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# # Networking functions for Debian linux >= 2.2 (aka. potato) # Really, this won't work with releases prior to 2.2, don't even try it. # # Rene Mayrhofer, July 2000 # Some code has been taken from
use File::Copy;
$network_interfaces_config = '/etc/network/interfaces'; $modules_config = '/etc/modprobe.d/arch/i386'; if (!-d $modules_config) { ($modules_config) = glob('/etc/modprobe.d/arch/*'); } $network_interfaces = '/proc/net/dev'; $sysctl_config = "/etc/sysctl.conf";
do '';
# boot_interfaces() # Returns a list of interfaces brought up at boot time sub boot_interfaces { my @ifaces = &get_interface_defs(); my @autos = &get_auto_defs(); my @rv; my %v6map; foreach $iface (@ifaces) { my ($name, $addrfam, $method, $options) = @$iface; if ($addrfam eq 'inet') { # IPv4 interface .. parse and add to list my $cfg = { }; $cfg->{'fullname'} = $name; if ($cfg->{'fullname'} =~ /(\S+):(\d+)/) { $cfg->{'name'} = $1; $cfg->{'virtual'} = $2; } else { $cfg->{'name'} = $cfg->{'fullname'}; } if ($cfg->{'fullname'} =~ /^br(\d+)$/) { $cfg->{'bridge'} = 1; } if ($gconfig{'os_version'} >= 3 || scalar(@autos)) { $cfg->{'up'} = &indexof($name, @autos) >= 0; } else { $cfg->{'up'} = 1; } foreach $option (@$options) { my ($param, $value) = @$option; if ($param eq 'noauto') { $cfg->{'up'} = 0; } elsif($param eq 'up') { $cfg->{"partner"} = &get_teaming_partner($cfg->{'name'}, $value); %options = &get_module_defs($name); $cfg->{'mode'} = $options{'mode'}; $cfg->{'miimon'} = $options{'miimon'}; $cfg->{'downdelay'} = $options{'downdelay'}; $cfg->{'updelay'} = $options{'updelay'}; } elsif($param =~ /^bond[_\-](mode|miimon|downdelay|updelay)$/) { $cfg->{$1} = $value; } elsif($param eq 'slaves') { $cfg->{'partner'} = $value; } elsif($param eq 'hwaddr') { local @v = split(/\s+/, $value); $cfg->{'ether_type'} = $v[0]; $cfg->{'ether'} = $v[1]; } elsif ($param eq 'bridge_ports') { $cfg->{'bridgeto'} = $value; } elsif ($param eq 'pre-up' && $value =~ /brctl\s+addif\s+br\d+\s+(\S+)/) { $cfg->{'bridgeto'} = $1; } else { $cfg->{$param} = $value; } } $cfg->{'dhcp'} = ($method eq 'dhcp'); $cfg->{'bootp'} = ($method eq 'bootp'); $cfg->{'edit'} = ($cfg->{'name'} !~ /^ppp|lo/); $cfg->{'index'} = scalar(@rv); $cfg->{'file'} = $network_interfaces_config; if (!$cfg->{'broadcast'} && $cfg->{'address'} && $cfg->{'netmask'}) { $cfg->{'broadcast'} = &compute_broadcast( $cfg->{'address'}, $cfg->{'netmask'}); } push(@rv, $cfg); } elsif ($addrfam eq "inet6") { # IPv6 interface .. add to matching v4 block my $v6cfg = { 'address6' => [ ], 'netmask6' => [ ] }; foreach $option (@$options) { my ($param, $value) = @$option; if ($param eq "address") { push(@{$v6cfg->{'address6'}}, $value); } elsif ($param eq "netmask") { push(@{$v6cfg->{'netmask6'}}, $value); } elsif ($param eq "up" && $value =~ /ifconfig\s+(\S+)\s+inet6\s+add\s+([a-f0-9:]+)\/(\d+)/ && $1 eq $name) { # Additional v6 address push(@{$v6cfg->{'address6'}}, $2); push(@{$v6cfg->{'netmask6'}}, $3); } } if ($method eq "manual" && !@{$v6cfg->{'address6'}}) { $v6cfg->{'auto6'} = 1; } $v6map{$name} = $v6cfg; } } # Merge in v6 interface settings foreach my $iface (@rv) { my $v6cfg = $v6map{$iface->{'fullname'}}; if ($v6cfg) { foreach my $k (keys %$v6cfg) { $iface->{$k} = $v6cfg->{$k}; } } } return @rv; }
# save_interface(&details) # Create or update a boot-time interface sub save_interface { my $cfg = $_[0]; my $name = $cfg->{'virtual'} ne "" ? $cfg->{'name'}.":".