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# # Common functions for parsing qmail config files
BEGIN { push(@INC, ".."); }; use WebminCore; &init_config(); do '';
$qmail_alias_dir = "$config{'qmail_dir'}/alias"; $qmail_bin_dir = "$config{'qmail_dir'}/bin"; $qmail_control_dir = "$config{'qmail_dir'}/control"; $qmail_routes_file = "$qmail_control_dir/smtproutes"; $qmail_virts_file = "$qmail_control_dir/virtualdomains"; $qmail_start_cmd = "$config{'qmail_dir'}/rc"; $qmail_mess_dir = "$config{'qmail_dir'}/queue/mess"; $qmail_info_dir = "$config{'qmail_dir'}/queue/info"; $qmail_local_dir = "$config{'qmail_dir'}/queue/local"; $qmail_remote_dir = "$config{'qmail_dir'}/queue/remote"; $qmail_users_dir = "$config{'qmail_dir'}/users"; $qmail_assigns_file = "$config{'qmail_dir'}/users/assign";
$config{'perpage'} ||= 20; # a value of 0 can cause problems
# list_aliases() # Returns a list of qmail alias file names sub list_aliases { local @rv; opendir(DIR, $qmail_alias_dir); foreach $f (readdir(DIR)) { next if ($f !~ /^\.qmail-(\S+)$/); push(@rv, $1); } closedir(DIR); return @rv; }
# get_alias(name) sub get_alias { local $alias = { 'name' => $_[0], 'file' => "$qmail_alias_dir/.qmail-$_[0]", 'values' => [ ] }; open(ALIAS, $alias->{'file'}); while(<ALIAS>) { s/\r|\n//g; s/#.*$//g; if (/\S/) { push(@{$alias->{'values'}}, $_); } } close(ALIAS); return $alias; }
# alias_form([alias]) # Display a form for editing or creating an alias. Each alias can map to # 1 or more programs, files, lists or users sub alias_form { local($a, @values, $v, $type, $val, @typenames); $a = $_[0]; if ($a) { @values = @{$a->{'values'}}; } @typenames = map { $text{"aform_type$_"} } (0 .. 6); $typenames[0] = "<$typenames[0]>";
print "<form method=post action=save_alias.cgi>\n"; if ($a) { print "<input type=hidden name=old value='$a->{'name'}'>\n"; } else { print "<input type=hidden name=new value=1>\n"; } print "<table border>\n"; print "<tr $tb> <td><b>",$a ? $text{'aform_edit'} : $text{'aform_create'},"</b></td> </tr>\n"; print "<tr $cb> <td><table>\n";
print "<tr> <td><b>$text{'aform_name'}</b></td>\n"; local $n = $a ? $a->{'name'} : ''; $n =~ s/:/./g; local @virts = grep { $_->{'domain'} && !$_->{'user'} && $_->{'prepend'} } &list_virts(); if ($n =~ /^(\S+)-(\S+)$/) { local ($pn, $bn) = ($1, $2); foreach $v (@virts) { if ($v->{'prepend'} eq $pn) { $virt = $v; $n = $bn; last; } } } if (@virts) { printf "<td><input name=name size=20 value=\"%s\">\@", $n; print "<select name=virt>\n"; printf "<option value='' %s>%s\n", $virt ? "" : "checked", $text{'aform_novirt'}; foreach $v (@virts) { printf "<option value='%s' %s>%s\n", $v->{'prepend'}, $virt eq $v ? "selected" : "", $v->{'domain'}; } print "</select></td> </tr>\n"; } else { printf "<td><input name=name size=20 value=\"%s\"></td> </tr>\n", $n; }
for($i=0; $i<=@values; $i++) { ($type, $val) = $values[$i] ? &alias_type($values[$i]) : (0, ""); print "<tr> <td valign=top><b>$text{'aform_val'}</b></td>\n"; print "<td><select name=type_$i>\n"; for($j=0; $j<@typenames; $j++) { printf "<option value=$j %s>$typenames[$j]\n", $type == $j ? "selected" : ""; } print "</select>\n"; print "<input name=val_$i size=30 value=\"$val\">\n"; if ($type == 5 && $a) { print "<a href='edit_rfile.cgi?file=$val&name=$a->{'name'}'>", "$text{'aform_afile'}</a>\n"; } elsif ($type == 6 && $a) { print "<a href='edit_ffile.cgi?file=$val&name=$a->{'name'}'>", "$text{'aform_afile'}</a>\n"; } print "</td> </tr>\n"; } print "<tr> <td colspan=2 align=right>\n"; if ($a) { print "<input type=submit value=$text{'save'}>\n"; print "<input type=submit name=delete value=$text{'delete'}>\n"; } else { print "<input type=submit value=$text{'create'}>\n"; } print "</td> </tr>\n"; print "</table></td></tr></table></form>\n"; }
