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# Functions for collecting general system info
BEGIN { push(@INC, ".."); }; eval "use WebminCore;"; &init_config(); $systeminfo_cron_cmd = "$module_config_directory/"; $collected_info_file = "$module_config_directory/info"; $historic_info_dir = "$module_config_directory/history";
# collect_system_info() # Returns a hash reference containing system information sub collect_system_info { my $info = { };
if (&foreign_check("proc")) { # CPU and memory &foreign_require("proc", ""); if (defined(&proc::get_cpu_info)) { my @c = &proc::get_cpu_info(); $info->{'load'} = \@c; } my @procs = &proc::list_processes(); $info->{'procs'} = scalar(@procs); if (defined(&proc::get_memory_info)) { my @m = &proc::get_memory_info(); $info->{'mem'} = \@m; if ($m[0] > 128*1024*1024 && $gconfig{'os_type'} eq 'freebsd') { # Some Webmin versions overstated memory by a factor # of 1k on FreeBSD - fix it $m[0] /= 1024; $m[1] /= 1024; } }
# CPU and kernel my ($r, $m, $o) = &proc::get_kernel_info(); $info->{'kernel'} = { 'version' => $r, 'arch' => $m, 'os' => $o }; }
# Disk space on local filesystems if (&foreign_check("mount")) { &foreign_require("mount"); ($info->{'disk_total'}, $info->{'disk_free'}) = &mount::local_disk_space(); }
# Available package updates if (&foreign_installed("package-updates") && $config{'collect_pkgs'}) { &foreign_require("package-updates"); my @poss = &package_updates::list_possible_updates(2, 1); $info->{'poss'} = \@poss; $info->{'reboot'} = &package_updates::check_reboot_required(); }
# CPU and drive temps my @cpu = &get_current_cpu_temps(); $info->{'cputemps'} = \@cpu if (@cpu); my @drive = &get_current_drive_temps(); $info->{'drivetemps'} = \@drive if (@drive);
# IO input and output if ($gconfig{'os_type'} =~ /-linux$/) { local $out = &backquote_command("vmstat 1 2 2>/dev/null"); if (!$?) { local @lines = split(/\r?\n/, $out); local @w = split(/\s+/, $lines[$#lines]); shift(@w) if ($w[0] eq ''); if ($w[8] =~ /^\d+$/ && $w[9] =~ /^\d+$/) { # Blocks in and out $info->{'io'} = [ $w[8], $w[9] ];
# CPU user, kernel, idle, io, vm $info->{'cpu'} = [ @w[12..16] ]; } } }
return $info; }
# get_collected_info() # Returns the most recently collected system information, or the current info sub get_collected_info { my $infostr = $config{'collect_interval'} eq 'none' ? undef : &read_file_contents($collected_info_file); if ($infostr) { my $info = &unserialise_variable($infostr); if (ref($info) eq 'HASH' && keys(%$info) > 0) { return $info; } } return &collect_system_info(); }
# save_collected_info(&info) # Save information collected on schedule sub save_collected_info { my ($info) = @_; &open_tempfile(INFO, ">$collected_info_file"); &print_tempfile(INFO, &serialise_variable($info)); &close_tempfile(INFO); }
# refresh_possible_packages(&newpackages) # Refresh regularly collected info on available packages sub refresh_possible_packages { my ($pkgs) = @_; my %pkgs = map { $_, 1 } @$pkgs; my $info = &get_collected_info(); if ($info->{'poss'} && &foreign_installed("package-updates")) { &foreign_require("package-updates"); my @poss = &package_updates::list_possible_updates(2); $info->{'poss'} = \@poss; } &save_collected_info($info); }
# add_historic_collected_info(&info, time) # Add to the collected info log files the current CPU load, memory uses, swap # use, disk use and other info we might want to graph sub add_historic_collected_info { my ($info, $time) = @_; if (!