Viewing file: edit_bifc.cgi (9.53 KB) -rwxr-xr-x Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
#!/usr/bin/perl # edit_bifc.cgi # Edit or create a bootup interface
require './'; &ReadParse(); !$in{'new'} || &can_create_iface() || &error($text{'ifcs_ecannot'}); @boot = &boot_interfaces();
# Show page title and get interface if ($in{'new'} && $in{'bond'}) { # New bonding interface &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'bonding_create'}, ""); $bmax = -1; foreach $b (@boot) { if ($b->{'fullname'} =~ /^bond(\d+)$/) { $bmax = $1; } } } elsif ($in{'new'} && $in{'vlan'}) { # New VLAN &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'vlan_create'}, ""); } elsif ($in{'new'} && $in{'bridge'}) { # New Bridge &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'bridge_create'}, ""); $bmax = -1; foreach $b (@boot) { if ($b->{'fullname'} =~ /^br(\d+)$/) { $bmax = $1; } } } elsif ($in{'new'}) { # New real or virtual interface &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'bifc_create'}, ""); if ($in{'virtual'}) { # Pick a virtual number $vmax = int($net::min_virtual_number); foreach my $e (@boot) { $vmax = $e->{'virtual'} if ($e->{'name'} eq $in{'virtual'} && $e->{'virtual'} > $vmax); } } } else { # Editing existing $b = $boot[$in{'idx'}]; &can_iface($b) || &error($text{'ifcs_ecannot_this'}); &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'bifc_edit'}, ""); if (!$b->{'dhcp'} && !$b->{'bootp'} && !$b->{'broadcast'}) { # Fill in broadcast if missing $b->{'broadcast'} = &compute_broadcast( $b->{'address'}, $b->{'netmask'}); } }
# Start of the form print &ui_form_start("save_bifc.cgi"); print &ui_hidden("new", $in{'new'}); print &ui_hidden("idx", $in{'idx'}); print &ui_hidden("vlan", $in{'vlan'}); print &ui_hidden("bond", $in{'bond'}); print &ui_hidden("bridge", $in{'bridge'}); print &ui_table_start($in{'virtual'} || $b && $b->{'virtual'} ne "" ? $text{'bifc_desc2'} : $text{'bifc_desc1'}, undef, 2);
# Comment, if allowed if (defined(&can_iface_desc) && &can_iface_desc($b)) { print &ui_table_row($text{'ifcs_desc'}, &ui_textbox("desc", $b ? $b->{'desc'} : undef, 60), 3); }
# Interface name if ($in{'new'} && $in{'virtual'}) { # New virtual interface $namefield = $in{'virtual'}.":". &ui_textbox("virtual", $vmax+1, 3). &ui_hidden("name", $in{'virtual'}); } elsif ($in{'new'}) { # New real interface if ($in{'vlan'} == 1) { $namefield = "auto".&ui_hidden("name", "auto"); } elsif ($in{'bridge'}) { $namefield = "br ".&ui_textbox("name", ($bmax+1), 3); } elsif ($in{'bond'}) { $namefield = "bond ".&ui_textbox("name", ($bmax+1), 3); } else { $namefield = &ui_textbox("name", undef, 6); } } else { # Existing interface $namefield = "<tt>$b->{'fullname'}</tt>"; } print &ui_table_row($text{'ifcs_name'}, $namefield);
# Activate at boot? if (&can_edit("up", $b) && $access{'up'}) { $upfield = &ui_yesno_radio("up", !$b || $b->{'up'}); } else { $upfield = !$b ? $text{'yes'} : $b->{'up'} ? $text{'yes'} : $text{'no'}; } print &ui_table_row($text{'bifc_act'}, $upfield);
# IP address source. This can either be DHCP, BootP or a fixed IP, # netmask and broadcast $virtual = (!