$cfg->{'virtual'} : $cfg->{'name'}; my @options; my $method; my @modules_var; if ($cfg->{'dhcp'} == 1) { $method = 'dhcp'; } elsif ($cfg->{'bootp'} == 1) { $method = 'bootp'; } elsif ($cfg->{'address'}) { $method = 'static'; push(@options, ['address', $cfg->{'address'}]); push(@options, ['netmask', $cfg->{'netmask'}]); push(@options, ['broadcast', $cfg->{'broadcast'}]) if ($cfg->{'broadcast'}); my ($ip1, $ip2, $ip3, $ip4) = split(/\./, $cfg->{'address'}); my ($nm1, $nm2, $nm3, $nm4) = split(/\./, $cfg->{'netmask'}); if ($cfg->{'address'} && $cfg->{'netmask'}) { my $network = sprintf "%d.%d.%d.%d", ($ip1 & int($nm1))&0xff, ($ip2 & int($nm2))&0xff, ($ip3 & int($nm3))&0xff, ($ip4 & int($nm4))&0xff; push(@options, ['network', $network]); } if ($cfg->{'mtu'}) { push(@options, ['mtu', $cfg->{'mtu'}]); } } else { $method = 'manual'; } my @autos = get_auto_defs(); my $amode = $gconfig{'os_version'} > 3 || scalar(@autos); if (!$cfg->{'up'} && !$amode) { push(@options, ['noauto', '']); } if ($cfg->{'ether'}) { push(@options, [ 'hwaddr', ($cfg->{'ether_type'} || 'ether').' '. $cfg->{'ether'} ]); } if ($cfg->{'bridge'}) { &has_command("brctl") || &error("Bridges cannot be created unless the ". "brctl command is installed"); if ($cfg->{'bridgeto'}) { push(@options, [ 'bridge_ports', $cfg->{'bridgeto'} ]); } else { push(@options, [ 'pre-up', 'brctl addbr '.$name ]); } }
# Set bonding parameters if(($cfg->{'bond'} == 1) && ($gconfig{'os_version'} >= 5)) { push(@options, [&bonding_option('mode').' '.$cfg->{'mode'}]); push(@options, [&bonding_option('miimon').' '.$cfg->{'miimon'}]); push(@options, [&bonding_option('updelay').' '.$cfg->{'updelay'}]); push(@options, [&bonding_option('downdelay').' '.$cfg->{'downdelay'}]); push(@options, ['slaves '.$cfg->{'partner'}]); } elsif ($cfg->{'bond'} == 1) { push(@options, ['up', '/sbin/ifenslave '.$cfg->{'name'}." ". $cfg->{'partner'}]); push(@options, ['down', '/sbin/ifenslave -d '.$cfg->{'name'}." ". $cfg->{'partner'}]); }
# Set specific lines for vlan tagging if(($cfg->{'vlan'} == 1) && ($gconfig{'os_version'} < 5)) { push(@options, ['pre-up', 'vconfig add '.$cfg->{'physical'}.' '. $cfg->{'vlanid'}]); push(@options, ['post-down', 'vconfig rem '.$cfg->{'physical'}.' '. $cfg->{'vlanid'}]); } if(($cfg->{'vlan'} == 1) && ($cfg->{'mtu'})) { push(@options, ['pre-up', '/sbin/ifconfig '.$cfg->{'physical'}.' mtu '.$cfg->{'mtu'}]); }
# Find the existing interface section my @ifaces = get_interface_defs(); my $found = 0; my $found6 = 0; foreach $iface (@ifaces) { local $address; foreach my $opt (@{$iface->[3]}) { if($opt->[0] eq 'address'){ $address = $opt->[1]; last; } } if ($iface->[0] eq $cfg->{'fullname'} && $iface->[1] eq 'inet') { # Found interface to change $found = 1; foreach my $o (@{$iface->[3]}) { if ($o->[0] eq 'gateway' || $o->[0] eq 'pre-up' && $o->[1] =~ /brctl/) { push(@options, $o); } } } if ($iface->[0] eq $cfg->{'fullname'} && $iface->[1] eq 'inet6') { # Found IPv6 block $found6 = 1; } }
if (!$found) { # Add a new interface section if ($in{'vlan'} == 1) { &new_interface_def($cfg->{'physical'}.'.'.$cfg->{'vlanid'}, 'inet', $method, \@options); } else { &new_interface_def($cfg->{'fullname'}, 'inet', $method, \@options); } if ($cfg->{'bond'} == 1 && $gconfig{'os_version'} < 5) { &new_module_def($cfg->{'fullname'}, $cfg->{'mode'}, $cfg->{'miimon'}, $cfg->{'downdelay'}, $cfg->{'updelay'}); } } else { # Update existing section if($in{'vlan'} == 1) { &modify_interface_def($cfg->{'physical'}.'.'.$cfg->{'vlanid'}, 'inet', $method, \@options, 0); } else { &modify_interface_def($cfg->{'fullname'}, 'inet', $method, \@options, 0); } if ($cfg->{'bond'} == 1 && $gconfig{'os_version'} < 5) { &modify_module_def($cfg->{'fullname'}, 0, $cfg->{'mode'}, $cfg->{'miimon'}, $cfg->{'downdelay'}, $cfg->{'updelay'}); } }
