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#) # Functions for Windows package management
$msi_package_logdir = "$module_config_directory/msis"; $sw_discovery_cmd = "$root_directory/SW_Discovery/SW_Discovery.exe"; $has_sw_discovery = -x $sw_discovery_cmd; $no_package_filesearch = 1;
sub list_package_system_commands { return ($sw_discovery_cmd); }
# list_packages([package]*) # Fills the array %packages with all or listed packages sub list_packages { %packages = ( ); if ($has_sw_discovery) { local %want = map { $_, 1 } @_; open(OUT, "$sw_discovery_cmd |"); local $n = -1; while(<OUT>) { s/\r|\n//g; if (/ID\s*=\s*\{(\S+)\}\s*(\S*)/ || /ID\s*=\s*(.*)/) { $n++; $packages{$n,'name'} = $1; $packages{$n,'arch'} = 'x86'; $packages{$n,'version'} = $2; if (/ID\s*=\s*\{(\S+)\}/) { $packages{$n,'code'} = $1; } else { $packages{$n,'nouninstall'} = 1; } $packages{$n,'nolist'} = 1; } elsif (/Package\s+Name\s*:\s*(.*)/) { if ($packages{$n,'code'}) { $packages{$n,'name'} = $1; } else { $packages{$n,'desc'} = $1; } } elsif (/Version\s*:\s*(.*)/) { $packages{$n,'version'} = $1; } elsif (/Publisher\s*:\s*(.*)/) { $packages{$n,'vendor'} = $1; $packages{$n,'class'} = $1; $packages{$n,'class'} =~ s/(http|https):\/\///g; } elsif (/Location\s*:\s*(\S.*)/) { $packages{$n,'desc'} ||= $1; local @st = stat($1); $packages{$n,'installed'} = $st[9]; } } close(OUT); $n++;
# Filter out un-wanted packages, or those with no name for(my $i=0; $i<$n; $i++) { if (%want && !$want{$packages{$i,'name'}} || !$packages{$i,'name'}) { if ($i != $n-1) { foreach my $f ('name', 'code', 'arch', 'version', 'class', 'vendor', 'installed') { $packages{$i,$f} = $packages{$i+1,$f}; } } $i--; $n--; } }
return $n; }
# Query built-in list of those we know were installed local @pkgs = @_; @pkgs = &list_msi_packages() if (!@pkgs); local $i = 0; foreach my $p (@pkgs) { local $msi = &get_msi_package($p); $packages{$i,'name'} = $msi->{'name'}; $packages{$i,'version'} = $msi->{'version'}; $packages{$i,'desc'} = $msi->{'desc'}; $packages{$i,'nolist'} = 0; $i++; } return $i; }
# list_msi_packages() # Returns the names of installed MSI packages (using Webmin) sub list_msi_packages { opendir(DIR, $msi_package_logdir); local @rv = grep { $_ ne "." && $_ ne ".." } readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); return @rv; }
# get_msi_package(name) # Returns a hash containing details of an MSI package sub get_msi_package { local ($pkg) = @_; local %msi; &read_file("$msi_package_logdir/".lc($pkg), \%msi); $msi{'name'} = $pkg; return \%msi; }
# save_msi_package(&package) # Updates the local details of an MSI package sub save_msi_package { local ($msi) = @_; &make_dir($msi_package_logdir, 0700); &write_file("$msi_package_logdir/".lc($msi->{'name'}), $msi); }
# delete_msi_package(name) # Removes the local details of an MSI package sub delete_msi_package { local ($name) = @_; unlink("$msi_package_logdir/".lc($name)); }
# package_info(package, [version]) # Returns an array of package information in the order # name, class, description, arch, version, vendor, installtime, # no-uninstall, no-list sub package_info { local ($name, $ver) = @_; if ($has_sw_discovery) { # Get from total list local %packages; local $n = &list_packages(); for(my $i=0; $i<$n; $i++) { if ($packages{$i,'name'} eq $name && (!$ver || $ver eq $packages{$i,'version'})) { return ($packages{$i,'name'}, $packages{$i,'vendor'}, $packages{$i,'desc'}, $packages{$i,'arch'}, $packages{$i,'version'}, $packages{$i,'vendor'}, $packages{$i,'installed'} ? &make_date($packages{$i,'installed'}) : "Unknown", $packages{$i,'nouninstall'}, $packages{$i,'nolist'}, ); } } return ( ); } else { # Query our savedd DB local $msi = &get_msi_package($name); return ( $msi->{'name'}, $msi->{'class'}, $msi->{'desc'}, $msi->{'arch'}, $msi->{'version'}, $msi->{'vendor'}, &make_date($msi->{'installed'}), $msi->{'code'} ? 1 : 0, 0 ); } }
# is_package(file) # Check if some file is a package file sub is_package { local ($file) = @_; return $file =~ /\.msi$/i ? 