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# # Functions for parsing linux ps output
use Time::Local;
sub get_ps_version { if (!$get_ps_version_cache) { local $out = &backquote_command("ps V 2>&1"); if ($out =~ /version\s+([0-9\.]+)\./) { $get_ps_version_cache = $1; } } return $get_ps_version_cache; }
sub list_processes { local($pcmd, $line, $i, %pidmap, @plist, $dummy, @w, $_); local $ver = &get_ps_version(); if ($ver >= 2) { # New version of ps, as found in redhat 6 local $width; if ($ver >= 3.2) { # Use width format character if allowed $width = ":80"; } open(PS, "ps --cols 2048 -eo user$width,ruser$width,group$width,rgroup$width,pid,ppid,pgid,pcpu,vsz,nice,etime,time,stime,tty,args 2>/dev/null |"); $dummy = <PS>; for($i=0; $line=<PS>; $i++) { chop($line); $line =~ s/^\s+//g; eval { @w = split(/\s+/, $line, -1); }; if ($@) { # Hit a split loop $i--; next; } if ($line =~ /ps --cols 500 -eo user/) { # Skip process ID 0 or ps command $i--; next; } if (@_ && &indexof($w[4], @_) < 0) { # Not interested in this PID $i--; next; } $plist[$i]->{"pid"} = $w[4]; $plist[$i]->{"ppid"} = $w[5]; $plist[$i]->{"user"} = $w[0]; $plist[$i]->{"cpu"} = "$w[7] %"; $plist[$i]->{"size"} = "$w[8] kB"; $plist[$i]->{"time"} = $w[11]; $plist[$i]->{"_stime"} = $w[12]; $plist[$i]->{"nice"} = $w[9]; $plist[$i]->{"args"} = @w<15 ? "defunct" : join(' ', @w[14..$#w]); $plist[$i]->{"_group"} = $w[2]; $plist[$i]->{"_ruser"} = $w[1]; $plist[$i]->{"_rgroup"} = $w[3]; $plist[$i]->{"_pgid"} = $w[6]; $plist[$i]->{"_tty"} = $w[13] =~ /\?/ ? $text{'edit_none'} : "/dev/$w[13]"; } close(PS); } else { # Old version of ps $pcmd = join(' ' , @_); open(PS, "ps aulxhwwww $pcmd 2>/dev/nul |"); for($i=0; $line=<PS>; $i++) { chop($line); if ($line =~ /ps aulxhwwww/) { $i--; next; } if ($line !~ /^\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+([\-\d]+)\s+([\-\d]+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S*)\s+(\S+)[\s<>N]+(\S+)\s+([0-9:]+)\s+(.*)$/) { $i--; next; } $pidmap{$3} = $i; $plist[$i]->{"pid"} = $3; $plist[$i]->{"ppid"} = $4; $plist[$i]->{"user"} = getpwuid($2); $plist[$i]->{"size"} = "$7 kB"; $plist[$i]->{"cpu"} = "Unknown"; $plist[$i]->{"time"} = $12; $plist[$i]->{"nice"} = $6; $plist[$i]->{"args"} = $13; $plist[$i]->{"_pri"} = $5; $plist[$i]->{"_tty"} = $11 eq "?" ? $text{'edit_none'} : "/dev/tty$11"; $plist[$i]->{"_status"} = $stat_map{substr($10, 0, 1)}; ($plist[$i]->{"_wchan"} = $9) =~ s/\s+$//g; if (!$plist[$i]->{"_wchan"}) { delete($plist[$i]->{"_wchan"}); } if ($plist[$i]->{"args"} =~ /^\((.*)\)/) { $plist[$i]->{"args"} = $1; } } close(PS); open(PS, "ps auxh $pcmd |"); while($line=<PS>) { if ($line =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+/ && defined($pidmap{$2})) { $plist[$pidmap{$2}]->{"cpu"} = $3; $plist[$pidmap{$2}]->{"_mem"} = "$4 %"; } } close(PS); } return @plist; }
# renice_proc(pid, nice) sub renice_proc { return undef if (&is_readonly_mode()); local $out = &backquote_logged("renice $_[1] -p $_[0] 2>&1"); if ($?) { return $out; } return undef; }
# find_mount_processes(mountpoint) # Find all processes under some mount point sub find_mount_processes { local($out); $out = &backquote_command("fuser -m ".quotemeta($_[0])." 2>/dev/null"); $out =~ s/[^0-9 ]//g; $out =~ s/^\s+//g; $out =~ s/\s+$//g; return split(/\s+/, $out); }
# find_file_processes([file]+) # Find all processes with some file open sub find_file_processes { local($out, $files); $files = join(' ', map { quotemeta($_) } map { glob($_) } @_); $out = &backquote_command("fuser $files 2>/dev/null"); $out =~ s/[^0-9 ]//g; $out =~ s/^\s+//g; $out =~ s/\s+$//g; return split(/\s+/, $out); }
# get_new_pty() # Returns the filehandles and names for a pty and tty sub get_new_pty { if (-r "/dev/ptmx" && -d "/dev/pts" && open(PTMX, "+>/dev/ptmx")) { # Can