# Create IPv6 options my @options6; my @address6 = @{$cfg->{'address6'}}; my @netmask6 = @{$cfg->{'netmask6'}}; if (@address6 || $cfg->{'auto6'}) { push(@options6, ['pre-up', '/sbin/modprobe -q ipv6 ; /bin/true']); } if (@address6) { push(@options6, [ "address", shift(@address6) ]); push(@options6, [ "netmask", shift(@netmask6) ]); } while(@address6) { my $a = shift(@address6); my $n = shift(@netmask6); push(@options6, [ "up","ifconfig $cfg->{'fullname'} inet6 add $a/$n" ]); }
# Add, update or delete IPv6 inteface my $method = $cfg->{'auto6'} ? "manual" : "static"; if (!$found6 && @options6) { # Need to add IPv6 block &new_interface_def($cfg->{'fullname'}, 'inet6', $method, \@options6); } elsif ($found6 && @options6) { # Need to update IPv6 block &modify_interface_def($cfg->{'fullname'}, 'inet6', $method, \@options6, 0); } elsif ($found6 && !@options6) { # Need to delete IPv6 block &delete_interface_def($cfg->{'fullname'}, 'inet6'); }
# Set auto option to include this interface, or not if ($amode) { if ($cfg->{'up'}) { if($in{'vlan'} == 1) { @autos = &unique(@autos, $cfg->{'physical'}.'.'. $cfg->{'vlanid'}); } else { @autos = &unique(@autos, $cfg->{'fullname'}); } } else { @autos = grep { $_ ne $cfg->{'fullname'} } @autos; } &modify_auto_defs(@autos); } }
# Modifies a entry in /etc/modprobe.d/arch/i386 that concerns # to the interface mentioned # modify_module_def(name, delete, mode, miimon, downdelay, updelay) sub modify_module_def { return if (!$modules_config); my ($name, $delete, $mode, $miimon, $downdelay, $updelay) = @_; my $modify_block = 0; # make a backup copy copy("$modules_config", "$modules_config~"); local *OLDCFGFILE, *NEWCFGFILE; &open_readfile(OLDCFGFILE, "$modules_config~") || error("Unable to open $modules_config"); &lock_file($network_interfaces_config); &open_tempfile(NEWCFGFILE, "> $modules_config", 1) || error("Unable to open $modules_config");
while (defined ($line=<OLDCFGFILE>)) { chomp($line); @splitted_line = split(" ", $line); if($splitted_line[0] eq 'alias' && $splitted_line[1] eq $name) { # Found start of block we are changing $modify_block = 1; if (!$delete) { &print_tempfile(NEWCFGFILE, $line . "\n"); } } elsif ($splitted_line[0] eq 'alias' && !($splitted_line[1] eq $name)){ # Found start of another block $modify_block = 0; } # if $delete == 1; write nothing if($modify_block == 1 && $splitted_line[0] eq "options" && $delete != 1) { $options_line = "options bonding "; for($i = 2; $i < scalar(@splitted_line); $i++){ ($key, $value) = split("=", $splitted_line[$i]); if($key eq "mode") { $options_line .= "mode=" . $mode . " "; } elsif($key eq "miimon") { $options_line .= "miimon=" . $miimon . " "; } elsif($key eq "downdelay") { $options_line .= "downdelay=" . $downdelay . " "; } elsif($key eq "updelay") { $options_line .= "updelay=" . $updelay . " "; } else { $options_line .= $key . "=" . $value . " "; } } chop($options_line); &print_tempfile(NEWCFGFILE, $options_line . "\n"); $modify_block == 0; } elsif($modify_block == 0) { &print_tempfile(NEWCFGFILE, $line . "\n"); } } &close_tempfile(NEWCFGFILE); &unlock_file($modules_config); }
