Viewing file: upgrade.cgi (9.36 KB) -rwxr-xr-x Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
#!/usr/bin/perl # upgrade.cgi # Upgrade usermin if possible
require './'; $access{'upgrade'} || &error($text{'acl_ecannot'}); &foreign_require("proc", ""); &ReadParseMime(); &get_usermin_miniserv_config(\%miniserv);
&ui_print_unbuffered_header(undef, $in{'install'} ? $text{'upgrade_title2'} : $text{'upgrade_title'}, "");
if ($in{'source'} == 0) { # from local file &error_setup(&text('upgrade_err1', $in{'file'})); $file = $in{'file'}; if (!(-r $file)) { &inst_error($text{'upgrade_efile'}); } } elsif ($in{'source'} == 1) { # from uploaded file &error_setup($text{'upgrade_err2'}); $file = &transname(); $need_unlink = 1; if ($no_upload) { &inst_error($text{'upgrade_ebrowser'}); } &open_tempfile(MOD, ">$file", 0, 1); &print_tempfile(MOD, $in{'upload'}); &close_tempfile(MOD); } elsif ($in{'source'} == 2) { # find latest version at by looking at index page &error_setup($text{'upgrade_err3'}); $file = &transname(); &http_download('', 80, '/index6.html', $file, \$error); $error && &inst_error($error); open(FILE, $file); while(<FILE>) { if (/usermin-([0-9\.]+)\.tar\.gz/) { $version = $1; last; } } close(FILE); unlink($file); if (!$in{'force'}) { if ($version == &get_usermin_version()) { &inst_error(&text('upgrade_elatest', $version)); } elsif ($version <= &get_usermin_version()) { &inst_error(&text('upgrade_eversion', $version)); } }
# Work out the current Usermin type (webmail or regular) $product = "usermin"; if (&has_command("rpm") && $in{'mode'} eq 'rpm' && &execute_command("rpm -q usermin-webmail") == 0) { $product = "usermin-webmail"; } elsif (&has_command("dpkg") && $in{'mode'} eq 'deb' && &execute_command("dpkg --list usermin-webmail") == 0) { $product = "usermin-webmail"; }
if ($in{'mode'} eq 'rpm') { $progress_callback_url = &convert_osdn_url( "http://$webmin::osdn_host/webadmin/${product}-${version}-1.noarch.rpm"); } elsif ($in{'mode'} eq 'deb') { $progress_callback_url = &convert_osdn_url( "http://$webmin::osdn_host/webadmin/${product}_${version}_all.deb"); } else { $progress_callback_url = &convert_osdn_url( "http://$webmin::osdn_host/webadmin/${product}-${version}.tar.gz"); } ($host, $port, $page, $ssl) = &parse_http_url($progress_callback_url); &http_download($host, $port, $page, $file, \$error, \&progress_callback, $ssl); $error && &inst_error($error); $need_unlink = 1; } elsif ($in{'source'} == 5) { # Download from some URL &error_setup(&text('upgrade_err5', $in{'url'})); $file = &transname(); $progress_callback_url = $in{'url'}; if ($in{'url'} =~ /^(http|https):\/\/([^\/]+)(\/.*)$/) { $ssl = $1 eq 'https'; $host = $2; $page = $3; $port = $ssl ? 443 : 80; if ($host =~ /^(.*):(\d+)$/) { $host = $1; $port = $2; } &http_download($host, $port, $page, $file, \$error, \&progress_callback, $ssl); } elsif ($in{'url'} =~ /^ftp:\/\/([^\/]+)(:21)?\/(.*)$/) { $host = $1; $ffile = $3; &ftp_download($host, $ffile, $file, \$error, \&progress_callback); } else { &inst_error($text{'upgrade_eurl'}); } $need_unlink = 1; $error && &inst_error($error); } $qfile = quotemeta($file);
# gunzip the file if needed open(FILE, $file); read(FILE, $two, 2); close(FILE); if ($two eq "\037\213") { if (!&has_command("gunzip")) { &inst_error($text{'upgrade_egunzip'}); } $newfile = &transname(); $out = `gunzip -c $file 2>&1 >$newfile`; if ($?) { unlink($newfile); &inst_error(&text('upgrade_egzip', "<tt>$out</tt>")); } unlink($file) if ($need_unlink); $need_unlink = 1; $file = $newfile; } $qfile = quotemeta($file);
# Get list of updates $updatestemp = &transname(); &http_download($update_host, $update_port, $update_page, $updatestemp, \$updates_error);
if ($in{'mode'} eq 'rpm') { # Check if it is an RPM package $out = `rpm -qp $qfile`; $out =~ /^usermin-(\d+\.\d+)/ || $out =~ /^usermin-webmail-(\d+\.\d+)/ || &inst_error($text{'upgrade_erpm'}); $version = $1; if ($version <= &get_usermin_version() && !$in{'force'}) { &inst_error(&text('upgrade_eversion', $version)); }