-d $historic_info_dir) { &make_dir($historic_info_dir, 0700); } my @stats; push(@stats, [ "load", $info->{'load'}->[0] ]) if ($info->{'load'}); push(@stats, [ "load5", $info->{'load'}->[1] ]) if ($info->{'load'}); push(@stats, [ "load15", $info->{'load'}->[2] ]) if ($info->{'load'}); push(@stats, [ "procs", $info->{'procs'} ]) if ($info->{'procs'}); if ($info->{'mem'}) { push(@stats, [ "memused", ($info->{'mem'}->[0]-$info->{'mem'}->[1])*1024, $info->{'mem'}->[0]*1024 ]); if ($info->{'mem'}->[2]) { push(@stats, [ "swapused", ($info->{'mem'}->[2]-$info->{'mem'}->[3])*1024, $info->{'mem'}->[2]*1024 ]); } } if ($info->{'disk_total'}) { push(@stats, [ "diskused", $info->{'disk_total'}-$info->{'disk_free'}, $info->{'disk_total'} ]); }
# Get network traffic counts since last run if (&foreign_check("net") && $gconfig{'os_type'} =~ /-linux$/) { # Get the current byte count my $rxtotal = 0; my $txtotal = 0; if ($config{'collect_ifaces'}) { # From module config @ifaces = split(/\s+/, $config{'collect_ifaces'}); } else { # Get list from net module &foreign_require("net"); foreach my $i (&net::active_interfaces()) { if ($i->{'virtual'} eq '' && $i->{'name'} =~ /^(eth|ppp|wlan|ath|wlan)/) { push(@ifaces, $i->{'name'}); } } } my $ifaces = join(" ", @ifaces); foreach my $iname (@ifaces) { &clean_language(); my $out = &backquote_command( "ifconfig ".quotemeta($iname)." 2>/dev/null"); &reset_environment(); my $rx = $out =~ /RX\s+bytes:\s*(\d+)/i ? $1 : undef; my $tx = $out =~ /TX\s+bytes:\s*(\d+)/i ? $1 : undef; $rxtotal += $rx; $txtotal += $tx; }
# Work out the diff since the last run, if we have it my %netcounts; if (&read_file("$historic_info_dir/netcounts", \%netcounts) && $netcounts{'rx'} && $netcounts{'tx'} && $netcounts{'ifaces'} eq $ifaces && $rxtotal >= $netcounts{'rx'} && $txtotal >= $netcounts{'tx'}) { my $secs = ($now - $netcounts{'now'}) * 1.0; if ($secs) { my $rxscaled = ($rxtotal - $netcounts{'rx'}) / $secs; my $txscaled = ($txtotal - $netcounts{'tx'}) / $secs; if ($rxscaled >= $netcounts{'rx_max'}) { $netcounts{'rx_max'} = $rxscaled; } if ($txscaled >= $netcounts{'tx_max'}) { $netcounts{'tx_max'} = $txscaled; } push(@stats, [ "rx",$rxscaled, $netcounts{'rx_max'} ]); push(@stats, [ "tx",$txscaled, $netcounts{'tx_max'} ]); } }
# Save the last counts $netcounts{'rx'} = $rxtotal; $netcounts{'tx'} = $txtotal; $netcounts{'now'} = $now; $netcounts{'ifaces'} = $ifaces; &write_file("$historic_info_dir/netcounts", \%netcounts); }
# Get drive temperatures my ($temptotal, $tempcount); foreach my $t (@{$info->{'drivetemps'}}) { $temptotal += $t->{'temp'}; $tempcount++; } if ($temptotal) { push(@stats, [ "drivetemp", $temptotal / $tempcount ]); }
# Get CPU temperature my ($temptotal, $tempcount); foreach my $t (@{$info->{'cputemps'}}) { $temptotal += $t->{'temp'}; $tempcount++; } if ($temptotal) { push(@stats, [ "cputemp", $temptotal / $tempcount ]); }
# Get IO blocks if ($info->{'io'}) { push(@stats, [ "bin", $info->{'io'}->[0] ]); push(@stats, [ "bout", $info->{'io'}->[1] ]); }
# Get CPU user and IO time if ($info->{'cpu'}) { push(@stats, [ "cpuuser", $info->{'cpu'}->[0] ]); push(@stats, [ "cpukernel", $info->{'cpu'}->[1] ]); push(@stats, [ "cpuidle", $info->{'cpu'}->[2] ]); push(@stats, [ "cpuio", $info->{'cpu'}->[3] ]); }
# Write to the file foreach my $stat (@stats) { open(HISTORY, ">>$historic_info_dir/$stat->[0]"); print HISTORY $time," ",$stat->[1],"\n"; close(HISTORY); }
# Update the file storing the max possible value for each variable my %maxpossible; &read_file("$historic_info_dir/maxes", \%maxpossible); foreach my $stat (@stats) { if ($stat->[2] && $stat->[2] > $maxpossible{$stat->[0]}) { $maxpossible{$stat->[0]} = $stat->[2]; } } &write_file("$historic_info_dir/maxes", \%maxpossible); }
# list_historic_collected_info(stat, [start], [end]) # Returns an array of times and values for some stat, within the given # time period sub list_historic_collected_info { my ($stat, $start, $end) = @_; my @rv; my $last_time; my $now = time(); open(HISTORY, "$historic_info_dir/$stat"); while(<HISTORY>) { chop; my ($time, $value) = split(" ", $_); next if ($time < $last_time || # No time travel or future data $time > $now); if ((!defined($start) || $time >= $start) && (!defined($end) || $time <= $end)) { push(@rv, [ $time, $value ]); } if (defined($end) && $time > $end) { last; # Past the