# Deletes an the module concerning entry # delete_module_def(name) 1 for deleting operation sub delete_module_def { my ($name) = @_; modify_interface_def($name, 1); }
# get_module_defs(device) # Returns the modul options form /etc/modprobe.d/arch/i386 # for a special device # Return hash: ($mode, $miimon, $downdelay, $updelay) sub get_module_defs { return ( ) if (!$modules_config); local *CFGFILE; my($device) = @_; my %ret; &open_readfile(CFGFILE, $modules_config) || error("Unable to open $modules_config"); $line = <CFGFILE>; while(defined($line)){ chomp($line); @params = split(" ", $line); # Search for an entry concerning to the device if($params[0] eq "alias" && $params[1] eq $device){ $line = <CFGFILE>; chomp $line; @params = split(" ", $line); # Check if it is an options line if($params[0] eq "options" && $params[1] eq "bonding") { for($i = 2; $i < scalar(@params); $i++){ ($key, $value) = split("=", $params[$i]); $ret{$key} = $value; } } } $line = <CFGFILE>; } return %ret; }
# creates a new entry for in the modules file # Parameters should be (name, mode, miimon, downdelay, updelay) sub new_module_def { local ($name, $mode, $miimon, $downdelay, $updelay) = @_; return if (!$modules_config); copy("$modules_config", "$modules_config~"); local *CFGFILE; &open_lock_tempfile(CFGFILE, ">> $modules_config") || error("Unable to open $modules_config"); &print_tempfile(CFGFILE, "alias " . $name . " bonding"); &print_tempfile(CFGFILE, "\noptions bonding"); if($mode ne '') { &print_tempfile(CFGFILE, " mode=" . $mode); } if($miimon ne '') { &print_tempfile(CFGFILE, " miimon=" . $miimon); } if($downdelay ne '') { &print_tempfile(CFGFILE, " downdelay=" . $downdelay); } if($updelay ne '') { &print_tempfile(CFGFILE, " updelay=" . $updelay); } # Add Newline &print_tempfile(CFGFILE, "\n"); &close_tempfile(CFGFILE); }
# delete_interface(&details) # Delete a boot-time interface sub delete_interface { my $cfg = $_[0]; &delete_interface_def($cfg->{'fullname'}, 'inet'); if (@{$cfg->{'address6'}}) { &delete_interface_def($cfg->{'fullname'}, 'inet6'); } my @autos = get_auto_defs(); if ($gconfig{'os_version'} >= 3 || scalar(@autos)) { @autos = grep { $_ ne $cfg->{'fullname'} } @autos; &modify_auto_defs(@autos); } }
# can_edit(what) # Can some boot-time interface parameter be edited? sub can_edit { return $_[0]; }
# valid_boot_address(address) # Is some address valid for a bootup interface sub valid_boot_address { return &check_ipaddress_any($_[0]); }
# get_hostname() sub get_hostname { local $hn = &read_file_contents("/etc/hostname"); $hn =~ s/\r|\n//g; if ($hn) { return $hn; } return &get_system_hostname(1); }
# save_hostname(name) sub save_hostname { local (%conf, $f); &system_logged("hostname $_[0] >/dev/null 2>&1"); foreach $f ("/etc/hostname", "/etc/HOSTNAME", "/etc/mailname") { if (-r $f) { &open_lock_tempfile(HOST, ">$f"); &print_tempfile(HOST, $_[0],"\n"); &close_tempfile(HOST); } } undef(@main::get_system_hostname); # clear cache }
# get_domainname() sub get_domainname { local $d; &execute_command("domainname", undef, \$d, undef); chop($d); return $d; }
# save_domainname(domain) sub save_domainname { local %conf; &execute_command("domainname ".quotemeta($_[0])); }
sub routing_config_files { return ( $network_interfaces_config, $sysctl_config ); }
sub network_config_files { return ( "/etc/hostname", "/etc/HOSTNAME", "/etc/mailname" ); }
