Viewing file: save_group.cgi (9.37 KB) -rwxr-xr-x Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
#!/usr/bin/perl # save_group.cgi # Saves or creates a new group
require './'; &error_setup($text{'gsave_err'}); &ReadParse(); $ldap = &ldap_connect(); $schema = $ldap->schema(); &lock_user_files();
if (!$in{'new'}) { # Get existing group $rv = $ldap->search(base => $in{'dn'}, scope => 'base', filter => &group_filter()); ($ginfo) = $rv->all_entries; $ginfo || &error($text{'gsave_egone'}); $olddesc = $ginfo->get_value('description'); %ogroup = &dn_to_hash($ginfo); &can_edit_group(\%ogroup) || &error($text{'gedit_eedit'}); } else { # Creating a new one $access{'gcreate'} || &error($text{'gedit_ecreate'}); }
if ($in{'delete'}) { # Delete the group, but first check if it is anyone's primary group, # and ask first &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'gdel_title'}, "");
if ($in{'confirm'}) { # Run the before command %ghash = &dn_to_hash($ginfo); &set_group_envs(\%ghash, 'DELETE_GROUP', undef); $merr = &making_changes(); &error(&text('gsave_emaking', "<tt>$merr</tt>")) if (defined($merr));
# Delete from other modules %group = &dn_to_hash($ginfo); if ($in{'others'}) { print "$text{'gdel_other'}<br>\n"; &useradmin::other_modules("useradmin_delete_group", \%group); print "$text{'gdel_done'}<p>\n"; }
# Delete the LDAP entry print "$text{'gdel_group'}<br>\n"; $rv = $ldap->delete($in{'dn'}); if ($rv->code) { &error(&text('gsave_edelete', $rv->error)); } print "$text{'gdel_done'}<p>\n";
%p = ( %in, %group ); &webmin_log('delete', 'group', $group{'group'}, \%p); } else { # Check if any user has this group as his primary $gid = $ginfo->get_value("gidNumber"); $group = $ginfo->get_value("cn"); foreach $u (&list_users()) { if ($u->{'gid'} == $gid) { $found = $u->{'user'}; last; } }
if ($found) { # Cannot delete print "<p><b>",&text('gdel_eprimary', $found), "</b> <p>\n"; } else { # Ask the user if he is sure print &ui_confirmation_form( "save_group.cgi", &text('gdel_sure', $group), [ [ "dn", $in{'dn'} ], [ "delete", 1 ] ], [ [ "confirm", $text{'gdel_del'} ] ], &ui_checkbox("others", 1, $text{'gdel_dothers'}, $mconfig{'default_other'}), undef); } }
$ldap->unbind(); &ui_print_footer("index.cgi?mode=groups", $text{'index_greturn'}); exit; } elsif ($in{'raw'}) { # Show all LDAP attributes for user &redirect("raw.cgi?group=1&dn=".&urlize($in{'dn'})); exit; }
# Strip out \n characters in inputs $in{'group'} =~ s/\r|\n//g; $in{'pass'} =~ s/\r|\n//g; $in{'encpass'} =~ s/\r|\n//g; $in{'gid'} =~ s/\r|\n//g;
# Validate inputs if ($in{'new'}) { $in{'group'} =~ /^[^:\t]+$/ || &error(&text('gsave_ebadname', $in{'group'})); $group = $in{'group'}; &check_group_used($ldap, $group) && &error(&text('gsave_einuse', $group)); } else { $group = $in{'group'}; $oldgroup = $ginfo->get_value("cn"); } $in{'gid'} =~ /^[0-9]+$/ || &error(&text('gsave_egid', $in{'gid'})); $gid = $in{'gid'}; $desc = $in{'desc'} || undef; @members = split(/\r?\n/, $in{members}); if ($in{'new'} || $oldgroup ne $group) { # Check for collision defined(&all_getgrnam($group)) && &error(&text('gsave_einuse', $group)); }
# Check for GID clash if ($in{'new'} && !$access{'gmultiple'}) { &check_gid_used($ldap, $gid) && &error($text{'gsave_egidused2'}); }
$pfx = $config{'md5'} == 1 || $config{'md5'} == 3 ? "{md5}" : $config{'md5'} == 4 ? "{ssha}" : $config{'md5'} == 5 ? "{sha}" : $config{'md5'} == 0 ? "{crypt}" : ""; if ($in{'passmode'} == 0) { $pass = ""; } elsif ($in{'passmode'} == 1) { $pass = $in{'encpass'}; $pass = $pfx.$pass if ($pass !~ /^\{[a-z0-9]+\}/i && $pfx); } elsif ($in{'passmode'} == 2) { $pass = $pfx.&encrypt_password($in{'pass'}); }
local %ghash = ( 'group' => $group, 'gid' => $gid, 'pass' => $pass, 'members' => join(",", @members) );
if (!$in{'new'}) { # Run the pre-change command &set_group_envs(\%ghash, 'MODIFY_GROUP', $in{'passmode'} == 3 ? $in{'pass'} : ""); $merr = &making_changes(); &error(&text('gsave_emaking', "<tt>$merr</tt>")) if (defined($merr));