# alias_type(string) # Return the type and destination of some alias string sub alias_type { local @rv; if ($_[0] =~ /^\&(.*)/) { @rv = (1, $1); } elsif ($_[0] =~ /^\|$module_config_directory\/\s+(\S+)/) { @rv = (5, $1); } elsif ($_[0] =~ /^\|$module_config_directory\/\s+(\S+)/) { @rv = (6, $1); } elsif ($_[0] =~ /^\|(.*)$/) { @rv = (4, $1); } elsif ($_[0] =~ /^(\/.*)\/$/) { @rv = (2, $1); } elsif ($_[0] =~ /^(\/.*)$/) { @rv = (3, $1); } else { @rv = (1, $_[0]); } return wantarray ? @rv : $rv[0]; }
# create_alias(&alias) # Creates a new qmail alias file sub create_alias { local $f = "$qmail_alias_dir/.qmail-$_[0]->{'name'}"; &open_lock_tempfile(FILE, ">$f"); foreach $v (@{$_[0]->{'values'}}) { &print_tempfile(FILE, $v,"\n"); } &close_tempfile(FILE); &set_ownership_permissions(undef, undef, 0644, $f); }
# modify_alias(&old, &alias) # Modifies an existing qmail alias sub modify_alias(&old, &alias) { if ($_[0]->{'name'} ne $_[1]->{'name'}) { &lock_file($_[0]->{'file'}); unlink($_[0]->{'file'}); &unlock_file($_[0]->{'file'}); } &create_alias($_[1]); }
# delete_alias(&alias) # Deletes an existing qmail alias file sub delete_alias { &lock_file($_[0]->{'file'}); unlink("$_[0]->{'file'}"); &unlock_file($_[0]->{'file'}); }
# get_control_file(file) # Returns the value from a qmail single-line control file sub get_control_file { open(FILE, "$qmail_control_dir/$_[0]") || return undef; local $line = <FILE>; close(FILE); $line =~ s/\r|\n//g; return $line; }
# set_control_file(file, value) # Sets the value in a qmail single-line control file sub set_control_file { &lock_file("$qmail_control_dir/$_[0]"); if (defined($_[1])) { &open_tempfile(FILE, ">$qmail_control_dir/$_[0]"); &print_tempfile(FILE, $_[1],"\n"); &close_tempfile(FILE); } else { unlink("$qmail_control_dir/$_[0]"); } &unlock_file("$qmail_control_dir/$_[0]"); }
# list_control_file() # Returns the contents of a multi-line control file sub list_control_file { local @lines; open(FILE, "$qmail_control_dir/$_[0]") || return undef; while(<FILE>) { s/\r|\n//g; s/#.*$//g; push(@lines, $_) if (/\S/); } close(FILE); return \@lines;
# save_control_file(file, &lines) # Saves the contents of a multi-line control file sub save_control_file { &lock_file("$qmail_control_dir/$_[0]"); if (defined($_[1])) { &open_tempfile(FILE, ">$qmail_control_dir/$_[0]"); foreach $l (@{$_[1]}) { &print_tempfile(FILE, $l,"\n"); } &close_tempfile(FILE); } else { unlink("$qmail_control_dir/$_[0]"); } &unlock_file("$qmail_control_dir/$_[0]"); }
# list_routes() # Returns a list of all SMTP routes sub list_routes { if (!scalar(@list_routes_cache)) { local $lnum = 0; local @rv; open(ROUTES, $qmail_routes_file); while(<ROUTES>) { s/\r|\n//g; s/#.*$//; if (/^(\S*):(\S*):(\d+)/) { push(@rv, { 'from' => $1, 'to' => $2, 'port' => $3, 'idx' => scalar(@rv), 'line' => $lnum }); } elsif (/^(\S*):(\S*)/) { push(@rv, { 'from' => $1, 'to' => $2, 'idx' => scalar(@rv), 'line' => $lnum }); } $lnum++; } close(ROUTES); @list_routes_cache = @rv; } return @list_routes_cache; }
# create_route(&route) sub create_route { &list_routes(); # force cache init &lock_file($qmail_routes_file); local $lref = &read_file_lines($qmail_routes_file); push(@$lref, $_[0]->{'from'}.':'.