$b && $in{'virtual'}) || ($b && $b->{'virtual'} ne ""); $dhcp = &can_edit("dhcp") && !$virtual; $bootp = &can_edit("bootp") && !$virtual; if (defined(&supports_no_address) && &supports_no_address()) { # Having no address is allowed $canno = 1; } elsif ($b && !$b->{'address'} && !$b->{'dhcp'} && !$b->{'bootp'}) { # Has no address $canno = 1; } @opts = ( ); if ($canno) { push(@opts, [ "none", $text{'ifcs_noaddress'} ]); } if ($dhcp) { push(@opts, [ "dhcp", $text{'ifcs_dhcp'} ]); } if ($bootp) { push(@opts, [ "bootp", $text{'ifcs_bootp'} ]); } if ($canno) { } @grid = ( $text{'ifcs_ip'}, &ui_textbox("address", $b ? $b->{'address'} : "", 15) ); if ($in{'virtual'} && $in{'new'} && $virtual_netmask) { # Netmask is fixed push(@grid, $text{'ifcs_mask'}, "<tt>$virtual_netmask</tt>"); } elsif (&can_edit("netmask", $b) && $access{'netmask'}) { # Can edit netmask push(@grid, $text{'ifcs_mask'}, &ui_textbox("netmask", $b ? $b->{'netmask'} : $config{'def_netmask'}, 15)); } elsif ($b && $b->{'netmask'}) { # Cannot edit push(@grid, $text{'ifcs_mask'}, "<tt>$b->{'netmask'}</tt>"); } if (&can_edit("broadcast", $b) && $access{'broadcast'}) { # Can edit broadcast address push(@grid, $text{'ifcs_broad'}, &ui_opt_textbox("broadcast", $b ? $b->{'broadcast'} : $config{'def_broadcast'}, 15, $text{'ifcs_auto'})); } elsif ($b && $b->{'broadcast'}) { # Broadcast is fixed push(@grid, $text{'ifcs_broad'}, "<tt>$b->{'broadcast'}</tt>"); } push(@opts, [ "address", $text{'ifcs_static2'}, &ui_grid_table(\@grid, 2) ]);
# Show the IP field if (@opts > 1) { print &ui_table_row($text{'ifcs_mode'}, &ui_radio_table("mode", $b && $b->{'dhcp'} ? "dhcp" : $b && $b->{'bootp'} ? "bootp" : $b && !$b->{'address'} ? "none" : "address", \@opts), 3); } else { print &ui_table_row($opts[0]->[1], $opts[0]->[2]); }
# Show the IPv6 field if (&supports_address6($b)) { # Multiple IPs allowed $table6 = &ui_columns_start([ $text{'ifcs_address6'}, $text{'ifcs_netmask6'} ], 50); for($i=0; $i<=($b ? scalar(@{$b->{'address6'}}) : 0); $i++) { $table6 .= &ui_columns_row([ &ui_textbox("address6_$i", $b->{'address6'}->[$i], 40), &ui_textbox("netmask6_$i", $b->{'netmask6'}->[$i] || 64, 10) ]); } $table6 .= &ui_columns_end(); print &ui_table_row($text{'ifcs_mode6'}, &ui_radio_table("mode6", !$b ? "none" : $b->{'auto6'} ? "auto" : @{$b->{'address6'}} ? "address" : "none", [ [ "none", $text{'ifcs_none6'} ], [ "auto", $text{'ifcs_auto6'} ], [ "address", $text{'ifcs_static2'}, $table6 ] ]), 2); }
# MTU if (&can_edit("mtu", $b) && $access{'mtu'}) { $mtufield = &ui_opt_textbox( "mtu", $b ? $b->{'mtu'} : $config{'def_mtu'}, 8, $text{'default'}); } else { $mtufield = $b && $b->{'mtu'} ? $b->{'mtu'} : undef; } if ($mtufield) { print &ui_table_row($text{'ifcs_mtu'}, $mtufield); }
# Virtual sub-interfaces if ($b && $b->{'virtual'} eq "") { $vcount = 0; foreach $vb (@boot) { if ($vb->{'virtual'} ne "" && $vb->{'name'} eq $b->{'name'}) { $vcount++; } } $vlink = ""; if ($access{'virt'} && !$noos_support_add_virtifcs) { $vlink = "(<a href='edit_bifc.cgi?new=1&virtual=$b->{'name'}'>". "$text{'ifcs_addvirt'}</a>)\n"; } print &ui_table_row($text{'ifcs_virts'}, $vcount." ".