!c99Shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #16!

Software: Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS). PHP/5.1.6 

uname -a: Linux mx-ll-110-164-51-230.static.3bb.co.th 2.6.18-194.el5PAE #1 SMP Fri Apr 2 15:37:44
EDT 2010 i686

uid=48(apache) gid=48(apache) groups=48(apache) 

Safe-mode: OFF (not secure)

/usr/libexec/webmin/logrotate/   drwxr-xr-x
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# logrotate-lib.pl
# Common functions for parsing the logrotate configuration file

BEGIN { push(@INC, ".."); };
use WebminCore;

if (open(VERSION, "$module_config_directory/version")) {
    chop($logrotate_version = <VERSION>);

# Use sample config if it exists but real config doesn't yet
if (!-r $config{'logrotate_conf'} && -r $config{'sample_conf'}) {
    &copy_source_dest($config{'sample_conf'}, $config{'logrotate_conf'});

sub get_config_parent
if (!$get_config_parent_cache) {
    local ($conf, $lines) = &get_config();
    $get_config_parent_cache = { 'members' => $conf,
                      'file' => $config{'logrotate_conf'},
                      'line' => 0,
                      'eline' => $lines,
                     'global' => 1 };
return $get_config_parent_cache;

# get_config([file])
# Returns a list of logrotate config file entries
sub get_config
local $file = $_[0] || $config{'logrotate_conf'};
if (!$_[0] && $get_config_cache{$file}) {
    return wantarray ? ( $get_config_cache{$file},
                 $get_config_files_cache{$file} )
             : $get_config_cache{$file};
local @files = ( $file );
local @rv;
local $addto = \@rv;
local $section = undef;
local $lnum = 0;
local $fh = "FILE".$file_count++;
open($fh, $file);
while(<$fh>) {
    if (/^\s*(.*){\s*$/) {
        # Start of a section
        push(@name, &split_words($1));
        $section = { 'name' => [ @name ],
                 'members' => [ ],
                 'index' => scalar(@$addto),
                 'line' => defined($namestart) ? $namestart : $lnum,
                 'eline' => $lnum,
                 'file' => $file };
        push(@$addto, $section);
        $addto = $section->{'members'};
        @name = ( );
        $namestart = undef;
    elsif ((/^\s*\// || /^\s*"\//) && !$section) {
        # A path before a section
        $namestart = $lnum if (!@name);
        push(@name, &split_words($_));
    elsif (/^\s*}\s*$/) {
        # End of a section
        $addto = \@rv;
        $section->{'eline'} = $lnum;
        $section = undef;
    elsif (/^\s*include\s+(.*)$/i) {
        # Including other directives files
        local $incfile = $1;
        if (-d $incfile) {
            # Multiple files!
            local $f;
            opendir(DIR, $incfile);
            local @dirs = sort { $a cmp $b } readdir(DIR);
            foreach $f (@dirs) {
                next if ($f =~ /^\./ ||
                     $f =~ /\.rpm(save|orig|new)$/ ||
                     $f =~ /\~$/ ||
                     $f =~ /,v$/ ||
                     $f =~ /\.swp$/ ||
                     $f =~ /\.lock$/);
                local ($inc, $ilnum, $ifiles) =
                push(@files, @$ifiles);
                map { $_->{'index'} += @$addto } @$inc;
                push(@$addto, @$inc);
        else {
            # A single file
            local ($inc, $ilnum, $ifiles) = &get_config($incfile);
            push(@files, @$ifiles);
            map { $_->{'index'} += @$addto } @$inc;
            push(@$addto, @$inc);
    elsif (/^\s*(\S+)\s*(.*)$/) {
        # Single directive
        local $dir =  { 'name' => $1,
                'value' => $2,
                    'index' => scalar(@$addto),
                'line' => $lnum,
                'eline' => $lnum,
                'file' => $file };
        push(@$addto, $dir);
        if ($1 eq 'postrotate' || $1 eq 'prerotate') {
            # Followed by a multi-line script!
            while(<$fh>) {
                last if (/^\s*(endscript|endrotate)\s*$/);
                $dir->{'script'} .= $_."\n";
            $dir->{'eline'} = $lnum;
if (!$_[0]) {
    $get_config_cache{$file} = \@rv;
    $get_config_lnum_cache{$file} = $lnum;
    $get_config_files_cache{$file} = \@files;
return wantarray ? (\@rv, $lnum, \@files) : \@rv;

sub split_words
local @rv;
local $str = $_[0];
while($str =~ /^\s*"(.*)"(.*)$/ || $str =~ /^\s*(\S+)(.*)$/) {
    push(@rv, $1);
    $str = $2;
return @rv;

sub join_words
return join(" ", map { /\s/ ? "\"$_\"" : $_ } @_);