$_[0]->{'to'}. ($_[0]->{'port'} ? ':'.$_[0]->{'port'} : '')); &flush_file_lines(); &unlock_file($qmail_routes_file);
# Update in memory cache $_[0]->{'line'} = @$lref-1; $_[0]->{'idx'} = scalar(@list_routes_cache); push(@list_routes_cache, $_[0]); }
# modify_route(&old, &route) sub modify_route { &lock_file($qmail_routes_file); local $lref = &read_file_lines($qmail_routes_file); splice(@$lref, $_[0]->{'line'}, 1, $_[1]->{'from'}.':'.$_[1]->{'to'}. ($_[1]->{'port'} ? ':'.$_[1]->{'port'} : '')); &flush_file_lines(); &unlock_file($qmail_routes_file);
# Update in memory cache if ($_[0] ne $_[1]) { $_[1]->{'line'} = $_[0]->{'line'}; $_[1]->{'idx'} = $_[0]->{'idx'}; $list_routes_cache[$_[1]->{'idx'}] = $_[1]; } }
# delete_route(&route) sub delete_route { &lock_file($qmail_routes_file); local $lref = &read_file_lines($qmail_routes_file); splice(@$lref, $_[0]->{'line'}, 1); &flush_file_lines(); &unlock_file($qmail_routes_file);
# delete from cache splice(@list_routes_cache, $_[0]->{'idx'}, 1); foreach my $v (@list_routes_cache) { $v->{'line'}-- if ($v->{'line'} > $_[0]->{'line'}); $v->{'idx'}-- if ($v->{'idx'} > $_[0]->{'idx'}); } }
# route_form([&route]) sub route_form { print "<form method=post action=save_route.cgi>\n"; if ($_[0]) { print "<input type=hidden name=idx value='$_[0]->{'idx'}'>\n"; } else { print "<input type=hidden name=new value=1>\n"; }
print "<table border>\n"; print "<tr $tb> <td><b>",$a ? $text{'rform_edit'} : $text{'rform_create'},"</b></td> </tr>\n"; print "<tr $cb> <td><table>\n"; print "<tr> <td><b>$text{'rform_from'}</b></td>\n"; printf "<td><input name=from size=30 value='%s'></td> </tr>\n", $_[0] ? $_[0]->{'from'} : "";
print "<tr> <td><b>$text{'rform_to'}</b></td>\n"; printf "<td><input type=radio name=to_def value=1 %s> %s\n", $_[0] && $_[0]->{'to'} ? "" : "checked", $text{'routes_direct'}; printf "<input type=radio name=to_def value=0 %s>\n", $_[0] && $_[0]->{'to'} ? "checked" : ""; printf "<input name=to size=30 value='%s'></td>\n", $_[0] ? $_[0]->{'to'} : "";
print "<td><b>$text{'rform_port'}</b></td>\n"; printf "<td><input type=radio name=port_def value=1 %s> %s\n", $_[0] && $_[0]->{'port'} ? "" : "checked", $text{'default'}; printf "<input type=radio name=port_def value=0 %s>\n", $_[0] && $_[0]->{'port'} ? "checked" : ""; printf "<input name=port size=4 value='%s'></td> </tr>\n", $_[0] ? $_[0]->{'port'} : "";
print "<tr> <td colspan=4 align=right>\n"; if ($_[0]) { print "<input type=submit value=$text{'save'}>\n"; print "<input type=submit name=delete value=$text{'delete'}>\n"; } else { print "<input type=submit value=$text{'create'}>\n"; } print "</td> </tr>\n"; print "</table></td></tr></table></form>\n"; }
# list_virts() # Returns a list of all virtualdomains file entries sub list_virts { if (!scalar(@list_virts_cache)) { local $lnum = 0; local @rv; open(VIRTS, $qmail_virts_file); while(<VIRTS>) { s/\r|\n//g; s/#.