# show default router and device sub routing_input { local ($addr, $router) = &get_default_gateway(); local ($addr6, $router6) = &get_default_ipv6_gateway(); local @ifaces = grep { $_->[1] eq 'inet' && $_->[0] ne 'lo' } &get_interface_defs(); local @ifaces6 = grep { $_->[1] eq 'inet6' && $_->[0] ne 'lo' } &get_interface_defs();
# Show default gateway print &ui_table_row($text{'routes_default'}, &ui_radio("gateway_def", $addr ? 0 : 1, [ [ 1, $text{'routes_none'} ], [ 0, $text{'routes_gateway'}." ". &ui_textbox("gateway", $addr, 15)." ". &ui_select("gatewaydev", $router, [ map { $_->[0] } @ifaces ]) ] ]));
if (@ifaces6) { # Show default IPv6 gateway print &ui_table_row($text{'routes_default6'}, &ui_radio("gateway6_def", $addr6 ? 0 : 1, [ [ 1, $text{'routes_none'} ], [ 0, $text{'routes_gateway'}." ". &ui_textbox("gateway6", $addr6, 30)." ". &ui_select("gatewaydev6", $router6, [ map { $_->[0] } @ifaces6 ]) ] ])); }
# Act as router? local %sysctl; &read_env_file($sysctl_config, \%sysctl); print &ui_table_row($text{'routes_forward'}, &ui_yesno_radio("forward", $sysctl{'net.ipv4.ip_forward'} ? 1 : 0));
# Get static routes local ($d, @st, @hr); foreach $d (@ifaces) { local ($name, $addrfam, $method, $options) = @$d; local $o; local $onum = -1; foreach $o (@$options) { $onum++; next if ($o->[0] ne "up"); if ($o->[1] =~ /^ip\s+route\s+add\s+([0-9\.]+)\/(\d+)\s+dev\s+(\S+)/) { push(@hr, [ $name, $1, &prefix_to_mask($2) ]); } elsif ($o->[1] =~ /^ip\s+route\s+add\s+([0-9\.]+)\/(\d+)\s+via\s+(\S+)/) { push(@st, [ $name, $1, &prefix_to_mask($2), $3 ]); } } }
# Show static routes via gateways my @table; for($i=0; $i<=@st; $i++) { local $st = $st[$i]; push(@table, [ &ui_textbox("dev_$i", $st->[0], 6), &ui_textbox("net_$i", $st->[1], 15), &ui_textbox("netmask_$i", $st->[2], 15), &ui_textbox("gw_$i", $st->[3], 15), ]); } print &ui_table_row($text{'routes_static'}, &ui_columns_table([ $text{'routes_ifc'}, $text{'routes_net'}, $text{'routes_mask'}, $text{'routes_gateway'} ], undef, \@table, undef, 1));
# Show static host routes my @table; for($i=0; $i<=@hr; $i++) { local $st = $hr[$i]; push(@table, [ &ui_textbox("ldev_$i", $st->[0], 6), &ui_textbox("lnet_$i", $st->[1], 15), &ui_textbox("lnetmask_$i", $st->[2], 15) ]); } print &ui_table_row($text{'routes_local'}, &ui_columns_table([ $text{'routes_ifc'}, $text{'routes_net'}, $text{'routes_mask'} ], undef, \@table, undef, 1)); }
sub parse_routing { # Save IPv4 address local ($dev, $gw); if (!$in{'gateway_def'}) { &check_ipaddress($in{'gateway'}) || &error(&text('routes_egateway', $in{'gateway'})); $gw = $in{'gateway'}; $dev = $in{'gatewaydev'}; } &set_default_gateway($gw, $dev);
# Save IPv6 address local @ifaces6 = grep { $_->[1] eq 'inet6' && $_->[0] ne 'lo' } &get_interface_defs(); if (@ifaces6) { local ($dev6, $gw6); if (!$in{'gateway6_def'}) { &check_ip6address($in{'gateway6'}) || &error(&text('routes_egateway6', $in{'gateway6'})); $gw6 = $in{'gateway6'}; $dev6 = $in{'gatewaydev6'}; } &set_default_ipv6_gateway($gw6, $dev6); }
# Parse static and local routes local %st; local $i; local $dev; for($i=0; defined($dev = $in{"dev_$i"}); $i++) { next if (!$dev); local $net = $in{"net_$i"}; local $netmask = $in{"netmask_$i"}; local $gw = $in{"gw_$i"}; $dev =~ /^\S+$/ || &error(&text('routes_edevice', $dev)); &to_ipaddress($net) || &error(&text('routes_enet', $net)); &check_ipaddress_any($netmask) || &error(&text('routes_emask', $netmask)); &to_ipaddress($gw) || &error(&text('routes_egateway', $gw)); local $prefix = &mask_to_prefix($netmask); push(@{$st{$dev}}, [ "up", "ip route add $net/$prefix via $gw" ]); } local %hr; for($i=0; defined($dev = $in{"ldev_$i"}); $i++) { local $net = $in{"lnet_$i"}; local $netmask = $in{"lnetmask_$i"}; next if (!