# find(name, &config)
sub find
local @rv = grep { lc($_->{'name'}) eq lc($_[0]) } @{$_[1]};
return wantarray ? @rv : $rv[0];

# find_value(name, &config)
sub find_value
local @rv = map { defined($_->{'script'}) ? $_->{'script'} : $_->{'value'} }
        grep { lc($_->{'name'}) eq lc($_[0]) } @{$_[1]};
return wantarray ? @rv : $rv[0];

# get_logrotate_version(&out)
sub get_logrotate_version
local $out = &backquote_command("$config{'logrotate'} -v 2>&1", 1);
${$_[0]} = $out if ($_[0]);
return $out =~ /logrotate\s+([0-9\.]+)\s/ ||
       $out =~ /logrotate\-([0-9\.]+)\s/ ? $1 : undef;

# get_period(&conf)
sub get_period
foreach $p ("daily", "weekly", "monthly") {
    local $ex = &find($p, $_[0]);
    return $p if ($ex);
return undef;

# save_directive(&parent, &old|name, &new, [indent])
sub save_directive
local $conf = $_[0]->{'members'};
local $old = !defined($_[1]) ? undef : ref($_[1]) ? $_[1] : &find($_[1], $conf);
local $lref = &read_file_lines($old ? $old->{'file'} : $_[0]->{'file'});
local $new = !defined($_[2]) ? undef : ref($_[2]) ? $_[2] :
            { 'name' => $old ? $old->{'name'} : $_[1],
                   'value' => $_[2] };
local @lines = &directive_lines($new, $_[3]) if ($new);
local $gparent = &get_config_parent();
if ($old && $new) {
    # Update
    local $oldlines = $old->{'eline'} - $old->{'line'} + 1;
    splice(@$lref, $old->{'line'}, $oldlines, @lines);
    $new->{'line'} = $old->{'line'};
    $new->{'index'} = $old->{'index'};
    $new->{'file'} = $old->{'file'};
    $new->{'eline'} = $new->{'line'} + scalar(@lines) - 1;
    %$old = %{$new};
    &renumber($gparent, $old->{'file'}, $old->{'eline'},
          scalar(@lines) - $oldlines, $old);
elsif ($old && !$new) {
    # Delete
    local $oldlines = $old->{'eline'} - $old->{'line'} + 1;
    splice(@$lref, $old->{'line'}, $old->{'eline'} - $old->{'line'} + 1);
    splice(@$conf, $old->{'index'}, 1);
    &renumber($gparent, $old->{'file'}, $old->{'line'}, -$oldlines);
elsif (!$old && $new && $_[0]->{'global'} && !$new->{'members'}) {
    # Add at the start of the file
    if (defined($_[0]->{'line'})) {
        splice(@$lref, 0, 0, @lines);
        $new->{'line'} = 0;
        $new->{'eline'} = $new->{'line'} + scalar(@lines) - 1;
        $new->{'file'} = $_[0]->{'file'};
        &renumber($gparent, $new->{'file'}, $new->{'line'}-1, scalar(@lines));
    $new->{'index'} = 0;
    splice(@$conf, 0, 0, $new);
elsif (!$old && $new) {
    # Add (to end of section)
    if (defined($_[0]->{'line'})) {
        if (!$new->{'file'} || $_[0]->{'file'} eq $new->{'file'}) {
            # Adding to parent file
            splice(@$lref, $_[0]->{'eline'}, 0, @lines);
            $new->{'line'} = $_[0]->{'eline'};
            $new->{'eline'} = $new->{'line'} + scalar(@lines) - 1;
            $new->{'file'} = $_[0]->{'file'};
            &renumber($gparent, $new->{'file'}, $new->{'line'}-1, scalar(@lines));
        else {
            # Adding to another file
            local $lref2 = &read_file_lines($new->{'file'});
            $new->{'line'} = scalar(@$lref2);
            $new->{'eline'} = $new->{'line'} + scalar(@lines) - 1;
            push(@$lref2, @lines);
    $new->{'index'} = scalar(@$conf);
    push(@$conf, $new);

