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# # Functions for printer drivers as created by redhat
%paper_sizes = ( 'a4', 'A4', 'a3', 'A3', 'letter', 'US Letter', 'legal', 'Legal', 'ledger', 'Ledger' ); $rhs_drivers_file = "/usr/lib/rhs/rhs-printfilters/printerdb"; $base_driver = "/usr/lib/rhs/rhs-printfilters/master-filter"; $smb_driver = "/usr/lib/rhs/rhs-printfilters//smbprint"; $ncp_driver = "/usr/lib/rhs/rhs-printfilters//ncpprint";
# is_windows_driver(path, %driver) # Returns a driver structure if some path is a windows driver sub is_windows_driver { local $sd = "$config{'spool_dir'}/$_[1]->{'name'}"; if (($_[0] eq $smb_driver || $_[0] eq "$sd/filter") && -r "$sd/.config" && $_[1]->{'comment'} =~ /^##PRINTTOOL3##\s+SMB/) { # Looks like a redhat SMB driver local %sconfig; &read_env_file("$sd/.config", \%sconfig); $sconfig{'share'} =~ /^\\\\(.*)\\(.*)$/; return { 'server' => $1, 'share' => $2, 'user' => $sconfig{'user'}, 'pass' => $sconfig{'password'}, 'workgroup' => $sconfig{'workgroup'}, 'program' => $_[0] eq "$sd/filter" ? "$sd/filter" : undef }; } return undef; }
# is_driver(path, &printer) # Returns a structure containing the details of a driver sub is_driver { if (!$_[0]) { return { 'mode' => 0, 'desc' => "$text{'redhat_none'}" }; } local $sd = "$config{'spool_dir'}/$_[1]->{'name'}"; if ($_[0] eq "$sd/filter" && $_[1]->{'comment'} =~ /^##PRINTTOOL3##\s+(LOCAL|REMOTE|SMB)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+\S+\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+/) { # Looks like a redhat driver .. local ($r, $rhs); foreach $r (&read_rhs_drivers()) { $rhs = $r if ($r->{'name'} eq $5); } local (%general, %postscript, %textonly); &read_env_file("$sd/general.cfg", \%general); &read_env_file("$sd/postscript.cfg", \%postscript); &read_env_file("$sd/textonly.cfg", \%textonly); return { 'mode' => 1, 'gsdevice' => $postscript{'GSDEVICE'}, 'res' => $postscript{'RESOLUTION'}, 'paper' => $postscript{'PAPERSIZE'}, 'gsopts' => $postscript{'EXTRA_GS_OPTIONS'}, 'eof' => lc($textonly{'TEXT_SEND_EOF'}), 'nup' => $postscript{'NUP'}, 'hmargin' => $postscript{'RTLFTMAR'}, 'vmargin' => $postscript{'TOPBOTMAR'}, 'crlf' => $textonly{'CRLFTRANS'}, 'bpp' => $postscript{'COLOR'} =~ /-dBitsPerPixel=(\d+)/ ? $1 : $postscript{'COLOR'}, 'rhsname' => $rhs->{'name'}, 'desc' => $rhs->{'desc'} }; } else { # Some other kind of driver return { 'mode' => 2, 'file' => $_[0], 'desc' => $_[0] }; } }
# create_windows_driver(&printer, &driver) # Creates a new windows printer driver sub create_windows_driver { local $sd = "$config{'spool_dir'}/$_[0]->{'name'}";
# Create the config file and driver local %sconfig; &read_env_file("$sd/.config", \%sconfig); $sconfig{'share'} = "\\\\$_[1]->{'server'}\\$_[1]->{'share'}"; $sconfig{'hostip'} = $_[1]->{'server'} eq $config{'hostip'} ? $sconfig{'hostip'} : undef; $sconfig{'user'} = $_[1]->{'user'}; $sconfig{'password'} = $_[1]->{'pass'}; $sconfig{'workgroup'} = $_[1]->{'workgroup'}; &lock_file($sd); mkdir($sd, 