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# # Functions for the syslog module
BEGIN { push(@INC, ".."); }; use WebminCore; &init_config(); %access = &get_module_acl();
# get_config([file]) # Parses the syslog configuration file into an array ref of hash refs, one # for each log file or destination sub get_config { local ($cfile) = @_; $cfile ||= $config{'syslog_conf'}; local $lnum = 0; local ($line, $cont, @rv); local $tag = { 'tag' => '*', 'index' => 0, 'line' => 0 }; push(@rv, $tag); &open_readfile(CONF, $cfile); local @lines = <CONF>; close(CONF); foreach my $line (@lines) { local $slnum = $lnum; $line =~ s/\r|\n//g; if ($line =~ /\\$/) { # continuation .. get the next lines $line =~ s/\\$//; while($cont = <CONF>) { $lnum++; $cont =~ s/^[#\s]+//; $cont =~ s/\r|\n//g; $line .= $cont; last if ($line !~ s/\\$//); } } if ($line =~ /^\$IncludeConfig\s+(\S+)/) { # rsyslog include statement .. follow the money foreach my $icfile (glob($1)) { my $ic = &get_config($icfile); if ($ic) { foreach my $c (@$ic) { $c->{'index'} += scalar(@rv); } push(@rv, @$ic); } } } elsif ($line =~ /^\$(\S+)\s*(\S*)/) { # rsyslog special directive - ignored for now } elsif ($line =~ /^if\s+/) { # rsyslog if statement .. ignored too } elsif ($line =~ /^(#*)\s*([^#\s]+\.\S+)\s+(\S+)$/ || $line =~ /^(#*)\s*([^#\s]+\.\S+)\s+(\|.*)$/) { # Regular log destination local $act = $3; local $log = { 'active' => !$1, 'sel' => [ split(/;/, $2) ], 'cfile' => $cfile, 'line' => $slnum, 'eline' => $lnum }; if ($act =~ /^\-(\/\S+)$/) { $log->{'file'} = $1; $log->{'sync'} = 0; } elsif ($act =~ /^\|(.*)$/) { $log->{'pipe'} = $1; } elsif ($act =~ /^(\/\S+)$/) { $log->{'file'} = $1; $log->{'sync'} = 1; } elsif ($act =~ /^\@\@(\S+)$/) { $log->{'socket'} = $1; } elsif ($act =~ /^\@(\S+)$/) { $log->{'host'} = $1; } elsif ($act eq '*') { $log->{'all'} = 1; } else { $log->{'users'} = [ split(/,/, $act) ]; } $log->{'index'} = scalar(@rv); $log->{'section'} = $tag; $tag->{'eline'} = $lnum; if ($log->{'file'} =~ s/^(\/\S+);(\S+)$/$1/ || $log->{'pipe'} =~ s/^(\/\S+);(\S+)$/$1/) { # rsyslog file format $log->{'format'} = $2; } push(@rv, $log); } elsif ($line =~ /^(#?)!(\S+)$/) { # Start of tagged section, as seen on BSD push(@rv, { 'tag' => $2, 'index' => scalar(@rv), 'cfile' => $cfile, 'line' => $lnum, 'eline' => $lnum }); $tag = $rv[@rv-1]; } $lnum++; } return \@rv; }
# create_log(&log) sub create_log { local $lref = &read_file_lines($config{'syslog_conf'}); if ($config{'tags'}) { splice(@$lref, $_[0]->{'section'}->{'eline'}+1, 0, &log_line($_[0])); } else { push(@$lref, &log_line($_[0])); } &flush_file_lines(); }
# update_log(&old, &log) sub update_log { local $lref = &read_file_lines($_[0]->{'cfile'} || $config{'syslog_conf'}); if ($config{'tags'} && $_[0]->{'section'} ne $_[1]->{'section'}) { if ($_[0]->{'section'}->{'line'} < $_[1]->{'section'}->{'line'}) { splice(@$lref, $_[1]->{'section'}->{'eline'}+1, 0, &log_line($_[1])); splice(@$lref, $_[0]->{'line'}, $_[0]->{'eline'} - $_[0]->{'line'} + 1); } else { splice(@$lref, $_[0]->{'line'}, $_[0]->{'eline'} - $_[0]->{'line'} + 1); splice(@$lref, $_[1]->{'section'}->{'eline'}+1, 0, &log_line($_[1])); } } else { splice(@$lref, $_[0]->{'line'}, $_[0]->{'eline'} - $_[0]->{'line'} + 1, &log_line($_[1])); } &flush_file_lines(); }
# delete_log(&log) sub delete_log { local $lref = &read_file_lines($_[0]->{'cfile'} || $config{'syslog_conf'}); splice(@$lref, $_[0]->{'line'}, $_[0]->{'eline'} - $_[0]->{'line'} + 1); &flush_file_lines(); }
sub log_line { local $d; if ($_[0]->{'file'}) { $d = ($_[0]->{'sync'} || !$config{'sync'} ? "" : "-").$_[0]->{'file'}; } elsif ($_[0]->{'pipe'}) { $d = '|'.$_[0]->{'pipe'}; } elsif ($_[0]->{'host'}) { $d = '@'.$_[0]->{'host'}; } elsif ($_[0]->{'users'}) { $d = join(",", @{$_[0]->{'users'}}); } elsif ($_[0]->{'socket'}) { $d = '@@'.$_[0]->{'socket'}; } else { $d = '*'; } if ($_[0]->{'format'}) { # Add rsyslog format $d .= ";".$_[0]->{'format'}; } return ($_[0]->{'active'} ? "" : "#").join(";", @{$_[0]->{'sel'}})."\t".$d; }