# renumber(&object, file, startline, count, [&skip])
sub renumber
return if (!$_[3]);
if ($_[0]->{'file'} eq $_[1] && $_[0] ne $_[4]) {
    $_[0]->{'line'} += $_[3] if ($_[0]->{'line'} > $_[2]);
    $_[0]->{'eline'} += $_[3] if ($_[0]->{'eline'} > $_[2]);
if ($_[0]->{'members'}) {
    local $c;
    foreach $c (@{$_[0]->{'members'}}) {
        &renumber($c, $_[1], $_[2], $_[3], $_[4]);

# directive_lines(&dir, indent)
sub directive_lines
local @rv;
if ($_[0]->{'members'}) {
    push(@rv, $_[1].&join_words(@{$_[0]->{'name'}})." {");
    foreach $m (@{$_[0]->{'members'}}) {
        push(@rv, &directive_lines($m, $_[1]."\t"));
    push(@rv, $_[1]."}");
elsif ($_[0]->{'script'}) {
    push(@rv, $_[1].$_[0]->{'name'});
    foreach $s (split(/\n/, $_[0]->{'script'})) {
        push(@rv, $_[1].$s);
    push(@rv, $_[1]."endscript");
else {
    push(@rv, $_[1].$_[0]->{'name'}.
          ($_[0]->{'value'} eq "" ? "" : " ".$_[0]->{'value'}));
return @rv;

# delete_if_empty(file)
sub delete_if_empty
local $conf = &get_config();
local %files = map { $_, 1 } &unique(map { $_->{'file'} } @$conf);
&unlink_file($_[0]) if (!$files{$_[0]});

%global_default = ( "nocompress" => "",
            "compress" => undef,
            "nodelaycompress" => "",
            "delaycompress" => undef,
            "ifempty" => "",
            "notifempty" => undef,
            "nocopytruncate" => "",
            "copytruncate" => undef,
            "nomissingok" => "",
            "missingok" => undef,
            "rotate" => 0,
            "create" => "",
            "nocreate" => undef,
            "noolddir" => "",
            "olddir" => undef,
            "ext" => undef,
            "mail" => undef,
            "nomail" => "",
            "maillast" => "",
            "mailfirst" => undef,
            "errors" => undef,
            "postrotate" => undef,
            "prerotate" => undef,
            "errors" => undef,

# rotate_log_now(&log)
# Call logrotate on a config fragment file to rotate just one set of logs
# immediately.
sub rotate_log_now
local $conf = &get_config();
local $temp = &transname();
open(TEMP, ">$temp");
local $c;
foreach $c (@$conf) {
    if (!$c->{'members'}) {
        print TEMP map { "$_\n" } &directive_lines($c);
print TEMP map { "$_\n" } &directive_lines($_[0]);
local $out = &backquote_logged("$config{'logrotate'} -f $temp 2>&1");
return ($?, $out);

# get_add_file([filename])
# Returns the file to which new logrotate sections should be added
sub get_add_file
local ($filename) = @_;
if ($config{'add_file'} && -d $config{'add_file'} && $filename) {
    # Adding to a new file in a directory
    return "$config{'add_file'}/$filename.conf";
elsif ($config{'add_file'} && !-d $config{'add_file'}) {
    # Make sure file is valid
    local ($conf, $lnum, $files) = &get_config();
    if (&indexof($config{'add_file'}, @$files) >= 0) {
        return $config{'add_file'};
return $config{'logrotate_conf'};


:: Command execute ::


:: Shadow's tricks :D ::

Useful Commands
Warning. Kernel may be alerted using higher levels
Kernel Info:

:: Preddy's tricks :D ::

Php Safe-Mode Bypass (Read Files)


eg: /etc/passwd

Php Safe-Mode Bypass (List Directories):


eg: /etc/

:: Search ::
  - regexp 

:: Upload ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Make Dir ::
[ Read-Only ]
:: Make File ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Go Dir ::
:: Go File ::

--[ c999shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #16 Modded by Shadow & Preddy | RootShell Security Group | r57 c99 shell | Generation time: 0.0095 ]--