acl::list_users()) { my $changed; foreach $m (@aclrm) { my $mi = &indexof($m, @{$u->{'modules'}}); my $oi = &indexof($m, @{$u->{'ownmods'}}); splice(@{$u->{'modules'}}, $mi, 1) if ($mi >= 0); splice(@{$u->{'ownmods'}}, $oi, 1) if ($oi >= 0); $changed++ if ($mi >= 0 || $oi >= 0); } &acl::modify_user($u->{'name'}, $u) if ($changed); } foreach $g (&acl::list_groups()) { my $changed; foreach $m (@aclrm) { my $mi = &indexof($m, @{$g->{'modules'}}); my $oi = &indexof($m, @{$g->{'ownmods'}}); splice(@{$g->{'modules'}}, $mi, 1) if ($mi >= 0); splice(@{$g->{'ownmods'}}, $oi, 1) if ($oi >= 0); $changed++ if ($mi >= 0 || $oi >= 0); } &acl::modify_group($g->{'name'}, $g) if ($changed); } }
&webmin_log("delete", undef, $m, { 'desc' => $minfo{'desc'} }); return $mdesc; }
=head2 file_basename(name)
Returns the part of a filename after the last /.
=cut sub file_basename { my $rv = $_[0]; $rv =~ s/^.*[\/\\]//; return $rv; }
=head2 gnupg_setup
Setup gnupg so that rpms and .tar.gz files can be verified. Returns 0 if ok, 1 if gnupg is not installed, or 2 if something went wrong Assumes that is available
=cut sub gnupg_setup { return ( 1, &text('enogpg', "<tt>gpg</tt>") ) if (!&has_command($gpgpath));
# Check if we already have the key my @keys = &list_keys(); foreach my $k (@keys) { return ( 0 ) if ($k->{'email'}->[0] eq $webmin_key_email && &key_fingerprint($k) eq $webmin_key_fingerprint); }
# Import it if not &list_keys(); my $out = &backquote_logged( "$gpgpath --import $module_root_directory/jcameron-key.asc 2>&1"); if ($?) { return (2, $out); } return 0; }
=head2 list_standard_modules
Returns a list containing the short names, URLs and descriptions of the standard Webmin modules from If an error occurs, returns the message instead.
=cut sub list_standard_modules { my $temp = &transname(); my $error; my ($host, $port, $page, $ssl); if ($config{'standard_url'}) { ($host, $port, $page, $ssl) = &parse_http_url($config{'standard_url'}); return $text{'standard_eurl'} if (!$host); } else { ($host, $port, $page, $ssl) = ($standard_host, $standard_port, $standard_page, $standard_ssl); } &http_download($host, $port, $page, $temp, \$error, undef, $ssl); return $error if ($error); my @rv; open(TEMP, $temp); while(<TEMP>) { s/\r|\n//g; my @l = split(/\t+/, $_); push(@rv, \@l); } close(TEMP); unlink($temp); return \@rv; }
=head2 standard_chooser_button(input, [form])
Returns HTML for a popup button for choosing a standard module.
=cut sub standard_chooser_button { return &popup_window_button("standard_chooser.cgi", 800, 500, 1, [ [ "ifield", $_[0], "mod" ] ]); }
=head2 list_third_modules
Returns a list containing the names, versions, URLs and descriptions of the third-party Webmin modules from If an error occurs, returns the message instead.
=cut sub list_third_modules { my $temp = &transname(); my $error; my ($host, $port, $page, $ssl); if ($config{'third_url'}) { ($host, $port, $page, $ssl) = &parse_http_url($config{'third_url'}); return $text{'third_eurl'} if (!$host); } else { ($host, $port, $page, $ssl) = ($third_host, $third_port, $third_page, $third_ssl); } &http_download($host, $port, $page, $temp, \$error, undef, $ssl); return $error if ($error); my @rv; open(TEMP, $temp); while(<TEMP>) { s/\r|\n//g; my @l = split(/\t+/, $_); push(@rv, \@l); } close(TEMP); unlink($temp); return \@rv; }
=head2 third_chooser_button(input, [form])
Returns HTML for a popup button for choosing a third-party module.
=cut sub third_chooser_button { return &popup_window_button("third_chooser.cgi", 800, 500, 1, [ [ "ifield", $_[0], "mod" ] ]); }
=head2 get_webmin_base_version
Gets the webmin version, rounded to the nearest .01
=cut sub get_webmin_base_version { return &base_version(&get_webmin_version()); }
=head2 base_version
Rounds a version number down to the nearest .01
=cut sub base_version { return sprintf("%.2f0", $_[0]); }
=head2 get_newmodule_users
Returns a ref to an array of users to whom new modules are granted by default, or undef if the admin hasn't chosen any yet.
=cut sub get_newmodule_users { if (open(NEWMODS, $newmodule_users_file)) { my @rv; while(<NEWMODS>) { s/\r|\n//g; push(@rv, $_) if (/\S/); } close(NEWMODS); return \@rv; } else { return undef; } }
=head2 save_newmodule_users(&users)
Saves the list of users to whom new modules are granted. If undef is given, the default behaviour (of using root or admin) is used.
=cut sub save_newmodule_users { &lock_file($newmodule_users_file); if ($_[0]) { my $fh = "NEWUSERS"; &open_tempfile($fh, ">$newmodule_users_file"); foreach my $u (@{$_[0]}) { &print_tempfile($fh, "$u\n"); } &close_tempfile($fh); } else { unlink($newmodule_users_file); } &unlock_file($newmodule_users_file); }
=head2 get_miniserv_sockets(&miniserv)
Returns an array of tuple refs, each of which contains an IP address and port number that Webmin listens on. The IP can be * (meaning any), and the port can be * (meaning the primary port).
