Viewing file: index.cgi (7.02 KB) -rwxr-xr-x Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
#!/usr/bin/perl # index.cgi # Display scheduled downloads, plus a form for uploading a file
require './'; &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'index_title'}, "", undef, 0, 1); &ReadParse();
# Start tabs for modes @tabs = ( ); if ($can_download) { push(@tabs, [ "download", $text{'index_tabdownload'}, "index.cgi?mode=download" ]); } if ($can_upload) { push(@tabs, [ "upload", $text{'index_tabupload'}, "index.cgi?mode=upload" ]); } if ($can_fetch) { push(@tabs, [ "fetch", $text{'index_tabfetch'}, "index.cgi?mode=fetch" ]); } print &ui_tabs_start(\@tabs, "mode", $in{'mode'} || $tabs[0]->[0], 1);
$form = 0; if ($can_download) { # Show form for downloading print &ui_tabs_start_tab("mode", "download"); print $text{'index_descdownload'},"<p>\n";
print &ui_form_start("download.cgi", "post"); print &ui_table_start($text{'index_header1'}, "width=100%", 4);
# URLs to download print &ui_table_row($text{'index_urls'}, &ui_textarea("urls", undef, 4, 70), 3);
# Destination directory print &ui_table_row($text{'index_ddir'}, &ui_textbox("dir", $download_dir, 60)." ". &file_chooser_button("dir", 1, $form)."<br>". &ui_checkbox("mkdir", 1, $text{'index_mkdir'}, 0), 3);
if ($can_mode != 3) { # Ask for user and group to download as print &ui_table_row($text{'index_user'}, &ui_user_textbox("user", $download_user, $form));
print &ui_table_row($text{'index_group'}, &ui_opt_textbox("group", $download_group, 13, $text{'default'})." ". &group_chooser_button("group", 0, $form)); }
if ($can_schedule) { # Download time can be selected, for scheduling with At @now = localtime(time()); print &ui_table_row($text{'index_bg'}, &ui_radio("bg", 0, [ [ 0, $text{'index_bg0'}."<br>" ], [ 1, $text{'index_bg1'} ] ])." ". &ui_textbox("day", $now[3], 2)."/". &ui_select("month", $now[4], [ map { [ $_, $text{"smonth_".($_+1)} ] } (0 .. 11) ])."/". &ui_textbox("year", $now[5]+1900, 4)." ". &date_chooser_button("day", "month", "year", $form)." ". $text{'index_time'}."\n". &ui_textbox("hour", sprintf("%2.2d", $now[2]), 2).":". &ui_textbox("min", sprintf("%2.2d", $now[1]), 2), 3); } elsif ($can_background) { # Download must be immediate, but can be backgrounded print &ui_table_row($text{'index_bg'}, &ui_radio("bg", 0, [ [ 0, $text{'index_bg0'} ], [ 1, $text{'index_bg1u'} ] ])); } else { # Download is always right now }
# Email address to notify when done if ($can_schedule || $can_background) { print &ui_table_row($text{'index_email'}, &ui_opt_textbox("email", undef, 40, $text{'no'}, $text{'index_emailto'}), 3); }
print &ui_table_end(); print &ui_form_end([ [ undef, $text{'index_down'} ] ]); $form++;
# Show current list of scheduled or active downloads @downs = grep { &can_as_user($_->{'user'}) } &list_downloads(); if (@downs) { @tds = $notdone ? ( "width=5" ) : ( ); local ($notdone) = grep { !$_->{'complete'} } @downs; print &ui_form_start("cancel.cgi"); print &ui_columns_start([ $notdone ? ( "" ) : ( ), $text{'index_urls'}, $text{'index_dest'}, $text{'index_when'}, $text{'index_user'}, $text{'index_prog'} ], 100, 0, \@tds); foreach $d (@downs) { local @cols; local $count = 0; local @urls; while($url = $d->{"url_$count"}) { print "<br>\n" if ($count); if (length($url) > 70 && $url =~ /^([^:]+:\/\/[^\/]+\/)(.