$dev && !$net); $dev =~ /^\S+$/ || &error(&text('routes_edevice', $dev)); &to_ipaddress($net) || $net =~ /^(\S+)\/(\d+)$/ && &to_ipaddress("$1") || &error(&text('routes_enet', $net)); &check_ipaddress_any($netmask) || &error(&text('routes_emask', $netmask)); local $prefix = &mask_to_prefix($netmask); push(@{$hr{$dev}}, [ "up", "ip route add $net/$prefix dev $dev" ]); }
# Replace old routing directives local @ifaces = &get_interface_defs(); foreach $iface (@ifaces) { local @o = @{$iface->[3]}; @o = grep { $_->[0] ne "up" || $_->[1] !~ /^ip\s+route\s+add/ } @o; push(@o, @{$st{$iface->[0]}}); push(@o, @{$hr{$iface->[0]}}); $iface->[3] = \@o; &modify_interface_def($iface->[0], $iface->[1], $iface->[2], $iface->[3], 0); }
# Save routing flag local %sysctl; &lock_file($sysctl_config); &read_env_file($sysctl_config, \%sysctl); $sysctl{'net.ipv4.ip_forward'} = $in{'forward'}; &write_env_file($sysctl_config, \%sysctl); &unlock_file($sysctl_config); }
############################################################################### # helper functions for file-internal use
# gets a list of interface definitions (including their options) from the # central config file # the returned list is an array whose contents are tupels of # (name, addrfam, method, options) with # name the interface name (e.g. eth0) # addrfam the address family (e.g. inet, inet6) # method the address activation method (e.g. static, dhcp, loopback) # options is a list of (param, value) pairs sub get_interface_defs { local *CFGFILE; my @ret; &open_readfile(CFGFILE, $network_interfaces_config) || error("Unable to open $network_interfaces_config"); # read the file line by line $line = <CFGFILE>; while (defined $line) { chomp($line); # skip comments if ($line =~ /^\s*#/ || $line =~ /^\s*$/) { $line = <CFGFILE>; next; }
if ($line =~ /^\s*auto/) { # skip auto stanzas $line = <CFGFILE>; while(defined($line) && $line !~ /^\s*(iface|mapping|auto)/) { $line = <CFGFILE>; next; } } elsif ($line =~ /^\s*mapping/) { # skip mapping stanzas $line = <CFGFILE>; while(defined($line) && $line !~ /^\s*(iface|mapping|auto)/) { $line = <CFGFILE>; next; } } elsif ($line =~ /^\s*source/) { # Skip includes $line = <CFGFILE>; } elsif (my ($name, $addrfam, $method) = ($line =~ /^\s*iface\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*$/) ) { # only lines starting with "iface" are expected here my @iface_options; # now read everything until the next iface definition $line = <CFGFILE>; while (defined $line && ! ($line =~ /^\s*(iface|mapping|auto)/)) { # skip comments and empty lines if ($line =~ /^\s*#/ || $line =~ /^\s*$/) { $line = <CFGFILE>; next; } my ($param, $value); if ( ($param, $value) = ($line =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s+(.*)\s*$/) ) { push(@iface_options, [$param, $value]); } elsif ( ($param) = ($line =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s*$/) ) { push(@iface_options, [$param, '']); } else { error("Error in option line: '$line' invalid"); } $line = <CFGFILE>; } push(@ret, [$name, $addrfam, $method, \@iface_options]); } else { error("Error reading file $pathname: unexpected line '$line'"); } } close(CFGFILE); return @ret; }