=cut sub get_miniserv_sockets { my @sockets; push(@sockets, [ $_[0]->{'bind'} || "*", $_[0]->{'port'} ]); foreach my $s (split(/\s+/, $_[0]->{'sockets'} || "")) { if ($s =~ /^(\d+)$/) { # Just listen on another port on the main IP push(@sockets, [ $sockets[0]->[0], $s ]); } elsif ($s =~ /^(\S+):(\d+)$/) { # Listen on a specific port and IP push(@sockets, [ $1, $2 ]); } elsif ($s =~ /^([0-9\.]+):\*$/ || $s =~ /^([0-9\.]+)$/ || $s =~ /^([a-f0-9:]+):\*$/ || $s =~ /^([a-f0-9:]+)$/) { # Listen on the main port on another IP push(@sockets, [ $1, "*" ]); } } return @sockets; }
=head2 fetch_updates(url, [login, pass], [sig-mode])
Returns a list of updates from some URL, or calls &error. Each element is an array reference containing :
=item Module directory name.
=item Version number.
=item Absolute or relative download URL.
=item Operating systems the update is relevant for, in the same format as the os_support line in a file.
=item Human-readable description of the update.
The parameters are :
=item url - Full URL to download updates from.
=item login - Optional login for the URL.
=item pass - Optional password for the URL.
=item sig-mode - 0=No check, 1=Check if possible, 2=Must check
=cut sub fetch_updates { my ($url, $user, $pass, $sigmode) = @_; my ($host, $port, $page, $ssl) = &parse_http_url($url); $host || &error($text{'update_eurl'});
# Download the file my $temp = &transname(); &retry_http_download($host, $port, $page, $temp, undef, undef, $ssl, $user, $pass, 0, 0, 1);
# Download the signature, if we can check it my ($ec, $emsg) = &gnupg_setup(); if (!$ec && $sigmode) { my $err; my $sig; &retry_http_download($host, $port, $page."-sig.asc", \$sig, \$err, undef, $ssl, $user, $pass, 0, 0, 1); if ($err) { $sigmode == 2 && &error(&text('update_enosig', $err)); } else { my $data = &read_file_contents($temp); my ($vc, $vmsg) = &verify_data($data, $sig); if ($vc > 1) { &error(&text('update_ebadsig', &text('upgrade_everify'.$vc, $vmsg))); } } }
my @updates; open(UPDATES, $temp); while(<UPDATES>) { if (/^([^\t]+)\t+([^\t]+)\t+([^\t]+)\t+([^\t]+)\t+(.*)/) { push(@updates, [ $1, $2, $3, $4, $5 ]); } } close(UPDATES); unlink($temp); @updates || &error($text{'update_efile'});
return ( \@updates, $host, $port, $page, $ssl ); }
=head2 check_update_signature(host, port, page, ssl, user, pass, file, sig-mode)
Given a downloaded module update file, fetch the signature from the same URL with -sig.asc appended, and check that it is valid. Parameters are :
=item host - Module download host
=item port - Module download port
=item page - Module download URL path
=item ssl - Use SSL to download?
=item user - Login for module download
=item pass - Password for module download
=item file - File containing module to check
=item sig-mode - 0=No check, 1=Check if possible, 2=Must check
=cut sub check_update_signature { my ($host, $port, $page, $ssl, $user, $pass, $file, $sigmode) = @_;
my ($ec, $emsg) = &gnupg_setup(); if (!$ec && $sigmode) { my $err; my $sig; &http_download($host, $port, $page."-sig.asc", \$sig, \$err, undef, $ssl, $user, $pass); if ($err) { $sigmode == 2 && return &text('update_enomodsig', $err); } else { my $data = &read_file_contents($file); my ($vc, $vmsg) = &verify_data($data, $sig); if ($vc > 1) { return &text('update_ebadmodsig', &text('upgrade_everify'.$vc, $vmsg)); } } } return undef; }
=head2 find_cron_job(\@jobs)
Finds the cron job for Webmin updates, given an array ref of cron jobs as returned by cron::list_cron_jobs
=cut sub find_cron_job { my ($job) = grep { $_->{'user'} eq 'root' && $_->{'command'} eq $cron_cmd } @{$_[0]}; return $job; }
=head2 get_ipkeys(&miniserv)
Returns a list of IP address to key file mappings from a miniserv.conf entry.
=cut sub get_ipkeys { my @rv; foreach my $k (keys %{$_[0]}) { if ($k =~ /^ipkey_(\S+)/) { my $ipkey = { 'ips' => [ split(/,/, $1) ], 'key' => $_[0]->{$k}, 'index' => scalar(@rv) }; $ipkey->{'cert'} = $_[0]->{'ipcert_'.$1}; $ipkey->{'extracas'} = $_[0]->{'ipextracas_'.$1}; push(@rv, $ipkey); } } return @rv; }
=head2 save_ipkeys(&miniserv, &keys)
Updates miniserv.conf entries from the given list of keys.
=cut sub save_ipkeys { my $k; foreach $k (keys %{$_[0]}) { if ($k =~ /^(ipkey_|ipcert_)/) { delete($_[0]->{$k}); } } foreach $k (@{$_[1]}) { my $ips = join(",", @{$k->{'ips'}}); $_[0]->{'ipkey_'.$ips} = $k->{'key'}; if ($k->{'cert'}) { $_[0]->{'ipcert_'.$ips} = $k->{'cert'}; } else { delete($_[0]->{'ipcert_'.$ips}); } if ($k->{'extracas'}) { $_[0]->{'ipextracas_'.$ips} = $k->{'extracas'}; } else { delete($_[0]->{'ipextracas_'.$ips}); } } }
=head2 validate_key_cert(key, [cert])
Call &error if some key and cert file don't look correct, based on the BEGIN line.