*)(\/[^\/]+)$/) { push(@urls, &html_escape("$1 .. $3")); } else { push(@urls, &html_escape($url)); } $count++; } push(@cols, join("<br>\n", @urls)); push(@cols, &html_escape($d->{'dir'})); push(@cols, $d->{'time'} ? &make_date($d->{'time'}) : $text{'index_imm'}); push(@cols, &html_escape($d->{'user'})); if ($d->{'error'}) { push(@cols, "<font color=#ff0000>". ($count > 1 ? &text('index_upto', $d->{'upto'}+1, $count)." " : ""). "$d->{'error'}</font>"); &delete_download($d); } elsif (!defined($d->{'upto'})) { push(@cols, $text{'index_noprog'}); } elsif ($d->{'complete'}) { push(@cols, "<font color=#00ff00>". "$text{'index_done'} (". &nice_size($d->{'total'}).")</font>"); &delete_download($d); } else { push(@cols, ($count > 1 ? &text('index_upto', $d->{'upto'}+1, $count)." " : ""). &nice_size($d->{'got'})." ". ($d->{'size'} ? "(".int($d->{'got'}*100/$d->{'size'}). "%)" : "")); } if (!$d->{'complete'}) { print &ui_checked_columns_row(\@cols, \@tds, "cancel", $d->{'id'}); } else { @cols = ( "", @cols ) if ($notdone); print &ui_columns_row(\@cols, \@tds); } } print &ui_columns_end(); print &ui_form_end($notdone ? [ [ undef, $text{'index_cancel'} ] ] : [ ]); $form++; } print &ui_tabs_end_tab(); }
if ($can_upload) { # Show form for uploading print &ui_tabs_start_tab("mode", "upload"); print $text{'index_descupload'},"<p>\n"; local $upid = time().$$; print &ui_form_start("upload.cgi?id=$upid", "form-data", undef, &read_parse_mime_javascript($upid, [ "upload0", "upload1", "upload2", "upload3" ])); print &ui_table_start($text{'index_header2'}, "width=100%", 2);
# Upload fields $utable = ""; for($i=0; $i<4; $i++) { $utable .= &ui_upload("upload$i")."\n"; $utable .= "<br>\n" if ($i%2 == 1); } print &ui_table_row($text{'index_upload'}, $utable);
# Destination directory print &ui_table_row($text{'index_dir'}, &ui_textbox("dir", $upload_dir, 50)." ". &file_chooser_button("dir", 1, $form)." ". &ui_checkbox("mkdir", 1, $text{'index_mkdir'}, 0));
if ($can_mode != 3) { # Allow selection of user to save as print &ui_table_row($text{'index_user'}, &unix_user_input("user", $upload_user, $form));
print &ui_table_row($text{'index_group'}, &ui_radio("group_def", $upload_group ? 0 : 1, [ [ 1, $text{'default'} ], [ 0, &unix_group_input("group", $upload_group, $form) ] ])); }
# Unzip files print &ui_table_row($text{'index_zip'}, &ui_radio("zip", 0, [ [ 2, $text{'index_zipyes'} ], [ 1, $text{'yes'} ], [ 0, $text{'no'} ] ]));
# Email notification print &ui_table_row($text{'index_email2'}, &ui_opt_textbox("email", undef, 40, $text{'no'}, $text{'index_emailto'}), 3);
print &ui_table_end(); print &ui_form_end([ [ "ok", $text{'index_ok'} ] ]); $form++; print &ui_tabs_end_tab(); }
if ($can_fetch) { # Show form to download fetch from server to PC print &ui_tabs_start_tab("mode", "fetch"); print $text{'index_descfetch'},"<p>\n"; print &ui_form_start("fetch.cgi"); print &ui_table_start($text{'index_header3'}, "width=100%", 4);
# File to fetch print &ui_table_row($text{'index_fetch'}, &ui_textbox("fetch", $fetch_file, 50)." ". &file_chooser_button("fetch", 0, $form), 3);
# Show in browser? print &ui_table_row($text{'index_show'}, &ui_yesno_radio("show", $fetch_show));
print &ui_table_end(); print &ui_form_end([ [ undef, $text{'index_ok2'} ] ]); $form++; print &ui_tabs_end_tab(); }
print &ui_tabs_end(1);
&ui_print_footer("/", $text{'index'});