Viewing file: (4.24 KB) -rwxr-xr-x Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
# list_features() # Returns a list of entries in the file, each of which may be a # feature or some other unrecognized line sub list_features { local (@rv, $lnum = 0); open(MC, $config{'sendmail_mc'}); while(<MC>) { s/\r|\n//g; local $f; if (/^FEATURE\((.*)\)/i) { local ($name, @v) = &split_m4_params($1); $f = { 'type' => 1, 'name' => $name, 'values' => \@v }; } elsif (/^(define|undefine)\((.*)\)/i) { local @v = &split_m4_params($2); $f = { 'type' => ($1 eq 'define' ? 2 : 3), 'name' => $v[0], 'value' => $v[1] }; } elsif (/^MAILER\((.*)\)/i) { local ($mailer) = &split_m4_params($1); $f = { 'type' => 4, 'mailer' => $mailer }; } elsif (/^OSTYPE\((.*)\)/i) { local ($ostype) = &split_m4_params($1); $f = { 'type' => 5, 'line' => $lnum, 'index' => scalar(@rv), 'ostype' => $ostype }; } else { # Unrecognized line $f = { 'type' => 0 }; } if ($f) { $f->{'line'} = $lnum; $f->{'index'} = scalar(@rv); $f->{'text'} = $_; push(@rv, $f); } $lnum++; } close(MC); return @rv; }
# split_m4_params(string) sub split_m4_params { local @p; local $str = $_[0]; while($str =~ /^`([^']*)'\s*,?\s*(.*)$/ || $str =~ /^([^\s,]+)\s*,?\s*(.*)$/) { push(@p, $1); $str = $2; } return @p; }
# list_feature_types() sub list_feature_types { local (@rv, $f); opendir(DIR, "$config{'sendmail_features'}/feature"); while($f = readdir(DIR)) { if ($f =~ /^(\S+)\.m4$/) { local $t = $text{'feat_'.lc($1)}; push(@rv, [ $1, $t ? "$1 ($t)" : $1 ] ); } } close(DIR); return @rv; }
# list_define_types() # Returns a list of known define types. Some (but not all) will have human- # readable descriptions sub list_define_types { local (@rv, $d); open(DEFINES, "$module_root_directory/defines"); while($d = <DEFINES>) { $d =~ s/\r|\n//g; local $t = $text{'def_'.lc($d)}; push(@rv, [ $d, $t ? "$d ($t)" : $d ]); } close(DEFINES); return @rv; }
# list_mailer_types() sub list_mailer_types { local (@rv, $f); opendir(DIR, "$config{'sendmail_features'}/mailer"); while($f = readdir(DIR)) { if ($f =~ /^(\S+)\.m4$/) { local $t = $text{'mailer_'.lc($1)}; push(@rv, [ $1, $t ? "$1 ($t)" : $1 ] ); } } close(DIR); return @rv; }
# list_ostype_types() sub list_ostype_types { local (@rv, $f); opendir(DIR, "$config{'sendmail_features'}/ostype"); while($f = readdir(DIR)) { if ($f =~ /^(\S+)\.m4$/) { local $t = $text{'ostype_'.lc($1)}; push(@rv, [ $1, $t ? "$1 ($t)" : $1 ] ); } } close(DIR); return @rv; }
# create_feature(&feature) # Adds an entry to the end of the M4 config file sub create_feature { &open_tempfile(MC, ">>$config{'sendmail_mc'}"); &print_tempfile(MC, &feature_line($_[0]),"\n"); &close_tempfile(MC); $_[0]->{'text'} = &feature_line($_[0]); }
# delete_feature(&feature) # Deletes one entry from the M4 config file sub delete_feature { local $lref = &read_file_lines($config{'sendmail_mc'}); splice(@$lref, $_[0]->{'line'}, 1); &flush_file_lines(); }
# modify_feature(&feature) # Updates an entry in the M4 config file sub modify_feature { local $lref = &read_file_lines($config{'sendmail_mc'}); splice(@$lref, $_[0]->{'line'}, 1, &feature_line($_[0])); &flush_file_lines(); $_[0]->{'text'} = &feature_line($_[0]); }
# swap_features(&feature1, &feature2) sub swap_features { local $lref = &read_file_lines($config{'sendmail_mc'}); splice(@$lref, $_[0]->{'line'}, 1, $_[1]->{'text'}); splice(@$lref, $_[1]->{'line'}, 1, $_[0]->{'text'}); &flush_file_lines(); }
# feature_line(&feature) sub feature_line { if ($_[0]->{'type'} == 0) { return $_[0]->{'text'}; } elsif ($_[0]->{'type'} == 1) { return "FEATURE(".join_m4_params($_[0]->{'name'}, @{$_[0]->{'values'}}).")"; } elsif ($_[0]->{'type'} == 2) { if ($_[0]->{'value'} eq '') { return "define(".join_m4_params($_[0]->{'name'}).")"; } else { return "define(".join_m4_params($_[0]->{'name'}, $_[0]->{'value'}).")"; } } elsif ($_[0]->{'type'} == 3) { return "undefine(".join_m4_params($_[0]->{'name'}).")"; } elsif ($_[0]->{'type'} == 4) { return "MAILER(".join_m4_params($_[0]->{'mailer'}).")"; } elsif ($_[0]->{'type'} == 5) { return "OSTYPE(".join_m4_params($_[0]->{'ostype'}).")"; } }
sub join_m4_params { local @rv = map { $_ =~ /^\d+$/ ? $_ : "`$_'" } @_; return join(",", @rv); }