=cut sub validate_key_cert { my $key = &read_file_contents($_[0]); $key =~ /BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY/i || $key =~ /BEGIN PRIVATE KEY/i || &error(&text('ssl_ekey', $_[0])); if (!$_[1]) { $key =~ /BEGIN CERTIFICATE/ || &error(&text('ssl_ecert', $_[0])); } else { my $cert = &read_file_contents($_[1]); $cert =~ /BEGIN CERTIFICATE/ || &error(&text('ssl_ecert', $_[1])); } }
=head2 detect_operating_system([os-list-file], [with-cache])
Returns a hash containing os_type, os_version, real_os_type and real_os_version, suitable for the current system.
=cut sub detect_operating_system { my $file = $_[0] || "$root_directory/os_list.txt"; my $cache = $_[1]; if ($cache) { # Check the cache file, and only re-check the OS if older than # 1 day, or if we have rebooted recently my %cache; my $uptime = &get_system_uptime(); my $lastreboot = $uptime ? time()-$uptime : undef; if (&read_file($detect_operating_system_cache, \%cache) && $cache{'os_type'} && $cache{'os_version'} && $cache{'real_os_type'} && $cache{'real_os_version'}) { if ($cache{'time'} > time()-24*60*60 && $cache{'time'} > $lastreboot) { return %cache; } } } my $temp = &transname(); my $perl = &get_perl_path(); system("$perl $root_directory/ $file $temp 1"); my %rv; &read_env_file($temp, \%rv); $rv{'time'} = time(); &write_file($detect_operating_system_cache, \%rv); return %rv; }
=head2 show_webmin_notifications([no-updates])
Print various notifications for the current user, if any. These can include password expiry, Webmin updates and more.
=cut sub show_webmin_notifications { my ($noupdates) = @_; my @notifs = &get_webmin_notifications($noupdates); if (@notifs) { print "<center>\n",join("<hr>\n", @notifs),"</center>\n"; } }
=head2 get_webmin_notifications([no-updates])
Returns a list of Webmin notification messages, each of which is a string of HTML. If the no-updates flag is set, Webmin version / module updates are not included.
=cut sub get_webmin_notifications { my ($noupdates) = @_; $noupdates = 1 if (&shared_root_directory()); my @notifs; my %miniserv; &get_miniserv_config(\%miniserv); &load_theme_library(); # So that UI functions work
# Need OS upgrade my %realos = &detect_operating_system(undef, 1); if (($realos{'os_version'} ne $gconfig{'os_version'} || $realos{'os_type'} ne $gconfig{'os_type'}) && $realos{'os_version'} && $realos{'os_type'} && &foreign_available("webmin")) { push(@notifs, &ui_form_start("$gconfig{'webprefix'}/webmin/fix_os.cgi"). &text('os_incorrect', $realos{'real_os_type'}, $realos{'real_os_version'})."<p>\n". &ui_form_end([ [ undef, $text{'os_fix'} ] ]) ); }
# Password close to expiry my $warn_days = $config{'warn_days'}; if (&foreign_check("acl")) { # Get the Webmin user &foreign_require("acl", ""); my @users = &acl::list_users(); my ($uinfo) = grep { $_->{'name'} eq $base_remote_user } @users; if ($uinfo && $uinfo->{'pass'} eq 'x' && &foreign_check("useradmin")) { # Unix auth .. check password in Users and Groups &foreign_require("useradmin", ""); ($uinfo) = grep { $_->{'user'} eq $remote_user } &useradmin::list_users(); if ($uinfo && $uinfo->{'warn'} && $uinfo->{'change'} && $uinfo->{'max'}) { my $daysago = int(time()/(24*60*60)) - $uinfo->{'change'}; my $cdate = &make_date( $uinfo->{'change'}*24*60*60, 1); if ($daysago > $uinfo->{'max'}) { # Passed expiry date push(@notifs, &text('notif_unixexpired', $cdate)); } elsif ($daysago > $uinfo->{'max'}-$uinfo->{'warn'}) { # Passed warning date push(@notifs, &text('notif_unixwarn', $cdate, $uinfo->{'max'}-$daysago)); } } } elsif ($uinfo && $uinfo->{'lastchange'}) { # Webmin auth .. check password in Webmin my $daysold = (time() - $uinfo->{'lastchange'})/(24*60*60); my $link = &foreign_available("change-user") ? &text('notif_changenow', "$gconfig{'webprefix'}/change-user/")."<p>\n" : ""; if ($miniserv{'pass_maxdays'} && $daysold > $miniserv{'pass_maxdays'}) { # Already expired push(@notifs, &text('notif_passexpired')."<p>\n".$link); } elsif ($miniserv{'pass_maxdays'} && $daysold > $miniserv{'pass_maxdays'} - $warn_days) { # About to expire push(@notifs, &text('notif_passchange', &make_date($uinfo->{'lastchange'}, 1), int($miniserv{'pass_maxdays'} - $daysold)). "<p>\n".$link); } elsif ($miniserv{'pass_lockdays'} && $daysold > $miniserv{'pass_lockdays'} - $warn_days) { # About to lock out push(@notifs, &text('notif_passlock', &make_date($uinfo->{'lastchange'}, 1), int($miniserv{'pass_maxdays'} - $daysold)). "<p>\n".$link); } } }
# New Webmin version is available, but only once per day my $now = time(); if (&foreign_available($module_name) && !$noupdates && !$gconfig{'nowebminup'}) { if (!$config{'last_version_check'} || $now - $config{'last_version_check'} > 24*60*60) { # Cached last version has expired .. re-fetch my ($ok, $version) = &get_latest_webmin_version(); if ($ok) { $config{'last_version_check'} = $now; $config{'last_version_number'} = $version; &save_module_config(); } } if ($config{'last_version_number'} > &get_webmin_version()) { # New version is out there .. offer to upgrade my $mode = &get_install_type(); my $checksig = 0; if ((!