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# # Common functions for editing the webalizer config file
BEGIN { push(@INC, ".."); }; use WebminCore; &init_config();
$cron_cmd = "$module_config_directory/"; $custom_logs_file = "$module_config_directory/custom-logs"; %access = &get_module_acl();
# Use sample config if needed if (!-r $config{'webalizer_conf'} && -r $config{'alt_conf'}) { ©_source_dest($config{'alt_conf'}, $config{'webalizer_conf'}); }
# get_config([logfile]) # Parse the webalizer config file for a single logfile or global sub get_config { local $file; if ($_[0]) { $file = &config_file_name($_[0]); } $file = $config{'webalizer_conf'} if (!$file || !-r $file); local @rv; local $lnum = 0; open(FILE, $file); while(<FILE>) { s/\r|\n//g; s/#.*$//; if (/^\s*(\S+)\s+(.*)/) { push(@rv, { 'name' => $1, 'value' => $2, 'line' => $lnum, 'file' => $file, 'index' => scalar(@rv) }); } $lnum++; } close(FILE); return \@rv; }
# save_directive(&config, name, [value]*) sub save_directive { local ($conf, $name, @values) = @_; local @old = &find($name, $conf); local $lref = &read_file_lines($conf->[0]->{'file'}); local $i; for($i=0; $i<@old || $i<@values; $i++) { if ($i < @old && $i < @values) { # Just replacing a line $lref->[$old[$i]->{'line'}] = "$name $values[$i]"; } elsif ($i < @old) { # Deleting a line splice(@$lref, $old[$i]->{'line'}, 1); &renumber($conf, $old[$i]->{'line'}, -1); } elsif ($i < @values) { # Adding a line if (@old) { # after the last one of the same type splice(@$lref, $old[$#old]->{'line'}+1, 0, "$name $values[$i]"); &renumber($conf, $old[$#old]->{'line'}+1, 1); } else { # at end of file push(@$lref, "$name $values[$i]"); } } } }
# renumber(&config, line, offset) sub renumber { foreach $c (@{$_[0]}) { $c->{'line'} += $_[2] if ($c->{'line'} >= $_[1]); } }
# config_file_name(logfile) sub config_file_name { local $p = $_[0]; $p =~ s/^\///; $p =~ s/\//_/g; return "$module_config_directory/$p.conf"; }
# find(name, &config) sub find { local @rv; foreach $c (@{$_[1]}) { push(@rv, $c) if (lc($c->{'name'}) eq lc($_[0])); } return wantarray ? @rv : $rv[0]; }
# find_value(name, &config) sub find_value { local @rv = map { $_->{'value'} } &find(@_); return wantarray ? @rv : $rv[0]; }
# all_log_files(file) # Given a base log file name, returns a list of all log files in the same # directory that start with the same name sub all_log_files { $_[0] =~ /^(.*)\/([^\/]+)$/; local $dir = $1; local $base = $2; local ($f, @rv); opendir(DIR, $dir); foreach $f (readdir(DIR)) { if ($f =~ /^\Q$base\E/ && -f "$dir/$f") { push(@rv, "$dir/$f"); } } closedir(DIR); return @rv; }
# get_log_config(path) # Get the configuration for some log file sub get_log_config { local %rv; &read_file(&log_config_name($_[0]), \%rv) || return undef; return \%rv; }
# save_log_config(path, &config) sub save_log_config { return &write_file(&log_config_name($_[0]), $_[1]); }
# log_config_name(path) sub log_config_name { local $p = $_[0]; $p =~ s/^\///; $p =~ s/\//_/g; return "$module_config_directory/$p.log"; }
# generate_report(file, handle, escape) # Generates a new webalizer report to the configured directory, and sends # any output to the given file handle. Returns 1 if any of the log files # worked OK. sub generate_report { local $h = $_[1]; local $lconf = &get_log_config($_[0]); local @all = &all_log_files($_[0]); if (!@all) { print $h "Log file $_[0] does not exist\n"; return; } local ($a, %mtime); foreach $a (@all) { local @st = stat($a); $mtime{$a} = $st[9]; } local $prog = &get_webalizer_prog(); local $type = $lconf->{'type'} == 1 ? "" : $lconf->{'type'} == 2 ? "-F squid" : $lconf->{'type'} == 3 ? "-F ftp" : ""; local $cfile = &config_file_name($_[0]); local $conf = -r $cfile ? "-c $cfile" : ""; if ($lconf->{'over'} && !&is_readonly_mode()) { unlink("$lconf->{'dir'}/webalizer.current"); unlink("$lconf->{'dir'}/webalizer.hist"); } unlink("$lconfig->{'dir'}/__db.dns_cache.db"); local $user = $lconf->{'user'} || "root"; if ($user ne "root" && -r $cfile) { chmod(0644, $cfile); } if (!