# Change GID on files if needed $oldgid = $ginfo->get_value("gidNumber"); if ($gid != $oldgid && $in{'chgid'}) { if ($in{'chgid'} == 1) { # Do all the home directories of users in this group setpwent(); while(@tmp = getpwent()) { if ($tmp[3] == $oldgid || &indexof($tmp[0], @members) >= 0) { &useradmin::recursive_change( $tmp[7], -1, $oldgid, -1, $gid); } } endpwent(); } else { # Do all files in this group from the root dir &useradmin::recursive_change("/", -1, $oldgid, -1, $gid); } }
# Work out old settings @classes = $ginfo->get_value("objectClass"); $wassamba = &indexof($samba_group_class, @classes) >= 0;
if ($wassamba && !$in{'samba'}) { # Remove Samba attributes @classes = grep { $_ ne $samba_group_class } @classes; push(@rprops, $samba_group_class eq "sambaGroup" ? ( "rid" ) : ( "sambaSID", "sambaGrouptype" )); } elsif (!$wassamba && $in{'samba'}) { # Add Samba attributes push(@classes, $samba_group_class); push(@props, "rid", $gid*2+1001) if (&in_schema($schema, "rid") && $samba_group_schema == 2); push(@props, "sambaSID", "$config{'samba_domain'}-".($gid*2+1001)) if (&in_schema($schema, "sambaSID") && $samba_group_schema == 3); push(@props, "sambaGrouptype", 2) if (&in_schema($schema, "sambaGrouptype") && $samba_group_schema == 3); }
# Add extra fields &parse_extra_fields($config{'group_fields'}, \@props, \@rprops, $ldap);
# Get the properties for modified groups push(@props, &split_props($config{'group_mod_props'}, \%ghash));
# Update the LDAP database @classes = &unique(@classes); @rprops = grep { defined($ginfo->get_value($_)) } @rprops;
if ($oldgroup ne $group) { # Need to rename the LDAP dn itself, first $base = &get_group_base(); $newdn = "cn=$group,$base"; $rv = $ldap->moddn($in{'dn'}, newrdn => "cn=$group"); if ($rv->code) { &error(&text('gsave_emoddn', $rv->error)); } } else { $newdn = $in{'dn'}; }
# Add or remove description if ($desc) { push(@props, "description" => $desc); } elsif ($olddesc) { push(@rprops, "description"); } if (!$pass && $ginfo->get_value("userPassword")) { push(@rprops, "userPassword"); }
# Update group properties $rv = $ldap->modify($newdn, replace => { "gidNumber" => $gid, "cn" => $group, $pass ? ( "userPassword" => $pass ) : ( ), @members ? ( "memberUid" => \@members ) : ( ), @props, "objectClass" => \@classes }, 'delete' => \@rprops); if ($rv->code) { &error(&text('gsave_emod', $rv->error)) } if (!@members && $ginfo->get_value("memberUid")) { $rv = $ldap->modify($in{'dn'}, delete => [ "memberUid" ] ); if ($rv->code) { &error(&text('gsave_emod', $rv->error)) } }
} else { # Run the pre-change command &set_group_envs(\%ghash, 'CREATE_GROUP', $in{'passmode'} == 3 ? $in{'pass'} : ""); $merr = &making_changes(); &error(&text('gsave_emaking', "<tt>$merr</tt>")) if (defined($merr));
# Parse extra fields &parse_extra_fields($config{'group_fields'}, \@props, \@rprops, $ldap, $in{'dn'});
# Get the properties for new groups push(@props, &split_props($config{'group_props'}, \%ghash));
# Add to the LDAP database $base = &get_group_base(); $newdn = "cn=$group,$base"; @classes = ( "posixGroup" ); push(@classes, split(/\s+/, $config{'gother_class'})); if ($in{'samba'}) { push(@classes, $samba_group_class); push(@props, "rid", $gid*2+1001) if (&in_schema($schema, "rid") && $samba_group_class eq 'sambaGroup'); push(@props, "sambaSID", "$config{'samba_domain'}-".($gid*2+1001)) if (&in_schema($schema, "sambaSID") && $samba_group_schema == 3); push(@props, "sambaGrouptype", 2) if (&in_schema($schema, "sambaGrouptype") && $samba_group_schema == 3); } if ($desc) { push(@props, "description" => $desc); } $rv = $ldap->add($newdn, attr => [ "cn" => $group, "gidNumber" => $gid, $pass ? ( "userPassword" => $pass ) : ( ), @members ? ( "memberUid" => \@members ) : ( ), @props, "objectClass" => \@classes ] ); if ($rv->code) { &error(&text('gsave_eadd', $rv->error)); } }
# Run other module's scripts if ($in{'others'}) { if (!$in{'new'}) { &useradmin::other_modules("useradmin_modify_group", \%group, \%ogroup); } else { &useradmin::other_modules("useradmin_create_group", \%group); } }
delete($in{'pass'}); delete($in{'encpass'}); $ldap->unbind(); &unlock_user_files(); &webmin_log(!$in{'new'} ? 'modify' : 'create', 'group', $group, \%in);
# Bounce back to the list &redirect("index.cgi?mode=groups");
# dn_to_hash(&ldap-object) sub dn_to_hash { local %group = ( 'group' => $_[0]->get_value("cn"), 'gid' => $_[0]->get_value("gidNumber"), 'pass' => $_[0]->get_value("userPassword"), 'members' => join(",", $_[0]->get_value("memberUid")) ); $group{'pass'} =~ s/^{[a-z0-9]+}//i; return %group; }