# Install the RPM if ($in{'force'}) { $cmd = "rpm -U --force $qfile"; } else { $cmd = "rpm -U --ignoreos --ignorearch --nodeps $qfile"; } print "<p>",&text($in{'install'} ? 'upgrade_setup2' : 'upgrade_setup', "<tt>$cmd</tt>"),"<br>\n"; print "<pre>"; &proc::safe_process_exec($cmd, 0, 0, STDOUT, undef, 1); print "</pre>"; unlink($file) if ($need_unlink); } elsif ($in{'mode'} eq 'deb') { # Check if it is a Debian package $out = `dpkg --info $qfile`; $out =~ /Package:\s+(\S+)/ && ($1 eq "usermin" || $1 eq "usermin-webmail") || &inst_error($text{'upgrade_edeb'}); $out =~ /Version:\s+(\S+)/ || &inst_error($text{'upgrade_edeb'}); $version = $1; if ($version <= &get_usermin_version() && !$in{'force'}) { &inst_error(&text('upgrade_eversion', $version)); }
# Install the package $cmd = "dpkg --install $qfile"; print "<p>",&text($in{'install'} ? 'upgrade_setup2' : 'upgrade_setup', "<tt>$cmd</tt>"),"<br>\n"; print "<pre>"; &proc::safe_process_exec($cmd, 0, 0, STDOUT, undef, 1); print "</pre>"; unlink($file) if ($need_unlink); } else { # Check if it is a usermin tarfile open(TAR, "tar tf $file 2>&1 |"); while(<TAR>) { if (/^usermin-([0-9\.]+)\//) { $version = $1; } if (/^webmin-([0-9\.]+)\//) { $webmin_version = $1; } if (/^[^\/]+\/(\S+)$/) { $hasfile{$1}++; } } close(TAR); if ($webmin_version) { &inst_error(&text('upgrade_ewebmin', $webmin_version)); } if (!$version) { if ($hasfile{''}) { &inst_error(&text('upgrade_emod', 'edit_mods.cgi')); } else { &inst_error($text{'upgrade_etar'}); } } if (!$in{'force'}) { if ($version <= &get_usermin_version()) { &inst_error(&text('upgrade_eversion', $version)); } }
$| = 1; local $cmd; if ($in{'install'}) { # Installing .. extract it in /usr/local and run local $root = "/usr/local"; mkdir($root, 0755); $out = `cd $root ; tar xf $file 2>&1 >/dev/null`; if ($?) { &inst_error(&text('upgrade_euntar', "<tt>$out</tt>")); } unlink($file) if ($need_unlink); $ENV{'config_dir'} = $standard_usermin_dir; $ENV{'var_dir'} = "/var/usermin"; $perl = &get_perl_path(); $ENV{'perl'} = $perl; $ENV{'autoos'} = 3; $ENV{'port'} = 20000; $ENV{'ssl'} = 1; $ENV{'os_type'} = $gconfig{'os_type'}; $ENV{'os_version'} = $gconfig{'os_version'}; $ENV{'real_os_type'} = $gconfig{'real_os_type'}; $ENV{'real_os_version'} = $gconfig{'real_os_version'}; $cmd = "(cd $root/usermin-$version && ./"; print "<p>",&text('upgrade_setup2', "<tt></tt>"),"<br>\n"; } else { # Upgrading .. work out where to extract if ($in{'dir'}) { # Since we are currently installed in a fixed directory, # just extract to a temporary location $extract = &transname(); mkdir($extract, 0755); } else { # Next to the current directory $extract = "$miniserv{'root'}/.."; }
# Extract it next to the current directory and run $out = `cd $extract ; tar xf $file 2>&1 >/dev/null`; if ($?) { &inst_error(&text('upgrade_euntar', "<tt>$out</tt>")); } unlink($file) if ($need_unlink); $ENV{'config_dir'} = $config{'usermin_dir'}; $ENV{'webmin_upgrade'} = 1; $ENV{'autothird'} = 1; $setup = $in{'dir'} ? "./ '$in{'dir'}'" : "./"; if ($in{'delete'}) { $ENV{'deletedold'} = 1; $cmd = "(cd $extract/usermin-$version && $setup && rm -rf \"$miniserv{'root'}\")"; } else { $cmd = "(cd $extract/usermin-$version && $setup)"; } print "<p>",&text('upgrade_setup', "<tt></tt>"),"<br>\n"; } print "<pre>"; &proc::safe_process_exec($cmd, 0, 0, STDOUT, undef, 1); print "</pre>"; if ($in{'dir'}) { # Can delete the temporary source directory system("rm -rf \"$extract\""); } }
# Notify Webmin that this module might now be usable &foreign_require("webmin", ""); ($inst, $changed) = &webmin::build_installed_modules(0, 'usermin'); if (@$changed && defined(&theme_post_change_modules)) { &theme_post_change_modules(); }
&webmin_log($in{'install'} ? "uinstall" : "upgrade", undef, undef, { 'version' => $version, 'mode' => $in{'mode'} });
# Find out about any updates for this new version. if ($updates_error) { print "<br>",&text('upgrade_eupdates', $updates_error),"<p>\n"; } else { open(UPDATES, $updatestemp); while(<UPDATES>) { if (/^([^\t]+)\t+([^\t]+)\t+([^\t]+)\t+([^\t]+)\t+(.*)/) { push(@updates, [ $1, $2, $3, $4, $5 ]); } } close(UPDATES); unlink($updatestemp); $bversion = &base_version($version); foreach $u (@updates) { next if ($u->[1] >= $bversion + .01 || $u->[1] <= $bversion || $u->[1] <= $version); local $osinfo = { 'os_support' => $u->[3] }; next if (!&check_usermin_os_support($osinfo)); $ucount++; } if ($ucount) { print "<br>",&text('upgrade_updates', $ucount, "update.cgi?source=0&show=0&missing=0"),"<p>\n"; } }
&ui_print_footer("", $text{'index_return'});
sub inst_error { unlink($file) if ($need_unlink); print "<br><b>$whatfailed : $_[0]</b> <p>\n"; &ui_print_footer("", $text{'index_return'}); exit; }