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# Functions for reading and writing sarg.conf
BEGIN { push(@INC, ".."); }; use WebminCore; &init_config();
$cron_cmd = "$module_config_directory/"; %needs_quotes = map { $_, 1 } ("title", "logo_text", "user_invalid_char", "privacy_string", "include_users", "exclude_string", "datafile_delimiter");
# get_config() # Parses the sarg config file into directives sub get_config { if (!scalar(@get_config_cache)) { local $lnum = 0; open(CONF, $config{'sarg_conf'}); while(<CONF>) { s/\r|\n//g; if (/^\s*(#*)\s*(\S+)\s+"([^"]*)"/ || /^\s*(#*)\s*(\S+)\s+'([^"]*)'/ || /^\s*(#*)\s*(\S+)\s+(.*\S)/) { push(@get_config_cache, { 'name' => $2, 'value' => $3, 'enabled' => !$1, 'line' => $lnum }); } $lnum++; } close(CONF); } return \@get_config_cache; }
# find(name, &config, [and-disabled]) sub find { local @rv; local $c; foreach $c (@{$_[1]}) { if (lc($c->{'name'}) eq lc($_[0])) { if ($c->{'enabled'} && $_[2] == 0 || !$c->{'enabled'} && $_[2] == 2 || $_[2] == 1) { push(@rv, $c); } } } return wantarray ? @rv : $rv[0]; }
# find_value(name, &config) sub find_value { local @rv = map { $_->{'value'} } &find(@_); return wantarray ? @rv : $rv[0]; }
# save_directive(&config, name, &values) # Update the config file with some new values for an option sub save_directive { local ($conf, $name, $values) = @_; local $lref = &read_file_lines($config{'sarg_conf'}); local @old = &find($name, $conf); local @new = @$values; local $i; local $changed; for($i=0; $i<@old || $i<@new; $i++) { local $newline; if ($i<@new) { if ($needs_quotes{$name}) { $newline = $name." \"".$new[$i]."\""; } else { $newline = $name." ".$new[$i]; } }
if ($i<@old && $i<@new) { # Updating some directive $lref->[$old[$i]->{'line'}] = $newline; $old[$i]->{'value'} = $new[$i]; $changed = $old[$i]; } elsif ($i<@old) { # Removing some directive (need to renumber) splice(@$lref, $old[$i]->{'line'}, 1); splice(@$conf, $old[$i]->{'index'}, 1); &renumber($conf, 'line', $old[$i]->{'line'}, -1); &renumber($conf, 'index', $old[$i]->{'index'}, -1); } elsif ($i<@new) { # Adding some directive (perhaps after comment) local $nd = { 'name' => $name, 'value' => $new[$i] }; local $cmt = &find($name, $conf, 1); if ($cmt && !$cmt->{'enabled'}) { # Add after comment line $nd->{'line'} = $cmt->{'line'} + 1; $nd->{'index'} = $cmt->{'index'} + 1; &renumber($conf, 'line', $nd->{'line'}-1, 1); &renumber($conf, 'index', $nd->{'index'}-1, 1); splice(@$lref, $nd->{'line'}, 0, $newline); splice(@$conf, $nd->{'index'}, 0, $nd); } else { # Add to end $nd->{'line'} = scalar(@$lref); $nd->{'index'} = scalar(@$conf); push(@$lref, $newline); push(@$conf, $nd); } } } }
# renumber(&conf, field, pos, offset) sub renumber { local ($conf, $field, $pos, $offset) = @_; local $c; foreach $c (@$conf) { if ($c->{$field} > $pos) { $c->{$field} += $offset; } } }
# config_textbox(&config, name, size, cols, [prefix]) # Returns HTML for a table row for some text field sub config_textbox { local ($conf, $name, $size, $cols, $prefix) = @_; $cols ||= 1; local $val = join(" ", &find_value($name, $conf)); return &ui_table_row($text{$config_prefix.$name}, &ui_textbox($name, $val, $size)." ".$prefix, $cols, \@ui_tds); }
# save_textbox(config, name, [function]) sub save_textbox { local ($conf, $name, $func) = @_; local @vals = $split ? split(/\s+/, $in{$name}) : ( $in{$name} ); local $v; foreach $v (@vals) { &error_check($name, $func, $v); } &save_directive($conf, $name, \@vals); }
# error_check(name, func, value) sub error_check { local ($name, $func, $val) = @_; return if (!$func); local $err = &$func($val); &error($text{$config_prefix.$name}." : ".$err) if ($err); }
# config_opt_textbox(&config, name, size, cols, [default]) # Returns HTML for a table row for some optional text field sub config_opt_textbox { local ($conf, $name, $size, $cols, $default) = @_; $cols ||= 1; local $val = &find_value($name, $conf); local $defstr = &find($name, $conf, 2); local $def = $defstr && $defstr->{'value'} ? " ($defstr->{'value'})" : undef; return &ui_table_row($text{$config_prefix.