$vlink); }
# Special parameters for teaming if ($in{'bond'} || &iface_type($b->{'name'}) eq 'Bonded') { # Select bonding teampartner print &ui_table_row($text{'bonding_teamparts'}, &ui_textbox("partner", $b->{'partner'}, 10)." ".$text{'bonding_teampartsdesc'}); # Select teaming mode @mode = ("balance-rr", "activebackup", "balance-xor", "broadcast", "802.3ad", "balance-tlb", "balance-alb"); print &ui_table_row($text{'bonding_teammode'}, &ui_select("bondmode", int($b->{'mode'}), [ map { [ $_, $mode[$_] ] } (0 .. $#mode) ]));
# Select mii Monitoring Interval print &ui_table_row($text{'bonding_miimon'}, &ui_textbox("miimon", $b->{'miimon'}, 5)." ms");
# Select updelay print &ui_table_row($text{'bonding_updelay'}, &ui_textbox("updelay", $b->{'updelay'}, 5)." ms");
# Select downdelay print &ui_table_row($text{'bonding_downdelay'}, &ui_textbox("downdelay", $b->{'downdelay'}, 5)." ms"); }
# Special Parameter for vlan tagging if(($in{'vlan'}) or (&iface_type($b->{'name'}) =~ /^(.*) (VLAN)$/)) { $b->{'name'} =~ /(\S+)\.(\d+)/; $physical = $1; $vlanid = $2;
# Phyical device @phys = grep { (($_->{'virtual'} eq '') && ($_->{'vlanid'} eq '')) } &active_interfaces(1); print &ui_table_row($text{'vlan_physical'}, $in{'new'} ? &ui_select("physical", $physical, [ map { $_->{'fullname'} } @phys ]) : $physical.&ui_hidden("physical", $physical)); # VLAN ID print &ui_table_row($text{'vlan_id'}, $in{'new'} ? &ui_textbox("vlanid", $vlanid, 10) : $vlanid.&ui_hidden("vlanid", $vlanid)); }
# Hardware address, if non-virtual if (($in{'new'} && $in{'virtual'} eq "" && !$in{'bridge'}) || (!$in{'new'} && $b->{'virtual'} eq "" && defined(&boot_iface_hardware) && &boot_iface_hardware($b->{'name'}))) { $hardfield = &ui_opt_textbox("ether", $b->{'ether'}, 30, $text{'aifc_default'}); print &ui_table_row($text{'aifc_hard'}, $hardfield); }
# Real interface for bridge if ($in{'bridge'} || $b && $b->{'bridge'}) { @ethboot = sort { $a cmp $b } map { $_->{'fullname'} } grep { $_->{'fullname'} =~ /^eth(\d+)$/ } @boot; print &ui_table_row($text{'bifc_bridgeto'}, &ui_select("bridgeto", $b->{'bridgeto'}, [ [ "", $text{'bifc_nobridge'} ], @ethboot ], 1, 0, $in{'new'} ? 0 : 1)); }
print &ui_table_end(); # Generate and show buttons at end of the form @buts = ( ); if ($access{'bootonly'}) { # Can only save both boot-time and active if ($in{'new'}) { push(@buts, [ "activate", $text{'bifc_capply'} ]); } else { push(@buts, [ "activate", $text{'bifc_apply'} ]); if ($access{'delete'}) { push(@buts, [ "unapply", $text{'bifc_dapply'} ]); } } } else { # Show buttons to save both boot-time and/or active if ($in{'new'}) { push(@buts, [ undef, $text{'create'} ]); push(@buts, [ "activate", $text{'bifc_capply'} ]); } else { push(@buts, [ undef, $text{'save'} ]) unless $always_apply_ifcs; if (!($b->{'bootp'} || $b->{'dhcp'}) || defined(&apply_interface)) { push(@buts, [ "activate", $text{'bifc_apply'} ]); } if ($access{'delete'}) { push(@buts, [ "unapply", $text{'bifc_dapply'} ]); push(@buts, [ "delete", $text{'delete'} ]) unless $noos_support_delete_ifcs; } } } print &ui_form_end(\@buts);
&ui_print_footer("list_ifcs.cgi?mode=boot", $text{'ifcs_return'});