*$//; if (/^(\S+)\@(\S+):(\S*)/) { push(@rv, { 'user' => $1, 'domain' => $2, 'from' => "$1\@$2", 'prepend' => $3, 'line' => $lnum, 'idx' => scalar(@rv) } ); } elsif (/^(\S*):(\S*)/) { push(@rv, { 'domain' => $1, 'from' => $1, 'prepend' => $2, 'line' => $lnum, 'idx' => scalar(@rv) } ); } $lnum++; } close(VIRTS); @list_virts_cache = @rv; } return @list_virts_cache; }
# create_virt(&virt) sub create_virt { &list_virts(); # force cache init &lock_file($qmail_virts_file); local $lref = &read_file_lines($qmail_virts_file); push(@$lref, join(":", $_[0]->{'user'} ? "$_[0]->{'user'}\@$_[0]->{'domain'}" : $_[0]->{'domain'}, $_[0]->{'prepend'})); &flush_file_lines(); &unlock_file($qmail_virts_file);
# Update in memory cache $_[0]->{'line'} = @$lref-1; $_[0]->{'idx'} = scalar(@list_virts_cache); push(@list_virts_cache, $_[0]); }
# delete_virt(&virt) sub delete_virt { &lock_file($qmail_virts_file); local $lref = &read_file_lines($qmail_virts_file); splice(@$lref, $_[0]->{'line'}, 1); &flush_file_lines(); &unlock_file($qmail_virts_file);
# delete from cache splice(@list_virts_cache, $_[0]->{'idx'}, 1); foreach my $v (@list_virts_cache) { $v->{'line'}-- if ($v->{'line'} > $_[0]->{'line'}); $v->{'idx'}-- if ($v->{'idx'} > $_[0]->{'idx'}); } }
# modify_virt(&old, &virt) sub modify_virt { &lock_file($qmail_virts_file); local $lref = &read_file_lines($qmail_virts_file); splice(@$lref, $_[0]->{'line'}, 1, join(":", $_[1]->{'user'} ? "$_[1]->{'user'}\@$_[1]->{'domain'}" : $_[1]->{'domain'}, $_[1]->{'prepend'})); &flush_file_lines(); &unlock_file($qmail_virts_file);
# Update in memory cache if ($_[0] ne $_[1]) { $_[1]->{'line'} = $_[0]->{'line'}; $_[1]->{'idx'} = $_[0]->{'idx'}; $list_virts_cache[$_[1]->{'idx'}] = $_[1]; } }
# virt_form(&virt) sub virt_form { print "<form method=post action=save_virt.cgi>\n"; if ($_[0]) { print "<input type=hidden name=idx value='$_[0]->{'idx'}'>\n"; } else { print "<input type=hidden name=new value=1>\n"; }
print "<table border>\n"; print "<tr $tb> <td><b>",$a ? $text{'vform_edit'} : $text{'vform_create'},"</b></td> </tr>\n"; print "<tr $cb> <td><table>\n";
print "<tr> <td valign=top><b>$text{'vform_from'}</b></td> <td>\n"; printf "<input type=radio name=from_mode value=0 %s> %s<br>\n", $_[0] && !$_[0]->{'from'} ? "checked" : "", $text{'vform_all'}; printf "<input type=radio name=from_mode value=1 %s> %s\n", !$_[0] || $_[0]->{'domain'} && !$_[0]->{'user'} ? "checked" : "", $text{'vform_domain'}; printf "<input name=domain size=20 value='%s'><br>\n", $_[0] && $_[0]->{'domain'} && !$_[0]->{'user'} ? $_[0]->{'domain'} : ""; printf "<input type=radio name=from_mode value=2 %s> %s\n", $_[0] && $_[0]->{'user'} ? "checked" : "", $text{'vform_user'}; printf "<input name=user size=15 value='%s'>@", $_[0] && $_[0]->{'user'} ? $_[0]->{'user'} : ""; printf "<input name=domain2 size=20 value='%s'></td> </tr>", $_[0] && $_[0]->{'user'} ? $_[0]->{'domain'} : "";
print "<tr> <td valign=top><b>$text{'vform_to'}</b></td> <td>\n"; printf "<input type=radio name=prepend_mode value=0 %s> %s<br>\n", $_[0] && !$_[0]->{'prepend'} ? "checked" : "", $text{'vform_none'}; if (!$_[0]) { printf "<input type=radio name=prepend_mode value=2 %s> %s<br>\n", "checked", $text{'vform_auto'}; } printf "<input type=radio name=prepend_mode value=1 %s> %s\n", $_[0] && $_[0]->{'prepend'} ? "checked" : "", $text{'vform_prepend'}; printf "<input name=prepend size=15 value='%s'></td> </tr>\n", $_[0] && $_[0]->{'prepend'} ? $_[0]->{'prepend'} : "";
print "<tr> <td colspan=2 align=right>\n"; if ($_[0]) { print "<input type=submit value=$text{'save'}>\n"; print "<input type=submit name=delete value=$text{'delete'}>\n"; } else { print "<input type=submit value=$text{'create'}>\n"; } print "</td> </tr>\n"; print "</table></td></tr></table></form>\n"; }
