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#!/usr/bin/perl # # Find and install updated usermin modules, and email out the result
$no_acl_check++; require './'; if (!-r "$config{'usermin_dir'}/miniserv.conf") { # Usermin not installed exit(0); }
# Get the update source if ($config{'upsource'}) { $config{'upsource'} =~ /^http:\/\/([^:\/]+)(:(\d+))?(\/\S+)$/ || die "Invalid update source URL!"; $host = $1; $port = $2 ? $3 : 80; $page = $4; } else { $host = $update_host; $port = $update_port; $page = $update_page; }
# Retrieve the updates list (format is module version url support description ) $temp = &transname(); &http_download($host, $port, $page, $temp); open(UPDATES, $temp); while(<UPDATES>) { if (/^([^\t]+)\t+([^\t]+)\t+([^\t]+)\t+([^\t]+)\t+(.*)/) { push(@updates, [ $1, $2, $3, $4, $5 ]); } } close(UPDATES); unlink($temp);
# Go through the results foreach $u (@updates) { next if ($u->[1] >= &get_usermin_base_version() + .01 || $u->[1] < &get_usermin_base_version()); local %minfo = &get_usermin_module_info($u->[0]); local %tinfo = &get_usermin_theme_info($u->[0]); if (!%minfo && !%tinfo && !$config{'upmissing'}) { $rv .= &text('update_mmissing', $u->[0])."\n" if (!$config{'upquiet'}); next; } if (%minfo && $minfo{'version'} >= $u->[1]) { $rv .= &text('update_malready', $u->[0])."\n" if (!$config{'upquiet'}); next; } if (%tinfo && $tinfo{'version'} >= $u->[1]) { $rv .= &text('update_malready', $u->[0])."\n" if (!$config{'upquiet'}); next; } local $osinfo = { 'os_support' => $u->[3] }; if (!&check_usermin_os_support($osinfo)) { $rv .= &text('update_mos', $u->[0])."\n" if (!$config{'upquiet'}); next; } if ($config{'upshow'}) { # Just tell the user what would be done $rv .= &text('update_mshow', $u->[0], $u->[1])."\n". $text{'update_fixes'}." : ".$u->[4]."\n\n"; } else { # Actually do the update .. local (@mdescs, @mdirs, @msizes); $rv .= &text('update_mok', $u->[0], $u->[1])."\n". $text{'update_fixes'}." : ".$u->[4]."\n\n"; if ($u->[2] =~ /^http:\/\/([^:\/]+)(:(\d+))?(\/\S+)$/) { $mhost = $1; $mport = $2 ? $3 : 80; $mpage = $4; } elsif ($u->[2] =~ /^\/\S+$/) { $mhost = $host; $mport = $port; $mpage = $u->[2]; } else { $mhost = $host; $mport = $port; ($mpage = $page) =~ s/[^\/]+$//; $mpage .= $u->[2]; } $mtemp = &transname(); &http_download($mhost, $mport, $mpage, $mtemp, \$error); if ($error) { $rv .= "$error\n\n"; last; } else { $irv = &install_usermin_module($mtemp, 1, 0); if (!ref($irv)) { $irv =~ s/<[^>]*>//g; $irv .= &text('update_failed', $irv)."\n\n"; } else { $irv .= &text('update_mdesc', $irv->[0]->[0], $irv->[2]->[0])."\n\n"; } } } }
# Check if a new version of usermin itself is available $file = &transname(); &http_download('', 80, '/index6.html', $file); open(FILE, $file); while(<FILE>) { if (/usermin-([0-9\.]+)\.tar\.gz/) { $version = $1; last; } } close(FILE); unlink($file); if ($version > &get_usermin_version()) { $rv .= &text('update_version', $version)."\n"; }
# Send off a results email if ($config{'upemail'} && $rv && &foreign_check("mailboxes")) { # Construct and send the email &foreign_require("mailboxes", ""); local $data; local $type = $gconfig{'real_os_type'} || $gconfig{'os_type'}; local $version = $gconfig{'real_os_version'} || $gconfig{'os_version'}; local $myhost = &get_system_hostname(); $data .= "$myhost ($type $version)\n\n"; $data .= &text('update_rv', "http://$host:$port$page")."\n\n"; $data .= $rv; &mailboxes::send_text_mail(&mailboxes::get_from_address(), $config{'upemail'}, undef, $text{'update_subject'}, $data); }