Viewing file: index.cgi (5.21 KB) -rwxr-xr-x Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
#!/usr/bin/perl # index.cgi # Display existing IPsec tunnels
require './';
# Make sure the ipsec command exists if (!&has_command($config{'ipsec'}) || !(($ipsec_version, $ipsec_program) = &get_ipsec_version(\$out))) { &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'index_title'}, "", "intro", 1, 1, 0, &help_search_link("freeswan", "doc", "google")); print "<p>",&text('index_eipsec', "<tt>$config{'ipsec'}</tt>", "$gconfig{'webprefix'}/config.cgi?$module_name"),"<p>\n"; if ($out) { print &text('index_out', "<tt>$config{'ipsec'} --version</tt>"),"\n"; print "<pre>$out</pre>\n"; } } else { &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'index_title'}, "", "intro", 1, 1, 0, &help_search_link("freeswan", "doc", "google"), undef, undef, &text('index_version2', $ipsec_version, $ipsec_program));
# Make sure the config file exists if (!-r $config{'file'}) { print "<p>",&text('index_econfig', "<tt>$config{'file'}</tt>", "$gconfig{'webprefix'}/config.cgi?$module_name"),"<p>\n"; } else { # Check for the host secret if (!&got_secret()) { # No key setup yet .. offer to create one print "<p><b>",&text('index_nokey', "<tt>$config{'secrets'}</tt>"),"</b><br>\n"; print "<center><form action=newkey.cgi>\n"; print "<input type=submit ", "value='$text{'index_newkey'}'>\n"; printf "<input name=host size=20 value='%s'>\n", &get_system_hostname(); print "</form></center>\n"; } else { # Show icons for connections print &ui_subheading($text{'index_header1'}); @conf = &get_config(); @conns = grep { $_->{'name'} eq 'conn' } @conf; if (@conns) { foreach $c (@conns) { push(@links, "edit.cgi?idx=". $c->{'index'}); if ($c->{'value'} eq '%default') { push(@titles, "<i>$text{'index_defconn'}</i>"); $has_default++; } else { push(@titles, &text('index_conn', "<tt>$c->{'value'}</tt>")); push(@start, $c->{'value'}); } push(@icons, "images/conn.gif"); } &icons_table(\@links, \@titles, \@icons); } else { print "<b>$text{'index_none'}</b><p>\n"; } print "<a href='edit.cgi?new=1'>$text{'index_add'}</a>"; if (!$has_default) { print " " x 3; print "<a href='edit.cgi?new=2'>$text{'index_adddef'}</a>"; } print " " x 3; print "<a href=import_form.cgi>$text{'index_import'}</a>"; print "<p>\n";
# Show icons for various options print &ui_hr(); print &ui_subheading($text{'index_header2'}); @links = ( "edit_config.cgi", "showkey.cgi", "list_secrets.cgi" ); @titles = ( $text{'config_title'}, $text{'showkey_title'}, $text{'secrets_title'} ); @icons = ( "images/config.gif", "images/showkey.gif", "images/secrets.gif" ); if ($ipsec_version =~ /(\d+)/ && $1 >= 2) { @policies = &list_policies(); foreach $p (@policies) { push(@links, "edit_policy.cgi?policy=$p"); push(@titles, $text{'policy_desc_'.$p} || &text('policy_desc', $p)); push(@icons, "images/policy.gif"); } $got_policies = 1; } &icons_table(\@links, \@titles, \@icons, 4); if (!@policies && $got_policies) { print "<b>",&text('index_nopol', "$gconfig{'webprefix'}/config.cgi?$module_name"),"</b><p>\n"; }
print &ui_hr(); print "<table width=100%>\n";
# Start connection button if (@start && &is_ipsec_running()) { print "<form action=up.cgi>\n"; print "<td><input type=submit ", "value='$text{'index_up'}'>\n"; print "<select name=conn>\n"; foreach $s (@start) { printf "<option %s>%s\n", $config{'conn'} eq $s ? "selected" : "", $s; } print "</select></td>\n"; print "<td>$text{'index_updesc'}</td>\n"; print "</tr></form>\n"; }
# Start/stop/restart ipsec buttons if (&is_ipsec_running()) { print "<form action=restart.cgi><tr>\n"; print "<td><input type=submit ", "value='$text{'index_restart'}'></td>\n"; print "<td>$text{'index_restartdesc'}</td>\n"; print "</tr></form>\n";
print "<form action=stop.cgi><tr>\n"; print "<td><input type=submit ", "value='$text{'index_stop'}'></td>\n"; print "<td>$text{'index_stopdesc'}</td>\n"; print "</tr></form>\n"; } else { print "<form action=start.cgi><tr>\n"; print "<td><input type=submit ", "value='$text{'index_start'}'></td>\n"; print "<td>$text{'index_startdesc'}</td>\n"; print "</tr></form>\n"; }
# Show boot-time start button if (&foreign_check("init")) { &foreign_require("init", ""); $starting = &init::action_status("ipsec"); print "<form action=bootup.cgi>\n"; print "<input type=hidden name=starting ", "value='$starting'>\n"; print "<td nowrap><input type=submit ", "value='$text{'index_boot'}'>\n"; printf "<input type=radio name=boot ". "value=1 %s> %s\n", $starting == 2 ? "checked" : "", $text{'yes'}; printf "<input type=radio name=boot ". "value=0 %s> %s</td>\n", $starting == 2 ? "" : "checked", $text{'no'}; print "<td>$text{'index_bootdesc'}</td>\n"; print "</form></tr>\n"; }
print "</table>\n"; } } }
&ui_print_footer("/", $text{'index'});