$mode || $mode eq "rpm") && &foreign_check("proc")) { my ($ec, $emsg) = &gnupg_setup(); if (!$ec) { $checksig = 1; } } push(@notifs, &ui_form_start("$gconfig{'webprefix'}/webmin/upgrade.cgi", "form-data"). &ui_hidden("source", 2). &ui_hidden("sig", $checksig). &ui_hidden("mode", $mode). &text('notif_upgrade', $config{'last_version_number'}, &get_webmin_version())."<p>\n". &ui_form_end([ [ undef, $text{'notif_upgradeok'} ] ])); } }
# Webmin module updates if (&foreign_available($module_name) && !$noupdates && !$gconfig{'nomoduleup'}) { my @st = stat($update_cache); my $allupdates = [ ]; my @urls = $config{'upsource'} ? split(/\t+/, $config{'upsource'}) : ( $update_url ); if (!@st || $now - $st[9] > 24*60*60) { # Need to re-fetch cache foreach my $url (@urls) { my $checksig = $config{'upchecksig'} ? 2 : $url eq $update_url ? 2 : 1; eval { local $main::error_must_die = 1; my ($updates) = &fetch_updates($url, $config{'upuser'}, $config{'uppass'}, $checksig); push(@$allupdates, @$updates); }; } my $fh = "CACHE"; &open_tempfile($fh, ">$update_cache", 1); &print_tempfile($fh, &serialise_variable($allupdates)); &close_tempfile($fh); } else { # Just use cache my $cdata = &read_file_contents($update_cache); $allupdates = &unserialise_variable($cdata); }
# All a table of them, and a form to install $allupdates = &filter_updates($allupdates); if (@$allupdates) { my $msg = &ui_form_start( "$gconfig{'webprefix'}/webmin/update.cgi"); $msg .= &text('notif_updatemsg', scalar(@$allupdates))."<p>\n"; $msg .= &ui_columns_start( [ $text{'notify_updatemod'}, $text{'notify_updatever'}, $text{'notify_updatedesc'} ]); foreach my $u (@$allupdates) { my %minfo = &get_module_info($u->[0]); my %tinfo = &get_theme_info($u->[0]); my %info = %minfo ? %minfo : %tinfo; $msg .= &ui_columns_row([ $info{'desc'}, $u->[1], $u->[4] ]); } $msg .= &ui_columns_end(); $msg .= &ui_hidden("source", 1); $msg .= &ui_hidden("other", join("\n", @urls)); $msg .= &ui_hidden("upuser", $config{'upuser'}); $msg .= &ui_hidden("uppass", $config{'uppass'}); $msg .= &ui_hidden("third", $config{'upthird'}); $msg .= &ui_hidden("checksig", $config{'upchecksig'}); $msg .= &ui_form_end([ [ undef, $text{'notif_updateok'} ] ]); push(@notifs, $msg); } }
# Reboot needed if (&foreign_check("package-updates") && &foreign_available("init")) { &foreign_require("package-updates"); if (&package_updates::check_reboot_required()) { push(@notifs, &ui_form_start("$gconfig{'webprefix'}/init/reboot.cgi", "form-data"). $text{'notif_reboot'}."<p>\n". &ui_form_end([ [ undef, $text{'notif_rebootok'} ] ])); } }
return @notifs; }
=head2 get_system_uptime
Returns the number of seconds the system has been up, or undef if un-available.
=cut sub get_system_uptime { # Try Linux /proc/uptime first if (open(UPTIME, "/proc/uptime")) { my $line = <UPTIME>; close(UPTIME); my ($uptime, $dummy) = split(/\s+/, $line); if ($uptime > 0) { return int($uptime); } }
# Try to parse uptime command output if ($gconfig{'os_type'} ne 'windows') { my $out = &backquote_command("uptime"); if ($out =~ /up\s+(\d+)\s+day/) { return $1*24*60*60; } elsif ($out =~ /up\s+(\d+)\s+min/) { return $1*60; } elsif ($out =~ /up\s+(\d+)\s+hour/) { return $1*60*60; } elsif ($out =~ /up\s+(\d+):(\d+)/) { return $1*60*60 + $2*60; } }
return undef; }
=head2 list_operating_systems([os-list-file])
Returns a list of known OSs, each of which is a hash ref with keys :
=item realtype - A human-readable OS name, like Ubuntu Linux.
=item realversion - A human-readable version, like 8.04.
=item type - Webmin's internal OS code, like debian-linux.
=item version - Webmin's internal version number, like 3.1.
=item code - A fragment of Perl that will return true if evaluated on this OS.
=cut sub list_operating_systems { my $file = $_[0] || "$root_directory/os_list.txt"; my @rv; open(OSLIST, $file); while(<OSLIST>) { if (/^([^\t]+)\t+([^\t]+)\t+([^\t]+)\t+([^\t]+)\t+(.*)/) { push(@rv, { 'realtype' => $1, 'realversion' => $2, 'type' => $3, 'version' => $4, 'code' => $5 }); } } close(OSLIST); return @rv; }
=head2 shared_root_directory
Returns 1 if the Webmin root directory is shared with another system, such as via NFS, or in a Solaris zone. If so, updates and module installs are not allowed.
=cut sub shared_root_directory { if (exists($gconfig{'shared_root'}) && $gconfig{'shared_root'} eq '1') { # Always shared return 1; } elsif (exists($gconfig{'shared_root'}) && $gconfig{'shared_root'} eq '0') { # Definately not shared return 0; } if (&running_in_zone()) { # In a Solaris zone .. is the root directory loopback mounted? if (&foreign_exists("mount")) { &foreign_require("mount", ""); my @rst = stat($root_directory); my $m; foreach $m (&mount::list_mounted()) { my @mst = stat($m->[0]); if ($mst[0] == $rst[0] && &is_under_directory($m->[0], $root_directory)) { # Found the mount! if ($m->[2] eq "lofs" || $m->[2] eq "nfs") { return 1; } } } } } return 0; }
=head2 submit_os_info(id)
Send via email a message about this system's OS and Perl version. Returns undef if OK, or an error message.