1 : 0; }
# file_packages(file) # Returns a list of all packages in the given file, in the form # package-version description # XXX how to get proper description? sub file_packages { local ($file) = @_; if ($file =~ /([^\/\\]+)\.msi$/i) { local $suffix = $1; $suffix =~ s/_\d.*$//; # For files named like apache_2.x.y... return $suffix; } return ( ); }
# install_options(file, package) # Outputs HTML for choosing install options for some package sub install_options { local ($file, $pkg) = @_; print &ui_table_row($text{'msi_users'}, &ui_radio("users", 2, [ [ 0, $text{'msi_users0'} ], [ 1, $text{'msi_users1'} ], [ 2, $text{'msi_users2'} ] ]), 3); }
# install_package(file, package, [&inputs]) # Install the given package from the given file, using options from %in. Returns # undef on success or an error message on failure. sub install_package { local ($file, $pkg, $in) = @_;
# Run the msiexec command local $temp = &tempname(); $file =~ s/\//\\/g; $temp =~ s/\//\\/g; local @st = stat($file); system("msiexec /i "."e_path($file)." /quiet /norestart ". "/l*vx "."e_path($temp)." >$null_file"); &wait_till_stopped_logging($temp);
# Read output from log file local $ok; local %msi = ( 'name' => $pkg, 'arch' => 'x86', # Wrong! 'installed' => time() ); local $fc = 0; open(OUT, $temp); while(<OUT>) { s/\r|\n//g; s/\0//g; # Strip unicode, primitively if (/Product:\s*(.*)\s\-\-.*success/i) { $ok = 1; } elsif (/ProductVersion\s*=\s*(.*)/) { $msi{'version'} = $1; } elsif (/ProductName\s*=\s*(.*)/) { $msi{'desc'} = $1; } elsif (/ProductCode\s*=\s*(.*)/) { $msi{'code'} = $1; } elsif (/Manufacturer\s*=\s*(.*)/) { $msi{'vendor'} = $1; } elsif (/Note:\s+\d+:\s+\d+\s+\d+:\s+([a-z]:.*)/) { $msi{'files_'.$fc} = $1; local @st = stat($1); $msi{'sizes_'.$fc} = $st[7]; $fc++; } } close(OUT); if (!$ok) { return "MSI install failed!"; } &save_msi_package(\%msi);
# Make available to users, if requested if ($in->{'users'}) { local $flag = $in->{'users'} == 1 ? "u" : "m"; system("msiexec /j$flag "."e_path($file)." /quiet /norestart ". ">$null_file"); }
return undef; }
# check_files(package, version) # Fills in the %files array with information about the files belonging # to some package. Values in %files are path type user group size error sub check_files { local ($name, $ver) = @_; local $msi = &get_msi_package($name); local $i; for($i=0; defined($msi->{'files_'.$i}); $i++) { $files{$i,'path'} = $msi->{'files_'.$i}; local @st = stat($files{$i,'path'}); $files{$i,'type'} = -d $files{$i,'path'} ? 1 : 0; $files{$i,'size'} = $msi->{'sizes_'.$i}; if (!@st) { $files{$i,'error'} = $text{'msi_missing'}; } elsif ($files{$i,'size'} ne $st[7]) { $files{$i,'error'} = $text{'msi_size'}; } } return $i; }
# delete_options(package) # Outputs HTML for package uninstall options sub delete_options { local ($name) = @_; # None! }
# delete_package(package, [&options], version) # Attempt to remove some package sub delete_package { local ($name, $opts, $ver) = @_;
# Call the uninstall command local $code; if ($has_sw_discovery) { # Get code form package list local %packages; local $n = &list_packages(); for(my $i=0; $i<$n; $i++) { if ($packages{$i,'name'} eq $name && !$ver || $ver eq $packages{$i,'version'}) { $code = $packages{$i,'code'}; } } $code || &error("Couldn't find install code for $name"); } else { local $msi = &get_msi_package($name); $code = $msi->{'code'}; } local $temp = &tempname(); $temp =~ s/\//\\/g; system("msiexec /x \"$code\" /quiet /norestart ". "/l*vx "."e_path($temp)." >$null_file"); &wait_till_stopped_logging($temp);
# Check log for success local $ok = 0; open(LOG, $temp); while(<LOG>) { s/\r|\n//g; s/\0//g; # Strip unicode, primitively if (/Product:\s*(.*)\s\-\-.*success/i) { $ok = 1; } } close(LOG); if (!$ok) { return "MSI uninstall failed"; }
# Remove from local info &delete_msi_package($name);
return undef; }
sub package_system { return "MSI"; }
sub package_help { return "msi"; }
# wait_till_stopped_logging(file) # Spin until some file has remained untouched for 5 seconds sub wait_till_stopped_logging { local ($file) = @_; while(1) { local @before = stat($file); sleep(5); local @after = stat($file); last if ($before[9] == $after[9]); } }