0755); &unlock_file($sd); &open_lock_tempfile(ENV, ">$sd/.config"); &print_tempfile(ENV, "share='$sconfig{'share'}'\n"); &print_tempfile(ENV, "hostip=$sconfig{'hostip'}\n"); &print_tempfile(ENV, "user='$sconfig{'user'}'\n"); &print_tempfile(ENV, "password='$sconfig{'password'}'\n"); &print_tempfile(ENV, "workgroup='$sconfig{'workgroup'}'\n"); &close_tempfile(ENV);
# Setup the comment and return the driver local $drv = &is_driver($_[1]->{'program'}, $_[0]); if ($drv->{'mode'} == 1) { local %general; &lock_file("$sd/general.cfg"); &read_env_file("$sd/general.cfg", \%general); $general{'PRINTER_TYPE'} = 'SMB'; &write_env_file("$sd/general.cfg", \%general, 1); &unlock_file("$sd/general.cfg"); $_[0]->{'comment'} =~ s/\s+LOCAL\s+/ SMB /; return $_[1]->{'program'}; } else { $_[0]->{'comment'} = "##PRINTTOOL3## SMB"; return $smb_driver; } }
# create_driver(&printer, &driver) # Creates a new local printer driver and returns the path sub create_driver { local ($prn, $drv) = @_; if ($drv->{'mode'} == 0) { $prn->{'comment'} = join(" ", "##PRINTTOOL3##", $prn->{'rhost'} ? "REMOTE" : "LOCAL"); return undef; } elsif ($drv->{'mode'} == 2) { $prn->{'comment'} = join(" ", "##PRINTTOOL3##", $prn->{'rhost'} ? "REMOTE" : "LOCAL"); return $drv->{'file'}; } else { if (!-d $config{'spool_dir'}) { &lock_file($config{'spool_dir'}); mkdir($config{'spool_dir'}, 0755); &unlock_file($config{'spool_dir'}); &system_logged("chown $config{'iface_owner'} $config{'spool_dir'}"); } local $sd = "$config{'spool_dir'}/$_[0]->{'name'}";
# create the config files local (%general, %postscript, %textonly); &lock_file("$sd/general.cfg"); &lock_file("$sd/postscript.cfg"); &lock_file("$sd/textonly.cfg"); &read_env_file("$sd/general.cfg", \%general); &read_env_file("$sd/postscript.cfg", \%postscript); &read_env_file("$sd/textonly.cfg", \%textonly); if (!%general) { # setup for the first time.. %general = ( 'DESIRED_TO', 'ps', 'ASCII_TO_PS', 'NO' ); } $general{'PAPERSIZE'} = $drv->{'paper'}; $general{'PRINTER_TYPE'} = $_[0]->{'rhost'} ? "REMOTE" : "LOCAL"; $postscript{'GSDEVICE'} = $drv->{'gsdevice'}; $postscript{'RESOLUTION'} = $drv->{'res'} ? $drv->{'res'} : "NAxNA"; $postscript{'COLOR'} = $drv->{'bpp'} =~ /^\d+$/ ? "-dBitsPerPixel=$drv->{'bpp'}" : $drv->{'bpp'}; $postscript{'PAPERSIZE'} = $drv->{'paper'}; $postscript{'EXTRA_GS_OPTIONS'} = $drv->{'gsopts'}; $postscript{'PS_SEND_EOF'} = uc($drv->{'eof'}); $postscript{'NUP'} = $drv->{'nup'}; $postscript{'RTLFTMAR'} = $drv->{'hmargin'}; $postscript{'TOPBOTMAR'} = $drv->{'vmargin'}; $textonly{'TEXT_SEND_EOF'} = uc($drv->{'eof'}); $textonly{'CRLFTRANS'} = $drv->{'crlf'}; &lock_file($sd); mkdir($sd, 0755); &unlock_file($sd); &write_env_file("$sd/general.cfg", \%general, 1); &write_env_file("$sd/postscript.cfg", \%postscript); &write_env_file("$sd/textonly.cfg", \%textonly); &unlock_file("$sd/general.cfg"); &unlock_file("$sd/postscript.cfg"); &unlock_file("$sd/textonly.cfg");
# create the comment $_[0]->{'comment'} = join(" ", "##PRINTTOOL3##", $_[0]->{'rhost'} ? "REMOTE" : "LOCAL", $drv->{'gsdevice'}, $drv->{'res'} ? $drv->{'res'} : "NAxNA", $drv->{'paper'}, "{}", $drv->{'rhsname'}, $drv->{'bpp'} ? $drv->{'bpp'} : "Default", $drv->{'crlf'} ? 