=cut sub submit_os_info { if (!&foreign_installed("mailboxes", 1)) { return $text{'submit_emailboxes'}; } &foreign_require("mailboxes", ""); my $mail = { 'headers' => [ [ 'From', &mailboxes::get_from_address() ], [ 'To', $os_info_address ], [ 'Subject', 'Webmin OS Information' ] ], 'attach' => [ { 'headers' => [ [ 'Content-type', 'text/plain' ] ], 'data' => "OS: $gconfig{'real_os_type'}\n". "Version: $gconfig{'real_os_version'}\n". "OS code: $gconfig{'os_type'}\n". "Version code: $gconfig{'os_version'}\n". "Perl: $]\n". "Webmin: ".&get_webmin_version()."\n". "ID: ".&get_webmin_id()."\n" } ], }; eval { &mailboxes::send_mail($mail); }; return $@ ? $@ : undef; }
=head2 get_webmin_id
Returns a (hopefully) unique ID for this Webmin install.
=cut sub get_webmin_id { if (!$config{'webminid'}) { my $salt = substr(time(), -2); $config{'webminid'} = &unix_crypt(&get_system_hostname(), $salt); &save_module_config(); } return $config{'webminid'}; }
=head2 ip_match(ip, [match]+)
Checks an IP address against a list of IPs, networks and networks/masks, and returns 1 if a match is found.
=cut sub ip_match { my @io = &check_ip6address($_[0]) ? split(/:/, $_[0]) : split(/\./, $_[0]);
# Resolve to hostname and check that it forward resolves again my $hn = &to_hostname($_[0]); if (&check_ip6address($_[0])) { $hn = "" if (&to_ip6address($hn) ne $_[0]); } else { $hn = "" if (&to_ipaddress($hn) ne $_[0]); }
for(my $i=1; $i<@_; $i++) { my $mismatch = 0; my $ip = $_[$i]; if ($ip =~ /^(\S+)\/(\d+)$/) { # Convert CIDR to netmask format $ip = $1."/".&prefix_to_mask($2); } if ($ip =~ /^(\S+)\/(\S+)$/) { # Compare with IPv4 network/mask my @mo = split(/\./, $1); my @ms = split(/\./, $2); for(my $j=0; $j<4; $j++) { if ((int($io[$j]) & int($ms[$j])) != int($mo[$j])) { $mismatch = 1; } } } elsif ($_[$i] =~ /^(\S+)-(\S+)$/) { # Compare with an IPv4 range (separated by a hyphen -) my ($remote, $min, $max); my @low = split(/\./, $1); my @high = split(/\./, $2); for(my $j=0; $j<4; $j++) { $remote += $io[$j] << ((3-$j)*8); $min += $low[$j] << ((3-$j)*8); $max += $high[$j] << ((3-$j)*8); } if ($remote < $min || $remote > $max) { $mismatch = 1; } } elsif ($ip =~ /^\*(\.\S+)$/) { # Compare with hostname regexp $mismatch = 1 if ($hn !~ /$1$/); } elsif ($ip eq 'LOCAL') { # Just assume OK for now } elsif ($_[$i] =~ /^[0-9\.]+$/) { # Compare with IPv4 address or network my @mo = split(/\./, $_[$i]); while(@mo && !$mo[$#mo]) { pop(@mo); } for(my $j=0; $j<@mo; $j++) { if ($mo[$j] != $io[$j]) { $mismatch = 1; } } } elsif ($_[$i] =~ /^[a-f0-9:]+$/) { # Compare with IPv6 address or network my @mo = split(/:/, $_[$i]); while(@mo && !$mo[$#mo]) { pop(@mo); } for(my $j=0; $j<@mo; $j++) { if ($mo[$j] ne $io[$j]) { $mismatch = 1; } } } elsif ($_[$i] !~ /^[0-9\.]+$/) { # Compare with hostname $mismatch = 1 if ($_[0] ne &to_ipaddress($_[$i])); } return 1 if (!$mismatch); } return 0; }
=head2 prefix_to_mask(prefix)
Converts a number like 24 to a mask like
=cut sub prefix_to_mask { return $_[0] >= 24 ? "255.255.255.".(256-(2 ** (32-$_[0]))) : $_[0] >= 16 ? "255.255.".(256-(2 ** (24-$_[0]))).".0" : $_[0] >= 16 ? "255.".(256-(2 ** (16-$_[0]))).".0.0" : (256-(2 ** (8-$_[0]))).".0.0.0"; }
=head2 valid_allow(text)
Returns undef if some text is a valid IP, hostname or network for use in allowed IPs, or an error message if not
=cut sub valid_allow { my ($h) = @_; if ($h =~ /^([0-9\.]+)\/(\d+)$/) { &check_ipaddress($1) || return &text('access_enet', "$1"); $2 >= 0 && $2 <= 32 || return &text('access_ecidr', "$2"); } elsif ($h =~ /^([0-9\.]+)\/([0-9\.]+)$/) { &check_ipaddress($1) || return &text('access_enet', "$1"); &check_ipaddress($2) || return &text('access_emask', "$2"); } elsif ($h =~ /^[0-9\.]+$/) { &check_ipaddress($h) || return &text('access_eip', $h); } elsif ($h =~ /^[a-f0-9:]+$/) { &check_ip6address($h) || return &text('access_eip6', $h); } elsif ($h =~ /^\*\.(\S+)$/) { # *.domain is OK } elsif ($h eq 'LOCAL') { # Local means any on local nets } elsif (&to_ipaddress($h) || &to_ip6address($h)) { # Resolvable hostname } else { return &text('access_ehost', $h); } return undef; }
=head2 get_preloads(&miniserv)
Returns a list of module names and files to pre-load, based on a Webmin miniserv configuration hash. Each is a two-element array ref containing a package name and the relative path of the .pl file to pre-load.