end point } $last_time = $time; } close(HISTORY); return @rv; }
# list_all_historic_collected_info([start], [end]) # Returns a hash mapping stats to data within some time period sub list_all_historic_collected_info { my ($start, $end) = @_; foreach my $f (&list_historic_stats()) { my @rv = &list_historic_collected_info($f, $start, $end); $all{$f} = \@rv; } closedir(HISTDIR); return \%all; }
# get_historic_maxes() # Returns a hash reference from stats to the max possible values ever seen sub get_historic_maxes { my %maxpossible; &read_file("$historic_info_dir/maxes", \%maxpossible); return \%maxpossible; }
# get_historic_first_last(stat) # Returns the Unix time for the first and last stats recorded sub get_historic_first_last { my ($stat) = @_; open(HISTORY, "$historic_info_dir/$stat") || return (undef, undef); my $first = <HISTORY>; $first || return (undef, undef); chop($first); my ($firsttime, $firstvalue) = split(" ", $first); seek(HISTORY, 2, -256) || seek(HISTORY, 0, 0); while(<HISTORY>) { $last = $_; } close(HISTORY); chop($last); my ($lasttime, $lastvalue) = split(" ", $last); return ($firsttime, $lasttime); }
# list_historic_stats() # Returns a list of variables on which we have stats sub list_historic_stats { my @rv; opendir(HISTDIR, $historic_info_dir); foreach my $f (readdir(HISTDIR)) { if ($f =~ /^[a-z]+[0-9]*$/ && $f ne "maxes" && $f ne "procmailpos" && $f ne "netcounts") { push(@rv, $f); } } closedir(HISTDIR); return @rv; }
# setup_collectinfo_job() # Creates or updates the Webmin function cron job, based on the interval # set in the module config sub setup_collectinfo_job { &foreign_require("webmincron"); my $step = $config{'collect_interval'}; if ($step ne 'none') { # Setup webmin cron (removing old classic cron job) $step ||= 5; my $cron = { 'module' => $module_name, 'func' => 'scheduled_collect_system_info', 'interval' => $step * 60, }; &webmincron::create_webmin_cron($cron, $systeminfo_cron_cmd); } else { # Delete webmin cron my $cron = &webmincron::find_webmin_cron($module_name, 'scheduled_collect_system_info'); if ($cron) { &webmincron::delete_webmin_cron($cron); } } }
# get_current_drive_temps() # Returns a list of hashes, containing device and temp keys sub get_current_drive_temps { my @rv; if (!$config{'collect_notemp'} && &foreign_installed("smart-status")) { &foreign_require("smart-status"); foreach my $d (&smart_status::list_smart_disks_partitions()) { my $st = &smart_status::get_drive_status($d->{'device'}, $d); foreach my $a (@{$st->{'attribs'}}) { if ($a->[0] =~ /^Temperature\s+Celsius$/i && $a->[1] > 0) { push(@rv, { 'device' => $d->{'device'}, 'temp' => int($a->[1]), 'errors' => $st->{'errors'}, 'failed' => !$st->{'check'} }); } } } } return @rv; }
# get_current_cpu_temps() # Returns a list of hashes containing core and temp keys sub get_current_cpu_temps { my @rv; if (!$config{'collect_notemp'} && $gconfig{'os_type'} =~ /-linux$/ && &has_command("sensors")) { &open_execute_command(SENSORS, "sensors </dev/null 2>/dev/null", 1); while(<SENSORS>) { if (/Core\s+(\d+):\s+([\+\-][0-9\.]+)/) { push(@rv, { 'core' => $1, 'temp' => $2 }); } elsif (/CPU:\s+([\+\-][0-9\.]+)/) { push(@rv, { 'core' => 0, 'temp' => $1 }); } } close(SENSORS); } return @rv; }
# scheduled_collect_system_info() # Called by Webmin Cron to collect system info sub scheduled_collect_system_info { my $start = time();
# Make sure we are not already running if (&test_lock($collected_info_file)) { print STDERR "scheduled_collect_system_info : Already running\n"; return; }
# Don't diff collected file $gconfig{'logfiles'} = 0; $gconfig{'logfullfiles'} = 0; $WebminCore::gconfig{'logfiles'} = 0; $WebminCore::gconfig{'logfullfiles'} = 0; $no_log_file_changes = 1; &lock_file($collected_info_file);
$info = &collect_system_info(); if ($info) { &save_collected_info($info); &add_historic_collected_info($info, $start); } &unlock_file($collected_info_file); }