1 : "{}" );
# copy the standard filter into place &lock_file("$sd/filter"); unlink("$sd/filter"); ©_source_dest("$base_driver", "$sd/filter"); &unlock_file("$sd/filter"); return "$sd/filter"; } }
# delete_driver(name) sub delete_driver { local $sd = "$config{'spool_dir'}/$_[0]"; unlink("$sd/.config", "$sd/filter"); unlink("$sd/general.cfg", "$sd/postscript.cfg", "$sd/textonly.cfg"); }
# driver_input(&printer, &driver) sub driver_input { local ($prn, $drv) = @_;
printf "<tr> <td><input type=radio name=mode value=0 %s> %s</td>\n", $drv->{'mode'} == 0 ? "checked" : "", $text{'redhat_none'}; print "<td>($text{'redhat_nonemsg'})</td> </tr>\n";
printf "<tr> <td><input type=radio name=mode value=2 %s> %s</td>\n", $drv->{'mode'} == 2 ? "checked" : "", $text{'redhat_prog'}; printf "<td><input name=iface value=\"%s\" size=35></td> </tr>\n", $drv->{'mode'} == 2 ? $drv->{'file'} : "";
printf "<tr> <td valign=top><input type=radio name=mode value=1 %s>\n", $drv->{'mode'} == 1 ? "checked" : ""; print "$text{'redhat_driver'}</td> <td><table width=100%>";
print "<tr> <td valign=top><b>$text{'redhat_printer'}</b></td>\n"; print "<td colspan=3><select size=5 name=gsdevice onChange='setres(0)'>\n"; local @rhs = &read_rhs_drivers(); local ($r, $select_res, $rr); local $bpp = $drv->{'bpp'}; local $res = $drv->{'res'}; foreach $r (@rhs) { local @res; if ($r->{'res'} && $r->{'bpp'}) { foreach $rr (@{$r->{'res'}}) { push(@res, map { "$rr->[0]x$rr->[1], $_->[0] DPI, $_->[1]" } @{$r->{'bpp'}}); } for($i=0; $i<@res; $i++) { $select_res = $i if ($res[$i] =~ /^$res, $bpp / && $drv->{'rhsname'} eq $r->{'name'}); } } elsif ($r->{'res'}) { @res = map { "$_->[0]x$_->[1]" } @{$r->{'res'}}; $select_res = &indexof($res, @res) if ($drv->{'rhsname'} eq $r->{'name'}); } else { @res = map { "$_->[1], $_->[0]" } @{$r->{'bpp'}}; for($i=0; $i<@res; $i++) { $select_res = $i if ($res[$i] =~ / $bpp$/ && $drv->{'rhsname'} eq $r->{'name'}); } } printf "<option value='%s' %s>%s\n", $r->{'name'}.";".join(";", @res), $drv->{'rhsname'} eq $r->{'name'} ? 'selected' : '', $r->{'desc'}; } print "</select><select size=5 name=res width=250>\n"; print "</select></td> </tr>\n";
print "<tr> <td><b>$text{'redhat_eof'}</b></td>\n"; printf "<td><input type=radio name=eof value=yes %s> $text{'yes'}\n", $drv->{'eof'} eq 'yes' ? 'checked' : ''; printf "<input type=radio name=eof value=no %s> $text{'no'}</td>\n", $drv->{'eof'} eq 'yes' ? '' : 'checked';
print "<td><b>$text{'redhat_paper'}</b></td> <td><select name=paper>\n"; foreach $p (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %paper_sizes) { printf "<option value='%s' %s>%s\n", $p, $drv->{'paper'} eq $p ? 'selected' : '', $paper_sizes{$p}; } print "</select></td> </tr>\n";
print "<tr> <td><b>$text{'redhat_pages'}</b></td>\n"; print "<td><select name=nup>\n"; foreach $p (1, 2, 4, 8) { printf "<option %s>%s\n", $drv->{'nup'} == $p ? 'selected' : '', $p; } print "</select></td>\n";
print "<td><b>$text{'redhat_gsopts'}</b></td>\n"; printf "<td><input name=gsopts size=30 value='%s'></td> </tr>\n", $drv->{'gsopts'};