=cut sub get_preloads { my @rv = map { [ split(/=/, $_) ] } split(/\s+/, $_[0]->{'preload'}); return @rv; }
=head2 save_preloads(&miniserv, &preloads)
Updates a Webmin miniserv configuration hash from a list of preloads, in the format returned by get_preloads.
=cut sub save_preloads { $_[0]->{'preload'} = join(" ", map { "$_->[0]=$_->[1]" } @{$_[1]}); }
=head2 get_tempdirs(&gconfig)
Returns a list of per-module temp directories, each of which is an array ref containing a module name and directory.
=cut sub get_tempdirs { my ($gconfig) = @_; my @rv; foreach my $k (keys %$gconfig) { if ($k =~ /^tempdir_(.*)$/) { push(@rv, [ $1, $gconfig->{$k} ]); } } return sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } @rv; }
=head2 save_tempdirs(&gconfig, &tempdirs)
Updates the global config with a list of per-module temp dirs
=cut sub save_tempdirs { my ($gconfig, $dirs) = @_; foreach my $k (keys %$gconfig) { if ($k =~ /^tempdir_(.*)$/) { delete($gconfig->{$k}); } } foreach my $d (@$dirs) { $gconfig->{'tempdir_'.$d->[0]} = $d->[1]; } }
=head2 get_module_install_type(dir)
Returns the installation method used for some module (such as 'rpm'), or undef if it was installed from a .wbm.
=cut sub get_module_install_type { my ($mod) = @_; my $it = &module_root_directory($mod)."/install-type"; open(TYPE, $it) || return undef; my $type = <TYPE>; chop($type); close(TYPE); return $type; }
=head2 get_install_type
Returns the package type Webmin was installed form (rpm, deb, solaris-pkg or undef for tar.gz).
=cut sub get_install_type { my $mode; if (open(MODE, "$root_directory/install-type")) { chop($mode = <MODE>); close(MODE); } else { if ($root_directory eq "/usr/libexec/webmin") { $mode = "rpm"; } elsif ($root_directory eq "/usr/share/webmin") { $mode = "deb"; } elsif ($root_directory eq "/opt/webmin") { $mode = "solaris-pkg"; } else { $mode = undef; } } return $mode; }
=head2 list_cached_files
Returns a list of cached filenames for downloads made by Webmin, as array refs containing a full path and url.
=cut sub list_cached_files { my @rv; opendir(DIR, $main::http_cache_directory); foreach my $cfile (readdir(DIR)) { next if ($cfile eq "." || $cfile eq ".."); my $curl = $cfile; $curl =~ s/_/\//g; push(@rv, [ $cfile, "$main::http_cache_directory/$cfile", $curl ]); } closedir(DIR); return @rv; }
=head2 show_restart_page([title, msg])
Output a page with header and footer about Webmin needing to restart.
=cut sub show_restart_page { my ($title, $msg) = @_; $title ||= $text{'restart_title'}; $msg ||= $text{'restart_done'}; &ui_print_header(undef, $title, "");
print "$msg<p>\n";
&ui_print_footer("", $text{'index_return'}); &restart_miniserv(1); }
=head2 cert_info(file)
Returns a hash of details of a cert in some file.
=cut sub cert_info { my %rv; local $_; open(OUT, "openssl x509 -in ".quotemeta($_[0])." -issuer -subject -enddate |"); while(<OUT>) { s/\r|\n//g; if (/subject=.*CN=([^\/]+)/) { $rv{'cn'} = $1; } if (/subject=.*O=([^\/]+)/) { $rv{'o'} = $1; } if (/subject=.*Email=([^\/]+)/) { $rv{'email'} = $1; } if (/issuer=.*CN=([^\/]+)/) { $rv{'issuer_cn'} = $1; } if (/issuer=.*O=([^\/]+)/) { $rv{'issuer_o'} = $1; } if (/issuer=.*Email=([^\/]+)/) { $rv{'issuer_email'} = $1; } if (/notAfter=(.*)/) { $rv{'notafter'} = $1; } } close(OUT); $rv{'type'} = $rv{'o'} eq $rv{'issuer_o'} ? $text{'ssl_typeself'} : $text{'ssl_typereal'}; return \%rv; }
=head2 cert_pem_data(file)
Returns a cert in PEM format, from a file containing the PEM and possibly other keys.
=cut sub cert_pem_data { my ($d) = @_; my $data = &read_file_contents($_[0]); if ($data =~ /(-----BEGIN\s+CERTIFICATE-----\n([A-Za-z0-9\+\/=\n\r]+)-----END\s+CERTIFICATE-----)/) { return $1; } return undef; }
=head2 cert_pkcs12_data(keyfile, [certfile])
Returns a cert in PKCS12 format.
=cut sub cert_pkcs12_data { my ($keyfile, $certfile) = @_; if ($certfile) { open(OUT, "openssl pkcs12 -in ".quotemeta($certfile). " -inkey ".quotemeta($keyfile). " -export -passout pass: -nokeys |"); } else { open(OUT, "openssl pkcs12 -in ".quotemeta($keyfile). " -export -passout pass: -nokeys |"); } my $data; while(<OUT>) { $data .= $_; } close(OUT); return $data; }
=head2 get_blocked_users_hosts(&miniserv)
Returns a list of blocked users and hosts from the file written by Webmin at run-time.
=cut sub get_blocked_users_hosts { my ($miniserv) = @_; my $bf = $miniserv->{'blockedfile'}; if (!$bf) { $miniserv->{'pidfile'} =~ /^(.*)\/[^\/]+$/; $bf = "$1/blocked"; } my @rv; my $fh = "BLOCKED"; &open_readfile($fh, $bf) || return (); while(<$fh>) { s/\r|\n//g; my ($type, $who, $fails, $when) = split(/\s+/, $_); push(@rv, { 'type' => $type, $type => $who, 'fails' => $fails, 'when' => $when }); } close($fh); return @rv; }
=head2 show_ssl_key_form([defhost], [defemail], [deforg])
Returns HTML for inputs to generate a new self-signed cert.