use new-style PTY number allocation device local $unl; local $ptn;
# ioctl to unlock the PTY (TIOCSPTLCK) $unl = pack("i", 0); ioctl(PTMX, 0x40045431, $unl) || &error("Unlock ioctl failed : $!"); $unl = unpack("i", $unl);
# ioctl to request a TTY (TIOCGPTN) ioctl(PTMX, 0x80045430, $ptn) || &error("PTY ioctl failed : $!"); $ptn = unpack("i", $ptn);
local $tty = "/dev/pts/$ptn"; return (*PTMX, undef, $tty, $tty); } else { # Have to search manually through pty files! local @ptys; local $devstyle; if (-d "/dev/pty") { opendir(DEV, "/dev/pty"); @ptys = map { "/dev/pty/$_" } readdir(DEV); closedir(DEV); $devstyle = 1; } else { opendir(DEV, "/dev"); @ptys = map { "/dev/$_" } (grep { /^pty/ } readdir(DEV)); closedir(DEV); $devstyle = 0; } local ($pty, $tty); foreach $pty (@ptys) { open(PTY, "+>$pty") || next; local $tty = $pty; if ($devstyle == 0) { $tty =~ s/pty/tty/; } else { $tty =~ s/m(\d+)$/s$1/; } local $old = select(PTY); $| = 1; select($old); if ($< == 0) { # Don't need to open the TTY file here for root, # as it will be opened later after the controlling # TTY has been released. return (*PTY, undef, $pty, $tty); } else { # Must open now .. open(TTY, "+>$tty"); select(TTY); $| = 1; select($old); return (*PTY, *TTY, $pty, $tty); } } return (); } }
# close_controlling_pty() # Disconnects this process from it's controlling PTY, if connected sub close_controlling_pty { if (open(DEVTTY, "/dev/tty")) { # Special ioctl to disconnect (TIOCNOTTY) ioctl(DEVTTY, 0x5422, 0); close(DEVTTY); } }
# open_controlling_pty(ptyfh, ttyfh, ptyfile, ttyfile) # Makes a PTY returned from get_new_pty the controlling TTY (/dev/tty) for # this process. sub open_controlling_pty { local ($ptyfh, $ttyfh, $pty, $tty) = @_;
# Call special ioctl to attach /dev/tty to this new tty (TIOCSCTTY) ioctl($ttyfh, 0x540e, 0); }
# get_memory_info() # Returns a list containing the real mem, free real mem, swap and free swap, # and possibly cached memory and the burstable limit. All of these are in Kb. sub get_memory_info { local %m; local $memburst; if (open(BEAN, "/proc/user_beancounters")) { # If we are running under Virtuozzo, there may be a limit on memory # use in force that is less than the real system's memory. Or it may be # a higher 'burstable' limit. Use this, unless it is unreasonably # high (like 1TB) local $pagesize = 1024; eval { use POSIX; $pagesize = POSIX::sysconf(POSIX::_SC_PAGESIZE); }; while(<BEAN>) { if (/privvmpages\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)/ && $3 < 1024*1024*1024*1024) { $memburst = $3 * $pagesize / 1024; } } close(BEAN); } open(MEMINFO, "/proc/meminfo") || return (); while(<MEMINFO>) { if (/^(\S+):\s+(\d+)/) { $m{lc($1)} = $2; } } close(MEMINFO); local $memtotal; if ($memburst && $memburst > $m{'memtotal'}) { # Burstable limit is higher than actual RAM $memtotal = $m{'memtotal'}; } elsif ($memburst && $memburst < $m{'memtotal'}) { # Limit is less than actual RAM $memtotal = $memburst; $memburst = undef; } elsif ($memburst && $memburst == $m{'memtotal'}) { # Same as actual RAM $memburst = undef; } elsif (!$memburst) { # No burstable limit set, like on a real system $memtotal = $m{'memtotal'}; } return ( $memtotal, $m{'cached'} > $memtotal ? $m{'memfree'} : $m{'memfree'}+$m{'buffers'}+$m{'cached'}, $m{'swaptotal'}, $m{'swapfree'}, $m{'buffers'} + $m{'cached'}, $memburst, ); }
# os_get_cpu_info() # Returns a list containing the 5, 10 and 15 minute load averages, and the # CPU mhz, model, vendor, cache and count sub os_get_cpu_info { open(LOAD, "/proc/loadavg") || return (); local @load = split(/\s+/, <LOAD>); close(LOAD); local %c; open(CPUINFO, "/proc/cpuinfo"); while(<CPUINFO>) { if (/^(\S[^:]*\S)\s*:\s*(.*)/) { $c{lc($1)} = $2; } } close(CPUINFO); $c{'model name'} =~ s/\d+\s*mhz//i; if ($c{'cache size'} =~ /^(\d+)\s+KB/i) { $c{'cache size'} = $1*1024; } elsif ($c{'cache size'} =~ /^(\d+)\s+MB/i) { $c{'cache size'} = $1*1024*1024; } if ($c{'cpu mhz'}) { return ( $load[0], $load[1], $load[2], int($c{'cpu mhz'}), $c{'model name'}, $c{'vendor_id'}, $c{'cache size'}, $c{'processor'}+1 ); } else { return ( $load[0], $load[1], $load[2] ); } }
$has_trace_command = &has_command("strace");