($name eq "title" ? "title2" :$name)}, &ui_radio($name."_def", $val ? 0 : 1, [ [ 1, $default || $text{'default'}.$def ], [ 0, " " ] ])." ". &ui_textbox($name, $val, $size), $cols, \@ui_tds); }
# save_opt_textbox(config, name, [function], [split]) sub save_opt_textbox { local ($conf, $name, $func, $split) = @_; if ($in{$name."_def"}) { &save_directive($conf, $name, [ ]); } else { &save_textbox(@_); } }
# config_yesno(&config, name, [yes], [no], [&others]) # Returns HTML for a table row for yes/no checkboxes sub config_yesno { local ($conf, $name, $yes, $no, $others, $width) = @_; local $val = &find_value($name, $conf); local $default = &find($name, $conf, 2); #local $defstr = $default ? " ($default->{'value'})" : ""; return &ui_table_row($text{$config_prefix.$name}, &ui_radio($name, $val, [ [ "yes", $yes || $text{'yes'} ], [ "no", $no || $text{'no'} ], @$others, [ "", $text{'default'}.$defstr ] ]), $width, \@ui_tds); }
# save_yesno(&config, name) sub save_yesno { local ($conf, $name) = @_; if (!$in{$name}) { &save_directive($conf, $name, [ ]); } else { &save_directive($conf, $name, [ $in{$name} ]); } }
# config_radio(&config, name, [&options], [width]) # Returns HTML for a table row for a bunch of checkboxes sub config_radio { local ($conf, $name, $others, $width) = @_; local $val = &find_value($name, $conf); local $default = &find($name, $conf, 2); #local $defstr = $default ? " ($default->{'value'})" : ""; return &ui_table_row($text{$config_prefix.$name}, &ui_radio($name, $val, [ @$others, [ "", $text{'default'}.$defstr ] ]), $width, \@ui_tds); }
sub save_radio { &save_yesno(@_); # same logic works }
# config_sortfield(&config, name, &opts, [&sort-opts]) # Returns HTML for a table row for selecting a sort mode sub config_sortfield { local ($conf, $name, $opts, $sort) = @_; local $val = &find_value($name, $conf); local $default = &find($name, $conf, 2); #local $defstr = $default ? " ($default->{'value'})" : ""; local @vals = split(/\s+/, $val); $sort ||= [ [ "reverse", $text{'report_reverse'} ], [ "forward", $text{'report_forward'} ] ]; return &ui_table_row($text{$config_prefix.$name}, &ui_oneradio($name."_def", 1, $text{'default'}.$defstr, !$val)."\n". &ui_oneradio($name."_def", 0, $text{'report_field'}, $val)."\n". &ui_select($name."_field", $vals[0], [ map { [ $_, $text{'report_by_'.lc($_)} ] } @$opts ])."\n". &ui_select($name."_order", $vals[1], $sort), 3); }
sub save_sortfield { local ($conf, $name) = @_; if ($in{$name."_def"}) { &save_directive($conf, $name, [ ]); } else { &save_directive($conf, $name, [ $in{$name."_field"}." ". $in{$name."_order"} ]); } }
# config_language(&config, name, width, file) sub config_language { local ($conf, $name, $width, $file) = @_; local $val = &find_value($name, $conf); local $default = &find($name, $conf, 2); local $defstr = $default ? " ($default->{'value'})" : ""; local $found; local @langs = ( [ "", $text{'default'}.$defstr ] ); open(LANGS, $file); while(<LANGS>) { chop; if (/^(\S+)\t+(\S.*)/) { push(@langs, [ $1, "$1 - $2" ]); } elsif (/^(\S+)/) { push(@langs, [ $1 ]); } $found++ if ($val eq $_); } close(LANGS); push(@langs, [ $val ]) if (!$found && $val); return &ui_table_row($text{$config_prefix.$name}, &ui_select($name, $val, \@langs), $width); }
# save_language(&config, name) sub save_language { &save_yesno(@_); # same logic works }
# config_select(&config, name, &options, default, width) sub config_select { local ($conf, $name, $others, $default, $width) = @_; local $val = &find_value($name, $conf); local @vals = split(/\s+/, $val); return &ui_table_row($text{$config_prefix.$name}, &ui_radio($name."_def", $val ? 0 : 1, [ [ 1, $default || $text{'default'} ], [ 0, $text{'report_below'} ] ])."<br>". &ui_select($name, \@vals, $others, "5 ", 1), $width, \@ui_tds);
sub save_select { local ($conf, $name) = @_; $in{$name} =~ s/\0/ /g; $in{$name."_def"} || $in{$name} || &error($text{'report_eselect'}); &save_opt_textbox(@_); # same logic works }