=cut sub show_ssl_key_form { my ($defhost, $defemail, $deforg) = @_; my $rv;
$rv .= &ui_table_row($text{'ssl_cn'}, &ui_opt_textbox("commonName", $defhost, 30, $text{'ssl_all'}));
$rv .= &ui_table_row($text{'ca_email'}, &ui_textbox("emailAddress", $defemail, 30));
$rv .= &ui_table_row($text{'ca_ou'}, &ui_textbox("organizationalUnitName", undef, 30));
$rv .= &ui_table_row($text{'ca_o'}, &ui_textbox("organizationName", $deforg, 30));
$rv .= &ui_table_row($text{'ca_city'}, &ui_textbox("cityName", undef, 30));
$rv .= &ui_table_row($text{'ca_sp'}, &ui_textbox("stateOrProvinceName", undef, 15));
$rv .= &ui_table_row($text{'ca_c'}, &ui_textbox("countryName", undef, 2));
$rv .= &ui_table_row($text{'ssl_size'}, &ui_opt_textbox("size", undef, 6, "$text{'default'} ($default_key_size)"). " ".$text{'ssl_bits'});
$rv .= &ui_table_row($text{'ssl_days'}, &ui_textbox("days", 1825, 8));
return $rv; }
=head2 parse_ssl_key_form(&in, keyfile, [certfile])
Parses the key generation form, and creates new key and cert files. Returns undef on success or an error message on failure.
=cut sub parse_ssl_key_form { my ($in, $keyfile, $certfile) = @_; my %in = %$in;
# Validate inputs $in{'commonName_def'} || $in{'commonName'} =~ /^[A-Za-z0-9\.\-\*]+$/ || return $text{'newkey_ecn'}; $in{'size_def'} || $in{'size'} =~ /^\d+$/ || return $text{'newkey_esize'}; $in{'days'} =~ /^\d+$/ || return $text{'newkey_edays'}; $in{'countryName'} =~ /^\S\S$/ || return $text{'newkey_ecountry'};
# Work out SSL command my %aclconfig = &foreign_config('acl'); &foreign_require("acl", ""); my $cmd = &acl::get_ssleay(); if (!$cmd) { return &text('newkey_ecmd', "<tt>$aclconfig{'ssleay'}</tt>", "$gconfig{'webprefix'}/config.cgi?acl"); }
# Run openssl and feed it key data my $ctemp = &transname(); my $ktemp = &transname(); my $outtemp = &transname(); my $size = $in{'size_def'} ? $default_key_size : quotemeta($in{'size'}); open(CA, "| $cmd req -newkey rsa:$size -x509 -nodes -out $ctemp -keyout $ktemp -days ".quotemeta($in{'days'})." >$outtemp 2>&1"); print CA ($in{'countryName'} || "."),"\n"; print CA ($in{'stateOrProvinceName'} || "."),"\n"; print CA ($in{'cityName'} || "."),"\n"; print CA ($in{'organizationName'} || "."),"\n"; print CA ($in{'organizationalUnitName'} || "."),"\n"; print CA ($in{'commonName_def'} ? "*" : $in{'commonName'}),"\n"; print CA ($in{'emailAddress'} || "."),"\n"; close(CA); my $rv = $?; my $out = &read_file_contents($outtemp); unlink($outtemp); if (!-r $ctemp || !-r $ktemp || $?) { return $text{'newkey_essl'}."<br>"."<pre>".&html_escape($out)."</pre>"; }
# Write to the final files my $certout = &read_file_contents($ctemp); my $keyout = &read_file_contents($ktemp); unlink($ctemp, $ktemp);
my ($kfh, $cfh); &open_lock_tempfile($kfh, ">$keyfile"); &print_tempfile($kfh, $keyout); if ($certfile) { # Separate files &open_lock_tempfile($cfh, ">$certfile"); &print_tempfile($cfh, $certout); &close_tempfile($cfh); &set_ownership_permissions(undef, undef, 0600, $certfile); } else { # Both go in the same file &print_tempfile($kfh, $certout); } &close_tempfile($kfh); &set_ownership_permissions(undef, undef, 0600, $keyfile);
return undef; }
=head2 parse_ssl_csr_form(&in, keyfile, csrfile)
Parses the CSR generation form, and creates new key and CSR files. Returns undef on success or an error message on failure.
