Viewing file: index.cgi (3.63 KB) -rwxr-xr-x Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
#!/usr/bin/perl # index.cgi # Show the shell user interface
$unsafe_index_cgi = 1; require './'; %access = &get_module_acl(); &ReadParseMime() if ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} ne 'GET'); &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'index_title'}, "", undef, $module_info{'usermin'} ? 0 : 1, 1, undef, undef, undef, "onLoad='window.scroll(0, 10000); document.forms[0].cmd.focus()'");
$prevfile = "$module_config_directory/previous.$remote_user"; if ($in{'clearcmds'}) { &lock_file($prevfile); unlink($prevfile); &unlock_file($prevfile); &webmin_log("clear"); } else { open(PREVFILE, $prevfile); chop(@previous = <PREVFILE>); close(PREVFILE); } $cmd = $in{'doprev'} ? $in{'pcmd'} : $in{'cmd'};
if ($in{'pwd'}) { $pwd = $in{'pwd'}; } else { if ($gconfig{'os_type'} eq 'windows') { # Initial directory is c:/ $pwd = "c:/"; } else { # Initial directory is user's home local @uinfo = getpwnam($access{'user'} || $remote_user); $pwd = scalar(@uinfo) && -d $uinfo[7] ? $uinfo[7] : "/"; } } if (!$in{'clear'}) { $history = &un_urlize($in{'history'}); if ($cmd) { # Execute the latest command $fullcmd = $cmd; $ok = chdir($pwd); $history .= "<b>> ".&html_escape($cmd, 1)."</b>\n"; if ($cmd =~ /^cd\s+"([^"]+)"\s*(;?\s*(.*))$/ || $cmd =~ /^cd\s+'([^']+)'\s*(;?\s*(.*))$/ || $cmd =~ /^cd\s+([^; ]*)\s*(;?\s*(.*))$/) { $cmd = undef; if (!chdir($1)) { $history .= &html_escape("$1: $!\n", 1); } else { $cmd = $3 if ($2); $pwd = &get_current_dir(); } } if ($cmd) { local $user = $access{'user'} || $remote_user; &clean_environment() if ($config{'clear_envs'}); delete($ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}); # So that called Webmin # programs get the right # module, not this one! if (&supports_users()) { $out = &backquote_logged( &command_as_user($user, 0, $cmd)." 2>&1"); } else { $out = &backquote_logged("($cmd) 2>&1"); } &reset_environment() if ($config{'clear_envs'}); $out = &html_escape($out, 1); $history .= $out; } @previous = &unique(@previous, $fullcmd); &lock_file($prevfile); &open_tempfile(PREVFILE, ">>$prevfile"); &print_tempfile(PREVFILE, $fullcmd,"\n"); &close_tempfile(PREVFILE); &unlock_file($prevfile); &webmin_log("run", undef, undef, { 'cmd' => $fullcmd }); } }
# Show the history and command input if ($history) { print &ui_table_start($text{'shell_history'}, "width=100%", 2); print &ui_table_row(undef, "<pre>$history</pre>", 2); print &ui_table_end(); print &ui_hr(); }
print "$text{'index_desc'}<br>\n"; print &ui_form_start("index.cgi", "form-data");
print "<table width=100%><tr>\n";
# Command to run print "<td width=10%>",&ui_submit($text{'index_ok'}),"</td>\n"; print "<td>",&ui_textbox("cmd", undef, 50, 0, undef, "style='width:100%'"),"</td>\n"; print "<td align=right width=10%>",&ui_submit($text{'index_clear'}, "clear"), "</td>\n"; print "</tr>\n";
print &ui_hidden("pwd", $pwd); print &ui_hidden("history", &urlize($history)); foreach $p (@previous) { print &ui_hidden("previous", $p); }
# Previous command menu if (@previous) { print "<tr>\n"; print "<td width=10%>",&ui_submit($text{'index_pok'}, "doprev"), "</td>\n"; print "<td>",&ui_select("pcmd", undef, [ map { [ $_, &html_escape($_) ] } reverse(@previous) ]); print "<input type=button name=movecmd ", "value='$text{'index_edit'}' ", "onClick='cmd.value = pcmd.options[pcmd.selectedIndex].value'>\n"; print "</td>\n"; print "<td align=right width=10%>", &ui_submit($text{'index_clearcmds'}, "clearcmds"),"</td>\n"; print "</tr>\n"; } print "</table>\n"; print &ui_form_end();
&ui_print_footer("/", $text{'index'});