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#!/usr/bin/perl # my_group_chooser.cgi # A modified version of group_chooser.cgi that uses the my_ functions
$trust_unknown_referers = 1; require './'; &init_config(); &ReadParse(undef, undef, 1);
# Build list of primary groups &my_setpwent(); while(@uinfo = &my_getpwent()) { push(@{$members{$uinfo[3]}}, $uinfo[0]); } &my_endpwent();
if ($in{'multi'}) { # selecting multiple groups. if ($in{'frame'} == 0) { # base frame &PrintHeader(); print "<script>\n"; @ul = split(/\s+/, $in{'group'}); $len = @ul; print "sel = new Array($len);\n"; print "selr = new Array($len);\n"; for($i=0; $i<$len; $i++) { print "sel[$i] = \"". "e_escape($ul[$i], '"')."\";\n"; @ginfo = &my_getgrnam($ul[$i]); if (@ginfo) { @mems = &unique( split(/ /, $ginfo[3]), @{$members{$ginfo[2]}} ); if (@mems > 3) { @mems = (@mems[0..1], "..."); } print "selr[$i] = \"", "e_escape(join(' ', @mems), '"'),"\";\n"; } else { print "selr[$i] = \"???\";\n"; } } print "</script>\n"; print "<title>$text{'groups_title1'}</title>\n"; print "<frameset cols='50%,50%'>\n"; print "<frame src=\"my_group_chooser.cgi?frame=1&multi=1\">\n"; print "<frameset rows='*,50' frameborder=no>\n"; print " <frame src=\"my_group_chooser.cgi?frame=2&multi=1\">\n"; print " <frame src=\"my_group_chooser.cgi?frame=3&multi=1\" scrolling=no>\n"; print "</frameset>\n"; print "</frameset>\n"; } elsif ($in{'frame'} == 1) { # list of all groups to choose from &popup_header(); print "<script>\n"; print "function addgroup(u, r)\n"; print "{\n"; print "top.sel[top.sel.length] = u\n"; print "top.selr[top.selr.length] = r\n"; print "top.frames[1].location = top.frames[1].location\n"; print "return false;\n"; print "}\n"; print "</script>\n"; print "<font size=+1>$text{'groups_all'}</font>\n"; print "<table width=100%>\n"; foreach $u (&get_groups_list()) { if ($in{'group'} eq $u->[0]) { print "<tr $cb>\n"; } else { print "<tr>\n"; } print "<td width=20%><a href=\"\" onClick='return addgroup(\"$u->[0]\", \"$u->[3]\")'>$u->[0]</a></td>\n"; print "<td>$u->[3]</td> </tr>\n"; } print "</table>\n"; &popup_footer(); } elsif ($in{'frame'} == 2) { # show chosen groups &popup_header(); print "<font size=+1>$text{'groups_sel'}</font>\n"; print <<'EOF'; <table width=100%> <script> function sub(j) { sel2 = new Array(); selr2 = new Array(); for(k=0,l=0; k<top.sel.length; k++) { if (k != j) { sel2[l] = top.sel[k]; selr2[l] = top.selr[k]; l++; } } top.sel = sel2; top.selr = selr2; location = location; return false; } for(i=0; i<top.sel.length; i++) { document.write("<tr>\n"); document.write("<td><a href=\"\" onClick='return sub("+i+")'>"+top.sel[i]+"</a></td>\n"); document.write("<td>"+top.selr[i]+"</td>\n"); } </script> </table> EOF &popup_footer(); } elsif ($in{'frame'} == 3) { # output OK and Cancel buttons &popup_header(); print "<script>\n"; print "function qjoin(l)\n"; print "{\n"; print "rv = \"\";\n"; print "for(i=0; i<l.length; i++) {\n"; print " if (rv != '') rv += ' ';\n"; print " if (l[i].indexOf(' ') < 0) rv += l[i];\n"; print " else rv += '\"'+l[i]+'\"'\n"; print " }\n"; print "return rv;\n"; print "}\n"; print "</script>\n"; print "<form>\n"; print "<input type=button value=\"$text{'groups_ok'}\" ", " onClick='top.opener.ifield.value = qjoin(top.sel); ", "top.close()'>\n"; print "<input type=button value=\"$text{'groups_cancel'}\" ", "onClick='top.close()'>\n"; print " <input type=button value=\"$text{'groups_clear'}\" onClick='top.sel = new Array(); top.selr = new Array(); top.frames[1].location = top.frames[1].location'>\n"; print "</form>\n"; &popup_footer(); } } else { # selecting just one group .. display a list of all groups to choose from &popup_header($text{'groups_title2'}); print "<script>\n"; print "function select(f)\n"; print "{\n"; print "top.opener.ifield.value = f;\n"; print "top.close();\n"; print "return false;\n"; print "}\n"; print "</script>\n"; print "<table width=100%>\n"; foreach $u (&get_groups_list()) { if ($in{'group'} eq $u->[0]) { print "<tr $cb>\n"; } else { print "<tr>\n"; } print "<td width=20%><a href=\"\" onClick='return select(\"$u->[0]\")'>".&html_escape($u->[0])."</a></td>\n"; print "<td>".&html_escape($u->[3])."</td> </tr>\n"; } print "</table>\n"; &popup_footer(); }
sub get_groups_list { local(@ginfo, @groups, %gcan); if ($access{'gedit_mode'} == 2 || $access{'gedit_mode'} == 3) { map { $gcan{$_}++ } split(/\s+/, $access{'gedit'}); } &my_setgrent(); while(@ginfo = &my_getgrent()) { @mems = &unique( split(/ /, $ginfo[3]), @{$members{$ginfo[2]}} ); if (@mems > 3) { @mems = (@mems[0..1], "..."); } $ginfo[3] = join(' ', @mems); if ($access{'gedit_mode'} == 0 || $access{'gedit_mode'} == 2 && $gcan{$ginfo[0]} || $access{'gedit_mode'} == 3 && !$gcan{$ginfo[0]} || $access{'gedit_mode'} == 4 && (!$access{'gedit'} || $ginfo[2] >= $access{'gedit'}) && (!$access{'gedit2'} || $ginfo[2] <= $access{'gedit2'})) { push(@groups, [ @ginfo ]); } } &my_endgrent(); return sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } @groups; }