=cut sub parse_ssl_csr_form { my ($in, $keyfile, $csrfile) = @_; my %in = %$in;
# Validate inputs $in{'commonName_def'} || $in{'commonName'} =~ /^[A-Za-z0-9\.\-\*]+$/ || return $text{'newkey_ecn'}; $in{'size_def'} || $in{'size'} =~ /^\d+$/ || return $text{'newkey_esize'}; $in{'days'} =~ /^\d+$/ || return $text{'newkey_edays'}; $in{'countryName'} =~ /^\S\S$/ || return $text{'newkey_ecountry'};
# Work out SSL command my %aclconfig = &foreign_config('acl'); &foreign_require("acl", ""); my $cmd = &acl::get_ssleay(); if (!$cmd) { return &text('newkey_ecmd', "<tt>$aclconfig{'ssleay'}</tt>", "$gconfig{'webprefix'}/config.cgi?acl"); }
# Generate the key my $ktemp = &transname(); my $size = $in{'size_def'} ? $default_key_size : quotemeta($in{'size'}); my $out = &backquote_command("openssl genrsa -out ".quotemeta($ktemp)." $size 2>&1 </dev/null"); if (!-r $ktemp || $?) { return $text{'newkey_essl'}."<br>"."<pre>".&html_escape($out)."</pre>"; }
# Run openssl and feed it key data my $ctemp = &transname(); my $outtemp = &transname(); open(CA, "| $cmd req -new -key $ktemp -out $ctemp >$outtemp 2>&1"); print CA ($in{'countryName'} || "."),"\n"; print CA ($in{'stateOrProvinceName'} || "."),"\n"; print CA ($in{'cityName'} || "."),"\n"; print CA ($in{'organizationName'} || "."),"\n"; print CA ($in{'organizationalUnitName'} || "."),"\n"; print CA ($in{'commonName_def'} ? "*" : $in{'commonName'}),"\n"; print CA ($in{'emailAddress'} || "."),"\n"; print CA ".\n"; print CA ".\n"; close(CA); my $rv = $?; $out = &read_file_contents($outtemp); unlink($outtemp); if (!-r $ctemp || $?) { return $text{'newkey_essl'}."<br>"."<pre>".&html_escape($out)."</pre>"; }
# Write to the final files my $csrout = &read_file_contents($ctemp); my $keyout = &read_file_contents($ktemp); unlink($ctemp, $ktemp);
my ($kfh, $cfh); &open_lock_tempfile($kfh, ">$keyfile"); &print_tempfile($kfh, $keyout); &close_tempfile($kfh); &set_ownership_permissions(undef, undef, 0600, $keyfile); &open_lock_tempfile($cfh, ">$csrfile"); &print_tempfile($cfh, $csrout); &close_tempfile($cfh); &set_ownership_permissions(undef, undef, 0600, $csrfile);
return undef; }
=head2 build_installed_modules(force-all, force-mod)
Calls each module's install_check function, and updates the cache of modules whose underlying servers are installed.
=cut sub build_installed_modules { my ($force, $mod) = @_; my %installed; my $changed; &read_file_cached("$config_directory/installed.cache", \%installed); my @changed; foreach my $minfo (&get_all_module_infos()) { next if ($mod && $minfo->{'dir'} ne $mod); next if (defined($installed{$minfo->{'dir'}}) && !$force && !$mod); next if (!&check_os_support($minfo)); $@ = undef; my $o = $installed{$minfo->{'dir'}} || 0; my $pid = fork(); if (!$pid) { # Check in a sub-process my $rv; eval { local $main::error_must_die = 1; $rv = &foreign_installed($minfo->{'dir'}, 0) ? 1 : 0; }; if ($@) { # Install check failed .. but assume the module is OK $rv = 1; } exit($rv); } waitpid($pid, 0); $installed{$minfo->{'dir'}} = $? / 256; push(@changed, $minfo->{'dir'}) if ($installed{$minfo->{'dir'}} && $installed{$minfo->{'dir'}} ne $o); } &write_file("$config_directory/installed.cache", \%installed); return wantarray ? (\%installed, \@changed) : \%installed; }
=head2 get_latest_webmin_version
Returns 1 and the latest version of Webmin available on, or 0 and an error message
=cut sub get_latest_webmin_version { my $file = &transname(); my ($error, $version); &http_download($primary_host, $primary_port, '/', $file, \$error); return (0, $error) if ($error); open(FILE, $file); while(<FILE>) { if (/webmin-([0-9\.]+)\.tar\.gz/) { $version = $1; last; } } close(FILE); unlink($file); return $version ? (1, $version) : (0, "No version number found at $primary_host"); }
=head2 filter_updates(&updates, [version], [include-third], [include-missing])
Given a list of updates, filters them to include only those that are suitable for this system. The parameters are :
=item updates - Array ref of updates, as returned by fetch_updates.
=item version - Webmin version number to use in comparisons.
=item include-third - Set to 1 to include non-core modules in the results.
=item include-missing - Set to 1 to include modules not currently installed.
=cut sub filter_updates { my ($allupdates, $version, $third, $missing) = @_; $version ||= &get_webmin_version(); my $bversion = &base_version($version); my $updatestemp = &transname(); my @updates; foreach my $u (@$allupdates) { my %minfo = &get_module_info($u->[0]); my %tinfo = &get_theme_info($u->[0]); my %info = %minfo ? %minfo : %tinfo;
# Skip if wrong version of Webmin, unless this is non-core module and # we are handling them too my $nver = $u->[1]; $nver =~ s/^(\d+\.\d+)\..*$/$1/; next if (($nver >= $bversion + .01 || $nver <= $bversion || $nver <= $version) && (!%info || $info{'longdesc'} || !$third));
# Skip if not installed, unless installing new next if (!%info && !$missing);
# Skip if module has a version, and we already have it next if (%info && $info{'version'} && $info{'version'} >= $nver);
# Skip if not supported on this OS my $osinfo = { 'os_support' => $u->[3] }; next if (!&check_os_support($osinfo));
# Skip if installed from RPM or Deb and update was not my $itype = &get_module_install_type($u->[0]); next if ($itype && $u->[2] !~ /\.$itype$/i);
push(@updates, $u); } return \@updates; }
# get_clone_source(dir) # Given a module dir, returns the dir of its original sub get_clone_source { my ($dir) = @_; my $lnk = readlink(&module_root_directory($dir)); return undef if (!$lnk); if ($lnk =~ /\/([^\/]+)$/) { return $1; } elsif ($lnk =~ /^[^\/ ]+$/) { return $lnk; } return undef; }
# retry_http_download(host, port, etc..) # Calls http_download until it succeeds sub retry_http_download { my ($host, $port, $page, $dest, $error, $cbfunc, $ssl, $user, $pass, $timeout, $osdn, $nocache, $headers) = @_; my $tries = 5; my $i = 0; my $tryerror; while($i < $tries) { $tryerror = undef; &http_download($host, $port, $page, $dest, \$tryerror, $cbfunc, $ssl, $user, $pass, $timeout, $osdn, $nocache, $headers); if (!$tryerror) { last; } $i++; sleep($i); } if ($tryerror) { # Failed every time if (ref($error)) { $$error = $tryerror; } else { &error($tryerror); } } }