# list_queue() # Returns an array of structures for entries in the mail queue sub list_queue { local (@rv, %qmap); @rv = ( ); opendir(DIR, $qmail_mess_dir); foreach $m (readdir(DIR)) { next if ($m !~ /^\d+$/); opendir(DIR2, "$qmail_mess_dir/$m"); foreach $m2 (readdir(DIR2)) { $qmap{$m2} = "$qmail_mess_dir/$m/$m2" if ($m2 =~ /^\d+$/); } closedir(DIR2); } closedir(DIR); open(QUEUE, "$qmail_bin_dir/qmail-qread |"); while(<QUEUE>) { if (/^(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+#(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(.*)/) { local $q = { 'from' => $10, 'id' => $8, 'file' => $qmap{$8}, 'date' => "$1 $2 $3 $4:$5:$6" }; $_ = <QUEUE>; if (/^\s*(\S+)\s+(.*)/) { $q->{'source'} = $1; $q->{'to'} = $2; push(@rv, $q); } } } close(QUEUE); return @rv; }
# wrap_lines(text, width) # Given a multi-line string, return an array of lines wrapped to # the given width sub wrap_lines { local @rv; local $w = $_[1]; foreach $rest (split(/\n/, $_[0])) { if ($rest =~ /\S/) { while($rest =~ /^(.{1,$w}\S*)\s*([\0-\377]*)$/) { push(@rv, $1); $rest = $2; } } else { # Empty line .. keep as it is push(@rv, $rest); } } return @rv; }
# link_urls(text) sub link_urls { local $r = $_[0]; $r =~ s/((http|ftp|https|mailto):[^><"'\s]+[^><"'\s\.])/<a href="$1">$1<\/a>/g; return $r; }
# list_assigns() # Returns a list of qmail user assignments sub list_assigns { if (!scalar(@list_assigns_cache)) { local @rv; local $lnum = 0; open(ASSIGNS, $qmail_assigns_file); while(<ASSIGNS>) { s/\r|\n//g; last if ($_ eq '.'); local @line = split(/:/, $_, 8); if ($line[0] =~ /^([\+=])(\S*)/) { local $asn = { 'address' => $2, 'mode' => $1, 'user' => $line[1], 'uid' => $line[2], 'gid' => $line[3], 'home' => $line[4], 'dash' => $line[5], 'preext' => $line[6], 'idx' => scalar(@rv), 'line' => $lnum }; push(@rv, $asn); } $lnum++; } close(ASSIGNS); @list_assigns_cache = @rv; } return @list_assigns_cache; }
# create_assign(&assign) sub create_assign { &list_assigns(); # force cache init &lock_file($qmail_assigns_file); local $lref = &read_file_lines($qmail_assigns_file); local $dot; for($i=0; $i<@$lref; $i++) { if ($lref->[$i] eq '.') { $dot++; last; } } splice(@$lref, $i, 0, join(":", "$_[0]->{'mode'}$_[0]->{'address'}", $_[0]->{'user'}, $_[0]->{'uid'}, $_[0]->{'gid'}, $_[0]->{'home'}, $_[0]->{'dash'}, $_[0]->{'preext'}, '')); push(@$lref, ".") if (!$dot); &flush_file_lines(); &unlock_file($qmail_assigns_file);
# Update in memory cache $_[0]->{'line'} = @$lref-1; $_[0]->{'idx'} = scalar(@list_assigns_cache); push(@list_assigns_cache, $_[0]); }
# modify_assign(&old, &assign) sub modify_assign { &lock_file($qmail_assigns_file); local $lref = &read_file_lines($qmail_assigns_file); $lref->[$_[0]->{'line'}] = join(":", "$_[1]->{'mode'}$_[1]->{'address'}", $_[1]->{'user'}, $_[1]->{'uid'}, $_[1]->{'gid'}, $_[1]->{'home'}, $_[1]->{'dash'}, $_[1]->{'preext'}, ''); &flush_file_lines(); &unlock_file($qmail_assigns_file);
# Update in memory cache if ($_[0] ne $_[1]) { $_[1]->{'line'} = $_[0]->{'line'}; $_[1]->{'idx'} = $_[0]->{'idx'}; $list_assigns_cache[$_[1]->{'idx'}] = $_[1]; } }
# delete_assign(&assign) sub delete_assign { &lock_file($qmail_assigns_file); local $lref = &read_file_lines($qmail_assigns_file); splice(@$lref, $_[0]->{'line'}, 1); &flush_file_lines(); &unlock_file($qmail_assigns_file);
# delete from cache