# get_auto_defs() # Returns a list of interfaces in auto lines sub get_auto_defs { local @rv; &open_readfile(CFGFILE, $network_interfaces_config); while(<CFGFILE>) { s/\r|\n//g; s/^\s*#.*$//g; if (/^\s*auto\s*(.*)/) { push(@rv, split(/\s+/, $1)); } } close(CFGFILE); return @rv; }
# modify_auto_defs(iface, ...) # Replaces all auto lines with one containing the interfaces given as params sub modify_auto_defs { local $lref = &read_file_lines($network_interfaces_config); local $i; local $found; local @ifaces = sort { length($a) <=> length($b) } @_; for($i=0; $i<@$lref; $i++) { local $l = $lref->[$i]; $l =~ s/\r|\n//g; $l =~ s/^\s*#.*$//g; if ($l =~ /^\s*auto\s*(.*)/) { if (!$found++) { # Replace the auto line $lref->[$i] = "auto ".join(" ", @ifaces); } else { # Remove another auto line splice(@$lref, $i--, 1); } } } if (!$found) { splice(@$lref, 0, 0, "auto ".join(" ", @ifaces)); } &flush_file_lines(); }
# modifies the options of an already stored interface definition # the parameters should be (name, addrfam, method, options, mode) # with options being an array of (param, value) pairs # and mode being 0 for modify and 1 for delete sub modify_interface_def { my ($name, $addrfam, $method, $options, $mode) = @_; # make a backup copy copy("$network_interfaces_config", "$network_interfaces_config~"); local *OLDCFGFILE, *NEWCFGFILE; &open_readfile(OLDCFGFILE, "$network_interfaces_config~") || error("Unable to open $network_interfaces_config"); &lock_file($network_interfaces_config); &open_tempfile(NEWCFGFILE, "> $network_interfaces_config", 1) || error("Unable to open $network_interfaces_config");
my $inside_modify_region = 0; my $iface_line = 0; my $new_options_wrote; while (defined ($line=<OLDCFGFILE>)) { if ($inside_modify_region == 0 && $line =~ /^\s*iface\s+$name\s+$addrfam\s+\S+\s*$/) { # Start of the iface section to modify $inside_modify_region = 1; $iface_line = 1; $new_options_wrote = 0; } elsif ($inside_modify_region == 1 && ($line =~ /^\s*iface\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s*$/ || $line =~ /^\s*mapping/ || $line =~ /^\s*auto/)) { # End of an iface section $inside_modify_region = 0; } # preserve comments and blank lnks if ($line =~ /^\s*#/ || $line =~ /^\s*$/) { &print_tempfile(NEWCFGFILE, $line); } # inside modify region or not ? elsif ($inside_modify_region == 0) { &print_tempfile(NEWCFGFILE, $line); } else { # should the iface line be changed or the options ? if ($iface_line == 1 && $mode == 0) { &print_tempfile(NEWCFGFILE, "iface $name $addrfam $method\n"); } # only write the new options and skip the old ones or just do # nothing if mode is delete # write only upon first entrance here if ($mode == 0 && $new_options_wrote == 0) { $new_options_wrote = 1; foreach $option (@$options) { my ($param, $value) = @$option; &print_tempfile(NEWCFGFILE, "\t$param $value\n"); } } } $iface_line = 0; }
close(OLDCFGFILE); &close_tempfile(NEWCFGFILE); &unlock_file($network_interfaces_config); }
# creates a new interface definition in the config file # the parameters should be (name, addrfam, method, options) # with options being an array of (param, value) pairs # the selection key is (name, addrfam) sub new_interface_def { # make a backup copy copy("$network_interfaces_config", "$network_interfaces_config~"); local *CFGFILE; &open_lock_tempfile(CFGFILE, ">> $network_interfaces_config") || error("Unable to open $network_interfaces_config"); local ($name, $addrfam, $method, $options) = @_; &print_tempfile(CFGFILE, "\niface $name $addrfam $method\n"); foreach $option (@$options) { my ($param, $value) = @$option; &print_tempfile(CFGFILE, "\t$param $value\n"); } &close_tempfile(CFGFILE); }
# delete an already defined interface # the parameters should be (name, addrfam) sub delete_interface_def { local ($name, $addrfam, $method) = @_; &modify_interface_def($name, $addrfam, '', [], 1); &modify_module_def($name, 1); }
sub os_feedback_files { return ( $network_interfaces_config, "/etc/nsswitch.conf", "/etc/resolv.conf", "/etc/HOSTNAME" ); }