# open_process_trace(pid, [&syscalls]) # Starts tracing on some process, and returns a trace object sub open_process_trace { local $fh = time().$$; local $sc; if (@{$_[1]}) { $sc = "-e trace=".join(",", @{$_[1]}); } local $tpid = open($fh, "strace -t -p $_[0] $sc 2>&1 |"); $line = <$fh>; return { 'pid' => $_[0], 'tpid' => $tpid, 'fh' => $fh }; }
# close_process_trace(&trace) # Halts tracing on some trace object sub close_process_trace { kill('TERM', $_[0]->{'tpid'}) if ($_[0]->{'tpid'}); close($_[0]->{'fh'}); }
# read_process_trace(&trace) # Returns an action structure representing one action by traced process, or # undef if an error occurred sub read_process_trace { local $fh = $_[0]->{'fh'}; local @tm = localtime(time()); while(1) { local $line = <$fh>; return undef if (!$line); if ($line =~ /^(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\s+([^\(]+)\((.*)\)\s*=\s*(\-?\d+|\?)/) { local $tm = timelocal($3, $2, $1, $tm[3], $tm[4], $tm[5]); local $action = { 'time' => $tm, 'call' => $4, 'rv' => $6 eq "?" ? undef : $6 }; local $args = $5; local @args; while(1) { if ($args =~ /^[ ,]*(\{[^}]*\})(.*)$/) { # A structure in { } push(@args, $1); $args = $2; } elsif ($args =~ /^[ ,]*"([^"]*)"\.*(.*)$/) { # A quoted string push(@args, $1); $args = $2; } elsif ($args =~ /^[ ,]*\[([^\]]*)\](.*)$/) { # A square-bracket number push(@args, $1); $args = $2; } elsif ($args =~ /^[ ,]*\<([^\>]*)\>(.*)$/) { # An angle-bracketed string push(@args, $1); $args = $2; } elsif ($args =~ /[ ,]*([^, ]+)(.*)$/) { # Just a number push(@args, $1); $args = $2; } else { last; } } if ($args[$#args] eq $action->{'rv'}) { pop(@args); # last arg is same as return value? } $action->{'args'} = \@args; return $action; } } }
foreach $ia (keys %text) { if ($ia =~ /^linux(_\S+)/) { $info_arg_map{$1} = $text{$ia}; } elsif ($ia =~ /^linuxstat_(\S+)/) { $stat_map{$1} = $text{$ia}; } }
@nice_range = (-20 .. 20);
$has_fuser_command = 1;
# os_list_scheduling_classes() # Returns a list of Linux scheduling classes, if supported. Each element is a # 2-element array ref containing a code and description. sub os_list_scheduling_classes { if (&has_command("ionice")) { return ( [ 1, $text{'linux_real'} ], [ 2, $text{'linux_be'} ], [ 3, $text{'linux_idle'} ] ); } return ( ); }
# os_list_scheduling_priorities() # Returns a list of IO priorities, each of which is an array ref containing # a number and description sub os_list_scheduling_priorities { return ( [ 0, "0 ($text{'edit_prihigh'})" ], [ 1 ], [ 2 ], [ 3 ], [ 4 ], [ 5 ], [ 6 ], [ 7, "7 ($text{'edit_prilow'})" ] ); }
# os_get_scheduling_class(pid) # Returns the IO scheduling class and priority for a running program sub os_get_scheduling_class { local ($pid) = @_; local $out = &backquote_command("ionice -p ".quotemeta($pid)); if ($out =~ /^(realtime|best-effort|idle|none):\s+prio\s+(\d+)/) { return ($1 eq "realtime" ? 1 : $1 eq "best-effort" ? 2 : $1 eq "idle" ? 3 : 0, $2); } return ( ); }
# os_set_scheduling_class(pid, class, priority) # Sets the ID scheduling class and priority for some process. Returns an error # message on failure, undef on success. sub os_set_scheduling_class { local ($pid, $class, $prio) = @_; local $cmd = "ionice -c ".quotemeta($class); $cmd .= " -n ".quotemeta($prio) if (defined($prio)); $cmd .= " -p ".quotemeta($pid); local $out = &backquote_logged("$cmd 2>&1 </dev/null"); return $? ? $out : undef; }