Viewing file: index.cgi (5.49 KB) -rwxr-xr-x Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
#!/usr/bin/perl # Show installed packages, and flag those for which an update is needed
require './'; &ui_print_header(undef, $module_info{'desc'}, "", undef, 1, 1); &error_setup($text{'index_err'}); &ReadParse(); if ($in{'clear'}) { $in{'search'} = ''; }
# See if any security updates exist $in{'mode'} ||= 'updates'; @avail = &list_for_mode($in{'mode'}, 0); ($sec) = grep { $_->{'security'} } @avail;
# Show mode selector (all, updates only, updates and new) @grid = ( ); foreach $m ('current', 'updates', 'new', $sec ? ( 'security' ) : ( )) { $mmsg = $text{'index_mode_'.$m}; if ($in{'mode'} eq $m) { push(@mlinks, "<b>$mmsg</b>"); } else { push(@mlinks, "<a href='index.cgi?mode=$m&all=". &urlize($in{'all'})."&search=". &urlize($in{'search'})."'>$mmsg</a>"); } } push(@grid, $text{'index_mode'}, &ui_links_row(\@mlinks));
# Show search box push(@grid, $text{'index_search'}, &ui_textbox("search", $in{'search'}, 30)." ". &ui_submit($text{'index_searchok'})." ". &ui_submit($text{'index_clear'}, 'clear'));
print &ui_form_start("index.cgi"); print &ui_hidden("mode", $in{'mode'}); print &ui_grid_table(\@grid, 2),"<p>\n"; print &ui_form_end();
# Work out what packages to show @current = &list_current(1);
# Make lookup hashes %current = map { $_->{'name'}."/".$_->{'system'}, $_ } @current; %avail = map { $_->{'name'}."/".$_->{'system'}, $_ } @avail;
# Build table $anysource = 0; foreach $p (sort { $a->{'name'} cmp $b->{'name'} } (@current, @avail)) { next if ($done{$p->{'name'},$p->{'system'}}++); # May be in both lists
# Work out the status $c = $current{$p->{'name'}."/".$p->{'system'}}; $a = $avail{$p->{'name'}."/".$p->{'system'}};
if ($a && $c && &compare_versions($a, $c) > 0) { # An update is available $msg = "<b><font color=#00aa00>". &text('index_new', $a->{'version'})."</font></b>"; $need = 1; next if ($in{'mode'} eq 'security' && !$a->{'security'}); next if ($in{'mode'} ne 'updates' && $in{'mode'} ne 'current' && $in{'mode'} ne 'security'); } elsif ($a && !$c) { # Could be installed, but isn't currently next if (!&installation_candiate($a)); $msg = "<font color=#00aa00>$text{'index_caninstall'}</font>"; $need = 0; next if ($in{'mode'} ne 'new'); } elsif (!$a->{'version'} && $c->{'updateonly'}) { # No update exists, and we don't care unless there is one next; } elsif (!$a->{'version'}) { # No update exists $msg = "<font color=#ffaa00><b>". &text('index_noupdate', $c->{'version'})."</b></font>"; $need = 0; next if ($in{'mode'} ne 'current'); } else { # We have the latest $msg = &text('index_ok', $c->{'version'}); $need = 0; next if ($in{'mode'} ne 'current'); } $source = ucfirst($a->{'source'}); if ($a->{'security'}) { $source = "<font color=#ff0000>$source</font>"; }
# If searching, limit to search if ($in{'search'}) { $re = $in{'search'}; $found = $p->{'desc'} =~ /\Q$re\E/i || $p->{'name'} =~ /\Q$re\E/i || $p->{'version'} =~ /\Q$re\E/i; next if (!$found); }
# Add to table push(@rows, [ { 'type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'u', 'value' => $p->{'update'}."/".$p->{'system'}, 'checked' => $need }, "<a href='view.cgi?mode=$in{'mode'}&name=". &urlize($p->{'name'})."&system=". &urlize($p->{'system'})."&search=". &urlize($in{'search'})."'>$p->{'name'}</a>", $p->{'desc'}, $msg, $source ? ( $source ) : $anysource ? ( "") : ( ), ]); $anysource++ if ($source); }
# Show the packages, if any if (@rows) { print &text('index_count', scalar(@rows)),"<br>\n"; } print &ui_form_columns_table( "update.cgi", [ [ "ok", $in{'mode'} eq 'new' ? $text{'index_install'} : $text{'index_update'} ], undef, [ "refresh", $text{'index_refresh'} ] ], 1, undef, [ [ "mode", $in{'mode'} ], [ "search", $in{'search'} ] ], [ "", $text{'index_name'}, $text{'index_desc'}, $text{'index_status'}, $anysource ? ( $text{'index_source'} ) : ( ), ], 100, \@rows, undef, 0, undef, $text{'index_none_'.$in{'mode'}}, 1 ); if (!@rows) { print &ui_form_start("update.cgi"); print &ui_hidden("mode", $in{'mode'}); print &ui_hidden("search", $in{'search'}); print &ui_form_end([ [ "refresh", $text{'index_refresh'} ] ]); }
# Show scheduled report form print "<hr>\n"; print &ui_form_start("save_sched.cgi"); print &ui_hidden("mode", $in{'mode'}); print &ui_hidden("search", $in{'search'}); print &ui_table_start($text{'index_header'}, undef, 2);
$job = &find_cron_job(); if ($job) { $sched = $job->{'hours'} eq '*' ? 'h' : $job->{'days'} eq '*' && $job->{'weekdays'} eq '*' ? 'd' : $job->{'days'} eq '*' && $job->{'months'} eq '*' ? 'w' : undef; } else { $sched = "d"; }
# When to run print &ui_table_row($text{'index_sched'}, &ui_radio("sched_def", $job ? 0 : 1, [ [ 1, $text{'index_sched1'} ], [ 0, $text{'index_sched0'} ] ])."\n". &ui_select("sched", $sched, [ [ 'h', $text{'index_schedh'} ], [ 'd', $text{'index_schedd'} ], [ 'w', $text{'index_schedw'} ] ]));
# Send email to print &ui_table_row($text{'index_email'}, &ui_textbox("email", $config{'sched_email'}, 40));
# Install or just notify? print &ui_table_row($text{'index_action'}, &ui_radio("action", int($config{'sched_action'}), [ [ 0, $text{'index_action0'} ], [ 1, $text{'index_action1'} ], [ 2, $text{'index_action2'} ] ]));
print &ui_table_end(); print &ui_form_end([ [ "save", $text{'save'} ] ]);
&ui_print_footer("/", $text{'index'});