# config_colons(&config, name, separator, default, width) sub config_colons { local ($conf, $name, $sep, $default, $width) = @_; local $val = &find_value($name, $conf); return &ui_table_row($text{$config_prefix.$name}, &ui_radio($name."_def", $val ? 0 : 1, [ [ 1, $default || $text{'default'} ], [ 0, $text{'report_below2'} ] ])."<br>". &ui_textarea($name, join("\n", split($sep, $val)), 3, 30), $width, \@ui_tds); }
# save_colons(&config, name, separator) sub save_colons { local ($conf, $name, $sep) = @_; $in{$name} =~ s/\r//g; $in{$name} =~ s/\s+$//; $in{$name} =~ s/^\s+//; $in{$name} =~ s/\n/$sep/g; $in{$name."_def"} || $in{$name} || &error($text{'report_eenter'}); &save_opt_textbox($conf, $name); # same logic works }
# config_range(&config, name, start, end, width) sub config_range { local ($conf, $name, $start, $end, $width) = @_; local $val = &find_value($name, $conf); local (%sel, $v, $vn); foreach $v (split(/,/, $val)) { if ($v =~ /^(\d+)\-(\d+)$/) { foreach $vn ($1 .. $2) { $sel{$vn}++; } } else { $sel{$v}++; } } local $table = "<table>\n"; local $i; for($i=$start; $i<=$end; $i++) { $table .= "<tr>\n" if ($i%12 == 0); $table .= "<td>".&ui_checkbox($name, $i, $text{$config_prefix.$name.$i} || $i, $sel{$i})."</td>\n"; $table .= "</tr>\n" if ($i%12 == 11); } $table .= "</tr>\n" if ($i%12 != 0); $table .= "</table>\n"; return &ui_table_row($text{$config_prefix.$name}, &ui_radio($name."_def", $val ? 0 : 1, [ [ 1, $text{'default'} ], [ 0, $text{'report_below'} ] ]). "<br>".$table, $width); }
# save_range(&config, name) sub save_range { local ($conf, $name) = @_; if ($in{$name."_def"}) { &save_directive($conf, $name, [ ]); } else { local @vals = split(/\0/, $in{$name}); &save_directive($conf, $name, [ join(",", @vals) ]); } }
# generate_report(handle, escape, clear-output, from, to) # Immediately generate a report sub generate_report { local ($h, $esc, $clear, $from, $to) = @_; local $conf = &get_config(); local $odir = &find_value("output_dir", $conf); $odir ||= &find_value("output_dir", $conf, 1);
if ($clear) { # Delete all old files unlink("$odir/index.html"); opendir(DIR, $odir); while($f = readdir(DIR)) { if (-r "$odir/$f/usuarios") { &system_logged("rm -rf ".quotemeta("$odir/$f")); } } closedir(DIR); }
# Work out date range local $rangearg; if ($from || $to) { if ($from < $to) { ($from, $to) = ($to, $from); } local $now = time(); local @fromtm = localtime($now - $from*24*60*60); local @totm = localtime($now - $to*24*60*60); $rangearg = sprintf "-d %2.2d/%2.2d/%4.4d-%2.2d/%2.2d/%4.4d", $fromtm[3], $fromtm[4]+1, $fromtm[5]+1900, $totm[3], $totm[4]+1, $totm[5]+1900; }
local $sfile = &find_value("access_log", $conf); local @all = &all_log_files($sfile); foreach $file (@all) { local $cmd = "$config{'sarg'} -l $file $rangearg"; print $h $cmd,"\n"; open(OUT, "$cmd 2>&1 |"); while(<OUT>) { print $h $esc ? &html_escape($_) : $_; } close(OUT); return 0 if ($?); &additional_log("exec", undef, $cmd); } return 1; }
# all_log_files(file) sub all_log_files { $_[0] =~ /^(.*)\/([^\/]+)$/; local $dir = $1; local $base = $2; local ($f, @rv); opendir(DIR, $dir); foreach $f (readdir(DIR)) { if ($f =~ /^\Q$base\E/ && -f "$dir/$f") { push(@rv, "$dir/$f"); } } closedir(DIR); return @rv; }
sub gen_clear_input { return &ui_radio("clear", int($config{'clear'}), [ [ 1, $text{'yes'} ], [ 0, $text{'no'} ] ]); }
sub gen_range_input { local ($rfrom, $rto) = split(/\s+/, $config{'range'}); local $range = &text('sched_rsel', &ui_textbox("rfrom", $rfrom, 3), &ui_textbox("rto", $rto, 3)); return &ui_radio("range_def", $config{'range'} ? 0 : 1, [ [ 1, $text{'sched_rall'} ], [ 0, $range ] ]); }
sub lock_sarg_files { &lock_file($config{'sarg_conf'}); }
sub unlock_sarg_files { &unlock_file($config{'sarg_conf'}); }
sub get_sarg_version { local $out = &backquote_command("$config{'sarg'} -v 2>&1 </dev/null"); if ($out =~ /sarg-([0-9\.]+)\s/ || $out =~ /Version:\s*([0-9\.]+)/i) { return $1; } return undef; }