print "<tr> <td><b>$text{'redhat_hmargin'}</b></td>\n"; printf "<td><input name=hmargin size=6 value='%s'></td>\n", $drv->{'hmargin'} ? $drv->{'hmargin'} : 18;
print "<td><b>$text{'redhat_vmargin'}</b></td>\n"; printf "<td><input name=vmargin size=6 value='%s'></td> </tr>\n", $drv->{'vmargin'} ? $drv->{'vmargin'} : 18;
print "<tr> <td><b>$text{'redhat_crlf'}</b></td>\n"; printf "<td><input type=radio name=crlf value=1 %s> $text{'yes'}\n", $drv->{'crlf'} ? 'checked' : ''; printf "<input type=radio name=crlf value=0 %s> $text{'no'}</td>\n", $drv->{'crlf'} ? '' : 'checked';
print "</table></td></tr>\n";
return <<EOF; <script> function setres(sel) { var idx = document.forms[0].gsdevice.selectedIndex; var v = new String(document.forms[0].gsdevice.options[idx].value); var vv = v.split(";"); var res = document.forms[0].res; res.length = 0; for(var i=1; i<vv.length; i++) { res.options[i-1] = new Option(vv[i], i-1); } if (res.length > 0) { res.options[sel].selected = true; } } setres($select_res); </script> EOF
# parse_driver() # Parse driver selection from %in and return a driver structure sub parse_driver { if ($in{'mode'} == 0) { return { 'mode' => 0 }; } elsif ($in{'mode'} == 2) { (-x $in{'iface'}) || &error(&text('redhat_eprog', $in{'iface'})); return { 'mode' => 2, 'file' => $in{'iface'} }; } elsif ($in{'mode'} == 1) { $in{'gsdevice'} || &error($text{'redhat_edriver'}); $in{'hmargin'} =~ /^\d+$/ || &error($text{'redhat_ehmargin'}); $in{'vmargin'} =~ /^\d+$/ || &error($text{'redhat_evmargin'}); local $drv = { 'mode' => 1, 'eof' => $in{'eof'}, 'paper' => $in{'paper'}, 'nup' => $in{'nup'}, 'gsopts' => $in{'gsopts'}, 'hmargin' => $in{'hmargin'}, 'vmargin' => $in{'vmargin'}, 'crlf' => $in{'crlf'} };
local ($r, $rhs); $in{'gsdevice'} =~ s/;.*$//; foreach $r (&read_rhs_drivers()) { $rhs = $r if ($r->{'name'} eq $in{'gsdevice'}); } if ($rhs->{'res'} && $rhs->{'bpp'}) { defined($in{'res'}) || &error($text{'redhat_eres'}); local $bc = @{$rhs->{'bpp'}}; local $rs = $rhs->{'res'}->[$in{'res'} / $bc]; local $bp = $rhs->{'bpp'}->[$in{'res'} % $bc]; $drv->{'res'} = $rs->[0].'x'.$rs->[1]; $drv->{'bpp'} = $bp->[0]; } elsif ($rhs->{'res'}) { defined($in{'res'}) || &error($text{'redhat_eres'}); local $rs = $rhs->{'res'}->[$in{'res'}]; $drv->{'res'} = $rs->[0].'x'.$rs->[1]; } elsif ($rhs->{'bpp'}) { defined($in{'res'}) || &error($text{'redhat_eres'}); $drv->{'bpp'} = $rhs->{'bpp'}->[$in{'res'}]->[0]; } $drv->{'rhsname'} = $rhs->{'name'}; $drv->{'gsdevice'} = $rhs->{'gsdriver'}; return $drv; } }
sub read_rhs_drivers { local (@rv, $drv); open(DRV, $rhs_drivers_file); while(<DRV>) { s/#.*$//g; s/\r|\n//g; if (/^\s*StartEntry:\s+(.*)/) { push(@rv, $drv = { 'name' => $1 }); } elsif (/^\s*GSDriver:\s+(\S+)/) { $drv->{'gsdriver'} = $1; } elsif (/^\s*Description:\s+{(.*)}/) { $drv->{'desc'} = $1; } elsif (/^\s*Resolution:\s+{(\d+)}\s+{(\d+)}/) { push(@{$drv->{'res'}}, [ $1, $2 ]); } elsif (/^\s*BitsPerPixel:\s+{(\S+)}\s+{(.*)}/) { push(@{$drv->{'bpp'}}, [ $1, $2 ]); } } close(DRV); return @rv; }