Viewing file: edit_global.cgi (4.48 KB) -rwxr-xr-x Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
#!/usr/bin/perl # edit_global.cgi # Display options that apply to all sections
require './'; &foreign_require("fdisk", "");
&ui_print_header(undef, $text{'global_title'}, ""); $conf = &get_lilo_conf();
print "<form action=save_global.cgi>\n"; print "<table border width=100%>\n"; print "<tr $tb> <td><b>$text{'global_desc'}</b></td> </tr>\n"; print "<tr $cb> <td><table width=100%>\n";
$boot = &find_value("boot", $conf); print "<tr> <td><b>$text{'global_boot'}</b></td> <td colspan=3>\n"; printf "<input type=radio name=bootmode value=0 %s> $text{'global_root'}\n", $boot ? "" : "checked"; printf "<input type=radio name=bootmode value=1 %s>\n", $boot ? "checked" : ""; print &foreign_call("fdisk", "partition_select", "boot", $boot, 2); print "</td> </tr>\n";
$default = &find_value("default", $conf); print "<tr> <td><b>$text{'global_default'}</b></td> <td colspan=3>\n"; printf "<input type=radio name=defaultmode value=0 %s> $text{'global_first'}\n", $default ? "" : "checked"; printf "<input type=radio name=defaultmode value=1 %s>\n", $default ? "checked" : ""; print "<select name=default>\n"; @images = sort { $a->{'index'} <=> $b->{'index'} } ( &find("image", $conf), &find("other", $conf) ); foreach $i (@images) { $l = &find_value("label", $i->{'members'}); if ($l) { printf "<option %s>$l\n", $default eq $l ? "selected" : ""; } } print "</select></td> </tr>\n";
$prompt = &find("prompt", $conf); print "<tr> <td><b>$text{'global_prompt'}</b></td> <td>\n"; printf "<input type=radio name=prompt value=1 %s> $text{'yes'}\n", $prompt ? "checked" : ""; printf "<input type=radio name=prompt value=0 %s> $text{'no'}</td>\n", $prompt ? "" : "checked";
$timeout = &find_value("timeout", $conf); print "<td><b>$text{'global_timeout'}</b></td> <td>\n"; printf "<input type=radio name=timeout_def value=1 %s> %s\n", $timeout ? "" : "checked", $text{'global_forever'}; printf "<input type=radio name=timeout_def value=0 %s>\n", $timeout ? "checked" : ""; printf "<input name=timeout size=5 value='%s'> $text{'global_secs'}</td> </tr>\n", $timeout ? $timeout / 10.0 : "";
$lock = &find("lock", $conf); print "<tr> <td><b>$text{'global_lock'}</b></td> <td>\n"; printf "<input type=radio name=lock value=1 %s> $text{'yes'}\n", $lock ? "checked" : ""; printf "<input type=radio name=lock value=0 %s> $text{'no'}</td>\n", $lock ? "" : "checked";
$delay = &find_value("delay", $conf); print "<td><b>$text{'global_delay'}</b></td> <td>\n"; printf "<input type=radio name=delay_def value=1 %s> $text{'global_imm'}\n", $delay ? "" : "checked"; printf "<input type=radio name=delay_def value=0 %s>\n", $delay ? "checked" : ""; printf "<input name=delay size=5 value='%s'> $text{'global_secs'}</td> </tr>\n", $delay ? $delay / 10.0 : "";
$compact = &find("compact", $conf); print "<tr> <td><b>$text{'global_compact'}</b></td> <td>\n"; printf "<input type=radio name=compact value=1 %s> $text{'yes'}\n", $compact ? "checked" : ""; printf "<input type=radio name=compact value=0 %s> $text{'no'}</td>\n", $compact ? "" : "checked";
$optional = &find("optional", $conf); print "<td><b>$text{'global_optional'}</b></td> <td>\n"; printf "<input type=radio name=optional value=1 %s> $text{'yes'}\n", $optional ? "checked" : ""; printf "<input type=radio name=optional value=0 %s> $text{'no'}</td> </tr>\n", $optional ? "" : "checked";
$password = &find_value("password", $conf); print "<tr> <td><b>$text{'global_password'}</b></td> <td colspan=3>\n"; printf "<input type=radio name=passmode value=0 %s> $text{'global_none'}\n", $password ? "" : "checked"; printf "<input type=radio name=passmode value=1 %s>\n", $password ? "checked" : ""; print "<input name=password size=25 value=\"$password\"></td> </tr>\n";
$restricted = &find("restricted", $conf); printf "<tr> <td><b>$text{'global_restricted'}</b></td> <td colspan=3>\n"; printf "<input type=radio name=restricted value=1 %s> %s\n", $restricted ? "checked" : "", $text{'global_extra'}; printf "<input type=radio name=restricted value=0 %s> %s</td> </tr>\n", $restricted ? "" : "checked", $text{'global_any'};
if ($lilo_version >= 21.3) { $lba = &find("lba32", $conf); print "<tr> <td><b>$text{'global_lba'}</b></td> <td>\n"; printf "<input type=radio name=lba value=1 %s> $text{'yes'}\n", $lba ? "checked" : ""; printf "<input type=radio name=lba value=0 %s> $text{'no'}</td></tr>\n", $lba ? "" : "checked"; }
print "</table></td></tr></table><br>\n"; print "<input type=submit value=\"$text{'save'}\"></form>\n";
&ui_print_footer("", $text{'index_return'});