Viewing file: edit_mount.cgi (4.11 KB) -rwxr-xr-x Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
#!/usr/bin/perl # edit_mount.cgi # Display a form for editing or creating a permanent or temporary mounting.
require './'; &error_setup($text{'edit_err'}); &ReadParse(); if (defined($in{index})) { if ($in{temp}) { # Edit a temporary mount, existing only in the mnttab @mlist = &list_mounted(); @minfo = @{$mlist[$in{index}]}; $mnow = 1; $msave = 0; } else { # Edit a permanent mount, which may or may not be currently # mounted. @mlist = &list_mounts(); @minfo = @{$mlist[$in{index}]}; $msave = 1; $mnow = (&get_mounted($minfo[0], $minfo[1]) >= 0); } if ($in{index} >= @mlist) { &error($text{'edit_egone'}); } &can_edit_fs(@minfo) && !$access{'only'} || &error($text{'edit_ecannot'}); $type = $minfo[2]; &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'edit_title'}, ""); $newm = 0; } else { # creating a new mount (temporary or permanent) $type = $in{type}; &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'create_title'}, ""); $newm = 1; } @mmodes = &mount_modes($type); $msave = ($mmodes[0]==0 ? 0 : $msave); $mnow = ($mmodes[1]==0 ? $msave : $mnow);
# Start of the form print &ui_form_start("save_mount.cgi", "post"); print &ui_hidden("return", $in{'return'}); if (!$newm) { print &ui_hidden("old", $in{'index'}); print &ui_hidden("temp", $in{'temp'}); print &ui_hidden("oldmnow", $mnow); print &ui_hidden("oldmsave", $msave); } print &ui_hidden("type", $type); print &ui_table_start(&text('edit_header', &fstype_name($type)), "width=100%", 2, [ "width=20%" ]);
# Mount point if ($type eq "swap") { $mfield = "<i>$text{'edit_swap'}</i>"; } else { local $dir = $minfo[0] || $in{'newdir'}; if (@access_fs == 1) { # Make relative to first allowed dir $dir =~ s/^$access_fs[0]\///; } $mfield = &ui_textbox("directory", $dir, 40); if ($access{'browse'}) { $mfield .= " ".&file_chooser_button("directory", 1); } } print &ui_table_row(&hlink($text{'edit_dir'}, "edit_dir"), $mfield);
# Total and free space if (!$newm) { ($size,$free) = &disk_space($type, $minfo[0]); if ($size) { print &ui_table_row($text{'edit_usage'}, "<b>$text{'edit_size'}</b> ". &nice_size($size*1024)." ". "<b>$text{'edit_free'}</b> ". &nice_size($free*1024)); } }
# Show save mount options if ($mmodes[0] != 0) { @opts = ( [ 2, $text{'edit_boot'} ] ); if ($mmodes[0] != 1) { push(@opts, [ 1, $text{'edit_save'} ]); } if (!$newm && $mmodes[1] == 0) { push(@opts, [ 0, $text{'edit_delete'} ]); } else { push(@opts, [ 0, $text{'edit_dont'} ]); } print &ui_table_row($text{'edit_savemount'}, &ui_radio("msave", $minfo[5] eq "yes" || $newm ? 2 : $minfo[5] eq "no" ? 1 : $minfo[5] eq "" && !$newm ? 0 : undef, \@opts)); }
# Show mount now options if ($mmodes[1] == 1 && ($mmodes[3] == 0 || !$mnow)) { print &ui_table_row($text{'edit_now'}, &ui_radio("mmount", $mnow || $newm ? 1 : 0, [ [ 1, $text{'edit_mount'} ], [ 0, $mmodes[0] == 0 ? $text{'edit_delete'} : $newm ? $text{'edit_dont2'} : $text{'edit_unmount'} ] ])); }
# Show fsck order options if ($mmodes[2]) { $second = $minfo[4] > 1 ? $minfo[4] : 2; print &ui_table_row($text{'edit_order'}, &ui_radio("order", $newm || $minfo[4] == 0 ? 0 : $minfo[4] == 1 ? 1 : $second, [ [ 0, $text{'no'} ], [ 1, $text{'edit_first'} ], [ $second, $text{'edit_second'} ] ])); }
# Show filesystem-specific mount source &generate_location($type, $minfo[1] || $in{'newdev'}); print &ui_table_end();
if (!defined($access{'opts'}) || $access{'opts'} =~ /$type/) { # generate mount options print &ui_table_start($text{'edit_adv'}, "width=100%", 4, [ "width=20%" ]); &parse_options($type, $minfo[3]); &generate_options($type, $newm); print &ui_table_end(); }
# Save and other buttons if ($newm) { print &ui_form_end([ [ undef, $text{'create'} ] ]); } elsif ($mnow && $minfo[2] ne "swap") { &foreign_require("proc"); print &ui_hidden("lsoffs", $minfo[0]); print &ui_form_end([ [ undef, $text{'save'} ], $proc::has_fuser_command ? ( [ 'lsof', $text{'edit_list'} ] ) : ( ) ]); } else { print &ui_form_end([ [ undef, $text{'save'} ] ]); }
&ui_print_footer($in{'return'}, $text{'index_return'});