Viewing file: index.cgi (4.91 KB) -rwxr-xr-x Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
#!/usr/bin/perl # index.cgi # Display a list of services, built from svcs command
$unsafe_index_cgi = 1; require './'; &ReadParse(); &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'index_title'}, "", "help", 1, 1, 0, &help_search_link("smf", "man", "doc", "howto"));
# deal with application of state changes first. this way # fmri list will show changes... if (defined($in{'change_state'})) { $cmd = "$in{'change_state'}"; # get update fmri list @update_fmris = split(/\0/, $in{'applyto'}); &svc_state_cmd("$cmd", \@update_fmris); }
# service type if (defined($in{'type'})) { $svc_type = $in{'type'}; } else { $svc_type = "All"; } if (defined($in{'include_disabled'})) { $include_disabled = $in{'include_disabled'}; } else { $include_disabled = $default_include_disabled; } if ($include_disabled == 1) { $checked_include_disabled = "checked"; } else { $checked_include_disabled = ""; } # opts for svcs listing $opts = "$default_svc_options";
if (defined($in{'opts'})) { @extraopts = split(/\0/, $in{'opts'}); foreach $extraopt (@extraopts) { $opts = "$opts,$extraopt"; } } $sortopt = "$default_sortopt"; if (defined($in{'sortopt'})) { $sortopt = $in{'sortopt'}; }
print "<h2>"; &text_and_whats_this("index_detail"); print "</h2>\n"; # Checkboxes for view update print "<form method=\"POST\" action=\"index.cgi\">\n"; print "<p><table>\n"; print "<tr><td><b>$text{'index_svc_type'}</b></td>\n"; print "<td>"; @typelist = sort keys %svc_types; &print_selection("type", "$svc_type", \@typelist); print "</td></tr>\n"; print "<tr><td><b>$text{'index_extraopts'}</b></td>\n"; print "</b></td>\n"; print "<td>"; @additional_option_names = sort keys %svc_options; foreach $o (@additional_option_names) { if ($default_svc_options =~ /$o/) { next; } $checked = "unchecked"; if ($opts=~ /$o/) { $checked = "checked"; $opts_str="$opts_str\&opts=$o"; } print "$svc_options{$o}"; print "<input type=checkbox name=\"opts\" value=\"$o\" $checked> "; } print "</td></tr>\n"; print "<tr><td><b>$text{'index_include_disabled'}</b></td>\n"; print "<td>"; print "<input type=checkbox name=\"include_disabled\" value=1 $checked_include_disabled>"; print "</td></tr>\n"; print "<tr><td> </td><td>\n"; print "<input type=submit name=\"submit\" value=\"Update View\"/></td></tr>"; print "</table></p></form>\n";
print "<form method=\"POST\" action=\"index.cgi?include_disabled=$include_disabled&type=$svc_type&sortopt=$sortopt$opts_str\">\n";
print "<table border width=100%>\n"; print "<tr><td><table width=100%>\n"; # multiple select buttons(enable, disable, maintenance, degraded, clear, delete) print "<tr $cb><td>\n"; print "<input type=\"button\" onClick=location.href=\"smfwizard_service.cgi?clearout=1\" value=\"$text{'index_create_new_service'}\">"; print " "; print "<input type=\"button\" onClick=location.href=\"search_instance.cgi\" value=\"$text{'index_search_instance'}\">\n"; print "</td></tr><tr $cb><td><b>$text{'index_apply'}</b>: "; &print_state_buttons(); # add delete/create new buttons in addition to statechange buttons print "<input type=submit name=\"change_state\" onClick=\"return (confirm(\'$text{'index_deleteconfirm'}\'))\" value=\"$text{'index_delete'}\"> \n"; print "</td></tr></table></td></tr>\n"; print "<tr><td><table width=100%>\n"; @svcs_info = &svcs_listing("$svc_types{$svc_type}", "$sortopt"); @optlist = split(/,/, $opts); print "<tr $cb>\n"; print "<td>$text{'index_select'}</td>\n"; foreach $o (@optlist) { # clicking should reverse sort option if we`re already sorting by # this option... if ($sortopt =~/-S$o/) { $new_sortopt = "-s$o"; } elsif ($sortopt =~/-s$o/) { $new_sortopt = "-S$o"; } else { $new_sortopt = "-s$o"; } print "<td>"; print "$text{'index_sort_by'}: "; print "<a href=\"index.cgi?include_disabled=$include_disabled&type=$svc_type&sortopt=$new_sortopt$opts_str\">"; print "$svc_options{$o}</a></td>\n"; } print "</tr>\n";
for $svc_info (@svcs_info) { # if we are displaying enabled only, skip disabled if (($include_disabled != 1) && ($svc_info->{'STATE'} eq "disabled")) { next; } print "<tr $cb>"; $fmri = $svc_info->{'FMRI'}; if ("$fmri" =~ /^lrc:\//) { print "<td>-</td>\n"; } else { print "<td><input type=checkbox name=\"applyto\" value=\"$svc_info->{'FMRI'}\"></td>\n"; } foreach $opt (@optlist) { $field = $svc_info->{$opt}; if ($opt eq "FMRI") { $field =~ /$svc_types{$svc_type}(.*)/; $svc = $1; # make sure legacy svcs are unclickable! if ($field =~ /svc:\//) { print "<td>"; print "<a href=\"instance_viewer.cgi?fmri='$fmri'\">$svc</a>"; print "</td>\n"; } else { print "<td>$svc</td>\n"; } } elsif ($opt eq "STATE") { print "<td>"; print "<font color=$state_colors{$svc_info->{$opt}}>$svc_info->{$opt}</font>\n"; print "</td>\n"; } else { print "<td>$field</td>" } } print "</tr>\n"; } print "</table></td></tr></table></form>\n";
&ui_print_footer("/", $text{'index'});