Viewing file: edit_log.cgi (4.72 KB) -rwxr-xr-x Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
#!/usr/bin/perl # edit_log.cgi # Display a form for adding a new logfile or editing an existing one. # Allows you to set the schedule on which the log is analysed
require './'; &foreign_require("cron", ""); &ReadParse(); $access{'view'} && &error($text{'edit_ecannot'}); if ($in{'new'}) { $access{'add'} || &error($text{'edit_ecannot'}); &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'edit_title1'}, ""); } else { &can_edit_log($in{'file'}) || &error($text{'edit_ecannot'}); &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'edit_title2'}, ""); $lconf = &get_log_config($in{'file'}); }
print "<form action=save_log.cgi>\n"; print "<input type=hidden name=new value='$in{'new'}'>\n"; print "<input type=hidden name=oldfile value='$in{'file'}'>\n";
print "<table border width=100% class='ui_table'>\n"; print "<tr $tb> <td><b>$text{'edit_header'}</b></td> </tr>\n"; print "<tr $cb> <td><table width=100%>\n";
print "<tr> <td><b>$text{'edit_file'}</b></td> <td colspan=3>\n"; if ($in{'new'}) { print "<input name=file size=50> ",&file_chooser_button("file"); } else { print "<input type=hidden name=file value='$in{'file'}'>\n"; print "<tt>$in{'file'}</tt>"; } print "</td> </tr>\n";
if (!$in{'new'}) { @all = &all_log_files($in{'file'}); if (@all > 1) { print "<tr> <td valign=top><b>$text{'edit_files'}</b></td> ", "<td colspan=3><font size=-1>\n"; foreach $a (@all) { print "$a<br>\n"; } print "</font></td> </tr>\n"; } }
print "<tr> <td><b>$text{'edit_type'}</b></td> <td>\n"; if ($in{'new'}) { print "<select name=type>\n"; for($i=1; defined($t = $text{'index_type'.$i}); $i++) { print "<option value=$i>$t\n"; } print "</select>\n"; } else { print "<input type=hidden name=type value='$in{'type'}'>\n"; print $text{'index_type'.$in{'type'}}; } print "</td>\n";
print "<tr> <td><b>$text{'edit_dir'}</b></td> <td colspan=3>\n"; printf "<input name=dir size=50 value='%s'> %s</td> </tr>\n", $lconf->{'dir'}, &file_chooser_button("dir", 1);
print "<tr> <td><b>$text{'edit_user'}</b></td>\n"; if ($access{'user'} eq '*') { # User that webalizer runs as can be chosen printf "<td><input name=user size=13 value='%s'> %s</td> </tr>\n", $lconf->{'user'} || "root"; } else { # User is fixed printf "<td><tt>%s</tt></td> </tr>\n", !$in{'new'} && $lconf->{'dir'} ? $lconf->{'user'} || "root" : $access{'user'} eq "" ? $remote_user : $access{'user'}; }
print "<tr> <td><b>$text{'edit_over'}</b></td>\n"; printf "<td><input type=radio name=over value=1 %s> %s\n", $lconf->{'over'} ? "checked" : "", $text{'yes'}; printf "<input type=radio name=over value=0 %s> %s</td> </tr>\n", $lconf->{'over'} ? "" : "checked", $text{'no'};
$cfile = &config_file_name($in{'file'}); $cmode = -l $cfile ? 2 : -r $cfile ? 1 : 0; print "<tr> <td><b>$text{'edit_conf'}</b></td> <td nowrap>\n"; printf "<input type=radio name=cmode value=0 %s> %s\n", $cmode == 0 ? "checked" : "", $text{'edit_cmode0'}; printf "<input type=radio name=cmode value=1 %s> %s\n", $cmode == 1 ? "checked" : "", $text{'edit_cmode1'}; printf "<input type=radio name=cmode value=2 %s> %s\n", $cmode == 2 ? "checked" : "", $text{'edit_cmode2'}; printf "<input name=cfile size=20 value='%s'> %s</td> </tr>\n", $cmode == 2 ? readlink($cfile) : "", &file_chooser_button("cfile");
print "<tr> <td><b>$text{'edit_sched'}</b></td> <td colspan=3>\n"; printf "<input type=radio name=sched value=0 %s> %s\n", $lconf->{'sched'} ? "" : "checked", $text{'edit_sched0'}; printf "<input type=radio name=sched value=1 %s> %s</td> </tr>\n", $lconf->{'sched'} ? "checked" : "", $text{'edit_sched1'};
print "<tr> <td><b>$text{'edit_clear'}</b></td>\n"; printf "<td><input type=radio name=clear value=1 %s> %s\n", $lconf->{'clear'} ? "checked" : "", $text{'yes'}; printf "<input type=radio name=clear value=0 %s> %s</td> </tr>\n", $lconf->{'clear'} ? "" : "checked", $text{'no'};
print "</table>\n";
print "<table border width=100%>\n"; if ($lconf->{'mins'} eq '') { $lconf->{'mins'} = $lconf->{'hours'} = 0; $lconf->{'days'} = $lconf->{'months'} = $lconf->{'weekdays'} = '*'; } &foreign_call("cron", "show_times_input", $lconf);
print "</table>\n"; print "</td></tr></table>\n";
if ($in{'new'}) { push(@b, "<input type=submit value='$text{'create'}'>"); } else { push(@b, "<input type=submit value='$text{'save'}'>"); push(@b, "<input type=submit name=global value='$text{'edit_global'}'>") if ($cmode); if ($lconf->{'dir'}) { push(@b, "<input type=submit name=run value='$text{'edit_run'}'>"); } if ($lconf->{'dir'} && -r "$lconf->{'dir'}/index.html") { push(@b, "<input type=submit name=view value='$text{'edit_view'}'>"); } if ($in{'custom'}) { push(@b, "<input type=submit name=delete value='$text{'delete'}'>"); } } &spaced_buttons(@b); print "</form>\n";
&ui_print_footer("", $text{'index_return'});