splice(@list_assigns_cache, $_[0]->{'idx'}, 1); foreach my $v (@list_assigns_cache) { $v->{'line'}-- if ($v->{'line'} > $_[0]->{'line'}); $v->{'idx'}-- if ($v->{'idx'} > $_[0]->{'idx'}); } }
# assign_form([&assign]) sub assign_form { print "<form method=post action=save_assign.cgi>\n"; if ($_[0]) { print "<input type=hidden name=idx value='$_[0]->{'idx'}'>\n"; } else { print "<input type=hidden name=new value=1>\n"; }
print "<table border>\n"; print "<tr $tb> <td><b>",$a ? $text{'sform_edit'} : $text{'sform_create'},"</b></td> </tr>\n"; print "<tr $cb> <td><table>\n";
print "<tr> <td valign=top><b>$text{'sform_address'}</b></td> <td colspan=3>\n"; printf "<input type=radio name=mode value='=' %s> %s\n", !$_[0] || $_[0]->{'mode'} eq '=' ? 'checked' : '', $text{'sform_mode0'}; printf "<input name=address0 size=20 value='%s'><br>\n", $_[0] && $_[0]->{'mode'} eq '=' ? $_[0]->{'address'} : ''; printf "<input type=radio name=mode value='+' %s> %s\n", $_[0] && $_[0]->{'mode'} eq '+' ? 'checked' : '', $text{'sform_mode1'}; printf "<input name=address1 size=20 value='%s'></td> </tr>\n", $_[0] && $_[0]->{'mode'} eq '+' ? $_[0]->{'address'} : '';
print "<tr> <td><b>$text{'sform_user'}</b></td>\n"; print "<td>",&unix_user_input("user", $_[0] ? $_[0]->{'user'} : ''),"</td>\n";
print "<td><b>$text{'sform_home'}</b></td>\n"; printf "<td><input name=home size=25 value='%s'> %s</td> </tr>\n", $_[0] ? $_[0]->{'home'} : '', &file_chooser_button("home", 1);
print "<tr> <td><b>$text{'sform_uid'}</b></td>\n"; printf "<td><input name=uid size=6 value='%s'></td>\n", $_[0] ? $_[0]->{'uid'} : '';
print "<td><b>$text{'sform_gid'}</b></td>\n"; printf "<td><input name=gid size=6 value='%s'></td> </tr>\n", $_[0] ? $_[0]->{'gid'} : '';
print "<tr> <td colspan=4 align=right>\n"; if ($_[0]) { print "<input type=submit value='$text{'save'}'>\n"; print "<input type=submit name=delete value='$text{'delete'}'>\n"; } else { print "<input type=submit value='$text{'create'}'>\n"; } print "</td> </tr>\n"; print "</table></td></tr></table></form>\n"; }
# user_mail_dir(username, ...) # Returns the full path to a user's mail file or directory sub user_mail_dir { if ($config{'mail_system'} == 1) { if (@_ > 1) { return "$_[7]/$config{'mail_dir_qmail'}/"; } else { local @u = getpwnam($_[0]); return "$u[7]/$config{'mail_dir_qmail'}/"; } } else { return &user_mail_file(@_); } }
# restart_qmail() # Tells qmail to reload its configuration files by sending a HUP signal sub restart_qmail { if ($config{'apply_cmd'}) { &system_logged("($config{'apply_cmd'}) >/dev/null 2>&1 </dev/null"); } else { &kill_byname_logged("qmail-send", HUP); } }
# stop_qmail() # Attempts to stop qmail, and returns an error message if it fails sub stop_qmail { if ($config{'stop_cmd'}) { &system_logged("( $config{'stop_cmd'} ) >/dev/null 2>&1 </dev/null &"); return undef; } else { if (&kill_byname_logged("qmail-send", TERM)) { return undef; } else { return $text{'stop_err'}; } } }
# start_qmail() # Attempts to start qmail, and returns an error message if it fails sub start_qmail { if ($config{'start_cmd'}) { &system_logged("( $config{'start_cmd'} ) >/dev/null 2>&1 </dev/null &"); } else { &system_logged("$qmail_start_cmd >/dev/null 2>&1 </dev/null &"); } return undef; }
# Returns the PID of qmail-send if running sub is_qmail_running { local ($pid) = &find_byname("^\\S*qmail-send"); return kill(0, $pid) ? $pid : undef; }