Viewing file: list_allow.cgi (1.6 KB) -rwxr-xr-x Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
#!/usr/bin/perl # Display a list of targets and allowed IPs
use strict; use warnings; require './'; our (%text, %in); &ReadParse(); my $allow = &get_allow_config($in{'mode'});
&ui_print_header(undef, $text{$in{'mode'}.'_title'}, "");
my @links = ( "<a href='edit_allow.cgi?new=1&mode=$in{'mode'}'>". $text{'allow_add'}."</a>" ); if (@$allow) { unshift(@links, &select_all_link("d"), &select_invert_link("d")); print &ui_form_start("delete_allows.cgi", "post"); print &ui_hidden("mode", $in{'mode'}); print &ui_links_row(\@links); print &ui_columns_start([ "", $text{'allow_target'}, $text{$in{'mode'}.'_ips'}, $text{'allow_move'} ], 100, 0, [ "width=5", undef, undef, "width=32" ]); foreach my $a (@$allow) { my @addrs = @{$a->{'addrs'}}; if (@addrs > 5) { @addrs = ( @addrs[0..4], "..." ); } my $name = $a->{'name'} eq 'ALL' ? "<i>$text{'allow_all1'}</i>" : $a->{'name'}; print &ui_checked_columns_row([ "<a href='edit_allow.cgi?idx=$a->{'index'}&". "mode=$in{'mode'}'>$name</a>", $addrs[0] eq 'ALL' ? "<i>$text{'allow_all2'}</i>" : join(" , ", @addrs), &ui_up_down_arrows( "up_allow.cgi?mode=$in{'mode'}&idx=$a->{'index'}", "down_allow.cgi?mode=$in{'mode'}&idx=$a->{'index'}", $a ne $allow->[0], $a ne $allow->[@$allow-1] ) ], undef, "d", $a->{'index'}); } print &ui_table_end(); print &ui_links_row(\@links); print &ui_form_end([ [ undef, $text{'allow_delete'} ] ]); } else { print "<b>",$text{$in{'mode'}.'_none'},"</b><p>\n"; print &ui_links_row(\@links); }
&ui_print_footer("", $text{'index_return'});