# apply_network() # Apply the interface and routing settings sub apply_network { &system_logged("(cd / ; /etc/init.d/networking restart) >/dev/null 2>&1"); }
# get_default_gateway() # Returns the default gateway IP (if one is set) and device (if set) boot time # settings. sub get_default_gateway { local @ifaces = &get_interface_defs(); local ($router, $addr); foreach $iface (grep { $_->[1] eq 'inet' } @ifaces) { foreach $o (@{$iface->[3]}) { if ($o->[0] eq 'gateway') { return ( $o->[1], $iface->[0] ); } } } return ( ); }
# set_default_gateway([gateway, device]) # Sets the default gateway to the given IP accessible via the given device, # in the boot time settings. sub set_default_gateway { local @ifaces = &get_interface_defs(); foreach my $iface (grep { $_->[1] eq 'inet' } @ifaces) { # Remove the gateway directive $iface->[3] = [ grep { $_->[0] ne 'gateway' } @{$iface->[3]} ];
# Add if needed if ($iface->[0] eq $_[1]) { push(@{$iface->[3]}, [ 'gateway', $_[0] ]); } &modify_interface_def(@$iface); } }
# get_default_ipv6_gateway() # Returns the default gateway IPv6 address (if one is set) and device (if set) # boot time settings. sub get_default_ipv6_gateway { local @ifaces = &get_interface_defs(); local ($router, $addr); foreach $iface (grep { $_->[1] eq 'inet6' } @ifaces) { foreach $o (@{$iface->[3]}) { if ($o->[0] eq 'gateway') { return ( $o->[1], $iface->[0] ); } } } return ( ); }
# set_default_ipv6_gateway([gateway, device]) # Sets the default IPv6 gateway to the given IP accessible via the given device, # in the boot time settings. sub set_default_ipv6_gateway { local @ifaces = &get_interface_defs(); foreach my $iface (grep { $_->[1] eq 'inet6' } @ifaces) { # Remove the gateway directive $iface->[3] = [ grep { $_->[0] ne 'gateway' } @{$iface->[3]} ];
# Add if needed if ($iface->[0] eq $_[1] && $_[0]) { push(@{$iface->[3]}, [ 'gateway', $_[0] ]); } &modify_interface_def(@$iface); } }
# get_teaming_partner(devicename, line) # Gets the teamingpartner of a configuration line # Example configuration line: "/sbin/ifenslave bond0 eth0 eth1" sub get_teaming_partner { my($deviceName, $line) = @_; @params = split(/ /, $line); my $return; for($i = scalar(@params); $i > 0; $i--){ if($deviceName eq $params[$i]){ break; } else { $return = $params[$i] . " " . $return; } } chop $return; return $return; }
sub supports_bonding { return $gconfig{'os_type'} eq 'debian-linux' && &has_command("ifenslave"); }
sub supports_vlans { return $gconfig{'os_type'} eq 'debian-linux' && &has_command("vconfig"); }
sub boot_iface_hardware { return $_[0] =~ /^(eth|em)/; }
# supports_address6([&iface]) # Returns 1 if managing IPv6 interfaces is supported sub supports_address6 { local ($iface) = @_; return !$iface || $iface->{'virtual'} eq ''; }
# Returns 1, as boot-time interfaces on Debian can exist without an IP (such as # for bridging) sub supports_no_address { return 1; }
# Bridge interfaces can be created on debian sub supports_bridges { return 1; }
# bonding_option(suffix) # Adds bond_ or bond- as appropriate sub bonding_option { my ($sfx) = @_; return ($gconfig{'os_version'} >= 7 ? "bond-" : "bond_").$sfx; }