# list_priorities() # Returns a list of all priorities sub list_priorities { return ( 'debug', 'info', 'notice', 'warning', 'err', 'crit', 'alert', 'emerg' ); }
# can_edit_log(&log) # Returns 1 if some log can be viewed/edited, 0 if not sub can_edit_log { return 1 if (!$access{'logs'}); local @files = split(/\s+/, $access{'logs'}); local $lf; if (ref($_[0])) { $lf = $_[0]->{'file'} || $_[0]->{'pipe'} || $_[0]->{'host'} || $_[0]->{'socket'} || $_[0]->{'cmd'} || ($_[0]->{'all'} ? "*" : "users"); } else { $lf = $_[0]; } foreach $f (@files) { return 1 if ($f eq $lf || &is_under_directory($f, $lf)); } return 0; }
sub needs_m4 { local $oldslash = $/; $/ = undef; &open_readfile(CONF, $config{'syslog_conf'}); local $conf1 = <CONF>; close(CONF); &open_execute_command(CONF, "$config{'m4_path'} $config{'syslog_conf'}", 1, 1); local $conf2 = <CONF>; close(CONF); $/ = $oldslash; return $conf1 ne $conf2; }
# get_syslog_pid(pid) # Returns the syslog PID file sub get_syslog_pid { local $pid; if ($config{'pid_file'}) { foreach my $pfile (glob($config{'pid_file'})) { my $poss = &check_pid_file($pfile); if ($poss) { $pid = $poss; last; } } } else { ($pid) = &find_byname("syslogd"); ($pid) = &find_byname("rsyslogd") if (!$pid); } return $pid; }
# restart_syslog() # Stop and re-start the syslog server. Returns an error message on failure. sub restart_syslog { if ($config{'restart_cmd'}) { &system_logged("$config{'restart_cmd'} >/dev/null 2>/dev/null </dev/null"); } else { local $pid = &get_syslog_pid(); $pid && &kill_logged('TERM', $pid) || return &text('restart_ekill', $pid, $!); sleep(2); if ($config{'start_cmd'}) { &system_logged("$config{'start_cmd'} >/dev/null 2>/dev/null </dev/null"); } else { &system_logged("cd / ; $config{'syslogd'} >/dev/null 2>/dev/null </dev/null &"); } } return undef; }
# signal_syslog() # Tell the syslog server to re-open it's log files sub signal_syslog { if ($config{'signal_cmd'}) { &system_logged("$config{'signal_cmd'} >/dev/null 2>/dev/null </dev/null"); } else { # Use HUP signal local $pid = &get_syslog_pid(); if ($pid) { &kill_logged('HUP', $pid); } } }
# all_log_files(file) # Given a filename, returns all rotated versions, ordered by oldest first sub all_log_files { $_[0] =~ /^(.*)\/([^\/]+)$/; local $dir = $1; local $base = $2; local ($f, @rv); opendir(DIR, &translate_filename($dir)); foreach $f (readdir(DIR)) { local $trans = &translate_filename("$dir/$f"); if ($f =~ /^\Q$base\E/ && -f $trans && $f !~ /\.offset$/) { push(@rv, "$dir/$f"); $mtime{"$dir/$f"} = [ stat($trans) ]; } } closedir(DIR); return sort { $mtime{$a}->[9] <=> $mtime{$b}->[9] } @rv; }
# get_other_module_logs([module]) # Returns a list of logs supplied by other modules sub get_other_module_logs { local ($mod) = @_; local @rv; local %done; foreach my $minfo (&get_all_module_infos()) { next if ($mod && $minfo->{'dir'} ne $mod); next if (!$minfo->{'syslog'}); next if (!&foreign_installed($minfo->{'dir'})); local $mdir = &module_root_directory($minfo->{'dir'}); next if (!-r "$mdir/"); &foreign_require($minfo->{'dir'}, ""); local $j = 0; foreach my $l (&foreign_call($minfo->{'dir'}, "syslog_getlogs")) { local $fc = $l->{'file'} || $l->{'cmd'}; next if ($done{$fc}++); $l->{'minfo'} = $minfo; $l->{'mod'} = $minfo->{'dir'}; $l->{'mindex'} = $j++; push(@rv, $l); } } @rv = sort { $a->{'minfo'}->{'desc'} cmp $b->{'minfo'}->{'desc'} } @rv; local $i = 0; foreach my $l (@rv) { $l->{'index'} = $i++; } return @rv; }
# catter_command(file) # Given a file that may be compressed, returns the command to output it in # plain text, or undef if impossible sub catter_command { local ($l) = @_; local $q = quotemeta($l); if ($l =~ /\.gz$/i) { return &has_command("gunzip") ? "gunzip -c $q" : undef; } elsif ($l =~ /\.Z$/i) { return &has_command("uncompress") ? "uncompress -c $q" : undef; } elsif ($l =~ /\.bz2$/i) { return &has_command("bunzip2") ? "bunzip2 -c $q" : undef; } else { return "cat $q"; } }
# extra_log_files() # Returns a list of extra log files available to the current Webmin user. No filtering # based on allowed directory is done though! sub extra_log_files { local @rv; foreach my $fd (split(/\t+/, $config{'extras'}), split(/\t+/, $access{'extras'})) { if ($fd =~ /^(\S+)\s+(\S.*)$/) { push(@rv, { 'file' => $1, 'desc' => $2 }); } else { push(@rv, { 'file' => $fd }); } } return @rv; }