-d $lconf->{'dir'}) { mkdir($lconf->{'dir'}, 0755); if ($user ne "root") { local @uinfo = getpwnam($user); chown($uinfo[2], $uinfo[3], $lconf->{'dir'}); } } local $anyok = 0; foreach $a (sort { $mtime{$a} <=> $mtime{$b} } @all) { local $cmd = "$config{'webalizer'} $conf -o ". quotemeta($lconf->{'dir'})." $type -p ".quotemeta($a); if ($user ne "root") { $cmd = &command_as_user($user, 0, $cmd); } &open_execute_command(OUT, "$cmd 2>&1", 1); while(<OUT>) { print $h $_[2] ? &html_escape($_) : $_; } close(OUT); $anyok = 1 if (!$?); &additional_log("exec", undef, $cmd); } return $anyok; }
# spaced_buttons(button, ...) sub spaced_buttons { local $pc = int(100 / scalar(@_)); print "<table width=100%><tr>\n"; foreach $b (@_) { local $al = $b eq $_[0] ? "align=left" : $b eq $_[@_-1] ? "align=right" : "align=center"; print "<td width=$pc% $al>$b</td>\n"; } print "</table>\n"; }
# read_custom_logs() sub read_custom_logs { open(LOGS, $custom_logs_file); local @rv = map { /^(.*\S)\s+(\S+)/; { 'file' => $1, 'type' => $2 } } <LOGS>; close(LOGS); return @rv; }
# write_custom_logs(log, ...) sub write_custom_logs { &open_tempfile(LOGS, ">$custom_logs_file"); &print_tempfile(LOGS, map { "$_->{'file'} $_->{'type'}\n" } @_); &close_tempfile(LOGS); }
# can_edit_log(file) sub can_edit_log { foreach $d (split(/\s+/, $access{'dir'})) { local $ok = &is_under_directory($d, $_[0]); return 1 if ($ok); } return 0; }
# get_webalizer_version(&out) # Returns the Webalizer version number, and puts output into the given scalar # reference. sub get_webalizer_version { local $out = `$config{'webalizer'} -v 2>&1 </dev/null`; if ($out =~ /awffull +(\S+)/) { # AWfull version return $1; } if ($? || $out !~ /\sV(\S+)/) { # Try -V $out = `$config{'webalizer'} -V 2>&1 </dev/null`; } ${$_[0]} = $out; return $out =~ /\sV(\S+)/ ? $1 : undef; }
# get_webalizer_prog() # Returns either 'webalizer' or 'awffull' sub get_webalizer_prog { return $config{'webalizer'} =~ /awffull/i ? "awffull" : "webalizer"; }
# get_all_logs() # Returns a list of all log files the module can report on sub get_all_logs { # Query apache and squid for their logfiles local %auto = map { $_, 1 } split(/,/, $config{'auto'}); local @logs; if (&foreign_installed("apache") && $auto{'apache'}) { &foreign_require("apache", ""); local $conf = &apache::get_config(); local @dirs = ( &apache::find_all_directives($conf, "CustomLog"), &apache::find_all_directives($conf, "TransferLog") ); local $root = &apache::find_directive_struct("ServerRoot", $conf); local $d; foreach $d (@dirs) { local $lf = $d->{'words'}->[0]; if ($lf =~ /^\|\\s+\S+\s+(\S+)/) { # Virtualmin log writer .. use real file $lf = $1; } next if ($lf =~ /^\|/); if ($lf !~ /^\//) { $lf = "$root->{'words'}->[0]/$lf"; } open(FILE, $lf); local $line = <FILE>; close(FILE); if (!$line || $line =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9\.\-\:]+)\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\[\d+\/[a-zA-z]+\/\d+:\d+:\d+:\d+\s+[0-9\+\-]+\]/) { push(@logs, { 'file' => $lf, 'type' => 1 }); } } }
# Add log file from Squid if (&foreign_installed("squid") && $auto{'squid'}) { &foreign_require("squid", ""); local $conf = &squid::get_config(); local $log = &squid::find_value("cache_access_log", $conf); $log = "$squid::config{'log_dir'}/access.log" if (!$log && -d $squid::config{'log_dir'}); push(@logs, { 'file' => $log, 'type' => 2 }) if ($log); }
# Add log file from proftpd if (&foreign_installed("proftpd") && $auto{'proftpd'}) { &foreign_require("proftpd", ""); local $conf = &proftpd::get_config(); local $global = &proftpd::find_directive_struct("Global", $conf); local $log = &proftpd::find_directive("TransferLog", $global->{'members'}) || "/var/log/xferlog"; push(@logs, { 'file' => $log, 'type' => 3 }); }
# Add log file from wu-ftpd if (&foreign_installed("wuftpd") && $auto{'wuftpd'}) { local %wconfig = &foreign_config("wuftpd"); push(@logs, { 'file' => $wconfig{'log_file'}, 'type' => 3 }); }
# Add custom logfiles push(@logs, map { $_->{'custom'} = 1; $_ } &read_custom_logs());
return @logs; }
# lconf_to_cron(&lconf, &job) # Copy fields from a webalizer config to a cron job sub lconf_to_cron { local ($lconf, $job) = @_; $job->{'special'} = $lconf->{'special'}; $job->{'mins'} = $lconf->{'mins'}; $job->{'hours'} = $lconf->{'hours'}; $job->{'days'} = $lconf->{'days'}; $job->{'months'} = $lconf->{'months'}; $job->{'weekdays'} = $lconf->{'weekdays'}; }