Viewing file: save.cgi (3.41 KB) -rwxr-xr-x Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
#!/usr/bin/perl # save_dialer.cgi # Save, create or delete a dialer configuration
require './'; &ReadParse(); $conf = &get_config(); $dialer = $conf->[$in{'idx'}] if (!$in{'new'});
&lock_file($config{'file'}); if ($in{'delete'}) { # Check for any dependencies? &error_setup($text{'save_err2'}); foreach $c (@$conf) { if (lc($c->{'values'}->{'inherits'}) eq lc($dialer->{'name'})) { &error(&text('save_einherits', &dialer_name($c->{'name'}))); } }
# Just delete this dialer &delete_dialer($dialer); } else { # Validate and store basic inputs &error_setup($text{'save_err'}); if (defined($in{'dialer'})) { $in{'dialer'} =~ /^[^\[\]]+$/ || &error($text{'save_ename'}); $dialer->{'name'} = "Dialer $in{'dialer'}"; } elsif (defined($in{'name'})) { $in{'name'} =~ /^[^\[\]]+$/ || &error($text{'save_ename'}); $dialer->{'name'} = $in{'name'}; } local ($clash) = grep { lc($_->{'name'}) eq lc($dialer->{'name'}) } @$conf; if ($clash && $clash ne $dialer) { &error($text{'save_eclash'}); } &parse_opt("Phone", \&check_phone, $text{'save_ephone'}); &parse_opt("Username"); &parse_opt("Password"); &parse_opt("Dial Prefix", \&check_phone, $text{'save_eprefix'}); &parse_yes_no("Stupid Mode"); for($i=1; $i<=4; $i++) { local $other = $in{"other_$i"}; if ($other eq '') { &set_config("Phone$i"); } else { &check_phone($other) || &error(&text('save_eother',$i)); &set_config("Phone$i", $other); } } &set_config("Inherits", $in{'inherits_def'} ? undef : $in{'inherits'});
# Validate and store modem options if ($in{'modem'} eq '*') { -r $in{'otherm'} || &error($text{'save_eotherm'}); &set_config("Modem", $in{'otherm'}); } elsif ($in{'modem'} eq '') { &set_config("Modem"); } else { &set_config("Modem", $in{'modem'}); } &parse_opt("Baud", \&check_number, $text{'save_ebaud'}); for($i=1; $i<=9; $i++) { if ($in{"init_$i"} eq '') { &set_config("Init$i"); } else { &set_config("Init$i", $in{"init_$i"}); } } &parse_yes_no("Carrier Check"); &parse_yes_no("Abort on Busy"); &parse_opt("Dial Attempts", \&check_number, $text{'save_edial'}); &parse_yes_no("Abort on No Dialtone");
# Store networking options &parse_yes_no("Auto DNS"); &parse_yes_no("Auto Reconnect"); &parse_opt("Idle Seconds", \&check_number, $text{'save_eidle'});
# Create or update the dialer if ($in{'new'}) { &create_dialer($dialer); } else { &update_dialer($dialer); } } &unlock_file($config{'file'}); delete($dialer->{'values'}->{'password'}); &webmin_log($in{'new'} ? "create" : $in{'delete'} ? "delete" : "update", "dialer", $dialer->{'name'}, $dialer->{'values'}); &redirect("");
# parse_opt(name, [checker, error]) sub parse_opt { local $n = lc("$_[0]"); if ($in{$n."_def"}) { &set_config($_[0]); } else { local $func = $_[1]; !$func || &$func($in{$n}) || &error($_[2]); &set_config($_[0], $in{$n}); } }
# parse_yes_no(name) sub parse_yes_no { local $n = lc("$_[0]"); if ($in{$n} == 1) { &set_config($_[0], "on"); } elsif ($in{$n} == 0) { &set_config($_[0], "off"); } else { &set_config($_[0]); } }
# set_config(name, [value]) sub set_config { local $n = lc("$_[0]"); if (defined($_[1])) { $dialer->{'values'}->{$n} = $_[1]; $dialer->{'onames'}->{$n} = $_[0]; } else { delete($dialer->{'values'}->{$n}); delete(dialer->{'onames'}->{$n}); } }
sub check_phone { return $_[0] =~ /^[0-9 \+\*\#A-Z]+$/; }
sub check_number { return $_[0] =~ /^\d+$/; }