Viewing file: init_cache.cgi (2.52 KB) -rwxr-xr-x Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
#!/usr/bin/perl # init_cache.cgi # Initialize the cache by running squid with the -z option
require './'; $access{'rebuild'} || &error($text{'icache_ecannot'}); &ReadParse(); $whatfailed = $text{'icache_ftic'};
# set user to run squid as.. &lock_file($config{'squid_conf'}); $conf = &get_config(); if (!$in{'nouser'}) { $in{'user'} || &error($text{'icache_ymcautrsa'}); @uinfo = getpwnam($in{'user'}); scalar(@uinfo) || &error($text{'icache_euser'}); @ginfo = getgrgid($uinfo[3]); if ($squid_version < 2) { $dir = { 'name' => 'cache_effective_user', 'values' => [ $in{'user'}, $ginfo[0] ] }; &save_directive($conf, "cache_effective_user", [ $dir ]); } else { $dir = { 'name' => 'cache_effective_user', 'values' => [ $in{'user'} ] }; &save_directive($conf, "cache_effective_user", [ $dir ]); $dir = { 'name' => 'cache_effective_group', 'values' => [ $ginfo[0] ] }; &save_directive($conf, "cache_effective_group", [ $dir ]); } &flush_file_lines(); } &unlock_file($config{'squid_conf'});
# Stop squid (if running) &ui_print_unbuffered_header(undef, $text{'icache_title'}, ""); if ($pidstruct = &find_config("pid_filename", $conf)) { $pidfile = $pidstruct->{'values'}->[0]; } else { $pidfile = $config{'pid_file'}; } if (open(PID, $pidfile)) { <PID> =~ /(\d+)/; $pid = $1; close(PID); } if ($pid && kill(0, $pid)) { print "<p>$text{'clear_stop'}<br>\n"; &system_logged("$config{'squid_path'} -f $config{'squid_conf'} ". "-k shutdown >/dev/null 2>&1"); for($i=0; $i<40; $i++) { if (!kill(0, $pid)) { last; } sleep(1); } print "$text{'clear_done'}<br>\n"; $stopped++; }
# Initialize the cache ($user, $group) = &get_squid_user($conf); if ($user) { foreach $c (split(/\s+/, $in{'caches'})) { mkdir($c, 0755); } } &chown_files($user, $group, $conf); $cmd = "$config{'squid_path'} -f $config{'squid_conf'} -z"; print "<p>", &text('icache_itscwtc',$cmd), "<br>\n"; print "<pre>\n"; &additional_log('exec', undef, $cmd); open(INIT, "$cmd 2>&1 |"); while(<INIT>) { print; } close(INIT); print "</pre>\n";
# Try to re-start squid (if it was running before) if ($stopped) { $temp = &transname(); &system_logged("$config{'squid_path'} -sY -f $config{'squid_conf'} >$temp 2>&1 </dev/null &"); sleep(3); $errs = `cat $temp`; unlink($temp); if ($errs) { &system_logged("$config{'squid_path'} -k shutdown -f $config{'squid_conf'} >/dev/null 2>&1"); print "$text{'clear_failrestart'}<br>\n"; print "<pre>$errs</pre>\n"; } }
&webmin_log("init"); &ui_print_footer("", $text{'icache_return'});